Weeding Out Competitors Weeding Out Competitors Posted by CN Staff on November 28, 2005 at 07:05:12 PT By Guy Ashley, Knight Ridder Source: Mercury News California -- Six medical marijuana clubs are competing for three permits to sell cannabis in unincorporated parts of Alameda County.Six months ago, Alameda County supervisors passed a law limiting the number of dispensaries and establishing a selection process. The six clubs all applied for permits before the Wednesday deadline. Meanwhile, two of the clubs are contesting Sheriff Charles Plummer's orders to close because they are too close to a school and a drug recovery facility.One of those club owners, Jack Norton of the Health Center in the unincorporated community of Ashland, said he will fight the shutdown while moving his operation to either nearby San Lorenzo or Castro Valley because the competition for a permit isn't as stiff in those areas.Under the law approved in June, only one dispensary will be allowed to operate in each of the three zones created within the county's unincorporated areas: Ashland, San Lorenzo and Castro Valley -- communities that are located between Fremont and Oakland.``This process has more twists than a snake,'' said Capt. Dale Amaral of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office, the lead agency in reviewing marijuana club applications.The Health Center and another club two blocks away, the Alameda County Resource Center, will challenge the shutdown orders before a county appeals panel Thursday.The county says the Health Center is located within 1,000 feet of Edendale Middle School in San Lorenzo and therefore must cease operations. Norton, however, said his measurements put the club just outside 1,000 feet from the school.The Alameda County Resource Center was ordered to close because it is next to an Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship hall. The new law prohibits dispensaries within 1,000 feet of drug recovery facilities.``This is not a drug recovery center; it's a fellowship hall,'' said Robert Raich, an attorney representing the Resource Center. ``It's no different from the Moose Lodge or any club set up for social or fraternal purposes.''But even if the two clubs are granted their appeals, their futures remain murky.Both the Health Center and the Resource Center sit within the unincorporated Ashland district, as does the Compassionate Collective of Alameda County, a dispensary that earlier this month became the first club to pass muster in an initial county review of applications.If more than one club from a particular district passes the initial review, the county will hold a random drawing to determine which business is granted a permit to stay in operation. Clubs not granted permits will be ordered to shut down.A fourth club in the Ashland area, the Garden of Eden, submitted its application at 4:25 p.m. Wednesday, five minutes before the county's final application deadline.Meanwhile, two remaining clubs seem to have a leg up on the competition, as long as they pass muster in initial reviews by the sheriff, and the health and community development departments.That's because the clubs -- A Natural Source near Castro Valley and We Are Hemp in San Lorenzo -- are the only marijuana dispensaries currently doing business within their districts.Given the geographical challenges he faces, Norton says, he plans to move to either San Lorenzo or Castro Valley, where he would only have to compete with one other club, instead of three. Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)Author: Guy Ashley, Knight RidderPublished: Monday, November 28, 2005Copyright: 2005 San Jose Mercury NewsContact: letters sjmercury.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links County Halts Crackdown on Pot Clubs 3 Apply for Pot Clinic Permits Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #57 posted by FoM on November 30, 2005 at 14:05:37 PT JHarshaw Thank you for the link. I never did much reading and that could be why I don't recognize who he was. [ Post Comment ] Comment #56 posted by JHarshaw on November 30, 2005 at 08:50:35 PT Dankhank There's a little Jubal in all of us.FoM, Robert Heinlein was a master storyteller. He is considered by many to be one of the worlds finest writers.His work is certainly worth checking out. a thought, peace and pot [ Post Comment ] Comment #55 posted by FoM on November 30, 2005 at 08:25:35 PT Dankhank Now you lost me too! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #54 posted by Dankhank on November 30, 2005 at 08:14:32 PT Heinlein I pulled "Have Space Suit, Will Travel" off the school library shelf when about age eight. Can't remember a thing about that story 'cept what I got off of a website yesterday when tracking JHarshaw paen to a rascally, too smart/educated, older man of great luck in the life he led in the great "Stranger in a Strange Land" story."Stranger" was the perfect story for the sixties. A truly unpredjudiced man arrives on Earth and learns of it's dysfunction. His Martian-given powers collided with small-minded people. Or maybe they just unlocked his mind.I, too, am a great fan of the Grand Master of Science Fiction, crediting Science Fiction in general for introducing the many ideas of how societies could work. Truly an mind-expanding genre. As with anything these days, Science Fiction is a shell of it's earlier glory. The loss is unimaginable. Takes careful perusal of titles to find good stuff these days."Storm Troopers" was a good book. I was also disapointed in the movie."Farnhams Freehold" was also a good read. It may be why I hoard information like I do. I have a couple of thousand books, 700 or so 33 1/3 records, thousand or so documents re: Cannabis, the CRL, networked computers on a fat pipe, and computers that I fix up and give away or sell cheap. It's all about information.What do you wish to know? is what I always want to know from folks.Oh, no, maybe I got a little Jubal in me, too. :-)Peace ... Info [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by FoM on November 30, 2005 at 08:09:39 PT kaptinemo You can tell we are a few years apart in our age. I have no idea what you are talking about. My extent of Science Fiction was Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by kaptinemo on November 30, 2005 at 07:28:08 PT: Where's the Terran Federation when you need it? It was Heinlein's STARSHIP TROOPERS that convinced me at age 12 that citizens should play an active role in bettering their society through personal service; I joined the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Corps and the Army Special Forces later on because of that book. But, unfortunately, we sure as Hell don't live in the ethically oriented Terran Federation he wrote about...not with creatures such as we have running things in America right now. They would have *never* been allowed the reins of power, simply because they didn't prove, as service in the TF would, that they were willing to possibly risk their necks serving the society they wanted political power in. (Only 5% of the TF was military, by BTW; the TF was *civilian controlled*, NOT a military dictatorship)And may Paul Verhoeven be consigned to the lowest circle of Hell for taking a magnificent story and idea and twisting it into such a screamingly awful cinematic paean to fascism; too few have read the book, too many have seen the movie and think it's an accurate representation, and therefore won't *bother* reading it to compare it. A great shame, indeed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by JHarshaw on November 30, 2005 at 05:47:29 PT Dankhank Hi... I think Heinlein created some of the greatest science fiction ever written....I have a copy of "Have Spacesuit Will Travel" that I have had since I was in the 2nd grade...marvelous stuff! [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 19:53:57 PT Jim I know what you mean. I don't call it meditation but I know what you mean. I tune into special music, burn incense and maybe a candle and get lost in my thoughts. I have had 5 major operations and a number of broken bones. Pain can be controlled by changing our focus sometimes. Not for everyone but sometimes it does work. I've fought pain at times when I was younger but I don't fight it anymore. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by Jim Lunsford on November 29, 2005 at 19:30:27 PT FoM and HerbDoc FoM, for pain you can also try meditation. Especially when stoned. Relaxing into your chronic pain is very beneficial. Pain is no more permanant than joy, so if you have a chronic pain it is most likely your resistance to the pain that is causing you the most problem. I'm no expert at it, but much of my chronic pain has disappeared in the last few years. Overall though, I think a proper diet applies to the body, mind, and soul. Not to mention keeping an active lifestyle. Or should I say a passionate lifestyle? Just my thought anyway.HerbDoc, I hope that your good news is the government realizing it is the people, and the people want prohibition to be an individual choice. Thanks for all you've done. It's not everyone who can say they've been in the front lines of a societal shift. I think the days ahead will be quite bright for all of us. Maybe we are ready to grow up some as a species. That would be nice.Rev Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchFaith: Trusting in your own innate perfection. [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by mayan on November 29, 2005 at 16:22:14 PT Herb That is wonderful news! Has this cruel world found a heart? It's about time that we were treated like human beings! [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 16:02:48 PT Potpal Very good information. Thanks! [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 15:58:43 PT Off Topic: Holiday Season Wallpaper I like some of the backgrounds from the Narnia page. I was able to cut the one down and made pretty wallpaper for the holidays for my desktop. Maybe someone else might want to check it out. [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by potpal on November 29, 2005 at 15:12:35 PT slow day So here be a couple off topic thangs.Could this for real? (From an email I received)Did you ever wonder how much it costs a drug company for the active ingredient in prescription medications? Some people think it must cost a lot, since many drugs sell for more than $2.00 per tablet. We did a search of offshore chemical synthesizers that supply the active ingredients found in drugs approved by the FDA. As we have revealed in past issues of Life Extension, a significant percentage of drugs sold in the United States contain active ingredients made in other countries. In our independent investigation of how much profit drug companies really make, we obtained the actual price of active ingredients used in some of the most popular drugs sold in America.The data below speaks for itself: Celebrex: 100 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $130.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.60 Percent markup: 21,712% Claritin: 10 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71 Percent markup: 30,306% Keflex: 250 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $157.39 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.88 Percent markup: 8,372% Lipitor: 20 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $272.37 Cost of general active ingredients: $5.80 Percent markup: 4,696% Norvasc: 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $188.29 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.14 Percent markup: 134,493% Paxil: 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $220.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $7.60 Percent markup: 2,898% Prevacid: 30 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $44.77 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.01 Percent markup: 34,136% Prilosec: 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $360.97 Cost of general active ingredients $0.52 Percent markup: 69,417% Prozac: 20 mg Consumer pri ce (100 tablets) : $247.47 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.11 Percent markup: 224,973% Tenormin: 50 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $104.47 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.13 Percent markup: 80,362% Vasotec: 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $102.37 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.20 Percent markup: 51,185% Xanax: 1 mg Consumer price (100 tablets) : $136.79 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.024 Percent markup: 569,958% Zestril: 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets) $89.89 Cost of general active ingredients $3.20 Perce nt markup: 2,809 Zithromax: 600 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $1,482.19 Cost of general active ingredients: $18.78 Percent markup: 7,892% Zocor: 40 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $350.27 Cost of general active ingredients: $8.63 Percent markup: 4,059% Zoloft: 50 mg Consumer price: $206.87 Cost of general active ingredients: $1.75 Percent markup: 11,821%Now we know why/how drug chains can buy whole city blocks to erect their gargantuan drug stores all across drug-free America.And on a lighter note: [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by Dankhank on November 29, 2005 at 14:22:24 PT a stray thought ... JHarshaw ...are you a Robert Heinlein fan? [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by Toker00 on November 29, 2005 at 14:08:47 PT Hey you! That's cool, bro. Waiting for the rest of the story...Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by JHarshaw on November 29, 2005 at 11:36:41 PT re: #36 This is great news.......all fingers crossed.Just a thought, peace and pot [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by E_Johnson on November 29, 2005 at 11:16:44 PT number 36 That sounds great. The US Marshalls are a class act, I agree from what I've seen before. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 10:57:38 PT Links and Reading About The Raich Case Raich and Judicial Conservatism at the Close of the Rehnquist Court by Eric R. Claeys***The Medical Marijuana Case: A Commerce Clause Counter-Revolution? by Robert J. Pushaw, Jr.***Gonzales v. Raich***Federalism After Gonzales v. Raich [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 10:22:25 PT Yippie! I'm very happy for you! Mums the word. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by siege on November 29, 2005 at 10:17:05 PT cool; Let the Light be with you, and keep up the good work. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by Hope on November 29, 2005 at 10:13:55 PT HD.... I have a feeling that I will be praising God.Halleleujah!May as well start now.Halleleujah! [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by herbdoc215 on November 29, 2005 at 10:04:14 PT Here is some good news... I gotta keep REALLY on the down low with this but I had to tell those who care about me here that yesterday in court I got the best news in the world and this is almost all will shit when I can tell whole story. 30 days or less from now and it's all over. Just please don't post my name in any reply's so google won't pick it up as I got to keep this one low but I just had to tell you all! I am almost out of the tornado and can see light at the end of the tunnel. Again the US Marshalls have shown me they are one class act! I will give a full report as soon as I able, just wanted to say thanks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by Hope on November 29, 2005 at 10:02:09 PT Lavender Oil I use it often. It's great stuff. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 09:37:56 PT Chinese Medicine One of the things I have noticed is how much healthier people from China look compared to Americans. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by siege on November 29, 2005 at 09:25:42 PT traditional Chinese medicine tablet, supplement, etc. I don't use--- cooked, or dried or raw is the only to go! I use it for rheumatoid arthritis, I was busted up in an industrial accident in 72 and could not move for 8 months. and learned to eat and do things differently, T'ai Chi Ch'uan's philosophical roots in Taoism and traditional Chinese medicine [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 09:00:58 PT Hope I never had any trouble but I also will keep it in mind. I find painting lavendar oil on the area that hurts helps. I figured since it can stop pain by a burn or bee sting it might work on other pain situations and for me it does. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by Hope on November 29, 2005 at 08:56:42 PT Kelp, spiruluna...other concentrates of seaweed will break some people out in acne big time! Me for instance. If you've ever had acne or a tendency to careful to avoid kelps...check ingredients. It's NOT your skin purifying itself, either. A bit of seaweed itself, like in soup or sushi doesn't seem to hurt...but any tablet, supplement, etc. with any form in it will. I actually like seaweeds, but it's worth avoiding. It's not the iodine. Shellfish and other things with iodine don't cause a problem with me. I don't know what it is in it that does it, but I assure can wreak havoc in any age person carrying the acne tendency. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 08:48:01 PT Just a Note I thought the news would pick up a little after Thanksgiving but so far I haven't found anything worth posting. Maybe some news will be available soon I hope. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 08:29:09 PT Siege No I haven't but I will keep it in mind. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by siege on November 29, 2005 at 08:25:34 PT sea weed, Kelp have you tried any sea weed, Kelp for the for the broke wrist and paine it works good in Osteoarthritis, Arthritis. sea weed, Kelp Nutrition Supplement Rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 & Iodine [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 07:46:55 PT Siege You could be right about that. Drugs scare me. If I need to take something for pain I take two Bufferin which is buffered aspirin. I have a bad wrist because I broke it when I was thrown from a horse years ago. When I type too much or do lots of dishes like over Thanksgiving my wrist just hurts so bad I can barely use it and it locks up. I stop what I'm doing and get a Q Tip and paint Lavendar Oil on the area where it hurts. Soon the pain subsides and I wait until the wrist feels better and I'm off and at it again. Pain isn't something that we should get mad at but pain is a way of telling us slow down and let it get better. That's how I look at it nowadays. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by siege on November 29, 2005 at 07:35:41 PT FoM The body can not throw off the ( acetaminophen ) it just keeps bulding till you die, this was learned in school in chemistry. some people can take more then others... [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on November 29, 2005 at 07:16:38 PT Siege Thank you for the article. We won't take anything with Tylenol in it anymore. Tylenol is really hard on a person's Liver I think. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by siege on November 29, 2005 at 06:46:54 PT Poisonings From a Popular Pain Reliever The drug, acetaminophen, is best known under the brand name Tylenol. But many consumers don't realize that it is also found in widely varying doses in several hundred common cold remedies and combination pain relievers.These compounds include Excedrin, Midol Teen Formula, Theraflu, Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine, and NyQuil Cold and Flu, as well as other over-the-counter drugs and many prescription narcotics, like Vicodin and Percocet.The authors of the study, which is appearing in the December issue of Hepatology, say the combination of acetaminophen's quiet ubiquity in over-the-counter remedies and its pairing with narcotics in potentially addictive drugs like Vicodin and Percocet can make it too easy for some patients to swallow much more than the [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 21:29:47 PT Portion of Article from Lawrence Journal World Marijuana Proposal Back for Review***Monday, November 28, 2005Bottom lineCity commissioners will consider an ordinance that would make it possible to prosecute first-time marijuana offenses in Municipal Court rather than in Douglas County District Court.BackgroundCommissioners previously have agreed on the general concept but have disagreed on whether there should be a minimum fine attached to the first-time marijuana offense. Staff members have given commissioners two possible ordinances to choose from. Both would impose a minimum fine of $300 and would give the judge some ability to reduce the fine if there are “substantial and compelling” reasons to do so. The second ordinance, though, lists several factors that could lead to a reduction in the minimum fine. They include: financial status of the defendant; amount of controlled substance or contraband possessed; the lack of criminal history for the defendant; any voluntary drug treatment the defendant enters before trial; and the defendant’s level of cooperation with law enforcement.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 18:31:46 PT Mayan Ra Ra Sis Boom Ba Give me a D give me a R give me a U give me a GRa Ra Ra!You can tell I never was a cheerleader! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by mayan on November 28, 2005 at 18:11:39 PT Jim,FoM I think these folks became careless knowing they were playing in a rigged game. They underestimated those who still seek justice in this world...Storm Clouds Gathering - Source: Scandal could take in at least a dozen in Congress:'s an interesting read...Gimme an Rx! Cheerleaders Pep Up Drug Sales: [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by siege on November 28, 2005 at 17:56:58 PT OT Washington DC Celebrity Scum read all Donald Rumsfeld (R-Defense Secretary) Disposition: authorized the rape of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate Report 1 [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 17:22:48 PT Hope Your grandmother is remarkable. I went thru years of taking drugs and now I don't take anything and haven't for about 11 years. I haven't been to a doctor in 11 years either. I don't think it is hurting me to not go to a doctor. I guess this generation right behind us has bought into a pill for every ill. I believe herbal medicine can work wonders and help us when we need help. I'll take nature before the pharmaceutical companies. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Hope on November 28, 2005 at 17:10:12 PT drugs When my grandmother, now 93 years young, broke her leg and had to be hospitalized a couple of years ago, I discovered there is actually a medical term for the rare people, like she, who don't have to take prescriptions of any kind. One medical person after another was amazed at the fact that she was taking no drugs of any kind. The term for her and people like her? "Pure". [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 16:53:34 PT Jim Yes I saw that about Merck. My parents didn't take drugs for every ailment. Now it seems if a person isn't on some kind of drug they are out of the norm. My how things have changed. Drugs were used when a person got sick and needed medicine or had surgery and needed temporary pain medicine.I talked with my sister in law today in email. Her computer crashed a while back and my contact information was lost. I e-mailed her because she was really on my mind. We are the same age and have known each other since third grade. She's totally different then I am and she said that she was taking 16 different prescriptions. She is frazzled because her husband has cancer of the larynx. He did a lot of drinking for many years and smoked and that combination has killed a couple people I have known. Alcohol and cigarettes are very dangerous. He is only 55. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Jim Lunsford on November 28, 2005 at 16:40:21 PT FoM This just in from Google as well. I can hardly believe it. Merck is cutting 7000 jobs! are so many wonderful changes going on now. I wouldn't be surprised if Cannabis was legal upon my awakening in the morn. Peace to all, Rev JimReverend Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchFaith: Not necessary with the knowing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 16:34:26 PT Jim I am truly amazed at what is happening now in the news. I usually don't watch the news because it has been so depressing but I haven't turned CNN off all day today.The url is just peachy! LOL! Thanks! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Jim Lunsford on November 28, 2005 at 16:28:49 PT It has begun... I think the people have spoken. The following link shows how wonderfully our people are getting tired of the same old, some old, out of congress. may have to shorten this one, FoM! I'll make sure to check that out in the preview. lolSo much is coming out in favor of a more peaceful and harmonious life for all. The WebMD link was great, as well as the news of so many in congress under corruption charges. What else are we changing?There is so much different a perception of what we need to do, as a society, than just a short time ago. Thank you internet. Censorship can be deemed an archaic governing tool if we continue on this path. I am quite happy tonight. Peace to all, Rev JimReverend Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchCommitment: Requires getting over the ego and bull=sht of lessor souls. It requires passion to learn more about whatever aspect of life you choose to admire. Learn well and be happy. That's all God wants us to do. Be happy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by siege on November 28, 2005 at 16:22:31 PT More on Bennett the Bozo I didn't realize in writing about Bill Bennett's latest gaffe last month that he's been equally outrageous about drug users. During his 15 June 1989 appearance on Larry King Live, one caller suggested that he "behead the damn drug dealers." Bennett was hardly alarmed, and replied: "I mean what the caller suggests is morally plausible. Legally, it's difficult. But somebody selling drugs to a kid? Morally, I don't have any problem with that at all." [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 16:20:10 PT dongenero Thank you for the link. I wish they would mention that the whole plant is beneficial.Excerpt: A review in the April issue of Nature Biotechnology describes research that is uncovering how pain is eased and that is leading to the development of drugs from marijuana, peppers, snails, and frogs that target particular pain-production centers in the body, among other things. One area of research involves the marijuana derivatives called cannabinoids. Like narcotics such as morphine and codeine, cannabinoids interfere with the area of the brain that perceives pain. Research at the University of California in San Francisco suggests that cannabinoids are more effective than opioids for some types of chronic pain. But cannabinoid research is controversial, and researchers are focusing on separating the compound's useful characteristics from the euphoric properties that make marijuana attractive to drug abusers. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by dongenero on November 28, 2005 at 15:19:28 PT WebMD snipped article from WebMD. Just a paragraph referring to cannabis along with some other alternative research regarding pain treatment. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 11:30:32 PT Then Came Weeds It was so good. I sure hope we will see new episodes after that unreal ending. All I could do is go wow. Sleeping with the enemy takes on a whole new meaning. LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Dankhank on November 28, 2005 at 11:28:50 PT Donovan forgotten? SunshineSuperman, WearyourlovelikeHeaven, MellowYellow, Atlantis, CallMePapa too many to name ...I didn't miss him in MY 60's [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Dankhank on November 28, 2005 at 11:25:41 PT Reefer Madness I have a copy of the old one ... 1936, and made a copy of the new one the night it first showed on Showtime ...I've watched it many times, and usually when I do I end up singing a song or two from it for hours ...Then came "Weeds" ...Showtime rocks ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 11:17:46 PT westnyc I didn't see all of it but what I saw was funny. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by westnyc on November 28, 2005 at 11:08:03 PT Reefer Madness - The Musical Has anyone else seen this musical. It's out on DVD with some of Hollywood's finest. It is absolutely hilarious! Believe me - everytime you watch it - you will laugh more and more! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 09:39:41 PT NYT: Revisiting the 60's With One Who Knew November 28, 2005In his prime, the astral singer-songwriter Donovan appeared to take a serene view of show business and its cutthroat ways. Not anymore. Nowadays, Donovan would like you to know that he never received proper credit for Flower Power, World Music, New Age Music, the boxed-set album package, using LSD and the lyric "Love, Love, Love" before the Beatles did and playing folk-rock five months before Bob Dylan wielded an electric guitar at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. These claims - legitimate, by the way - do not emerge from total oblivion, but it's close. Donovan has spent decades hiding in plain sight. He never entirely stopped performing or recording, but he has not been part of the 1960's-nostalgia boom. Only now, with a memoir, a reissued collection of his music and a big hit ("Catch the Wind") used in a car commercial, has he come back into view.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 09:35:59 PT Related Article from The Daily Review Pot Club Disputes Approach Resolution***Sheriff's department will give initial application approvals during next couple of months.By Karen Holzmeister, Staff WriterNovember 28, 2005 Six applicants. Three permits. Two hearings. One maybe. When it comes to medical marijuana sales, there's controversy any way you look at it. After more than a year of study, hearings, support and opposition, and crimes at or near marijuana dispensaries, the hazy question of where pot legally can be sold in unincorporated areas may soon be answered. There are six cannabis clubs in Cherryland and Ashland, and their numbers will be reduced to three monitored operations, Alameda County supervisors decided earlier this year. Clubs that don't meet county standards will be culled out in competition for three prized operating permits. Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 09:12:19 PT Healthy Scare for Melissa Etheridge Excerpt: In a recent interview, Etheridge, a former Long Beach resident who was discovered at the Que Sera in 1987, talks about using medical marijuana, explaining her breast cancer to her two kids -- daughter, Bailey, 8, and son, Beckett, 7 -- and living a less toxic life.Q: You used medical marijuana to combat your pain and nausea. Did you use it from the beginning?A: Instantly. Bring me the weed. (Laughs) I've got an excuse. If you to come arrest me and take me away, fine. I don't care. I'm taking this.When I first knew what was coming up, I talked with all my doctors, every single one of them, and I told them, I'm thinking about taking medical marijuana. They were very supportive. They wished they could've written me a prescription at the time.I had to resort to my own means (to get it).But I had a choice. I'm going to take this chemo and they have drugs for the nausea, but those drugs cause diarrhea, and then the drug for the diarrhea causes constipation. Then there's a drug for the pain but it causes depression and there's a drug for the depression.Now why do I want to take (all these) chemical drugs that have chemical side effects when I can smoke. Well, the smoking made me sick, so I wound up vaporizing and eating a lot.Q: Vaporizing it?A: It's a little machine you put the herb in and it heats it just to point where it releases the THC. It doesn't burn it. It releases it into a bag and then you breathe it in.It helped the pain and the nausea and depression. It helped make me a little more comfortable.Q: How often were you vaporizing?A: Every few hours. It wears out after about two hours.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on November 28, 2005 at 09:05:07 PT Goneposthole Thank you. I want this to be good. I really do. Nothing about doing CNews is more important to me then that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by goneposthole on November 28, 2005 at 08:56:52 PT 1000 feet The White House is more or less a drug recovery facility with the addle-brained George Bush occupying the residence. I wouldn't go near that place with a thousand foot pole. Someone should abrogate George's authority, the screwball. Here is what can be done: Declare all of Iraq a war recovery facility and ban all importations of weaponry into the country of Iraq. Place a moratorium on battlefronts and cease all military operations within 1000 feet of Iraq. If there weren't any weapons of mass destruction before March 19, 2003, plenty have been moved in and around nearby locales.Can't those clubs work out their differences and merge two into one? California is top dog when it comes to marijuana production, it can't be that difficult to find a location to dispense medical cannabis. Adjacent to a field of cannabis would be a good place for a compassionate use illness recovery facility.Thanks, FoM, for everything that you have done and all that you do. It's all good. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment