Student Encourages Drug Talk Student Encourages Drug Talk Posted by CN Staff on November 14, 2005 at 10:13:36 PT By Christine Morente, Staff Writer Source: San Mateo County Times San Mateo, CA -- Colin de Miranda, 16, is a member of the California Statewide Task Force on Effective Drug Education. He was appointed by former San Jose state Sen. John Vasconcellos. The San Mateo resident just came back from the 2005 International Drug Policy Reform conference, at which he spoke on how teens can find ways to talk to their parents about drugs. He is a junior at Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose. De Miranda recently talked with staff writer Christine Morente. Q. How did you get involved with the California Statewide Task Force on Effective Drug Education? A. Through my dad, who's basically been working in the drug-recovery field for a long time. He's always kind of beating into me consciously and subconsciously about drugs and alcohol, especially how it relates to the disabled community. With the youth, he began to work with the task force. I got involved because at the time, they had no youth. I was officially voted onto the task force in spring 2005. We've been working to publish the pamphlet "Beyond Zero Tolerance: A Reality-based Approach to Drug Education and Student Assistance." It's a pamphlet that basically gives ideas on not teaching "Just Say No," but teaching ideas that are tolerant of use, not abuse. It's a much more reality-based approach that uses student assistance. These programs are led by students who help kids who use drugs to either quit using or use appropriately. Q. What do you mean by "use appropriately?" A. There's no exact meaning. Like, it's OK to get high once a week. But by saying "Don't ever do it," it is not going to be able to change anything. It's not going to make a difference to kids. The approach is to get them to stop, but not just be like, "Here's your punishment if you don't stop." It's more like, "I will tolerate you using with the anticipation that it will end with proper education." It's not going to villainize it as much as the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) approach. Q. How are students educated about drug and alcohol use at schools now? A. I'm currently attending a private school, so I'm not informed of the situation at public schools. But from the task force and from friends, the majority of public schools is pretty bleak. There' not too much education that goes on, especially at high schools. There's the fifth-grade DARE program and a program at middle schools that piggybacks from the DARE program. It doesn't do much. They talk about the bad effects of heroin in a day, and it's forgotten by the end of week, or sooner. There's not much effective drug education because right now they use scare tactics. Schools do have student assistance programs which are highly-organized groups usually led by faculty or staff member who educates kids who want to be educated. It's teachers and kids who are well-versed in the pros and cons of drugs. Denying the pros is pretty pointless, because you can't change something unless you accept it. Q. Are parents sitting down with their kids to talk about drugs if they're not getting it from schools? A. You have everything from parents who use drugs with their kids to parents who, if they heard their kids mention drugs, the kids are out of the house in a heartbeat. Talking to parents about drugs is tricky, especially if you don't know how they feel about drugs. It's kind of a taboo topic still — something like sex. No one really knows how to start the conversation properly. The only families you'll find open to conversation are fairly smart families who realize it's a topic that need to be addressed, even if it's awkward. Q. So what's the strategy to help a teen approach his or her parent? A. The best advice I can give is to gauge the situation before you jump into the conversation. Don't start with, "What do you think about drugs, Mom?" Wait for a song that talks about drugs, a show on TV about drugs to kind of break the ice. If you have a report to do on the '70s, ask about the '70s. Test the waters. How are they reacting to drugs? Are they condemning and saying it's madness? If they accept it as it is, they'll be happy to hear it from your lips than from the officer who brings you home. It will be a lot easier for them to trust you because it's telling them you have a good relationship. Q. Do you talk to parents about drug use? A. When I do, I try to drive home the fact that drugs like marijuana and alcohol, although they have negative effects, have positive effects. There are not a lot of drawbacks to marijuana. There's no proven evidence that it messes you up. You're not going to overdose on marijuana. If you understand where you're getting it from and what it can do to you, it's fairly safe. There's not too much that can go wrong if used in a pretty safe environment. Parents probably did it. If they didn't it, they should try to understand why kids want to do it. Really try to look at the situation in the child's perspective. If they are using two three times a week, maybe it's not too great for schoolwork. Make your opinions heard, but make sure you're hearing your child's opinions, too. One thing I really don't recommend is putting kids in drug counseling and just thinking that's going to do it. It's both in your hands and child's hands. My parents are a part of every aspect of my life. Source: San Mateo County Times, The (CA)Author: Christine Morente, Staff WriterPublished: November 14, 2005Copyright: 2005 MediaNews Group, Inc.Contact: twinckler sanmateocountytimes.comWebsite: Related Articles:DARE Program: Sacred Cow or Fatted Calf? Say No Again - Reason Magazine The Blackboard: DARE's Failure Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #89 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 16:48:55 PT Hope That is a beautiful picture. My sister loaded over 100 pictures on my computer and then I go thru the pictures really fast and only stop if a particular pictures seems special. Then I go real fast again until I see another one. I have a few more that are exceptional that I will add to her page sometime this weekend. They all are good but a few are excellent. [ Post Comment ] Comment #88 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 16:30:58 PT I really like the picture with the stained glass window. If she had taken it from any other angle it would not have been so pretty...and might have been having the window surround her head or something. [ Post Comment ] Comment #87 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 16:27:09 PT Wedding Pictures It looks like your sister has a good eye for her work. When taking pictures with so much and no telling what kind of backgrounds that could pop up...her choices and balance are good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #86 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 13:48:53 PT Hope Something I think you will appreciate. There is a picture of a father kissing his daughter on the page. He is dying of cancer now. What a picture for his daughter to have especially now. My Sister's Web Site [ Post Comment ] Comment #85 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 13:13:55 PT Hope I'm glad you thought it was funny. My other sister is 16 years older then me and thought she should tell me how to do everything when I was young and even when I was on my own. Money hasn't ever been a problem for her and all 7 children went to private schools and top notch colleges like John Hopkins. I don't speak to her anymore and never will. It's sad but I am to much my own person to be told what I'm doing wrong or how life could have been better if I had done this or that. I wish her the best but we are only sisters because of birth. [ Post Comment ] Comment #84 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 12:55:32 PT That was funny... about your "other sister".Your sister, Mary, does sound like an admirable person. [ Post Comment ] Comment #83 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 12:38:33 PT Hope I'm so glad you got to see it. My sister is so happy even though she has a hard time using the Internet. She is still using a Windows 98 computer and it's old and buggy. She has a tiny monitor too. I helped her today to do some basic maintenance on her computer to help it run a little better but I'm afraid she will need a new computer before long. I am 14 years younger then she is and I admire her get up and go. They got the law passed to restrict landfills near the water shed near her town. She does Weddings, is an activist about water issues and is a hospice volunteer. My other sister is just rich! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #82 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 12:22:44 PT Good work, FoM! I can see how you went through the film to get the most beautiful moments. It is beautiful. The music is beautiful, too.They looked so happy. You did a really good job. Thanks for sharing it with us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #81 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 11:52:52 PT Hope I wish you could see it. I'll tell you having a fast connection makes the Internet so enjoyable. Hopefully you will be able to get a faster connection someday. I haven't met anyone that is sorry for getting a high speed connection. [ Post Comment ] Comment #80 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 11:16:49 PT Video I'm still trying. I tried earlier this morning and didn't get it.This time I've gotten two words of audio. "Ohhhhhh" and "Myyy".I really want to see it so I'm not giving up. [ Post Comment ] Comment #79 posted by FoM on November 17, 2005 at 08:45:21 PT Hope All fixed. Let me know what you think of the video I did if you can get it to play ok. It was really hard work but I learned a lot. I had to stop and forget it more then one time because it was driving me a little crazy! LOL! Wedding Video Clip [ Post Comment ] Comment #78 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 08:28:09 PT oops hiccup! [ Post Comment ] Comment #77 posted by Hope on November 17, 2005 at 08:17:31 PT Kudos to Colin de Miranda. Whether he's an Indigo Child or not, I'm very impressed with this young man, Colin de Miranda. He gives me a bit of hope in some of mankind and the future.I was expecting another goose stepping, hypnotized, brown shirted young drone, spouting the lies he was fed.He certainly appears to be a smart kid with a real working brain.It's an encouraging read. [ Post Comment ] Comment #75 posted by Hope on November 16, 2005 at 12:05:18 PT Given enough reason... nearly anybody can do anything. [ Post Comment ] Comment #74 posted by Hope on November 16, 2005 at 12:00:41 PT Feat of my own. Once, a ways out in the ocean at Galveston, I was face to face with a sea monster, it appeared to me, and I ran through the water back to shore. People just think you can't run fast in water. [ Post Comment ] Comment #73 posted by Hope on November 16, 2005 at 11:55:19 PT Siege "For the volume of the TV, I hear you The kids and I have to be ever careful around the computer for if we get up set and start, we have fryed 7 in the last few years, and have to buy new ones..."Of course, all people have electrical and heaven knows what else kinds of energies, but some people can indeed be virtual electrical fire storms. My ex husband was. He didn't just shock people in winter...crackling bolts of electricity sprang from him. He was a carpet layer. With a nylon jacket.I read something not too long ago that it is indeed a scientific fact that certain people effect electronics, sometimes adversely and to the point of with your family. Did you ever have "crystal weeks" in your family, Siege? For about a week at a time, everyone in the family will be breaking glass like crazy. Especially those who do the dishes. Naturally they break more. It can be windows, light fixtures, light bulbs, casseroles, glasses, ash trays, dishes, ceramics. Anything glass or crystal. One time I heard a funny noise and the glass in one of the french doors just started popping and crackling and tinkling. I went looking for the sound. I opened the blinds and the glass was just breaking into a jillion little bits. I never found any sign of a BB or pellet or stick or animal or anything hitting it. I know it's happened to lots of people. Probably some kind of pressure or temperature change and some sort of widespread affliction among everyone for letting things slide out of their hands or knock into something or fall over. Or maybe someone's electric mind going wild.Also...when I had PMS, I knocked over everything I reached for...and my daughters of course, had it about the same time. So, I reckon it might have something to do with a bunch of PMS women.The sound of breaking glass always makes me remember the "Crystal Night" of the Jewish people in Germany, though. It's really destructive when a "crystal week" occurs around the holidays. We've been having a spate of transformer fires in this part of the country. A squirrel caused the one outside my house. Then, the other night, my sister was hanging an ornament in a tree right off her deck. Just as she dropped the ornament onto a branch, (a non-electric ornament, by the way), there were three very loud pops and everybody's lights in the neighborhood blinked off. She said she thought…"OH $# %! What did I do?"What actually happend was that a hay truck loaded too high hit the wires where they crossed the highway and jerked them down for a great distance and wrapped up that truck in wires. It's said that driver bailed so fast it was a truly astounding feat of escape. He thought his entire truck was hot and all the wires live and he was loaded with hay. He sort of flew out of that truck, it's being said. As I understand it, it was an amazing feat of vacating anything.The funny part though, is that my sis thought, for an instant, that she had somehow done it.My nephew once ran through the air like a cartoon character when a snake wrapped around his ankle. He ran through the air, he says, and lighted atop a tallish rock...snake shook off on the ground. [ Post Comment ] Comment #72 posted by Hope on November 16, 2005 at 09:32:04 PT Tattoos I've thought before I might like to have a rose or butterfly. But I liked her flame job. It was not only cute, and sexy, it was entertaining as could be. Instead of her Windsong stays on my mind. Her flame job stays on my mind.:0) [ Post Comment ] Comment #71 posted by Hope on November 16, 2005 at 09:29:09 PT That young woman with the tattoos... She had flames around her forearm, too. Like a fancy truck or car paint scheme...she literally had a "flame job". A permanent one.I can imagine my granddaughter getting one like that on the small of her back. Oh my. I'd rather have a semi-permanent one. Too much hurtin going on with the permanent stuff. [ Post Comment ] Comment #70 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:43:22 PT I love my C-News friends. We are kind of like a cyber family.Good night.Shall I list everyone? Like the Waltons"Goodnight....Nah.Love you all.Good night. [ Post Comment ] Comment #69 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:41:16 PT "Mercy now!" "Mercy. Mercy."Looks like I'm the only one up and I'm hogging the thread. "Hoggin the thread"...that sounds funny. [ Post Comment ] Comment #68 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:39:13 PT little more...alright? When I was grown to be a man (grown to be a man)And the devil would call my name (grown to be a man)Id say "now who do,Who do you think youre fooling? " (grown to be a man)Im a consummated man (grown to be a man)I can snatch a little purityMy mama loves me, she loves meShe get down on her knees and hug meLike she loves me like a rockShe rocks me like the rock of agesAnd loves meShe love me, love me, love me, love meAnd if I was president (was the president)The minute congress call my name (was the president)Id say "who do,Who do you think youre fooling? (who do you think youre fooling)Ive got the presidential seal (was the president)Im up on the presidential podiumMy mama loves meShe loves meShe get down on her knees and hug meLike she loves me like a rockShe rocks me like the rock of agesAnd loves me [ Post Comment ] Comment #67 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:31:14 PT The internet is amazing. It really is. [ Post Comment ] Comment #66 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:30:17 PT And anger.... everywhere. [ Post Comment ] Comment #65 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:29:27 PT Manson and Bundy Not good. Not good at all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #64 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:28:25 PT FoM comment 60 I know what you mean. That was a worrisome era, too. Sadness on every hand. People crying, hurt, and afraid. Too many people seemed to have gone too crazy. It was hard. "Mean people suck." As true a statement as ever said. [ Post Comment ] Comment #63 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:23:23 PT "She get down on her knees and hug me." :-) [ Post Comment ] Comment #62 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:21:59 PT Listening to Paul Simon "She love me like a rock." "I'm a consecrated man"..."She love me, love me, love me." [ Post Comment ] Comment #61 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:19:44 PT After going straight to the horse's mouth... and gathering "anectdotal" first person experiences. I decided LSD would not suit my temperament.I never saw "peer pressure" on anyone to do anything they didn't want to do. It was a nice relationship time for a lot of people...those times, I mean.It had it's bad moments, though...too. Like everything.Well, I never really had any hideously bad moments except perhaps that crap the governments sprayed on pot in Mexico, and the Mexicans still sold it to us, for a while in the seventies. There was "poison in the pot". Aaargggghhhhhh. It wasn't especially nasty to smoke, but it hurt me and a lot of other people. The cough may have persisted somewhat for two years. The paraquat cough. I got over it though. Paraquat! Aaaargghh. I will never forget the taste of it and the dark effect of it...once I realized what it was. It was very unpleasant. I quit for a long time after that. It was no fun or help because it had been altered so wickedly. They didn't care if they killed people. We didn't matter. Even the very young ones, the "children" the prohibs are always 'nattering and nabobing' about, didn't seem to matter at all to many of them for a very long time. They boldly proclaimed it a good thing.Apparently...really...they still don't matter to a lot of prohibitionists...because they are apparently, less than human, once they inhale that smoke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #60 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 22:12:05 PT Hope We lost good people over the years. John Lennon, JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. I was almost at a point that I thought anyone who was making a difference in a good way might be killed. I understood why Ted Kennedy didn't try to run for President. PS: Sounds like you had fun last night. I am working on a wedding video for my sister and finally got thru the problem with erasing audio so I can put on the song Unchained Melodies. Hopefully soon we will get it on google video and when we get that done I will be really happy. I admire how hard working my sister is. At 71 years old she still is working even though she is a retired police woman. [ Post Comment ] Comment #59 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:04:14 PT "the day John Lennon died" A terrible day for me, too.Why? Why oh why?What a loss. [ Post Comment ] Comment #58 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 22:01:35 PT Went to a party last night. Yes..Monday night. Played musical chairs with a powerful woman, directly behind me, with a rather largely and widely proportioned least compared to me. She was low slung with a good center of gravity. She wasn't fat. She was the quintessential "pear shaped" figure.I'm telling you...she meant to have that chair. She apologized later for getting so rough, but I'm telling you, that woman could use that ample derriere like a weapon of some kind. It was like getting hit by a lineman or a pretty serious hockey "bump". Jarred me from head to foot. I don't think she seriously hurt ne. It was funny. Actually I was laughing when it happened...but grimacing, too.It was supposed to be a "cakewalk". It wasn't like the cake walks in the gym we had as kids. I was lured into it for a cake I didn't want. Oh those "cruise director" type people! One of my sons is one of them. It was musical chairs though...and no nice hopscotch circle with numbers in large squarish sections to walk around. Then they called a number and you got the cake with that number on it if you were standing on that space when the music stopped. What they were really playing last night was musical chairs to Outlaw Country...controlled by a woman whose jeans dipped a bit in the back to reveal an amazing tattoo of flames leaping colorfully from her crack. You couldn't see her crack, like plumber's butt or anything, just the flames. It was stunning. When she turned her back and bent over to mess with the couldn't look away.It was so funny. She was so cute and sweet too, and looked so cool, wearing lowcut black Levis, boots, a slightly short black t-shirt and a beat up black straw cowboy hat. I bet she could line dance from here to Tennessee. But she had flames leaping from her crack.Mother and I have laughed about it a lot today.:-O:0) [ Post Comment ] Comment #57 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 21:49:03 PT Hope And a Little More He gets off on country music Cause disco left him cold He's got young friends into new wave But he's just too friggin' oldAnd he dreams at night of Woodstock and the day John Lennon died How the music made him happy and the silence made him cry Yeah he thinks of John sometimes And he has to wonder whyChorus:He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do Should he hang on to the old Should he grab on to the new He's an old hippie...his new life is just a bust He ain't trying to change nobody He's just trying real hard to adjust [ Post Comment ] Comment #56 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 21:42:45 PT Old Hippie is really an amazing song. He was sure back in the sixties that everyone was hip Then they sent him off to Vietnam on his senior trip And they forced him to become a man while he was still a boy And in each wave of tragedy he waited for the joy Now this world may change around him But he just can't change no more Chorus Well, he stays away a lot now from the parties and the clubs And he's thinking while he's joggin' 'round Sure is glad he quit the hard drugs Cause him and his kind get more endangered everyday And pretty soon the species will just up and fade away Like the smoke from that torpedo...just up and fade away Chorus [ Post Comment ] Comment #55 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 21:37:46 PT I laughed so hard today I hurt. Bill Cosby CD.I needed mercy. I could barely breath. Tears were flowing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #54 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 19:52:19 PT Hope I Remember This One I really don't listen to country music often but I remember this song and really liked it alot by the Bellamy Brothers.Old Hippie [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by John Tyler on November 15, 2005 at 19:48:51 PT Toker00 We had a lot of the chocolate mescaline in my area, but not the strawberry. We also had a lot of some light blue unflavored mescaline. It was all really good. I did a lot of acid too, but acid had a real hard metallic edge to it, and it could really take you away if you weren’t prepared for it. You know what I noticed too, was that girls could do heavy tripping better that most of the guys I knew. Of the two though, I preferred mescaline. It was so warm and mellow with nice pastel hallucinations. I never thought much about spiritual things until I started tripping. It brings you to a whole new level of understanding about a lot of stuff like eternity and the interconnectedness of all things and how we are just spirit energy encased in our physical bodies, etc., etc., you know. [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 19:33:25 PT John Tyler So much for big scary flashbacks. I remember something as clear as day. This is past tense and many years ago for the antis that read this web site but here goes. While under the influence of LSD I watched Saturday Night Live and I saw Willie Nelson for the first time. I kept staring at him. One second he looked young and then the next second he looked old. It was really funny to me when I thought about it later on.Now a days Willie just looks like good ole Willie to me! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by John Tyler on November 15, 2005 at 19:20:31 PT Pleasant memories Only pleasant memories here too, FOM. [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 19:17:25 PT Golden Oldie Let Your Love Flow by the Bellamy Brothers. Your Love FlowBellamy BrothersThere's a reason for the sun shiny skyAnd there's a reason why I'm feelin' so highMust be the season When that love light shines all around usSo let that feelin' grab you deep insideAnd send you reelin' where your love can't hideAnd then go stealin' Through the summer nights with your loverJust let your love flow like a mountain streamAnd let your love grow with the smallest of dreamsAnd let your love showAnd you'll know what I mean, it's the seasonLet your love fly like a bird on the wingAnd let your love bind you to all living things And let your love shineAnd you'll know what I mean, that's the reasonThere's a reason for the warm sweet nightsAnd there's a reason for the candle lightsMust be the season When those love rites shine all around usSo let the wonder take you into spaceAnd lay you under its loving embraceJust feel the thunder as it warms your face You can't hold backJust let your love flow like a mountain stream And let your love growWith the smallest of dreams and let your love showAnd you'll know what I mean, it's the seasonLet your love fly like a bird on the wingAnd let your love bind you to all living things And let your love shineAnd you'll know what I mean, that's the reasonJust let your love flow like a mountain streamAnd let your love grow with the smallest of dreamsAnd let your love showAnd you'll know what I mean, it's the seasonLet your love fly like a bird on the wingAnd let your love bind you to all living things And let your love shineAnd you'll know what I mean, that's the reason================================================= Send corrections to: lyrics"There's People Out There Turnin' Music Into Gold")("Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher, and Higher than I've ever been lifted before.") [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 15:53:45 PT Colin de Miranda I was impressed with his wisdom. [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 15:43:28 PT Politics and Free Spirits Hope and everyone,This has been very interesting to talk about. When I read about Indigo Children I did see much of how I feel in how they feel. They see politics as something that they don't care about because they don't see it as a way to help fix the problems we have. I believe that life is a journey that has a purpose. I don't know where my journey will take me but that's ok because that's the way it is supposed to be.Just to add a little humor..It's like the Blues Brothers.We're on a mission from God. [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 15:32:04 PT I was braced for the worst when I started reading this article. Colin de Miranda is a pretty impressive young man. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 15:30:26 PT Colin de Miranda Indigo? [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 15:28:57 PT Sometimes...if I'm paying enough attention I whisper a prayer in my heart for that person...and maybe ask someone else to do the same. [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 15:27:17 PT FoM I think it's somewhat what a guy told me one time, the reason something in us knows about stuff like that sometimes and something is knocking at the edge of our conciousness. "The Spirit that is in me identifies with the Spirit that is in you." is what he looked me in the eye and said. I believed him.We are connected. All of us are a "spirit" or "Spirit".We are One in that Spirit.He is One and we are in Him and He in us...therefore, sometimes the Spirit is trying to tell us something that might be going on someplace else that we are not aware of, but that Spirit is.Maybe. [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 15:18:59 PT Goneposthole #38 :0) [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 11:45:49 PT XM Radio Today Direct TV changed over to XM Radio. We are listening to the different channels and they are really good so far. [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 10:06:35 PT Something Strange This morning I was alone and started thinking about someone that I haven't seen in about 20 years. He was addicted to cocaine and alcohol and got in trouble and went to jail. Last summer I asked a friend if he knew how he was doing and he said he was out of jail and moved to California. I then thought I wonder how long he will live. That's was this morning. My husband came home and opened the newspaper and he died. His obituary was in the paper. He was 53 years old. Very weird experience. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by Dankhank on November 15, 2005 at 09:40:52 PT lights ... I, too, have noticed the regularity with which streetlights go out as I pass them. I always say that aliens are trying to communicate with me.I live in town and the streetlight by my driveway has not worked properly for years.It goes on, off, slowly returns, runs at half-strength and generally has it's own mind on how to act.I guess I'll test my theory and call the electric company and see if they can test it.I kinda like it so maybe I won't ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 09:24:28 PT goneposthole I don't talk to Republicans either. They are very bossy and self righteous. It's says that Indigo children are turned off by politics and don't believe that is how change will come. I don't either. My dogs listen to me and love me too! [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by goneposthole on November 15, 2005 at 09:18:30 PT one particular plant that I communicate with all of the time. I don't talk to Republicans, they're all dead. Even if you could talk to Republicans, they wouldn't talk to you unless they were telling you to do something. I've heard enough of that talk.I ain't buying their lies anymore.Besides, it's more fun to live without them. I don't encourage talking to Republicans at all. Ignoring them is the most effective means of communication with them.When I talk to my dog, she listens. Nobody else will. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by siege on November 15, 2005 at 09:01:40 PT goneposthole indigo phenomena: have you every looked at a sick house plant dog, cat, animal, bird or person, and talked to it them and it comes alive. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by siege on November 15, 2005 at 08:49:24 PT Hope Hope every time I visit my grandfather's grave you can see a cross over it not a Physical one, one of sight large and bright white, and the kids have seen it also, and say he is with father. For the volume of the TV, I hear you The kids and I have to be ever careful around the computer for if we get up set and start, we have fryed 7 in the last few years, and have to buy new ones... For there religious beliefs it comes from the celestial beings. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by goneposthole on November 15, 2005 at 08:39:12 PT street lights... that go out when you walk past them is a indigo phenomena. It happens when I drive by them too. However, it didn't catch my interest until they went out when I walked by them.It can only mean one thing: Smoke more cannabis.It could also mean that you should make some fries or hashbrowns.I dunno know. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 08:37:50 PT When I'm not "delivered" from a peril is what seems strange to me. I try to understand it...more than trying to understand the deliverance. I try to remember to thank God...for even the bad stuff...but I know there is always something for me to try to see the value of understanding when the perils do actually reach me. By the way, that sprained shoulder I told you guys about, wasn't just sprained. I've had it for about two months now. Turns out it's seriously broken and my stretching it and trying to keep up a good range of motion has kept it from healing...yet thankfully, not displaced. That's been interesting. I'm in a sling for restraint for a while to try to avoid popping the end of the joint off and hopefully, letting it heal. It's the shoulder joint, broken clear through, but it's uncastable because of where it is. It's hard for me to slow down...but I'm being forced to. I want to avoid surgery. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 08:28:54 PT "walk past them at night" Usually I'm driving or riding. It's happened quite a few times. More than enough to make it seem beyond coincidence. My sister, says she thinks "something is following me around". She doesn't like it.I say, "Signs and wonders follow believers." You wouldn't believe the number and kinds of perils that I've been delivered from. [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 08:24:38 PT Streetlights going out That happens to me...and it's more than a bit freaky. The first time it happens it's just odd but no big deal. Then it happens a lot and it gets freaky. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 08:15:47 PT Thanks For The Comments About Indigo Children It seems that they don't see things like many children do and don't want to conform to what they see is wrong. They seem to love life and avoid negative influence and feed off of positive vibrations. Fascinating. They aren't into churches or religious beliefs but find their own way. They seem to comfort others very easily and see thru lies and negative energy. They are truly what I think of as free spirits. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by siege on November 15, 2005 at 08:07:26 PT Spiritual evaluation This is why President Bush is pushing for everyone to be Medicated so they can not,, bring the world to the next step in Spiritual evaluation, they government need to hold to the OLD ways, so they have the people under there power... But the power of, The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by goneposthole on November 15, 2005 at 08:03:08 PT Indigo children Dr. Tod Mikuriya is an 'indigo' doctor. street lights go out when you walk past them at night?Indigo is as is can be. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Hope on November 15, 2005 at 07:57:06 PT Grandkids One of mine shows many of the traits of Asperger's syndrome. We often get the grandchildren harmonicas, real ones, that they fool with and have fun with for awhile. One day last summer I kept hearing music. I discovered she was doing it with her harmonica. Real music and beautiful. After she learned, quickly, to get sound out of it...she just started playing music. It was beautiful music. From her brain to her mouth to our ears. She also was treated with Ritalin at one time, finally her mother refused to give it to her anymore. Another one, I remember holding him as an infant on the back porch one morning. I was singing Jesus Loves Me to him. When I said "Jesus" his little face just lit up and he smiled a smile that was a pure beam of light. He was an infant. That's when I started calling him "Beamer". Last summer he discovered a geometry workbook belonging to one of my older grandchildren. He came to me to check some of the work he'd done in it and to ask me some questions. Amazing questions that made sense, about finding and calculating X's and Y's. It was amazing. I was VERY impressed and told him so. He looked at me and beamed, "I know a lot about geometry."!!! He was in the second grade! He's being treated with one of the Ritalin like things. It breaks my heart. They say it's to focus him and slow him down.Another grandson is amazingingly spiritual. He's our little preacher. When he was four years old he was explaining salvation and knowledge of God to adult unbelievers. One of them said, "He makes me believe it, and I never did before." TVs will not maintain their volume around him. Since he was a baby volumes on them increased if he was in the room...without him touching it. If you kept turning them down, they would eventually shut down immediately. If you didn't keep turning the volume back down all the time, they would continue working. Once when I had an extraordinarily beautiful vision (I generally don't talk to anyone about my visions, which are rare). I afterwards ran, in sort of alarm, to the mirror to make sure my hair hadn't turned white and that I wasn't glowing. I told him about it and was wondering about why I didn't "glow" from then on. He said, "Gammi, you had a vision. Moses saw something that wasn't a vision is why what happed to him happened to him." I knew he was right the moment I heard it. He was also put on Ritalin at one time, and at great expense, time, and trouble and a college research program he was shown not to have any of the disorders he was accused of. We wanted him off of it. He was depressed and hadn't grown a centimeter in over a year. One teacher was adamant about him taking the medicine. We put him in an intense research program to discover if he really was AD what the ever. He wasn't. When my daughter presented the school with a two inch thick large manila envelope of research on it, that teacher's mouth just dropped open in dismay. She was, and rightfully so, speechless.They exist, children like the Indigo children are described to be, but I think of them as brilliant wonderful people. My daughters are probably indigo children...if that's what you want to call them. I would qualify, myself. They are very sensitive people, the ones I've known, and they can be hurt and ruined and have their beautiful attributes smothered away...but, thankfully, the one's I know have been nurtured...until the "system" get's hold of them and wants to fit them into the peg holes that produce good workers for the state. The funny thing is, if nurtured, they are brilliant workers in any field they choose. Innovation and critical skills are their forte.The very spiritual child, when he was little, about four years old, walked into the room and stopped in his tracks and exclaimed, "I see God!" That scared us. We followed his line of vision and saw what he was looking at which was a project that I was working on. Trying to redo a tree angel to something resembling a Bibical description of an angel or holy vision. It turned out to be so discomfiting a sight, that I abandoned it...although I still have it. It alarmed us, because it was so strange...and not unlike him...but seemed, the way he said it, almost a premonition of dying. It wasn't though...but he did actually see something that really was quite alarmingly stunning and I had set it aside in a nook that was not easily visible except at his short height and looking under and behind a lamp shade.They do give you hope. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on November 15, 2005 at 07:38:55 PT Siege The little bit I have read about gifted children makes me wonder if some of these children are put on drugs because they don't see things like they want them to see things and drugs will get them in line. That's a generalization but a thought I did have. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by siege on November 15, 2005 at 07:17:06 PT NEVER WENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL BEN FRANKLIN & THOMAS FEFFERSONMost of our Founding Fathers, including Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, like most average colonial Americans, spent few years, if any, in formal grammar schools of the day, [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by siege on November 15, 2005 at 06:47:15 PT back post on Gkids It is like the post I did a while back on the grand kids and the school, the school said they had (( Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). that something like 65% of the kids had it, and we the parents sue the school to have them tested for *Gifted* at a cost of $1800 each.., characteristics: creative, rebellious, intelligent, every Spiritual, psychic phenomena, mislabeled... The youngest grand son started college this year at the age of 13. IQ is off the chart, the 2 girls 11 & 10 are in 12th and will start college next year and will 12 & 11. The 11 year old when up set gos to here key bord and plays Music ever tranquil, it sets the soul on fire. have ask where she got it, she said it come to her, and she play's it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by Toker00 on November 15, 2005 at 03:25:23 PT J T... Of all the crazy drugs available to my area during the early seventies, chocolate and strawberry mescaline were my favorite experiments. It is such a mild, soothing, experience for the soul. Good to hear about your visit with peyote, JT. No, anti's, I did not go on to harder drugs, or hard drugs at all. (We'll exclude the drug alcohol here, since it is indeed, LEGAL) There was a two year period in my (as others) young adulthood where I did "experiment" with drugs. Many different kind of drugs, but taken only once or twice. My soul revolted against all but two. Mescaline and cannabis. I can cerainly see why the American Indians loved and respected Mother Nature. That HAD to come from the mescaline experience. LSD was terrifying for me. Alcohol turned out to be my "Hard Drug". I know I keep repeating myself, but I THANK GOD FOR CANNABIS EVERY DAY.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 22:36:41 PT John Tyler That sounds like it was a mind expanding experience. Did you ever think a flashback was just a pleasant memory from the past and nothing more? I have. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by John Tyler on November 14, 2005 at 22:30:56 PT Strolling down memory lane Peyote is a little cactus that grows wild in the Southwest. It is best to chop it up into little pieces and swallow it whole with orange juice. Don’t chew it. It has a very bitter taste. Also do it on an empty stomach as it might make you nauseous. You can throw up which can spoil it for you and others with you. It’s a drag barfing or watching someone else barf. It is good to do in the morning before breakfast. Three peyotes should do the job of putting you in tune with nature. If they are really good you can start to merge with the universe and become one with the cosmos, and achieve bliss conscience. It’s a pretty good way to spend the day. A hit of mescaline will do the same thing without the muss or fuss or the possible upset stomach. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 22:28:48 PT Hope I was just reading comments on a message boards related to Indigo Children and was checking out one music group that was mentioned. It's called Gaelic Storm. They played music in the movie Titanic. Beautiful music too. I listened to a few clips of Indigo Girls. The music has a spirit about it. One person said they like all music except Rap and Country Music that is down and sad type music. Those aren't the exact words but the point is that I will check more into what it's all about because it is interesting to learn. Gifted children who see visions and hopes for the world. Even if it isn't really true it is a wonderful thing to hope for. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Hope on November 14, 2005 at 21:53:27 PT FoM Comment #17 Indigo Children It's an idea or a theory. I'm not sure what to make of it. It's interesting. Many, many children that I know fit the criteria.If it is true, though, I have no doubt that many of us here are Indigo adults. Many of us, if not all of us, are very like the children described. From that same website that Taylor posted, check out this list of Adult Indigo traits.'s one of those New Age ideas, I guess. I know personally some adults that, if this is true, are indeed Indigo adults.I can easily accept and see that there are many such children today. To call them something, like Indigo children, or make it something of great concern in our lives is unusual though. If it is happening, and it may very well be, it's part of progress and it's happening and has been happening for some time and will continue to happen whether we believe or know it or not. It's natural that there should be a lot of children like this, as generations before have had them and they have increased. Of course, I think they are part of "changing the world". Every generation has them...or people who would qualify. People, like us, who are very sensitive to what is happening all around us and in the world and the travesty of the injustices they become aware of. They deeply care about injustice and how others are effected by it, even if it doesn't touch them directly. So yes...they are a good thing for the world, the earth, and it's peoples...just like we are.Obviously there are a lot of people who just don't care about what is happening to anyone but themselves...and sometimes they don't seem to care much about themselves in the scheme of things either. A lot of them. And...just as obviously, they for sure are not Indigo children or adults. People like the Indigo children do for sure exist...and we are all lucky that they do.They are like those people Margaret Mead spoke of...that small group of determined people that are always the ones that do change the world. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Hope on November 14, 2005 at 20:58:07 PT JSM "Why is our government too frightened to allow all Americans to do the same - whether with cannabis or any other non-addictive substance."Non-addictive? Why should that have anything to do with it? Why is it the government's business? We already have "addictive" substances legal. Other than false advertising, fraud, and the taxes they collect...I can't see that it should be any business of governments, myself. In spite of the way things are now, I don't believe governments should run our lives and make every choice for they seemingly do now. That's not freedom from repressive government. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by ekim on November 14, 2005 at 20:52:08 PT “Why Do Cops Think the Drug War Should End?” 16 05 College Park Libertarians 07:00 PM Eric Sterling College Park Maryland USA The College Park Libertarians at the University of Maryland welcome Speaker Eric Sterling when he presents “Why Do Cops Think the Drug War Should End?” to students and faculty. Very few people know as much about America's racially biased drug sentencing laws as Eric does and how these laws have done more harm to the nation than the drugs themselves. Eric's opinion is regularly reported by the national news media, where he has been quoted on the front pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, and the Los Angeles Times. Location: University of Maryland, LeFrak Hall, Room 2166. Nov 16 05 Kingman Kiwanis Club 12:00 PM Jay Fleming Kingman Arizona USA Speaker and former undercover agent Jay Fleming speaks to members of the Kingman Kiwanas Club about America's failed war on drugs. Jay states "The drug war I fought was not about ending drug use, it was about money and power." Not until more Americans begin to see that the drug cartels and government agencies like the DEA are all about money and power and not about fixing the problems caused by drug prohibition, the problems will still exist. Jay will provide members of the Kingman Kiwanis with very informative and useful information. Nov 17 05 National Council for Social Studies 85th Annual Conference 06:00 AM Kansas City Missouri USA The National Council for Social Studies 85th Annual Conference will be held this year in Kansas City, MO. LEAP will be hosting a workshop for this conference as well as having an exhibit. Visit for more information about the conference. Nov 17 05 Democrat Club of El Paso County 06:00 PM Michelle Holton Colorado Springs Colorado USA Members of the Democrat Club of El Paso County welcome Speaker Michelle Holton to their group to speak about the failures of America's war on drugs, which as Michelle puts it "the war on drugs is really a war on our young people". Members will hear her personal experiences as both a police officer and mother dealing with the issues created by drug prohibition. Michelle's presentation is open to anyone who wants to hear an alternative to America's failed war on drugs. Nov 17 05 Criminal Behavior Class 08:00 PM Matt McCally Renton Washington USA Speaker Matt McCally is a welcomed guest to the Criminal Behavior Class at the Renton Campus of City University. This class, which examines the issues of criminology and criminal behavior from the perspective of the social sciences, will learn about the destructive results that the War on Drugs has on public safety and public health. Matt is a former probation officer who gave up that position because of the racial bias and other failures of drug prohibition. Location: Room #306, City University – Renton Campus. Room #306, City University – Renton Campus Nov 17 05 "Why Your Country is Going Bankrupt Fighting the Drug War" 12:00 PM Jerry Cameron Jacksonville Florida USA Speaker Jerry Cameron presents "Why Your Country is Going Bankrupt Fighting the Drug War" when he meets with students and faculty of Jacksonville University. Jerry was Chief of Police of two small town departments for a total of eleven years and is a graduate of the 150th Session of the FBI National Academy, the DEA Basic Drug Enforcement Course, and two DEA Advanced Drug Enforcement Professional Institutes. Jerry will discuss a host of issues related to the failure of drug prohibition and why LEAP exists, what its goals and missions are and why the members of LEAP speak out against prohibition. Location: Jacksonville University. Room and building to be determined. Nov 22 05 Alcohol, Drugs, & Crime Class 06:30 PM Jason Fisher Kennesaw Georgia USA Michelle Emerson, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Kennesaw State University, welcomes Speaker Jason Fisher to her Alcohol, Drugs, & Crime Class for discussion of issues related to the failures of drug prohbition. These topics may include the increase in crime and corruption due to the enormous amount of money created by the black market of illegal drugs, the racial bias in America's judical system and what ordinary citizens can do to make a change for the better. Location: Kennesaw State University, Burress Building, Room 382A. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 20:45:33 PT Hope Are these children really the ones to change the world? We desperately need enlightened young people that can see what so many can't see now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Hope on November 14, 2005 at 20:40:11 PT Indigo Children I've heard of them, Taylor. Strange, isn't it? [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 20:04:46 PT Thanks Taylor It would be very nice if it happened. Since it is my state I quietly hope but stay out of it because I want to keep my focus on everyone and every state. I would be very happy though. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 20:01:08 PT Totally Off Topic I have been watching Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN and they just did a piece on Indigo Children. I never heard of this before and they said on CNN to do a google search and I did and found lots of information. Has anyone else ever heard about Indigo Children? It almost reminds me of a time back when the 60s was exploring different things for lack of a way of putting it in words right. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Taylor121 on November 14, 2005 at 19:46:03 PT Good Luck Ohio Get that thing passed! Good luck over there. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 19:27:53 PT Ohio Alert: Protect Sick Patients By Brandy ZinkNovember 14, 2005I am writing you to let you know about an important bill in the Ohio Senate that will protect sick patients and their caregivers. The bill is Senate Bill 74, the Ohio Marijuana Act sponsored by Senator Robert Hagan with the Ohio Patient Network. Ohio Patient Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit coalition of patients, caregivers, activists and medical professionals who support the compassionate use of cannabis for various medicinal purposes. Our mission is to coordinate information between patients, medical professionals, and attorneys, as well as to educate the public and keep the interested current with the movement`s news. To learn more about OPN and our efforts please visit: The Ohio Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA), otherwise known as Ohio SB 74 introduced by Senator Hagan, is currently in committee. That committee is the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice, chaired by Sen. Jim Jordan. Contact info for Sen. Jordan: Senator Jim Jordan Senate Building Room #128, First Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Telephone: 614/466-7584 Fax: 614/466-7662 Email: jjordan mailr.sen.state.oh.usThere is no better time than now to declare your support of sick patients in their fight for legal medicine. Please consider a written endorsement of SB 74 to help us in our work to secure the rights of patients in Ohio. Please feel free to write me with any questions. hempmother Power to the People, Brandy Zink, Vice President of the Ohio Patient Action Network [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by mayan on November 14, 2005 at 18:21:51 PT Just Say "Know" It's the only way to go!THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Rumor Mill - Steven Jones on Tucker Carlson Tonight! Professor Has Theory About 9/11 Attacks: Professor Has Plenty of Company in the Academic Community: Motives Of The Bush Administration - By Dr. David Ray Griffin: [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 17:24:05 PT JSM I think there are a few reasons but here is what I believe. Native Americans religion goes back a long time and Peyote has been used for religious purposes all along I think. They are not Christian. The mainstream Christian denominations that are accepted by our current society do not believe in using Cannabis for religious purposes. That to me is why a line has been drawn. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by JSM on November 14, 2005 at 17:11:56 PT: Just venting.... Why is it that the Native Americans can use Peyote to touch God and we can not. Why is our government too frightened to allow all Americans to do the same - whether with cannabis or any other non-addictive substance. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by charmed quark on November 14, 2005 at 16:37:42 PT Sativex and arthritis Just saw this reported in my local paper. A study reported in the British journal Rheumatology says Sativex was shown to offer significant reduction of pain, improvement in quality of sleep, and reduction of inflammation in rheumatoid arthristis. At doses low enough not to cause a "high".I imagine the results probably also apply to ordinary osteoarthritis. This can be huge, given the number of people who have or will develop arthritis.The article implies whole cannaabis is needed for the cannabdiol to reduce inflammation. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by siege on November 14, 2005 at 16:02:24 PT Afghan Recovery Report afghanistan homeCannabis Next Target in War on Drugs [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 14:26:13 PT Dankhank Thanks, I just didn't want you to think I missed it. I really like AlterNet. It has a good cross section of news. So many total news web sites seem to be gearing just to the men online. I think AlterNet has news that will be of interest to both sexes and that makes me feel included if that makes sense. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Dankhank on November 14, 2005 at 14:11:12 PT posting FoMNo problem, I know that Alternet keeps some stories up for a while ...This apparently one of them.You do a super job ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Richard Zuckerman on November 14, 2005 at 12:52:53 PT: SPEAKING OF IMPROVING THE CURRICULUM OF SCHOOLS!!! I. Please read the article in about their plan to ask Congress THIS COMING FRIDAY to sponsor their Draft Bill which would decentralize the curriculum of public schools so that the students would not be fed nonsense about the benefits of United Nations membership and gun control laws? II.Please ask your local Board of Education, PTA, to improve the curriculum of public schools so that the students are taught the dark side of government, e.g.: [1] The history of the Right to keep and bear arms,,; [2] The history of the Marijuana laws as described in SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA,; [click on THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES at the top of the Web page to download the book?]; [Mr. Loftus is a retired lawyer employed with the U.S. Dept. of Justice Nazi Hunter section, author of the book entitled THE SECRET WAR AGAINST THE JEWS, curator of a Jewish museum in Florida, who claims that the GRANDFATHER AND GREAT GRANDFATHER OF PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH AND ONE OF THE ROCKEFELLERS PROVIDED 40% OF ADOLPH HITLER'S STEEL AND PROVIDED STANDARD OIL OF NEW JERSEY SHIPMENTS DURING AN OIL EMBARGO AT BROWN HARRIMAN BROTHERS LOCATED ON THE 300 BLOCK OF BROADWAY IN NEW YORK CITY. THAT'S RIGHT, PEOPLE! THOSE WHO VOTED FOR PRESIDENT BUSH VOTED FOR A NAZI SUPPORTER!!!!];; [3] The history of public schools, that goverment schools were not intended to educate Americans, but rather were intended to create good warehouse workers of medium intellect, see, e.g.,; [4] The platform of Libertarian Party,, and Green Party,; [5] The authority of a juror to render a verdict based on his/her conscience despite the trial court's instructions of law to the contrary, [6] The plan of the Council on Foreign Relations to eliminate the International Borders between Mexico-U.S. and Canada-U.S. by the year 2010, which would repeal our U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions and we would fall under United Nations law which does not have many individual freedoms,;; [7] The pharmaceutical cartel consisting of the Rockefeller Group and Rothschilds. Read the article on the web entitled "The Pharmaceutical certel's 'business of disease'", by typing "Dr. Rath Health Foundation" into any search engine. [8] That the United States Central Intelligence Agency launders over $600 billion per year of drug money thru Wall Street, CitiBank and Deutsch Bank being the most notorious C.I.A. drug money laundering banks. See, e.g.: [9] That H.R. 4011, for Mercury Free Dentistry, has recently been submitted to Congress to outlaw Mercury amalgam dental fillings, that we should all support this Bill, for the reasons expressed in;; CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION/PTA, STATE EDUCATION COMMITTEES, FIND OUT THE MEETING DATES, TIMES, AND PLACES, ATTEND THESE MEETINGS, HEARINGS, AND EXPRESS YOURSELF ON THESE MATTERS?Richard Paul Zuckerman, Post Office Box 159, Metuchen, N.J., 08840-0159, richardzuckerman2002 [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 10:55:59 PT AlterNet There have been a few full news web sites that I have looked for news over the years. Reason interested me in the past until a few things made me realized they had an agenda. I liked World Net Daily for a while but AlterNet is really good. It covers issues that are important to me like the environment. I hope AlterNet continues to grow and bring us news that we can use to help bring change in our country. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on November 14, 2005 at 10:35:20 PT Dankhank I didn't want you to think I didn't want to post the article so here it is. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Dankhank on November 14, 2005 at 10:29:09 PT Sativex [ Post Comment ] Post Comment