Council To Allow Marijuana Clinics Pot Centers Council To Allow Marijuana Clinics Pot Centers Posted by CN Staff on December 14, 2005 at 23:08:02 PT By Mike Sprague, Staff Writer Source: Whittier Daily News Whittier -- The City Council has voted 3-2 to allow medical marijuana dispensaries in certain industrial areas of the city. If the council approves the second reading of the ordinance at its Jan. 10 meeting, Whittier will be one of 21 cities in California that have laws allowing such establishments. Fourteen cities in California have banned them. The three councilmen who supported the ordinance in the vote early Wednesday morning said they wanted to ensure the city could regulate it.Mayor Greg Nordbak and council members Bob Henderson and Doug Lopez voted in favor of the ordinance with Cathy Warner and Owen Newcomer opposing it."I'd rather have an ordinance that controls it and locates it, as opposed to not having a clue where it is," Nordbak said.Medical marijuana dispensaries have been legal under state law since 1996, when California voters passed Proposition 215, which allows marijuana to be used for medicinal purposes. However, under federal law, marijuana is illegal to possess and use.The original ordinance - recommended by the Planning Commission - limited the number of locations to 12. But the council further amended it to ensure that any dispensaries be 1,000 feet away from schools, instead of just 250 feet.Jeff Collier, director of community development, said he isn't sure how many locations would meet the new criteria.Councilwoman Owen Newcomer and Cathy Warner, who opposed it, said the city should ban such places."Our goal is to prevent problems," Newcomer said. "I'm not convinced that setting up rules helps solve the situation."Warner said she wanted a ban because marijuana remains illegal under federal law."I don't want to get into a discussion of the merits (of the marijuana dispensaries)," Warner said. "To me the issue is one of legality. Is it legal to have this substance dispensed in the city. It's not."Henderson said he understands why people would use marijuana for medical purposes."I had a friend who died from cancer," he said. "The only way she could eat was to get marijuana. We take opiates and dispense them every day in a doctor's prescription. Here's a drug that has literally never killed anybody and yet we won't allow doctors to do research."The ordinance also would prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from entering a marijuana dispensary. It also limits hours of operation to 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., and requires the facilities to provide security guards.Complete Title: Council To Allow Marijuana Clinics Pot Centers To Go in Industrial AreasSource: Whittier Daily News (CA)Author: Mike Sprague, Staff WriterPublished: December 15, 2005Copyright: 2005 MediaNews Group, Inc.Contact: steve.scauzillo sgvn.comWebsite: Articles:City Poised To Approve Pot Centers Sufferer Finds Relief from Marijuana Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #8 posted by mayan on December 15, 2005 at 18:02:54 PT siege You might very well be right but as of right now bird-flu can't transmit from human to human. That's not to say it won't mutate but I believe it's all a big scam...Rumsfeld To Profit From Bird Flu Hoax: [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on December 15, 2005 at 09:02:42 PT Siege When we finally have an outbreak of a serious disease like the Bird Flu I feel sorry for those who live in the cities where an outbreak occurs. People won't be able to run then. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by siege on December 15, 2005 at 08:54:17 PT mayan It will not be a terror attack per say it will be a brake out of [ Avian Flu ] to bring in martial law... with U N troops, to Guard the people from them self.FoM the government is putting the people into sweatshops like the rest of the low income people. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on December 15, 2005 at 08:19:50 PT mayan Maybe I see how crazy people with guns are over in Iraq and I have noticed that religious people no matter what country they live in seem to think about guns more then spiritually minded people. I am not paranoid about having to defend myself from the government but I am concerned about the system that is trying to make wages low like in other countries. I saw on the news that very few people can even by the way they calculate income afford even a simple one bedroom apartment. They are trying to make us work for lower wages and balance the world economy for the ones who run the world in my opinion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by mayan on December 15, 2005 at 08:09:02 PT FoM As I've said before, you have already done more than your fair share to change this world. The pen IS mightier than the sword but I believe that if the citizenry didn't have swords we would have had even more freedoms stolen from us. If there is one more terror attack then there will almost certainly be martial law. Who knows what the government has up it's sleeve should that happen. Our guns will at least make them think twice about screwing with us. If they ever come for our guns there will be civil war as there are many folks who would go down with their right to bear arms. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on December 15, 2005 at 07:42:46 PT Mayan I just wanted to ask if people like me who don't like guns aren't helping to keep all this from happening? I believe the pen is mightier then the sword. Words can change the world without the anger and violence that guns seem to bring out in some people. I'm not against gun ownership but not every activist likes guns. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by mayan on December 15, 2005 at 06:01:46 PT Toker00 Years ago, one of my high school history teachers tried explaining the connection between Freemasonry and D.C.'s layout, but we all thought he was nuts. It seems that he was right. He was also the only teacher who ever told us not to believe any news coming from mainstream sources! For those who aren't familiar you may want to take a look. I believe that there are very sinister forces at work trying to weaken America so that we will be forced to join a new world order. Just look at our national debt,our jobs going overseas and our growing list of enemies in the world (Imho,9/11 was likely orchestrated as a means to accellerate this long range plan). American, middle-class gun owners are the only thing standing between the globalists and their dream of a one world government but the middle class is quickly vanishing as many folks who consider themselves to be middle-class are actually in debt.Freemasonry and Washington D.C.'s Street Layout: SYMBOLS OF POWER IN THEIR SEAT OF POWER -- WASHINGTON, D.C. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Toker00 on December 15, 2005 at 03:31:00 PT This is like waaaaaay OT but... I keep getting hit over the head with this information in E-mails and posted links., how many of you have heard your pastor, preacher, rabbi, or otherwise "spiritual guide" discuss this with his congregation? Anyone? I have NEVER heard a preacher mention ANY of these things about the town of Fez or the "Fezzes" the Shriners wear. I have read about the Freemasons and all that satan crap. Do Jehovah Witnesses preach this? Yes they do. I remember now. The Watchtower or something like that may have mentioned it. Well, this would certainly explain why our laws are so against nature and God. We have Satanists running our country. They always have. It is very strange to me that we are fighting a "Holy" war in the middle east, when we SHOULD be fighting one here, with members of our own government. I guess the TRUE CHRISTIANS really ARE pacifists. And I guess what we are doing right here is part of fighting a Holy War. We demand our cause be fought in a non-violent manner. We strike out verbally, but aren't words of truth like a double edged sword? After all, C-News articles and comments have been linked by many other people and organizations. There are many other cannabis sites doing the same thing. Not the ones who argue and attack, but the ones like C-News. People not afraid of the Truth and the consequences of following it. I don't think anyone knows how much good they contribute to life, but collectively, it is keeping us afloat, so no matter what small good you THINK you are doing, added to all the other small goods, they keep us going. So keep going and DON'T BACK DOWN!Protesting the DEA today in Houston to make up for rainout. I'll be in touch.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment