Executives Who Inhale Executives Who Inhale Posted by CN Staff on July 25, 2005 at 07:54:21 PT By Matthew Flamm Source: New York Business New York -- Some New York executives unwind in the evening with a glass of wine. Others go out for a beer. And some take the edge off in a way they rarely discuss with their colleagues. Particularly in the summer, when children are at camp, these Gothamites are kicking back in a fashion reminiscent of their college days. "When my son's away, I keep my bong and my bag out on the dining room table," says Jim, co-owner of a furniture manufacturing company, who, like every other pot smoker interviewed in this article, asked not to be identified. "It makes me feel young again. Despite the ongoing war on drugs and the stigma surrounding any illegal activity, a certain portion of the New York business community never turned in its rolling papers. For many of these otherwise law-abiding citizens, taking a few tokes of their favorite illicit substance is simply their preferred way to decompress. Though they might conceal their after-hours smoking from their co-workers, they insist that, used in moderation, the evil weed doesn't have to hurt job performance. "It's an asset to the conceptualizing part of the business," Jim says. "It's a liability to the implementation part." Among New York professionals, smokers tend to be discreet, even when children aren't in the picture. There's too much to lose from being typecast as a stoner. After all, Cheech and Chong--the pothead comedians of the 1970s--weren't exactly known for productivity."It's not something I would discuss with clients, even if they brought the subject up," says Sam, who has his own architecture firm. "And I only smoke with close friends." Most PopularBut statistics suggest that some of those clients are probably indulging as well. According to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, 97 million Americans have smoked marijuana at least once, and it is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States.In the marijuana underground, New York has a reputation not only for widespread use but for the buying habits of its upscale users. City dwellers fork over as much as $600 an ounce for top-quality product, while dealers brag about selling strains grown from winners of the Amsterdam Cannabis Cup. The city is also famous for its efficient delivery services. "It's the only place in the country where you can get cannabis delivered, uptown and downtown, faster than pizza or Chinese food," says Allen St. Pierre, the executive director of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, based in Washington. New York is also known for strict enforcement of laws against marijuana. Under the Giuliani administration, marijuana-related arrests peaked in 2000 at about 74,000; about 90% of those busts were for possession. Arrests for grass have dropped by more than half under Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to about 34,000 last year--a number that still makes the city among the national leaders in marijuana arrests per capita, according to NORML. Though there is disagreement about government policy, even critics of the laws warn that heavy pot use can stunt ambition and accomplishment, as well as destroy personal relationships. Growing Use"Marijuana is the most difficult drug to get people to give up, because it allows them to keep functioning," says Andrew Park, a Manhattan psychotherapist who specializes in addiction. "You can't see the damage to a person's life that you would if they were smoking crack or shooting dope."But neither the law nor the dangers of abuse have dampened the nation's appetite for cannabis: the government's survey recorded 15 million current users in 2003, compared with 10 million in 1995. "Alcohol dulls everything," says Abe, a litigator at a Manhattan law firm who says he would rather toke than imbibe. "Pot sharpens certain things, like creativity."Marijuana is also the one illicit substance that appears to enjoy widespread appeal across social and economic lines."Lawyers, accountants, actors, cooks ... I deal with people across the board," says Jason, who has been selling marijuana full time in New York since 1996. "From people living in hellholes who can't really afford it, to people whose secretaries I have to talk to before I can talk to them."But longtime aficionados find that, just like the sports they played in college, the drug is something they can no longer partake of as often as they did when they were young."The lifestyle changed when I had kids," says Bill, who manages a short-term apartment complex in midtown Manhattan and smokes only on those rare occasions when his children are not around. "Yet I still have a roach, wrapped in aluminum foil, in the back of my sock drawer." Source: New York Business (NY)Author: Matthew Flamm Published: July 25, 2005 Copyright: 2005 Crain Communications Inc. Contact: MFlamm Crain.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #50 posted by Hope on July 28, 2005 at 12:13:55 PT Mad Cow Avoid processed and seasoned beef products.Avoid minerals and supplements, such as gelatin, derived from beef by products.Eat lightly and with a bit of caution.Pray.We've spoken of it, before, Patrick. I'm sure. Maybe. It sucks. Thank you, Lovers of Money! and not lovers of Humanity, nor God.It is transmissable through blood donations.Heat, such as high temperature boiling for extended periods of time and under pressure even, does not kill it. Therefore there is danger in the "purified" bovine derived product.European candy and candies or whatever made with European beef tallow products or bone prodcuts, including gelatin, became carriers of bent prions.While I haven't been in Europe or eaten beef there or got a blood transfusion there, I have enjoyed my share of European candies, treats, and sweets.Don't encourage children to eat beef products of doubtful origin. There is some thought that they build up over years of consumption...those bent prions or whatever they are that are one of the hallmarks of Bovine JCD. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by Hope on July 28, 2005 at 11:58:30 PT In reply to 47 :-) [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by Patrick on July 28, 2005 at 07:13:18 PT Mad Cow Surprised to see a discussion on Mad Cow here. My only experience with mad cow disease was that I use to give blood to the red cross or the local blood banks through work. Nothing in the paperwork ever said I couldn't donate if I smoked cannabis but several years ago the questionaire changed and I had to check a box that I had lived in Europe some twenty odd years ago. Well no more blood donations are accepted from me. So now I find other ways to give back to my community. The very same community that makes a criminal of me for smoking an herb. No point here other than just hoping I don't go mad cow in the future? Perhaps smoking the cannabis keeps it at bay? [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by unkat27 on July 28, 2005 at 07:13:00 PT Hope, comment 28 "ignore my conscience...""don't do that."Hope, you don't know my conscience. If i don't ignore it once in a while, it drives me insane. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by Hope on July 28, 2005 at 06:46:37 PT FoM, "making sense" You seem to be to me. I know what you are talking about. [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by Hope on July 28, 2005 at 06:44:22 PT Link [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by jose melendez on July 28, 2005 at 06:29:52 PT having a cow? One of my published letters to the editor addressed this issue:"Cannabis seed is illegal, yet we feed animals to animals instead. Sounds like an antitrust law and human-rights violation to me. Criminalize prohibition. It's not just the hypocrisy. It's the fraud and corruption, stupid. " also:Farmers low at hemp ban for cows for those in law enforcement without fingers in ears, eyes closed and shouting [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by FoM on July 28, 2005 at 05:44:58 PT Hope You said: Turns out this, obviously, hugely against the laws of nature, idea had some serious unintended results.I agree with you totally. In the Bible in Leviticus it says not to do this either. The book of Leviticus is a book of health and not a book of judgement in my opinion. Don't do this or that or the results will be devastating. I don't know if I'm making sense but the laws of nature should not be broken or the results are Mad Cow and other terrible diseases. [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by Hope on July 28, 2005 at 05:33:49 PT I've said this before about Mad Cow... But I'll say it again. Back years ago when news of this terrible disease flaring up started coming out of Europe I became very concerned. At that time, instead of stopping producing feed with ground up "usable" cattle processing waste in it, which was the source of the problem, they came up with a "Warning" label to put on the sacks of the devil's concoction of “economical” and “efficient” feed, that included considerable amounts of the animal’s own species ground into the feed supplements for these vegetarian animals. (Think bone meal, dried organs and desiccated blood (blood meal), etc.) Producers and scientists forced species cannabalism on animals that would never have chosen to naturally commit such an act.Turns out this, obviously, hugely against the laws of nature, idea had some serious unintended results. Bovine-CJD, and it could and would transmit to humans who ate the "product". Government promised the all protecting label soon and that it would work to prevent Bovine-CJD happening wholesale here in the United States. I started watching for the warning on feed sacks. The wonderful "safe guard" for Americans and their offspring finally arrived. To save us from an outbreak of Bovine-CJD, producers, forced by the government, clearly and prominently “labeled” the animal feed containing ground up, processed animal bones, including spines and skulls, brains, and blood, to prevent it's being fed to cattle, that might enter the food supply.The warning wasn't big or bright or bold. It was black…like the other printing on the sack, about an inch tall, in the middle lower portion of the sack, on the back, as I remember, with no explanation as to “what”, “why”, or “how”, and surrounded by other printed information of varying sizes. What did it say?"DO NOT FEED TO RUMINANTS".Not one person I knew, that I questioned, who fed animals had noticed it. On consideration after my asking, they all quickly concluded that, had they noticed the warning in the first place, they would have quickly concluded, forgetting any Agricultural studies they had ever done, if they had done any formally, that they didn't own any "ruminants", and gone on with their chore, feeding the cattle.Those “usable waste products” should have been processed into “economical” and more natural, fertilizer for the soil.The "Money" won again. [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by FoM on July 27, 2005 at 13:16:14 PT More on Mad Cow Suspect Mad Cow Animal Born in U.S. - USDAWednesday 27 July 2005WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) - An animal suspected of having mad cow disease appeared to have been born in the United States, the Agriculture Department said on Wednesday. "All indications that we have at this point in time is that this is a domestic animal," USDA Chief Veterinarian John Clifford said. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by FoM on July 27, 2005 at 12:58:08 PT Hope Something has to be done. I am very sensitive to diseases that can be prevented if the public knows the truth. I have seen exotic diseases where I live and I never want to see the plague again. Once was enough. That's was the worst thing as far as disease I have ever dealt with. All because of fleas on chipmunks! [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 12:55:50 PT Water I worry about it even more than oil. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 12:54:11 PT Not to mention mosquitos, chiggers, fleas, and ticks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 12:53:27 PT Mad cow has worried me for years and years. It worries me, too that many people still have to wage daily battle with vermin, like rats, mice, roaches, and lice. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 12:31:12 PT Nick Comment 30 Ok. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on July 27, 2005 at 12:15:01 PT Off Topic But Relevant Instead of hassling people about Cannabis how about doing something about Mad Cow in Texas cattle! I mind them protecting the stock market when it comes to our nations health.***Potential 'Mad Cow' Case Under InvestigationWASHINGTON (AP) — The government is investigating another possible case of mad cow disease, an Agriculture Department official said Wednesday. Testing indicated the presence of the disease in a cow that died on the farm where it lived, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the department had not yet announced the news. The official would not say where the farm was. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on July 27, 2005 at 11:44:35 PT Nicholas I care about abuses in prison. I believe that prisoners should have the right to practice their religion. Don't you like Muslims? I sure don't have a problem with them. I think all religions have a right to worship their god not just this country and what they believe. I don't know much about the Clinton years but it sure wasn't like this administration. They sure hounded Clinton about his personal life which means nothing to me. There is no comparison. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 27, 2005 at 11:35:46 PT Agreed, FoM... ...but I'm still awaiting liberal Demorats of Durbin's ilk who worry more about foreigners than American citizens to speak out & even more important, take action against the war on marijuana (not one decrim bill has been introduced by any Democrat in either body of Congress). I've yet to hear any of them (liberal Democrats) take to the floor to seriously decry the murderous war on drugs where a man is killed in front of his son, but they worry about whether the friggin Koran is respected by American troops at Gitmo who are called racist names and spit upon by these murderous thugs (I refuse to call them terrorists -- they are murderists and don't cause "terror" in me and only strengthen my resolve to support the elimination of them -- no matter what it takes -- from the face of the earth). Yes: the last five years were under a Republican administration and things have gotten worse. That is not to say that under eight years of Clinton things were any better (check out the mj arrest stats during those years which in some cases, were just as bad).Okie dokie? THIMMESCH is still a Friend of FoM... [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by FoM on July 27, 2005 at 11:18:40 PT Nicholas I don't follow politics but I know that all that has happened in the last five years is because of the Republican Party. No one will ever convince me otherwise. I wish the Republican Party would mature instead of being so mean and hateful. They condescend and who do they think they are? They mean nothing to me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 27, 2005 at 10:57:10 PT One more thing... long as liberal idiots like Senator "Dick" Durbin worry more about murderous thugs at Club Gitmo than he does about American citizens on their native soil suffering this:Twenty-nine-year-old Scott Bryant had just settled down to watch TV with his 7-year-old son on the night of April 17, 1995, when 13 Wisconsin sheriff’s deputies burst through his front door looking for marijuana. Bryant, who was unarmed, was shot and killed as his young son helplessly looked on. Police seized less than 3 grams of marijuana in the no-knock raid. On review, the county district attorney ruled that the shooting was “not in any way justified.” Bryant was a victim — not of marijuana, but of marijuana prohibition....then I'd say we've lost. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 27, 2005 at 10:50:36 PT Well, with all due respect to Ethan and Hope... ..this don't mean squat:"If medical marijuana seems tough to regulate in San Francisco, blame the federal government. The feds are in a fix. More than two-thirds of Americans support the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. Every state ballot initiative, beginning with California's Proposition 215 in 1996, has passed, often by wide margins. Medical marijuana bills are passing in state legislatures, often with support from Republican governors and lawmakers." long as the feds run rampant, floor sweepers at Walmart have to piss in cups and the ONDCP makes marijuana America's Number One Enemy & has millions of taxpayer dollars to do so.Given up: nope. Pragmatic about acknowledging that the situation has actually gone BACKWARDS in the last five years: yes.Yes: we have lost, for now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 10:15:54 PT Nick "...we lost."We all lost, Nick. We all lost alot of good things to the war on drugs. They did, we did, we all did. We are all still losing good things to the war on drugs. Heck...that's what we are all so mad about isn't it? That's why we are resisting the best we can by speaking up. Speaking out. Trying to get some truth out there.Is love alive? [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Hope on July 27, 2005 at 10:09:35 PT UnKat comment 18 "... ignore my conscience,..." Don't do that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 27, 2005 at 09:59:17 PT 10-4 Billos... ...I have a friend who's a headhunter in LA and he tells me that so many top executives use pot "recreationally" that one of the top things they ask is what kind of "health" tests are conducted as part of employment. He tells me that corps are so anxious to have these guys/gals that they even make mention in their "package" offer that drug testing is not part of the health screen. Now try to get a job sweeping floors at Walmart without peeing into a cup.I worked for years in politics and on The Hill: after working for NORML for a few years I know that I'll never work in that biz again. Numerous friends who do fear drug testing more than anything in their life.Sadly, one of my lifelong buddies was so anxious about possible drug testing that not only did he give up pot but he gave up any & all friends who did still smoke pot, worried that he might test positive from second hand smoke (highly unlikely you would test postive from second hand pot smoke). We used to watch Redskins games religiously but no I've said: in many, many ways, the drug war has been won and we lost.Meanwhile: O.J. & Michael Jackson walk free......... [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by knowhemp on July 26, 2005 at 18:07:13 PT holy annointing anyone here read chris bennet's 'sex, drugs, violence and the bible'? - i have not - it's available through a rogue publisher 'forbidden fruit' and i am dying to get my hands on a copy. my understanding is that chris has presented a good body of evidence which states that the recipe for the holy annointing oil of god calls for 9 pounds of cannabis!! and that the hebrew to greek translation is wrong in asking for calamus (which is a lethal poison). true christians must be annointed in this fashion, i gather;although i was spared the catholic upbringing, myself (thanks mom!) sounds crazy? i don't know, whats so wild about that? there was most definitely cannabis in the area at the time. how about 'cannas'? kaneh bos? also 'google' (or 'lycos') 'shebat' the egyptian godess of record keeping and tell me that's not a cannabis leaf above her head. the 'tree of life'? artists depictions show it a bit differently, and explain it as a 'rosette or star' but if you check out the photos of the hieroglyphics...;) [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by billos on July 26, 2005 at 15:23:47 PT .................Nick................. I come from a long line of corporate employment and can tell you that the senior managers DO NOT get drug tested. No matter what their habits may be, the CFO only demands pre-employment drug testing of lower level employees because their Company gets BIG tax breaks from the Fed for instituting a "Drug Free Work Place". Executives are "Owners" by means of being officers of the company. Do politicians get drug tested???/...No. Do judges get tested?....NO. Is the Fed going to demand proof that the owner of a company is tested?....HELL NO.This is only ONE reason I left the corporate world at 49 and changed careers. I am now 53 and struggling to start over in the IT field. As hard as my life has been lately....NO regrets. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on July 26, 2005 at 14:09:57 PT unkat27 I jumped thru the hoops of Catholism when I was young but by the age of 25 or so I knew I would never call myself a Catholic again. Once you know that many of the things taught were way off base it's hard to follow a religion anymore. Organized religion is basically a way of controlling groups of people and I think that is dangerous. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by unkat27 on July 26, 2005 at 13:42:25 PT FoM Re Catholicism: Too much hypocrisy for me. Too draconian, too medieval. I've got nothing against a firm disciplinary base for kids, but the least they can let us do is get over it when we become adults. Instead, what we have is the religious right and the government treating all Americans, kids and adults, like they don't know whats good for them and need to be punished for every little thing that they don't approve of. Power mad control-freaks who love the dictatorial abuse of that power that they have more than the savior they worship. To hell with 'em! hypocrites.Btw, Carlin has only a short part in Dogma, but it's very funny. There are lots of characters in it, it's a tale of many different people somehow colliding by coincidence with the same purpose. Who's taking the Blame for Christian Violence? [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on July 26, 2005 at 13:21:52 PT unkat27 You're name makes sense. I never saw George Carlin's movie Dogma but I'll keep my eyes opened for it. I'm glad I went to Catholic school because I liked the order that was kept compared to public schools. I liked uniforms because no one knew who was rich or poor by the clothes they wore and that kept us fairly equal. Being raised a Catholic made me learn to ask why. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by unkat27 on July 26, 2005 at 13:08:21 PT FoM Raised and programmed to be a god-fearing, humble Catholic servant of the lord, yep, unfortunately. But I've pretty much rejected the draconian beliefs and favor Martin Luther for helping the poor fella off the dang cross. This is one of the roots of my moniker 'unkat'. Nothing to do with 'cats', I love cats, its the 'Catholic' church that I am 'un' about.George Carlin? Yeah, he's good for Catholic jokes alright. If you didn't see him in DOGMA (the movie), you should. He played a Catholic bishop that wanted to integrate Capitalism and commercialism fully into the local church systems, to help raise money and revive its popularity. Very satirical and funny movie. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 26, 2005 at 12:42:40 PT Billos... ...asks an excellent question:Would love to know if these smoking executives drug test their employees.A first thought might be no, that they, like any employee are subject to pre-employment or during employment, random testing. On the other hand: maybe they are exempt (since they get to write the rules) or receive another ploy by large companies in need of top executives that forgo drug testing of top executives during recruitment. Some "headhunters" even use no drug testing as an added incentive.Naturally: this is typical of corporate greed & hypocracy.But it's a question that the article did not address. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on July 26, 2005 at 12:29:00 PT unkat27 Oh no you were raised Catholic too! I also went to Catholic school. I remember when I heard George Carlin's comedy album about the Church the first time. I thought it was great. I felt so disconnected and was a serious non conformist and drove a couple Sisters and a Priest a little crazy! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by unkat27 on July 26, 2005 at 12:22:25 PT Agree with Ya'll I agree with Riptide and Afterburner and Hope and all the others who disagreed with this article's conclusion that marijuana makes people less productive.My life is the best living proof that I have that such a conclusion is way wrong. On the contrary, I have found that I am 'more productive' when I use marijuana (more creative too!). There is a deep psychological reason for this, at least for me. First of all, I was raised under the strict humility of Roman Catholic dogma and ignorance, which dictates that humans are just 'servants' of the lord, and as such, cannot expect any reward for all their hard work, aside from the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, a secure place to sleep). Forget about sexual foreplay. We were taught that sex was only for married people and for making babies. Anyone who had sex outside of marraige for 'fun' would contract veneral disease and burn in hell after they died. (I actually believed this BS until I was 18 y.o.!)Secondly, my family has a history of alcohol abuse. It didn't take me long to figure out why. With the constant threat of being severly punished and damned to hell for having sex for fun hanging over our conscience, we all needed something to help us forget. Alcohol did that and we have all suffered because of it.Third, the effect of both Catholic humility and alcohol on my state of mind and body was very dysfunctional. For all the effort I put into my work, I received very little reward and it became a pointless waste of time. Alcohol simply made me careless and destructive, it did nothing for my state of mind. My artistic efforts were nothing but mediocre failures without value.Finally, after I discovered marijuana, I realized I could escape the entrappings that the Catholic Church put on my mental program, ignore my conscience, and just be the way i wanted to be. Getting high on ganja is a way to get the demonic monkey off my back, the burden of my past that keeps me depressed, and it helps to open my eyes to see beyond the smokey glass of dismal black and white ignorance placed upon my mind by the Catholic Church. The full effect has been a fully creative escape in which my artistic pursuits have value, despite all the bad criticism I have received in the past. My Cannabis Constructiveness [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by afterburner on July 26, 2005 at 06:11:50 PT Thanks, JSM "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." That's one of my favorite quotations; an alternative: "No army can resist the strength of an idea whose time has come." "Hurry up, I just can't wait "I gotta do it now I can't be late "I know I'm not afraid I gotta get out the door "If I don't do it now I won't get anymore "You try to criticize my drive "If I lose I don't feel paralyzed "It's not the game it's how you play "And if I fall I get up again now[Chorus:]"I get up again, over and over "I get up again, over and over "I get up again, over and over "I get up again, over and over"excerpt from Madonna Lyrics - Over And Over Lyrics know that Madonna is not popular with some folks. However, my own personal breed of musical fascism says that good music is good music no matter who sings it and truth is truth no matter who writes it. Madonna Lyrics - Over And Over Lyrics [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by JSM on July 26, 2005 at 05:49:48 PT: Having hope Have no fear, the universe is unfolding in all perfection. These horrible, insane, just simply bad laws are going to change and cannabis will be restored. There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. All these falsehoods and deceptions are being revealed little by little. Even this article, although far from perfect, is simply further evidence of the changing tide. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by billos on July 26, 2005 at 03:56:33 PT .......Would love to know if........ these smoking executives drug test their employees [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by afterburner on July 25, 2005 at 22:15:04 PT O, No? "After all, Cheech and Chong--the pothead comedians of the 1970s--weren't exactly known for productivity."How many movies, record albums, and skits did Cheech and Chong write and perform over the years of their peak popularity? Not "known for productivity"? You should try to match their energetic creativity, Mr. Matthew Flamm. Methinks you are confusing their stage personas with their actual lives. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by ekim on July 25, 2005 at 21:13:09 PT glad you are feeling better ---- epoh:) Howard is coming to Michigan. see his route and help him and his horse Misty if you can. A sandwich and a beer for Howard and a bunch of carrots for Misty. Maybe a place to lay their heads. Everyone can offer something if just coming out and honking the horn. Have you radio station and tv station go interview Howard. Milwaukee - July 20...then back to Madison to rest and speak till July 27Chicago – July 31Gary, IN – Aug. 2Benton Harbor/St. Joseph, MI – August 5Kalamazoo, MI – August 7 & 8Lansing, MI – August 11, speaking thru 18Dearborn – August 22 Jul 26 05 Madison Monona Rotary 12:00 PM Howard Wooldridge Madison Wisconsin USA Members of the Madison Monona Rotary welcome Board Member Howard Wooldridge to lunch and discussion of issues caused by America's failed policies of drug prohibition. No doubt many members will want to discuss Howard's cross country journey to end the war on drugs and his dedication to the cause. Follow Howard's journey at Jul 27 05 Mt. Horeb Rotary 12:00 PM Howard Wooldridge Mt. Horeb Wisconsin USA Board Member Howard Wooldridge is a welcomed guest of the Mt. Horeb Rotary Club. At this meeting, Howard will be discussing a myriad of issues related to America's failed drug policies. Topics could range from mandatory minimum sentencing to medical marijuana to the relationship between drug prohibition and crime. Also a topic of discussion wil be Howard's cross country journey to end the war on drugs. Follow Howard's journey at Jul 27 05 "It's Time for a Change" 08:30 PM Howard Wooldridge Rockford/Belford Illinois USA Thomas Meeks, host of "It's Time for a Change" from Channel 17 public access cable for Rockford and Belford, IL, will interview Board Member Howard Wooldridge about his cross country trip to end America's failed war on drugs and other issues related to America's racially biased and failed war on drugs. Follow Howard on his journey at Aug 15 05 East Lansing Rotary 12:00 PM Howard Wooldridge Lansing Michigan USA Members of the East Lansing Rotary Club welcome Board Member Howard Wooldridge for lunch and discussion of issues related to the failure of drug prohibition. Sure to be discussed is how America's failed drug policies are delivering terror to our inner-city streets, diverting police from more important issues, clogging our courts, breaking up families, and making a once-proud America quite literally the incarceration capital of the world. Howard will also be discussing the drug warriors refusal to provide any logical explanation for their failed positions, while at the same time refusing to discuss possible alternatives. Follow Howard on his cross country trip to end America's failed war on drugs at [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 20:39:16 PT Alas! "Shooting stars. That's all we are."Some shine brighter at times and some make a bigger fuss along the way. Their "stardom" Cheech and Chong shined pretty brightly in the comedy world. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 20:35:28 PT Dankhank comment 5 Maybe she means, "...not as productive as some other geniuses seem to be able to be." [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 20:08:14 PT I agree "Jose is waging peace on the war against people in the name of drugs." [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 18:42:42 PT knowhemp comment 7 We "ought" to be able to share it like aloe vera. At the very least we should be able to share it like wine. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 18:40:17 PT comment 7 "freaks". Yes, they do exist. They are very thoroughly "hypnotized" and "possessed" by the years of lies, demonizing, and propaganda they've been exposed to. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by knowhemp on July 25, 2005 at 17:47:41 PT hiding in the bushes i think more people would be relieved to find out ganja was legal recreationally than there would be people bummed from lost profits. its a shame; you could probably casually talk about it with most individuals too if it weren't for the occassional freak who likens it to crack so they call the cops or your boss on you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by AgaetisByrjun on July 25, 2005 at 13:45:19 PT If I'm not mistaken... "pipe dreams" refer to opium, which is/was famed for inducing euphoric dreams or visions (like Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kublai Khan"). [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Dankhank on July 25, 2005 at 10:17:28 PT Not productive? seven albums ... or three movies ...! Leave them boys alone ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by runruff on July 25, 2005 at 10:15:10 PT: So true! Jose is waging peace on the war against people in the name of drugs. Mostly the war against a plant. Ludicrous at best. The feds have a war going on at least four fronts. Iraq, Afganastan, home terror and of course the 35 year war on it's on people for exercising their constitutional rights to persue happieness in their own chosen way. Not to mention their right to choose their own medicine, Where does any government get off thinking they have the right to choose our medicine. {Hello Stalin]. Senator Graham of Colorato admitted the "Med Pot" issue was all about stabelizing the economy. Not patient rights. Not about compassion. But his 100 thosand dollar contibutions from the governernment sanctioned criminal drug companies.Good Morning all.Namaste [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Jim Lunsford on July 25, 2005 at 09:42:56 PT The Corporate Dictatorship..... that is America is once again unleashing a new front against it's citizens. If you recall, in the Supreme Court decision concerning medical marijuana, the court forced the government to define medicine as "pure, refined, and synthetic." That decision is being used to take vitamins and other health food supplements off the shelf and into the doctor's office. Please visit the following site to learn more:http://www.nha2004.comFax numbers and names are available to make your voice heard. Thanks to everyone, and especially to Jose for helping me to realize how little I have done to help wage peace in this movement. Reverend Jim [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by riptide on July 25, 2005 at 08:13:17 PT Pipe Dreams The phrase "Pipe Dream" as far as i know, is usually used to describe the big ideas that pot smokers have after smoking. These ideas themselves are an indication of ambition as far as i can figure. Someone with no ambition wouldnt even be able to imagine these things. To top that off some of the most successful people i know are pot smokers, just like these people in this article are. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Sam Adams on July 25, 2005 at 08:01:56 PT Libel I think Abe, the stoner litigator, should sue the author's pants off for this:"Though there is disagreement about government policy, even critics of the laws warn that heavy pot use can stunt ambition and accomplishment, as well as destroy personal relationships."Can a plant be slandered? Note the mention of un-named "critics of the law". I would very much like to know which MJ reformers agreed that cannabis stunts ambition. Imaginary folk, perhaps? Little Puritan fairies, flitting about at night, only to vanish in the daylight of properly sourced journalism? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment