Hemp Food Sales Grow 50 Percent Over Last Year Hemp Food Sales Grow 50 Percent Over Last Year Posted by CN Staff on November 01, 2005 at 14:03:54 PT Press Release Source: U.S. Newswire San Francisco -- As scores of leading American companies that make and sell a wide variety of consumer and manufacturing components made from hemp seed, oil and fiber meet in San Francisco November 3-4, new market research shows that many of these companies are experiencing strong growth in sales. The hemp retail sales figures to be presented at the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) annual meeting demonstrate that retail sales of hemp foods and body care made from hemp seed and oil continued their explosive growth and are fueling a major expansion in Canadian hemp farming. The data on annual retail sales of hemp food compiled by Leson & Associates shows a 50 percent increase, from an estimated $8 million during the 12-months reference period in 2003/04 to almost $12 million in 2004/05. During the same period, retail sales of hemp body care products grew by 15 percent from $35 million to about $40 million in 2004/05. Market wide data on the much larger sales of hemp fiber-based products such as clothing, paper and auto parts was not part of this new research, but should be available next year.The increasing consumer demand for hemp seed for food and body care continues to drive growth in hemp acreage in Canada, the main supplier of hemp seed products to the U.S. According to the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA), the trade association representing all sectors of the Canadian hemp industry, Canadian farmers planted over 24,000 acres of hemp in 2005. This is almost triple the 2004 acreage and 6 times the 2002 acreage of about 4,000 acres. Canadian farmers are reporting net profits of $200 to $250 per acre and are very pleased to have a successful alternative crop."Hemp food sales grew 50 percent last year but it didn't result in one single acre of industrial hemp being grown here in the United States because of the Drug Enforcement Adminstration's refusal to recognize hemp as distinct from marijuana," said Vote Hemp President, Eric Steenstra. "Hemp is the only crop legal to import to the United States yet illegal to grow. We have been saying for years that American farmers are being left out of this cash crop and this latest research is proof that the federal law banning hemp farming is outdated, irrational and hurting American farmers."Some members of Congress are trying to change the federal ban to allow states to regulate hemp farming. This summer H.R. 3037, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2005 was introduced but has yet to get a hearing and is unlikely to become law this year. Currently fourteen states have passed pro-hemp legislation.Greater demand for natural products and organic foods has encouraged new products made with hemp including auto parts such as car door panels, tree free paper, clothing and nutritious foods. In 2004 the HIA won a three year long court battle against the Drug Enforcement Administration to protect sales of hemp foods in the United States. "Removing the cloud the DEA put on the hemp food marketplace spurred a surge in the supply and consumption of healthy omega-3-rich hemp seed in America," says David Bronner, Chair of the HIA's Food and Oil Committee and President of Alpsnack/Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps. "Sales of hemp foods are protected, but U.S. farmers won't benefit without Congress taking action to fix the law."Contact: Adam Eidinger, 202-744-2671, for Vote HempBeta SP or DV Cam Video News Release Available Upon RequestComplete Title: Hemp Food Sales Grow 50 Percent Over Last Year; Canadian Farmers Triple Hemp Acreage to 24,000 in 2005, Says Vote HempSource: U.S. Newswire (Wire)Published: November 01, 2005Copyright: 2005 U.S. Newswire Contact: info usnewswire.comWebsite: Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #4 posted by Jim Lunsford on November 01, 2005 at 17:31:26 PT Reform is finally happening in government, probably due in a large part to the court ruling on campaign finance reform. Now, the big boys can't buy their votes so easily anymore. There is talk of a fairer income tax overhaul, over-hauling the farm subsidies, forest protection after wildfires, many things are happening to help protect the 99% of us that aren't bottomless money pits.One hope I have for the Supreme Court decision on the use of drugs in a religious ceremony, is the abolishment of the CSA as a political tool, rather than a protective element for the people. A long shot, but one can dream!I think these changes are indicative of the type of lifestyle a cannabis-based economy would prefer. After all, man has warred against nature for most of civilization. At least, openly, since the age of industrialzation. Or probably with the rise of the Roman Catholic Church (though that would be for more reasons than just Cannabis). And we have wreaked havoc with our environment as a result.The tides are changing though. And soon, I won't need to go to Canada to walk through fields of Cannabis higher than my head. We have a government that is shown as incompetent to it's own citizenry, and protective of big business over the needs of it's citizens. At least with the campaign finance reform, there can be a curb on the excessive corruption inherent in government. A government that ignores a grassroots movement the size and scope of this movement, which includes far more than just Cannabis, is bound to reap some serious change. Just ask old King George if you doubt that statement.Perhaps these reforms are just fluff to be bandied about to distract the masses. And this has happened before. However, these types of reforms generally have their way before long. Upton Sinclair never won the presidency, but I believe many of his socialist ideas were implemented shortly afterwards.It won't be long before the small farmers across America begin to exercise their right to protest when they see the profit potential in hemp. And, probably in medicinal Cannabis as well. And, I think the small farmers are crucial in an ideal Cannabis based economy. Thanks to all of you have done so much for all of this. Somehow, I think it's apparant that Cannabis is going to be legal soon. It's simply become too mainstream and it's many properties are too well known by too many people who really count. Those, being the more visionary business and social leaders. Peace, JimRev Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchTen Commandments: Laid aside by Christ, kept alive by Christians [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by afterburner on November 01, 2005 at 16:00:39 PT Cannabis: We are the fabric of our lives Wanted: Waterproof hemp. Anyone? Medical: the *first* re-legalized beneficial use of cannabis. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Jim Lunsford on November 01, 2005 at 15:39:23 PT Mayan I don't believe the public is in a mood to listen so sympathetically to the oil companies and pharmaceutical companies anymore. Not with the people being ticked off about the record profits. Or the 50-100,000 people killed with one drug alone. There is a lot of money to be made by a lot more people when we legalize Cannabis in all it's forms. I really see a windfall for real small business in our future. Not that there won't be a need for big corporations, just that hemp is a lot more communal than oil or the drug companies. My opinion anyway.There are simply too many people out there interested in utilizing this wonderful plant. And all of these movements are finally coming to a head in a remarkable grass roots movement. Maybe there is hope for us in this remarkable journey we call life. I like to think so anyway.Rev Jim LunsfordFirst Cannabist ChurchCannabis: We are the fabric of our lives [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by mayan on November 01, 2005 at 15:22:45 PT Hemp Time "Hemp food sales grew 50 percent last year but it didn't result in one single acre of industrial hemp being grown here in the United States because of the Drug Enforcement Adminstration's refusal to recognize hemp as distinct from marijuana," said Vote Hemp President, Eric Steenstra. "Hemp is the only crop legal to import to the United States yet illegal to grow. We have been saying for years that American farmers are being left out of this cash crop and this latest research is proof that the federal law banning hemp farming is outdated, irrational and hurting American farmers."The DEA knew hemp food sales would really take off but tried to ban it anyway in the hopes of delaying the inevitable. Regardless, the inevitable is here and hemp's time has come as the big secret is no longer secret. The cat has clawed itself out of the bag and boy, is he pissed!!!The main industries that are screwing Americans out of their money are the ones fighting to keep cannabis in all of it's forms illegal. Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical companies know this miraculous plant's time has come and maybe that's why they are taking us for all we're worth while they still can. Every American who is tired of being lied to,manipulated,intimidated,ripped off,caged and/or poisoned would be wise to support industrial hemp products.SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA: The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization: WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Indicted Libby Assigned Same Judge Who Denied Sibel Edmonds: Has Elite Interests Running Scared: had DNA samples of 9/11 terrorists before attack:'s really behind 9/11?'Intelligence failures' prior to 9/11, Iraq war: Planned strategies? importance of understanding 9/11 (video): 9/11 Video - WTC Demolition Set to Bach:'Strength – Honor – Compassion' are words to live by in these times: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment