Local Ag Leader Sees Benefits in Growing Hemp Local Ag Leader Sees Benefits in Growing Hemp Posted by CN Staff on January 30, 2006 at 17:45:50 PT By Larry Mitchell, MediaNews Group Source: Mercury-Register California -- A local Farm Bureau leader sees potential benefits for farmers in a bill that would legalize growing "industrial hemp," a plant related to marijuana. "If it's something farmers in the area can grow and make money, and it's legal, I don't see any problem with it," said Tod Kimmelshue, a member of the boards of directors of both the state and Butte County Farm Bureau organizations. Assemblyman Rick Keene, R-Chico, doesn't share Kimmelshue's enthusiasm for Assembly Bill 1147, which passed the Assembly Thursday. Keene said he and most other Republican Assembly members fear that making it legal to grow industrial hemp would create problems for law enforcement and perhaps encourage drug use. The bill, authored by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, passed the Assembly by a vote of 44-32. Only one Republican supported the bill, Assemblyman Chuck Devore of Irvine, who co-authored the measure. According to Leno, in 1937 the federal government mistakenly put hemp in the same category as marijuana because the plants look similar and both contain THC, the intoxicating chemical in marijuana. The difference is that hemp contains only a tiny amount of THC, not enough to have mind-altering effects on people. Keene said he didn't see any need to legalize growing hemp. He said he was told that if there was cross-pollination between marijuana and hemp, the hemp's THC content could increase. Keene said the legalization of growing hemp is advocated as "a first step" by those who wish to legalize growing marijuana. Leno's bill now moves to the state Senate. According to a legislative analysis of AB1147, industrial hemp can be used to make paper, clothing, rope, food products, biocomposite products that can replace fiberglass and plastics, biofuel to produce ethanol, and body-care products. Statistics on hemp grown in Canada show the acreage has risen from 3,200 in 2001 to an estimated 10,000-15,000 in 2005. It is grown through dry-land farming and in irrigated environments. It has little need for pesticide as it shades out competing weeds. Six states — Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Dakota and Virginia — have made it legal to grow hemp, but so far they only allow limited cultivation for research purposes, the analysis stated. Kimmelshue said its conceivable hemp could become a viable crop in California. "Farmers are always looking for new crops to grow," he said. "It all depends on the economics." As long as hemp was grown for its value as a food, fiber or other products, and it couldn't be used as a drug, Kimmelshue said he saw no reason to oppose legalizing its cultivation. It "could be good for the local economy," he said. Source: Oroville Mercury-Register (CA)Author: Larry Mitchell, MediaNews Group Published: Monday, January 30, 2006Copyright: 2006 Oroville Mercury RegisterContact: biano cncnet.comWebsite: Related Articles:Calif. Assembly Passes Hemp-Farming Bill Arises To Legalize Industrial Hemp OKs Bill Letting Farmers Grow Hemp Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #35 posted by The GCW on January 31, 2006 at 19:31:07 PT whig, You are awsome. & FoM, And many more of us there are.Way big.It is a very hard thing to say; I know.Coming out of THAT closet.Oh, Sweet.And I know another.-0-& FoM, I know. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 19:26:13 PT whig Thank you for understanding and I agree with what you said. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 19:22:55 PT FoM "Personal beliefs other then convictions on how to deal with others and our lives really isn't for most people. Can we bring it down to where most of us including me can relate? Remember this web site isn't just for people who believe in a God. Some are Atheists and they should be respected too or they will go away and not come back and I don't want that and I'm sure no one does. Thanks."I respect what you are saying. Sometimes we go a little further afield than might be appropriate. Cannabis is important to all of us, in different ways. Some of us use it as medicine, some of us consider it as recreation, and to some of us it is spiritual bread. I don't think that any one use should preclude others. In our house there are many mansions. [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 19:07:19 PT A Very Big Request Personal beliefs other then convictions on how to deal with others and our lives really isn't for most people. Can we bring it down to where most of us including me can relate? Remember this web site isn't just for people who believe in a God. Some are Atheists and they should be respected too or they will go away and not come back and I don't want that and I'm sure no one does. Thanks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 18:59:07 PT GCW I am a Christ too.We have been anointed.And many more of us there are.But we are tested, the path is not always clear.We can be led off the way, and might lead others astray.Unless we look around and see which way to go.If we should cease to look, we choose blindness.We must not be the blind leading the blind.I have no doubt of your claim. It is literally true.You are Christ, and I am Michael, and Cannabis is the Tree of Life. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by The GCW on January 31, 2006 at 18:18:27 PT And whig, I wont take offense...Question Me, test My spirit.I Am literally saying I Am a Christ.What the F.If what I Am saying is the truth, questions will bring it out.If what I Am saying is not, questions will bring it out.I Am saying cannabis is the tree of life.What better format and location to talk about this, than FoM's house.FoM had no idea when She started this house, that this would be occuring in it.Christ StanCarpenterYour Carpenter [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 18:10:41 PT GCW #28 I understand and relate completely. You are part of Christ. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by The GCW on January 31, 2006 at 18:09:11 PT whig, I Am not from Urartu,My ancestry on My mothers side is from Armenia, which is that region. I Am half Armenian.For years, in prayer and worship time, I have been getting revelations. Something is inside Me. Something very real that is not normal human, from what I gather exists in other people.Something is going on in Me and it seems to coincide with what is going on outside Me.Further it is Biblical.This has been existing for years and I Am in good mental condition; especially considering the life I have been experiencing.That paper titled: UrartuLost Kingdom of Van seems to be relevant.There are a number of things written in it that seem to implicate some of what I Am experiencing inside Me.It makes Me wonder how it relates to what I know.It seems like parts of a bigger picture that seems also like something that is coming out for everyone on Urantia to see.Something is going on and coming down.The Green Collar WorkerFrom Stoner and Climax [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 17:43:02 PT GCW Why do you think you are from Urartu?Please don't take offense, because none is intended, but I have learned that there are many ways we can get confused. We are here together on this mountainside and there are twisty paths that we can get lost along. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by mayan on January 31, 2006 at 17:27:35 PT Max Thanks. The word MUST spread! [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 13:53:12 PT The GCW Thank you. I feel that what CNews is to me is a mission. It isn't a job or just being a volunteer but a mission. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by The GCW on January 31, 2006 at 13:39:23 PT FoM, About #15, "Thank you for your concern. I do worry but what can I do? I do pray."Praying is God Awesome, keep doing that.In addition, consider extending Your prayer to worship time.Study, with the Spirit of Truth as Your guide. Fly; let Him Guide.Let the flowers pick You.You may already be doing that. God Bless You; I thank Him, 'cause I know He is.Everyone here may find this important (posted below). I may have posted it before... but I have recently got it out again and have taken it into worship time.My family is from there... Please read.URARTULOST KINGDOM OF VANby Troy R. Bishop Green Collar WorkerHarp guitared. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 13:10:45 PT dongenero I haven't followed these web sites so I really don't know why they are down. Can't someone ask someone in an e-mail? I want to know because if it is for any reason other then maintenance or a crash we all should know. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by dongenero on January 31, 2006 at 13:03:03 PT web sites In the past overgrow has had a message page when maintenance was being done. They are out cold though.Could be a server crash but you think they would get some sort of message up. I believe they went out yesterday. I'm pretty sure they are hosted on the same servers. I've never seen the cannagenetics web site, but it probably is hosted there as well.I was wondering if the new conservative push in Canada has led to problems.Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 11:23:50 PT whig Is Cannagenetics operated by the same people? I checked and it's down too. If they are all operated by the same people it could be an upgrade, crash or maintenance. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 10:57:55 PT whig I did make an emergency forum in case we ever went down. On my personal web page I added a forum called Cannabis News Discussion Board. It isn't used but it would be used to get in contact with each other. Cannabis News Discussion Board [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 10:42:32 PT FoM You should have some way of getting out word if something were to happen to CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 10:41:20 PT Down Overgrow.comCannabisworld.orgCannagenetics [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 10:19:43 PT A Question I just checked Overgrow and Cannabis World. They didn't work for me either. How long have they been down? I also wondered why CC is still working because they took down Tommy Chongs web site right away after he was arrested. I assume CC is still working but I didn't check to see for sure. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Max Flowers on January 31, 2006 at 10:02:43 PT dongenero - CW Quite a few people I know are wondering why Cannabis World is down too. A couple are getting worried. But it is a Canadian site and the servers are in Canada as far as I know, so I don't think it's anything really sinister... hopefully... [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 07:35:48 PT The GCW Thank you for your concern. I do worry but what can I do? I do pray. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Hope on January 31, 2006 at 07:31:44 PT Ooooh man....GCW That sounds like "one world government"....which seems creepy to me. I'm not sure why. Maybe I've been innoculated with some sort of propaganda message that embedded itself really well. It's probably somehow connected to this basic sense of "wanting my space" and not wanting it to be overpopulated and to indeed, be a place of solitude sometimes. World wide government just means more people telling me what to do, I think. I'm pretty independent minded. I don't like the feeling of inteference in my life."Peace will not come to Urantia until every so-called sovereign nation surrenders its power to make war into the hands of a representative government of all mankind. Political sovereignty is innate with the peoples of the world. When all the peoples of Urantia create a world government, they have the right and the power to make such a government SOVEREIGN; and when such a representative or democratic world power controls the world's land, air, and naval forces, peace on earth and good will among men can prevail--but not until then."Max Flowers, very interesting information.GCW, very interesting questions. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by dongenero on January 31, 2006 at 07:08:18 PT cannabis temps Let me see if I can say this accurately....For ingestion, you do not want to ccok the cannabis to 300+ as you do not want to vaporize it. In cooking you need to force the active compounds such as THC into solution with whatever oil or fat source is in the recipe. THC requires fat or oil to become activated for eating and heat helps this but not so much heat as to degrade the THC or vaporize it..When you heat an oven to 300 degrees to cook a recipe, you do not want the food to reach 300 degrees or it is burnt to a crisp.Just like a roast for instance. You may set the oven at 350 degrees but the meat is done at 165-170 degrees.By the way, and have been down for a couple of days. I was trying to find more info on the subject of vaporizer and ccoking temps. Anyone know what is going on with those sites??? [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by MEGA on January 31, 2006 at 07:07:19 PT: O hi O i wish OhiO would get the jump on growing ( Hemp ). [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by The GCW on January 31, 2006 at 03:29:38 PT Max Flowers/mayan; PILLARS jets can not penetrate. FoM,The things here, lead Me to believe You must take additional measures to protect Yourself. We are a direct threat to the evil, sinful forces at hand.We are the most high contending with the most low.We are leaders; a threat to goons led by monkeys with strange ears.LEAGUES OF NATIONS - From Urantia paper 134 section 5Urantia will not enjoy lasting peace until the so-called sovereign nations intelligently and fully surrender their sovereign powers into the hands of the brotherhood of men--mankind government. Internationalism--Leagues of Nations--can never bring permanent peace to mankind. World-wide confederations of nations will effectively prevent minor wars and acceptably control the smaller nations, but they will not prevent world wars nor control the three, four, or five most powerful governments. In the face of real conflicts, one of these world powers will withdraw from the League and declare war. You cannot prevent nations going to war as long as they remain infected with the delusional virus of national sovereignty. Internationalism is a step in the right direction. An international police force will prevent many minor wars, but it will not be effective in preventing major wars, conflicts between the great military governments of earth.As the number of truly sovereign nations (great powers) decreases, so do both opportunity and need for mankind government increase. When there are only a few really sovereign (great) powers, either they must embark on the life and death struggle for national (imperial) supremacy, or else, by voluntary surrender of certain prerogatives of sovereignty, they must create the essential nucleus of supernational power which will serve as the beginning of the real sovereignty of all mankind.Peace will not come to Urantia until every so-called sovereign nation surrenders its power to make war into the hands of a representative government of all mankind. Political sovereignty is innate with the peoples of the world. When all the peoples of Urantia create a world government, they have the right and the power to make such a government SOVEREIGN; and when such a representative or democratic world power controls the world's land, air, and naval forces, peace on earth and good will among men can prevail--but not until then.To use an important nineteenth- and twentieth-century illustration: The forty-eight states of the American Federal Union have long enjoyed peace. They have no more wars among themselves. They have surrendered their sovereignty to the federal government, and through the arbitrament of war, they have abandoned all claims to the delusions of self-determination. While each state regulates its internal affairs, it is not concerned with foreign relations, tariffs, immigration, military affairs, or interstate commerce. Neither do the individual states concern themselves with matters of citizenship. The forty-eight states suffer the ravages of war only when the federal government's sovereignty is in some way jeopardized.These forty-eight states, having abandoned the twin sophistries of sovereignty and self-determination, enjoy interstate peace and tranquillity. So will the nations of Urantia begin to enjoy peace when they freely surrender their respective sovereignties into the hands of a global government--the sovereignty of the brotherhood of men. In this world state the small nations will be as powerful as the great, even as the small state of Rhode Island has its two senators in the American Congress just the same as the populous state of New York or the large state of Texas.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The limited (state) sovereignty of these forty-eight states was created by men and for men. The superstate (national) sovereignty of the American Federal Union was created by the original thirteen of these states for their own benefit and for the benefit of men. Sometime the supernational sovereignty of the planetary government of mankind will be similarly created by nations for their own benefit and for the benefit of all men.Citizens are not born for the benefit of governments; governments are organizations created and devised for the benefit of men. There can be no end to the evolution of political sovereignty short of the appearance of the government of the sovereignty of all men. All other sovereignties are relative in value, intermediate in meaning, and subordinate in status.With scientific progress, wars are going to become more and more devastating until they become almost racially suicidal. How many world wars must be fought and how many leagues of nations must fail before men will be willing to establish the government of mankind and begin to enjoy the blessings of permanent peace and thrive on the tranquillity of good will--world-wide good will--among men? Green Collar Worker;Before Christ;Before Melchizedek;VanT4H2C0UThe "Caligastia Betrayal" was prevented; it set Us back but the forces are at hand;The coming down of the whip is in motion.-0- (see below from Urantia paper 67) are many ways of looking at sin, but from the universe philosophic viewpoint sin is the attitude of a personality who is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. Error might be regarded as a misconception or distortion of reality. Evil is a partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality--a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress--while iniquity consists in an open and persistent defiance of recognized reality and signifies such a degree of personality disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity. Page 755 Error suggests lack of intellectual keenness; evil, deficiency of wisdom; sin, abject spiritual poverty; but iniquity is indicative of vanishing personality control. And when sin has so many times been chosen and so often been repeated, it may become habitual. Habitual sinners can easily become iniquitous, become wholehearted rebels against the universe and all of its divine realities. While all manner of sins may be forgiven, we doubt whether the established iniquiter would ever sincerely experience sorrow for his misdeeds or accept forgiveness for his sins.The Green Collar WorkerFrom Stoner & Climax [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Max Flowers on January 30, 2006 at 22:37:48 PT Answers for FoM and GCW FoM: think of the different strains (varieties) of cannabis as being like apples... they can be very different, some are large, some small, some sour, some sweet. Sativa does not always equal hemp, but hemp is always sativa. Ropy hemp types, though, are much more closely related to "drug strain" sativas than indicas are (indicas by definition are always "drug strains"). That is to say, hemp is always sativa, but sativa is definitely not always hemp. Hemp is never indica, indica is never hemp. I hope that helps. GCW:1. When We use a vaporizor We only heat the plant material to 140-170 degrees, if I Am right. Wouldn't the THC be spent in the oven at 300 degrees?First of all, when you use a vaporizer, you want to heat to about 300-325F. That's where the THCs are released as vapor. 140-170F and even most of the 200sF range is not hot enough to do it. When you get past 350-360 or so, you start toasting it, and degrading the THC and into smoke territory (releasing bad gases and other combustion products)2 What is the benifit to eating cannabis ovenated at 300 degrees compared to other forms of eating it?There is a process called decarboxylation, wherein inactive "THC acids" in the raw plant product are converted into active THCs. That is why people heat/cook before eating. But you don't need 300 degrees to do that process. I believe it can occur at lower temps, like high 100s. And even more confusing, is that one can still get effects from cannabis even if decarboxylation isn't done. This area of cannabis science is still murky if you ask me, there is a lot of contradictory opinion and evidence.3 What are some of the good and bad points about eating it in the other ways?It's hard to eat raw pot, and it's hard on your GI tract. Cooking breaks it down so that you can digest it easier. Best is to extract the THCs in some way though, so that you don't have to eat the vegetable matter at all. For cooking purposes, making butter is a good way to go. Heating will likely degrade some of the more spacy/speedy high-rotating cannabinoids into cannabidiol (the one responsible for that "sleepy" feeling). For some that is desireable, for others, not. Tinctures can be made that involve no heat, as well as making oil extracts as with butane or alcohol. No degradation by temperature happens with those.4. What do We not get in eating hemp; hemp bread; hemp butter; hemp seeds; hemp oil, that We get in eating cannabis with THC? Well, THC for one thing, and the other psychoactive cannabinoids. That's basically it. Also, cannabis buds/resin don't contain all the nutritious compounds in hemp seed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Max Flowers on January 30, 2006 at 22:18:15 PT Indeed, 9/11 WAS a murderous hoax - mayan It's as plain as the nose on your face! Mayan, thanks for that link. I believe that constitutes another big step forward, one I have been waiting for, as I have been waiting SO long for a "mainstream news source" to run a story about it. That's what I'm afraid it will take before the "mass consciousness" can begin to consider it.I don't know if Yahoo news is truly a mainstream news source, but it is when compared to "radical" web sites, and "radical" (read: websites willing to deal with stories beneath the gov't propaganda) sites are the only ones that I have seen carry that story so far. It has been like all the others have been afraid to even say it. I enjoy all your links that you post; in fact I have to confess it's just about my favorite part of Cannabis News. I look for new ones you post and pray that the next one is the one that will blow everything wide open. I also hope that there are many thousands of other people reading them too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by ekim on January 30, 2006 at 19:03:08 PT ck lawmakers for stock in oil companies Gas here is 2.50 a gal what State would not like to have more farm jobs plus ethanol plants that make millions of gals a month for taxes and helping reduce imported oil sucking our hard earned money out of the country to enrich god knows who. every Ford commercial I hear has it touting the fact that some of their cars and trucks run on 85% ethanol and 15% gas. thus called E85. Hemp is 77% cellulose.While corn is primarily used to distill ethanol, a new facility in Spain will convert wheat straw as the ethanol's feedstock. This is a pdf overview of NREL/Genencor work from 2003. is an NREL Press release about Genencor/NREL winning a Top 100 R&D award in 2004. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by The GCW on January 30, 2006 at 18:57:18 PT Need help with this question/s. In the last few days or so, I read where poster/s - CNews family, indicated ovenating cannabis in a 300 degree oven and then putting the plant material in a capsule and eating it.Is that right; is that what I read?My question/s are;1. When We use a vaporizor We only heat the plant material to 140-170 degrees, if I Am right. Wouldn't the THC be spent in the oven at 300 degrees?2 What is the benifit to eating cannabis ovenated at 300 degrees compared to other forms of eating it?3 What are some of the good and bad points about eating it in the other ways?4. What do We not get in eating hemp; hemp bread; hemp butter; hemp seeds; hemp oil, that We get in eating cannabis with THC? Please help.And thank YouThe Green Collar Worker [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 18:37:43 PT Question I know about the potency difference but couldn't hemp make a quality flowering top? I get so frustrated with all the double talk that we have had to try to digest. One is tall and one is short and one is fat and one is skinny but it still is cannabis sativa. I have heard of indica but as far as sativa goes isn't it hemp? [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 18:33:33 PT runderwo That is funny to me too. It's like an identical twin. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by runderwo on January 30, 2006 at 18:29:30 PT a plant related to marijuana? LOL. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on January 30, 2006 at 18:18:08 PT Just Look Around!!! Keene said he didn't see any need to legalize growing hemp. He said he was told that if there was cross-pollination between marijuana and hemp, the hemp's THC content could increase.He was told? Too lazy to do a little research on his own? Is Canada or any other idustrialized nation having any problems? They aren't that I'm aware of and if they were the prohibitionists would be jumping all over it. What is it with these republicans? The truth means nothing to them.THE WAY OUT...Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax: Group Forms -- Scholars for 9/11 Truth: for 9/11 Truth: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT: [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 18:11:02 PT Oops This is the same article but a different paper. Here's one I archived.Hemp To Turn King Cotton?: [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by The GCW on January 30, 2006 at 18:09:53 PT Let the free, grow. Hebrews 11:3,By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen (H)was not made out of things which are visible. THCULet the free, grow "the fruit and leaves of this energy plant"; "the priceless tree of life."Urantia page 756. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment