Free Your Mind - Really? Free Your Mind - Really? Posted by CN Staff on December 31, 2005 at 07:50:16 PT By George Rice, Journal-Advocate Columnist Source: Journal Advocate Colorado -- So now those latter-day hippies in Denver who engineered the passage of a Denver ordinance in violation of state laws prohibiting the possession of marijuana are taking that next step.They're working on a "citizen initiative" to effect back-door legalization of pot in the state. They claim, through their adopted acronym, that imbibing in an addictive, mind-altering drug is "safer." Safer than what?They imply that it's a safer recreational drug than alcohol. But that's a problematical comparison in itself. The very definition of "safer" is subjective. Stoned is stoned, man. Doesn't matter how you get there, a brain running on mind-altering chemicals isn't safe by any standard. The Denver Post ran a series about a clutch of suburban soccer moms who gather regularly in the garage of an upscale ranchette to do a little weed after they've stashed their offspring in a safer environment. One was quoted as worrying about how she was going to rationalize this when the kids found out.I got news for that biddy-brain. The kids already know. If the three or four of them are fuming up the place a couple times a week, everyone else in the house can smell it. Makes me wonder about the husbands. And the odds are great that, by the time the kids have reached middle school, they've smelled it somewhere else and will certainly recognize it.She won't have to rationalize it - they will accept pot's illegal use as OK and she'll be able to hear their explanation at the police station after they're busted at a party. City, state and federal officers are still enforcing existing valid laws, lady.Another of these alter-adolescents said that it "frees the mind". It does that, all right. It frees the mind of all rational thought. It relieves the mind of the burden of cognitive recognition, of all the restrictions of 21st century reality.She can float around in her own perfect little universe, free of the responsibility of household and motherhood. And when the school calls to say that her child has been injured in a playground accident, she'll be driving to the school under the influence. Or the whole clutch will go, and have a really good time explaining their joint (pun intended) euphoria to the officer who stops them for running a red light. But her mind will be free, for a little while.As a police officer I heard these and myriad other rationalizations. And I had to arrest combative kids whose "freed" minds refused to accept that urinating in the middle of a crowded dance floor was not acceptable conduct. Or explain to a stoned kid after the wreck that driving in reverse on a one-way street is not legal, even if the car was pointed in the right direction. And I had to explain to parents that handcuffs are necessary when anyone, even their darling, believes he's Cassius Clay and tries to fight an officer twice his age and strength.Then there's the rationale that legalizing pot will provide an abundant tax base with which to control its use and sale. Poppycock. If it were taxed at the exorbitant rate that alcohol is, it would increase its illegal use, requiring more cops, prosecutors and judges in inverse proportion to its tax return.Unlike alcohol, it can be produced in any back yard, basement or attic. Enforcement of its taxation would only compound existing laws prohibiting its production. And scientists have long recognized it as an addictive gateway drug, leading to the use of harder drugs and more profound addiction. And freer minds, I guess.Source: Journal Advocate, The (CO)Author: George Rice, Journal-Advocate ColumnistPublished: Friday, December 30, 2005Copyright: 2005 MediaNews Group, Inc.Contact: editor journal-advocate.comWebsite: http://www.journal-advocate.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Safer Colorado State Initiative Next Step for Marijuana Backers Group Aims at State Law in '06 Group Seeks State Vote Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #44 posted by JSM on January 02, 2006 at 14:32:28 PT Peace What is it about peace that those like Mr. Rice hate so much? After all, we are all about peace. Or perhaps it isn't us they hate, they fear peace.Think about it... [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by boballen1313 on January 01, 2006 at 21:37:22 PT: FREE OF RESPONSIBILITY Interesting use of mind images here. Lazy, laid back, too medicated to move. Gosh, when do we start to deal with reality and leave the drug fantasies to the alcoholics trying to bring the kids to use only the legal addictions? Wouldn't we be better off if our children put down the d%mn bongs and learned to hoist a shot glass like our politicians? I know i would sleep better if our polys found the bong and got real! [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by sapamm on January 01, 2006 at 16:16:38 PT: Propaganda To echo Rev Jim's comments, the article is another good example of what the prohibitionists do well. They tell lies in such a way that it sounds like common sense to the public who have been told the same lies many many times before always in different ways but always consistent with Reefer Madness: cannabis = crazed minds, out of control. It is amazing to me that these articles often stongly imply to me that the kind of behaviour they are describing is the result of alcohol abuse. Often it is mentioned that a person had crashed a car or killed someone and that alcohol and drugs had been found in his body. Yet the public seem to read these undisguised reports as having been due to cannabis.The writers of such articles know precisely what they are doing. By describing the negative social effects of alcohol and and mentioning cannabis in the same paragraph the herb gets a sticky coating of guilt-by-association. And each time they do it - they have as much time as they need, the corporate advertisers know it takes time, and they have as many square miles of paper or looping news channels as they need - a little more of the bullshit sticks.Cannabis activists need some journalists on our side to use their tactics in order to silence the prohibitionists. I'm talking about journalists who could put articles in some high profile places. If you are a journalist and support the cause we need you to outsmart your editors and get some good anti-propaganda in the national papers. You must hate to see the kind of article above even more than the rest of us because you can see how easily they trick the public using this shoddy and yet effective propaganda.Best wishes for 2006, I and I Alastair [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by global_warming on January 01, 2006 at 12:57:01 PT As for this Rice Article I would bet that if you closely examined Rice's skivvies you could easily identify the urine stains of some narco, some person who draws lust from this war on drugs aka war on people." Safer than what?They imply that it's a safer recreational drug than alcohol. But that's a problematical comparison in itself. The very definition of "safer" is subjective. Stoned is stoned, man. Doesn't matter how you get there, a brain running on mind-altering chemicals isn't safe by any standard. "Hello mR. rICE, have you ever inhaled, you mention 'subjective, as if you speak with some kind of authority, what is your authority?Have you 'inhaled?Mind Altering..that has its own set of problems..Imagine that there was a way to communicate with God, I mean truly, a way that was better than 'prayer, would that be considered 'mind altering?I think that mR. rICE has swallowed too much vioxx and has a good prescription plan.I would much rather focus on old john pp w, of the ondcpee, sure his urine stains can be found on the face of mR. rICE.Happy New YearCannabis will forever grow in this world, long after 'we 'all are forgotten and the birds and the bees will continue to do their [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by global_warming on January 01, 2006 at 12:32:13 PT re:comment 38 Thank Rev. James, I wish I could write like you, I could not write this if I had a year of sobering.That part about the Night has me a little confused, I thought the Night was a child of God in Infinite Mystery, oh well, hope you and all the good folks here are well in the new year and through these [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by unkat27 on January 01, 2006 at 09:41:23 PT George Rice is a Vampire who dreams of being a vulture. Sucking the life blood from people after force-feeding them pharmaceuticals and this BS propaganda isn't enough for him. He dreams of watching them all die in pain so that he can pick their bones and make himself much fatter. There is no other explanation for such blatant ignorant BS and lies. Mad Krow [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by Jim Lunsford on January 01, 2006 at 04:31:42 PT Good Propoganda and that's the secret to the government's war against us. And that's all this article is, good propoganda. Now, we are all just a-fluttering with indignation. Yet, it was successful in it's use. Russia is threatening to shut off gas flow to the Ukraine. This would affect the EU's supply of gas. Apparantly, most of these countries have allowed theirselves to be in such a position where their fuel supplies are on such a tenuous link. Not only is it from such a narrow source, but it is a foreign source of energy that is sucseptible to being shut off. Not a good idea.America is choosing a dictatorship over freedom. That's what choosing safety over freedom is. Dictatorships have a low crime rate historically. And, we seem to have a nation stupid enough to believe that the domestic wire tapping is okay. Dumbasses. As if the government could save anyone. Just think what a wonderful job they did in Katrina's wake.Oil producing countries are at max production, with little margin for error. And demand is growing globally with China and India being major players in the world game. And of course, we are doing nothing to make our consumption less. In short, we are looking at high prices all over with oil affecting all aspects of our economy.The gap between rich and poor is growing. And also, apparantly the gap between the poverty line and the middle class as well. Poverty is naturally the growing part.I have heard that North Korea's number one crop is now hemp. I don't know for sure, but it is from a good source. Would be a sensible decision. And what of China's hemp crop status? Anyone have an idea? And also Canada recieves little attention in that area. Especially since the Emery incident. And what of that?Creationists are still on their stupid little political agenda. Hey, if you can control the church, you control the masses. Give me all your todays for a tomorrow I have no say over. That is the church mantra. Bite me. We are all the leaders of our own beliefs. Who is able to understand the mind of God? Not a human, that's for sure. We are so incredibly small and insignificant. One day, we may evolve to a point where we are worthy of note, but I doubt that day will be seen in the next million years or so. Our debt ceiling is cause for concern as well. We will hit that 8 plus trillion ceiling somewhere in Feb. If we don't raise it, supposedly all kind of horrible things will happen. I could care less. They will only be postponed by a rise in the ceiling. Poor fiscal control won't be saved by raising credit limits. 78 million people are set to retire over the next few years. About a third of our population. And hallelujah! They are now discovering the wonderful world of medical reform today. The confusing plans of the Bush administration is going on now. Who understands it? The pharmaceutical companies, that's who. Ka-Ching! goes the cash registers.We have chosen to be led by our fears. That is "we" as in the people. No more Live Free or Die. It's now, please help me, I'm a scared little wussy American. Oh please help me! Bite me. I need no help from the government. I can't afford any more of that kind of help.Iraq is a boiling point in politics now. Secret prisons are okay with Amerikans. Wiretap amerikans? Great! Long live the swastika! That's the Amerika of today. Wouldn't Jefferson hate what we have made of his dream? I know that now, I am ashamed to live here. My nostradamus abilities are definitely crap. Cannabis is still illegal. No matter what we do, as long as we operate within the established parameters of society, Cannabis will remain illegal. Go figure. Reminds me of when the Cherokees were asking President Jackson to help save them from the state of Georgia. Save yourself people. Save yourself. That has always been the mantra of success.Last year sucked. Overall anyway. Or did it? We are coming closer to a decision by the people. Many states and cities have fought in the voting booths. Though the victories are only political, they are necesary for our cause. Yet, there will doubtless be more violence coming. Probably for all sides. After all, this is a country where the Justice department is investigating who leaked the secret wiretapping. I think they are concerned with what else could be coming out to the public. Note they are not concerned with any civil rights violations, just who leaked it. Censorship is dead. At least to a public that is active. Most are still ignorant and do not count though. That is their choice. They wish to remain in fear and have someone else care more about them than they do. That is what a belief in government is anyway. And it is an erroneous belief. Government is force.In a nation that wants to put up walls on our borders, both north and south, what can you expect? And remember when we used to say the Berlin wall was unacceptable? What a joke we have become in the last few years. Luckily, we are losing our dominance over the world. But is it too late? We have a bifurcation point building up in our country. This even balance of people who believe in domestic wiretapping brought that fact home to me in a very disheartening manner. I believe our country will continue to choose un-wisely. Just my opinion. Must be something in the water. Oh yeah, I forgot, there is LOTS of stuff in our water. But, I digress.So much is going on in the world. I don't think that it would suprise me if we actually have a depression this year. That would be okay with me, I'm used to hard living. But, it would not be okay with the status quo. They are the ones who depend upon a delicate balance of fear. Those that write articles such as this one on the "dangers" of Cannabis. Law enforcement is worried about their security. With reform of the drug laws, what will they do? They will definitely fight any reform. My main hope is that the letters to the editor that I keep reading which promote the ideas inherent in the Declaration of Independence keep on coming up. They speak of revolution now, maybe they will have it this year. If we have the balls for it, that is. It is the darkness that steels the will. That has always been the case, will it be the case now? It is no guarrantee. If the metal is weak, tempering the blade will do no good. Do we have the makings of good steel in our national will? That is the question I have for this year. I am almost afraid of the answer.Rev Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchLife: Short anyway you look at it, so let's live it free and wild! [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 22:24:43 PT BGreen Happy New Year To You Too. I don't know what the year will bring but it will be interesting. I'm glad I can't see the future. This last year was really something else. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by BGreen on December 31, 2005 at 22:10:27 PT Happy New Year, FoM & the CNews family! From the Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 21:58:10 PT Hope Happy New Year 2006 in Texas! [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 21:55:38 PT Shishaldin I think the new year will be like you said. I wish you a Very Happy and Wonderful New Year. I'm glad you liked the little card. I'm watching the celebrations and I must say I love the spirit of the American people. We really are something. We will win. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 21:53:07 PT It's 2006 in Texas! Happy New Year! [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Shishaldin on December 31, 2005 at 21:37:33 PT FoM's nice card Thanks for the well wishes, FoM! I wish the most amazing and wonderful New Year for you and, of course, all CNEWS'ers!I have a premonition about 2006. It will be a year of great and sometimes violent change, but TRUTH WILL OUT as it must, more and more. FoM, I believe 2006 will *most certainly* be our year!Oh, and to Mr. Rice, may you and your ilk wake up from your comas of fear...Peace and Strength to you and yours!Shishaldin [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 20:50:57 PT Imagine On CNN they just played Imagine and people were singing. How wonderful.Happy New Year 2006 [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 20:43:37 PT Hope I'm glad you liked it. We're going from ABC to CNN watching the countdown. I do hope this year brings change. For a country that is so against drugs people seem to really know how to party. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 20:24:59 PT New Year's card Thank you, FoM. That's pretty and cool. I so hope this is the year to finally end the hideously wrong and hideously expensive persecution of cannabis users. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 19:30:28 PT Happy New Year 2006 I made a little card for us. Thank you everyone for everything. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by LarryH on December 31, 2005 at 19:25:10 PT What a buzz-killer story Man, What a buzz-killer. NO COMMENT [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by Toker00 on December 31, 2005 at 17:30:04 PT Unlike alcohol blah...blah...blah "Unlike alcohol, it can be produced in any back yard, basement or attic." I know some fine folks in the country who brew their own alcohol from wild berries and fruit. Not in their backyard, but in their spare room. But, I'm sure they would be able to brew it in their backyard, basement, or attic, if they wanted to. Within the legal limit, right? So what would be the difference of growing Cannabis or brewing alcohol in your back yard, basement, or attic, if you were within the legal limit, and wanted all the hassles of growing. Sure there will be connosoirs who, like with tobacco and alcohol, will create specialty Cannabis. So? Look at all the different alcohol products, tobacco products. If that's his argument, he has none. "As a police officer I heard these and myriad other rationalizations. And I had to arrest combative kids whose "freed" minds refused to accept that urinating in the middle of a crowded dance floor was not acceptable conduct. Or explain to a stoned kid after the wreck that driving in reverse on a one-way street is not legal, even if the car was pointed in the right direction. And I had to explain to parents that handcuffs are necessary when anyone, even their darling, believes he's Cassius Clay and tries to fight an officer twice his age and strength."Now this sounds more like something someone on alcohol,the dangerous illicits, or pharma-poisons might do, but definitely not Cannabis users. This guy really is dumb. I'm sure a few well informed LTE's would expose his ignorance, and save the Journal Advocate from future embarrassments by his ignorant ramblings.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 17:10:37 PT b4daylight Happy New Year to you too. I'm a people too! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by b4daylight on December 31, 2005 at 16:52:32 PT 2006 HAPPY NEW YEAR FOM AND PEOPLE. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by BGreen on December 31, 2005 at 15:51:06 PT George Rice is a moronic dill weed! Unlike alcohol, it can be produced in any back yard, basement or attic. Enforcement of its taxation would only compound existing laws prohibiting its production.Is this guy stupid, or does he just think that the rest of us are?Um, the only reason (and I mean ONLY REASON!) that people don't brew their own booze is because it's faster and cheaper to drive a couple of miles and buy it at one of a million stores in this country that sell it.Duh!Most people in the Netherlands don't grow their own because it's much easier to pop into a coffeeshop and score in a couple of minutes, than to invest three or more months into growing it themselves.Double duh, you lying moronic former "police officer."This "columnist" is a disgrace to the Journal-Advocate, as one would expect only an idiot would hire an idiot.We don't tax ANY other plants just for growing them, so why don't we just leave the cannabis plant the hell alone?Don't arrest people for it, don't tax it, don't attack it, don't destroy it, don't lie about it, don't partake of it if you don't want to, but just leave it alone and then all of the prohibitionist induced "problems" will disappear.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 15:21:45 PT Hope You have had a busy holiday season. Soon we will be back to normal. It's good to enjoy the moment. That's all we really have. We have plenty of time to work towards change but people who are activists for whatever cause need to relax and enjoy their family, friends and life. That's the way we get our strength. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by global_warming on December 31, 2005 at 14:41:00 PT hey missee Hope Do you understand that your 'grandchildren's faces are marching to 'war, in this 21st century?Happy new year, 'we are at war, [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 14:25:07 PT contentment today That's wonderful, FoM. I'm glad you are having a good day.I'm about partied out. Christmas parties and get togethers and visits galore this year, plus three birthdays the last week of December. My first child was born three minutes after midnight New Years Eve...making him the first baby of the new year 1967 in our vicinity. Thankfully, I'm not going anywhere this evening and I'm not planning on company until tomorrow afternoon. Another family together. Whew! It's been a joyful roller coast ride but I'm glad for a rest. No parties until the twelfth of January when another round of family birthdays starts.I am content, too, today...somewhat. Every time I see where a prohibitionist of some sort doesn't want me to toke...I want to. That disturbs my contentment a little. As an American adult, I despise being told what I can and cannot consume... even to the point of inprisonment and persecution. Maternalistic or paternalistic government is a travesty of injustice and a perversion of a true government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". Government didn't give birth to us and it is not our parent or God. Get it the hell out of our private lives and return to us the natural freedoms given to every human born on the face of this old earth. I am not an anarchist. Government has it's place and, in it's place, it's beneficial to the citizenry as a whole. When it starts making too many rules and laws and telling us how to live every aspect of our lives, it's transgressed it's natural boundaries and needs to be "pruned" signifigantly. Very signifigantly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by global_warming on December 31, 2005 at 13:48:06 PT Happy New years Eve May 'we be witness In the next dawnMay 'we seeOur place in this universeMay 'we become the childrenWho 'minister before the table of the Lord? [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 13:16:03 PT Hope What a great day that will be too. Have a Very Happy New Years Eve tonight and a great day tomorrow. We aren't doing anything but staying home. We're keeping the woodstove cranking and we are nice and warm. I'm burning my oil candles and right now watching The U2 concert Vertigo on Direct TV. At this moment in time I am at peace and just down right content. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 12:55:24 PT *smile* Thanks, FoM. Happy New Year to you and all my CannabisNews friends. I love you all very much.Everytime I've made or gotten a drink for anyone during this busy and happy, for me, season, I've thought, "The day we can share "recreational" cannabis as easily, or even more easily, as we do "recreational" alcohol...what a fine day that will be."I'm looking so forward to it.Peace and Love. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Toker00 on December 31, 2005 at 12:48:23 PT My New Year Wish That it is, indeed, a Happy New Year. The expulsion of PNAC members from our government would be nice. Fully exposing their part in planning/precipitating 9/11 would make me happy. Arresting every SKULL AND BONES conspirator would be good. Repealing the Patriot Act and demanding these bills that are passed by Congress be READ before signing, and all items of Unconstitutionality be stricken from the bill, would help. Corporate Media and PNAC are good targets for this year. Public Enemies No. 1 and No. 2. These are the enemies of Cannabis law reform, also. They are the ANTIS. Handshakes and Cannabis hits to everyone whose been active in Stopping the Insanity of War. Let's continue to shread the DEAth logic of Cannabis Prohibition and the BOGUS War of Terror. Peace symbols and bong hits to everyone else.HAPPY 2006Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 12:44:09 PT Hope You go Girl! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 12:42:31 PT Smoking seeds? I hope the guy in the story is cleared because of the seed description element...but really...smoking seeds is not a good idea.As I remember, they are exceptionally oily and they have no buzz. There can be a buzz in the stems, but I've never personally known of one available in the hard seeds, past the light outer seed husk that is technically schaff, but does have a buzz. Seeds are for eating, pressing, and planting. They don't smoke well.Never the less, I hope the guy is cleared and the seed is at least legal to possess.A plant. A common...or uncommon plant. A plant that grows from the earth...a natural gift to mankind. A plant that heals the body and soul...and just makes a person feel better...feel good. It's a crime against humanity that it's made illegal to possess because of the meddling perversions writhing in the brains of the enemies of freedom and hope.Cannabis Sativa. We have a right to grow, use, and possess this amazing plant along with all the others. We have a natural right to grow beautiful poppies, whether we use the sap or not. We have the natural right to have a coca bush growing alongside our Aloe Vera. May our rights be restored as quickly and as soon as possible. God help us. Maybe this will be the year.It's totally wicked to prohibit a plant and persecute people who insist on using what is their natural right to use. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by MikeC on December 31, 2005 at 12:29:12 PT Hmmm... Maybe it's just a coincidence but it seems that everyone who is anti-marijuana has a proffession that depends on marijuana being illegal. Shove your b.s. up your ass Mr. Rice! [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Hope on December 31, 2005 at 12:25:20 PT 2005 It was a "complicated" year for us. I'd never have believed that it would be a good year, and it was, in light of the Supremes decision in the Raich-Monson case.Our struggle sometimes makes me think of that old Monty Python character, the old knight warrior guy who would keep fighting relentlessly no matter how badly he appeared to be cut down. One leg? He was still hopping and fighting furiously. I've seen the times when it looked like we were hopping into battle on one leg, but we never ever gave up and we never will...and in fact we now have more "legs to stand on" than even the most hopeful of us could have ever forseen, even in our most hopeful moments.Come on 2006. We'll show you what we've got. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 11:56:22 PT News Article from The Associated Press Court of Appeals Rules That It's Legal To Smoke Marijuana Seeds***December 31, 2005 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Smoking marijuana seeds is legal under Oregon law, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled this week.Pendleton resident Cameron Scott Beers, 27, was arrested in 2002 for driving under the influence and possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, an infraction.In his defense, Beers' lawyers argued that he should never have been convicted because he only had marijuana seeds on him.State law only prohibits possession of leaves, stems and flowers.The Court of Appeals considered whether legislators might have omitted seeds inadvertently.But the court rejected that idea after noting that lawmakers had included seeds elsewhere in state law.David T. McDonald, a Portland attorney who has handled a lot of marijuana cases, said the ruling appeared to clear the way for legal seed-smoking, at least under state law.Copyright: 2005 Associated PressInformation from: The Oregonian, Link: [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by ekim on December 31, 2005 at 11:10:10 PT be all you can be---does not mean you need my pee ON WASHINGTON JOURNAL Sunday, Jan. 1 7am-Newspaper Articles & Open Phones 8am-Nick Gillespie, Editor in Chief, Reason Magazine 9am-Robert Dreyfuss, Contributing Writer, Mother Jones 1-202-737-0002 Dem line call in. do not have the Gop and third party numbers.nytimes has story on willie nelson and biofuellast year the hemp food sales more than doubled.canada hemp feilds rose to more than 24,000 acres. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 10:29:37 PT Happy New Year 2006 Here are some of my thoughts and observations on this past year. This time last year our eyes were glued to the TV watching what a Tsumani can do to people. Somewhere around 250,000 were gone in the blink of an eye. I remember thinking this is the worst event I have ever seen in my life. I was wrong. What happened in the south because of Katrina was worse not because there were more deaths or the way it happened but because we and our government failed the poor and elderly people. We are suppose to care for those who need us. I thought that was one of the most important values Americans should have. Personally for me I've seen a change in music which has a deeper purpose then just entertainment now. From Neil Young's Prairie Wind to Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Concert Tour. I see more soul in music then I have since the 60s and 70s. I feel change is in the air. We are living in the most extraordinary times. Good and Bad will stand side by side and we will decide how we take it all in. We lost some things this year but we also won. Now Rocky Mountain High takes on a whole new meaning. Onward and upward we go.Happy New Year Everyone! [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Max Flowers on December 31, 2005 at 10:06:01 PT Stupid ex-cop tricks - Another of these alter-adolescents said that it "frees the mind". It does that, all right. It frees the mind of all rational thought. It relieves the mind of the burden of cognitive recognition, of all the restrictions of 21st century reality. -Does it really? Sounds like the voice of experience. To be able to say that, you must have tried cannabis yourself, Mr. Rice. What's that, you say you have NOT ever tried it? Then how about you shut the (expletive deleted) up about things you don't know about? [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by kaptinemo on December 31, 2005 at 09:30:56 PT: And here's my Happy New Years wish to you all Each year, we've made progress. Each year, the antis howl louder. Especially this year, despite their recent Grinchly lashing out at the sick, the weak and the helpless, they've lost ground. This year, I've seen the words 'prohibition' and 'prohibitionist' used to describe the antis finally adopted by the media (with all the historical inferrences that both words imply - FAILURE). This year, government watchdog groups and citizen versions of the same have both given black eyes to the ONDCP for being unable to justify the fiscal cost to the Republic of the War on Some Drugs. ONDCP's propaganda budget has been cut, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth that caused was covered by a brave face that's sweating bullets. Because government agencies are like haemophiliacs when they get lacerated. Once the precedent has been set, and the first cut made successfully, more cuts can be made, causing more 'bleeding' until the agency is either eliminated or subsumed by another (big fish eating little). ONDCP is a inherently poisonous fish, which by the bureaucratically 'unsexy' and impossible nature of its' mission cannot be swallowed without sickening the swallower. Which is also why the FBI wants no part of DEA; they want no part of a job which is becoming increasingly less popular, not to mention demonstrably impossible. A fact which anyone who monitors DEAWatch can attest has led to morale at DEA being lower than the proverbial whale manure. I wish I could say it pains me, but it most certainly doesn't.Yes, we have setbacks. But we bounce right back, and stronger yet. For all their brave noises, the prohibs make them as they fearfully keep their eyes on us and let their backsides guide them towards the exit. So here's to 2006, and to all those who fought against prohib tyranny, I salute you. You done good, people! [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by mayan on December 31, 2005 at 08:56:26 PT Thick as a Brick I was wondering how anyone could be so ignorant until I got to this part... As a police officer I heard these and myriad other rationalizations.That explains it! Remember, they're not dumb because they're cops, they're cops because they're dumb. No offense to any of you good cops out there. You know who you are. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 08:41:18 PT kaptinemo Happy New Year to you too! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 08:39:12 PT BUDSNAXZ Happy New Year to you too. Thank you for the compliment. We here at CNews are a fine group of people. ***Off Topic:I am so happy for Neil Young. The LA Times voted the song When God Made Me a top song for 2005. Go Neil!December 31, 2005 CRITIC'S NOTEBOOKFinally, songs that move usPresenting Calendar's annual countdown of the year's 10 most memorable singles or individual album tracks. By Robert Hilburn, Times Staff WriterFor all the dizzy exuberance of songs about gold diggers and candy shops, pop music was in an unusually reflective mood during 2005. In fact, songwriters such as Neil Young and Mary Gauthier gave us some of the smartest and most moving musical commentaries in ages.No wonder. Given the years of debate over such issues as the Iraq war, "my God is better than your God" and gay rights, an outpouring of thoughtful, soul-searching topical songs is long overdue.The best of them are spotlighted in Calendar's annual New Year's Eve countdown of the year's 10 most memorable singles or individual album tracks.Topping the list is Young's "When God Made Me," a true sermon for these times and a song in the idealistic, brotherhood spirit of John Lennon's "Imagine."The opening lines:Was he thinkin' about my countryOr the color of my skin?Was he thinkin' about my religionAnd the way I worshiped him?Did he create just me in his imageOr every living thing?When God made me.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by kaptinemo on December 31, 2005 at 08:33:04 PT: So many self-inflicted gunshot wounds in this article...and all in his own feet.Obviously, Mr. Rice is ignorant of the 1999 IoM study which found no such thing as 'marijuana (sic) addiction'. I'd be inclined to hand him another pistol to shoot himself in the foot with, but the season reminds us of the philosophical reasons why we should not take advantage of those whom Nature has cheated in the logic department. Making statements such as he has without corroboration certainly causes me to believe he suffers from such a sad condition. It's an invitation to be dragged to the intellectual woodpile for a much needed drubbing. But no matter; an excellent cure for this sad condition may be available:Mr. Rice, meet LEAP. I'm sure you former LEOs could have a scintillating discussion together...if you had the stones to show up. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by BUDSNAXZ on December 31, 2005 at 08:30:18 PT This should be titled "More From The Sinking Ship& Why is this type of propaganda allowed? Does he actually believe the stuff he;s spouting? What a tool, he sounds like the typical(insert fighting to the last prohibitionist agency of choice here)idiot who has no idea whats in the bill of rights or what it means.Happy New Year FOM. I'm so glad you have done such a fine job with this sight. As I tell all my friends, the walls are falling fast and you are a major part of making it happen Mac [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on December 31, 2005 at 07:51:47 PT Happy New Year Mr. Rice Thank you for being so open minded and understanding of those who think a little differently. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment