Marijuana Case Dismissed Marijuana Case Dismissed Posted by CN Staff on July 22, 2005 at 06:37:02 PT By Susan Cunningham, Pilot & Today Staff Source: Steamboat Pilot & Today Colorado -- Don Nord's medical marijuana battle might be coming to an end, at least in the courtrooms.Late Tuesday afternoon, a federal judge dismissed the case brought by Nord in an attempt to recover the 2 ounces of medicinal marijuana that was seized from his home Oct. 14, 2003. Soon after the seizure, the Grand, Routt and Moffat Narcotics Enforcement Team officers who confiscated the marijuana were ordered by Routt County Judge James Garrecht to return it to Nord, but they did not. The U.S. Attorney's Office then entered the case on behalf of the officers, and the case entered federal court.A refusal to return the marijuana is not a reason to hold those officers in contempt of court, U.S. District Court Judge Walker Miller's order said. The officers were acting as federal officers and didn't overstep their roles, the order stated. Because using and growing marijuana is illegal according to federal law, the officers were acting appropriately, even though marijuana is allowed for medical purposes under Colorado law. Medicinal marijuana also is allowed in 10 other states.Miller's ruling refers to the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause, which says that federal law overrides state law when the two are in conflict. The ruling falls in line with a June 6 U.S. Supreme Court decision that federal authorities can prosecute people growing and using marijuana for medicinal purposes.Nord's attorney, Kris Hammond, was out of town Wednesday and could not be reached for comment. Nord said that without Hammond's advice, he did not know whether his legal fight was over."If it's over, then it stands to reason that the government's standing behind their decision the whole way," Nord said. "But at least we gave them a good run."At least I feel that I have tried to accomplish something for us medical-marijuana people."Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Colorado, said the victory would be most felt by the officers and agencies "who were following the letter of the law and were facing punishment because of that."Also important, the ruling affirms existing laws and doesn't change them, Dorschner said. Therefore, the ruling won't change the focus of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Colorado, which consistently has been on large-scale drug traffickers, Dorschner said. If, during an investigation, federal agents find someone with medical marijuana, they are required to seize it because it is an illegal drug, he said."But it is not our intent to do anything other than continue to focus our attention on large-scale traffickers," Dorschner said.Nord, 59, of Hayden, is one of 668 Coloradans registered with the state to use marijuana for medicinal purposes. He has suffered from kidney and prostate cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, blood clots and a heart condition, and has lived on Social Security for 20 years. His monthly check is for $673.Nord said he's lost friends because of his involvement in the case. People he was close to before -- some of whom use marijuana -- no longer stay in touch because they're worried that being associated with him could get them in trouble. He worries constantly that he'll find his home swarming with officers there to take away his marijuana plants. Nord recently received his updated registration as a medical marijuana user from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. This year, a memo was sent updating users about the Supreme Court's recent ruling. The last line read: "Colorado registry patients should remain aware of the potential for federal prosecution."Still, Nord will keep selling his T-shirts and bumper stickers, hoping to raise funds for his cause. His battle has taken him to San Francisco and Washington, D.C., to conferences and the offices of U.S. congressmen, and he doesn't want to stop now.His fight never has been about getting back his two ounces of marijuana, he said, but to make medicinal marijuana legal."If a doctor says it's fine for this person to use it, and the state says it's fine for this person to use it, then the federal government should back off," Nord said.Note: Hayden man's battle about medicinal use fails in federal court. Source: Steamboat Pilot & Today, The (CO)Author: Susan Bacon, Pilot & Today Staff Published: Friday, July 22, 2005 Copyright: 2005 The Steamboat Pilot & TodayContact: editor steamboatpilot.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Don Nord Nord Files Motion To Get Marijuana Back Case Off To Federal Court Bands in Marijuana Battle Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #36 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 19:56:58 PT Braces I'm fairly athletic and my family is hugely athletic. As any athletic family must, I keep an assortment of sports and injury braces on hand.I could use something like a full body brace right now.Maybe just the tip of my nose sticking out. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 16:00:09 PT re: comment 27 "I felt like a leather bucket of dead jelly. Like a snail being melted, only from the inside, with salt." that I can maybe type it without retching...I felt like, and still do to a slightly lesser degree, my entire body was just "a sack of putrifying pus". It's a unique feeling I'd never felt before and never want to again. It occurred to me as I was in certain rooms...trying to rest..."This would be an ok room to die in." Weird? Yeah. It was weird.Sorry if that description was enough to make anyone retch...but it was bad.Now...on to more positive thoughts. Every negative thought, of course, seems to take something out of me that I needed to recover from this. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 15:22:18 PT I'm still very scared. The effects of this stuff can last a very, very long time. I'm still swollen and my skin sometimes feels very funny. My neck and head feel pulverized. I feel very fragile. Meandering pains that we all seemingly normally have from time to time are more alarming than usual. "Was that just a fleeting pain or sudden organ failure or something rupturing or beginning to rupture?" I know...gotta keep those kind of thoughts at bay. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by BGreen on July 25, 2005 at 14:58:14 PT My friend is a doctor As sad as it may seem, he gets a lot of information from me regarding cannabinoids because he fears losing his licenses to practice medicine and to prescribe drugs, so he doesn't leave a trail to be used against him by even doing research on the internet.That's what happens when medicine is controlled by idiotic law enforcement and politicians.I told him your story, Hope, and I was floored when I found out his wife had experienced a severe reaction to the very same drug.He will never prescribe that POISON to anybody so I guess some good to humanity has come from this.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 12:33:19 PT The importance of that oath.... "First, do no harm." has been through my mind several times lately.Nobody should be a "solitary person" when they are very sick. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on July 25, 2005 at 11:44:44 PT Jose Legal drugs are dangerous. Exactly! [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by jose melendez on July 25, 2005 at 11:41:16 PT Hope we've learned . . . Lesson learned from Hope's experience: Legal drugs are dangerous. Such greater harm should be avoided at all costs, by principle. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by FoM on July 25, 2005 at 11:18:06 PT Hope You said: My husband was wonderful. I fear for people who are alone at times like I’ve been through recently. That is so true. So many people are alone and when they get sick it must be horrible. My sister had a friend who lived alone and she hadn't heard from her in a long time and she went to her house to see if everything was ok. It wasn't ok. She was laying on the floor in serious pain and had been sick for sometime. My sister took her to her house and then to the doctor. To make a long story short she had advanced cancer so my sister made a room for her and she lived with her and died in my sister's home. I'm glad you are feeling better! [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 10:20:15 PT BGreen (Poke in the shoulder) (Smile)...thanks for thinking of me. You can stop worrying...I think I'm going to be ok. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Hope on July 25, 2005 at 10:16:59 PT You all are wonderful. My eyes are googly and I'm not reading much. I have a new understanding about what might have led to my early cataracts, perhaps an earlier episode of this stuff…even before the ulcers. I’ve had fainting and other bad reactions to antibiotics, even in the distant past.E_Johnson, I didn't have directions for taking the stuff because it was samples, and I can't believe I didn't run a check for information on the internet. It did have something about the water on the little packet and I did drink plenty of liquid with it, only not water, caffeine free diet soda. Oddly enough, and lucky for me, I fell down that day before I took the first pill. That day, after my Doctor's appointment, but before I took the Levaquin, I was carrying some boxes and laundry…both arms full, and stepped into a depression in the country lane I was crossing and took a spill. A skinned knee was the only injury, but I didn't want to let a knee problem sneak back up on me and I wanted to heal quickly so I took some extra zinc and joint medicine (Chondrointin and that other stuff) that night when I took my vitamin mineral supplement. I just took the Levaquin with them before bed time. Ewwwwwww...that was lucky. Minerals, including zinc, bind up a lot of the power of the Levaquin apparently. In three hours I was up with a headache and couldn't sleep...but still didn't put it all together. It was a rough scary night, but I thought, in case it was something caused by the Levaquin, I would take it about eleven o'clock the next day, one dose a day. I took it…the headache got worse, I kept taking either Tylenol or Advil and survived the night and woke up in horrendous pain and nausea. I couldn’t drink a sip of water, much less something for pain or nausea. After six or eight hours of extreme struggle and hoping it would ease or pass, I had to give up and go for emergency medical help.Levaquin gives a whole new meaning to the term "pain pill".Finding some of the groups of people that have been "floxed" was comforting on the one hand and scary on the other. Scary in that a lot of people have been killed by the stuff and a lot of people are suffering much worse than I have. Scary also in knowing that the trouble could go on for months…maybe even forever.I've been picking up and toting toddlers on my hip like I was twenty five years old. Running after six and eight year old busy boys and tending to pre adolescents and adolescents. Feeding droves of people and feeling fine and strong. I was experiencing a quiet joy in knowing I was doing all this without using a back brace, dosing on Tylenol and Advil or suffering too many aches and pains. Just taking my vitamins and feeling good and strong. A peaceful happy feeling.One day I was strong and healthy. The next two days I wrestled with pain like fighting four crocodiles incessantly. Then it was two, and then finally one and finally they backed off. That “two crocodile” morning was infinitely better than the “four crocodile” morning! Whew…it was such a relief. That was the day I first posted to you what was happening to meWhen the worst extreme pain part was over, I was so sore all over, like the flu or having been in a car wreck (or wrestling for hours with four vicious crocodiles). I was weak as water and breathless with any mild exertion. Then soreness and paranoia (something's bound to be on the verge of rupturing!) I felt like a leather bucket of dead jelly. Like a snail being melted, only from the inside, with salt. A mouse must feel like that as it's dying from a dose of rat poison.Confusion? Yes. When helping tend the horses and cows I kept having the feeling that one was missing from each herd. It was strange, but I recognized it as some sort of mental "confusion". Alzheimer’s must feel something like that. Last night was the first night I've gotten more that an hour and a half sleep or rest since the night before I went for my checkup. I slept a decent amount of time last night. There is a strange and weird insomnia involved in the stuff. You're laying there in a wad of misery and exhaustion...your eyes... or one eye, half closes, vivid stupid dreams or vignettes start that are so vivid that you are aware they are on the edge of becoming waking hallucinations. You sink through that a few moments then're awake. Restless, vividly, miserably awake.It’s amazing the comfort I got knowing you all were caring about me. I’m glad that I’ve found you all. I’m thankful for you all. Your true compassion was somehow a viable thing that has really helped somehow. My husband was wonderful. I fear for people who are alone at times like I’ve been through recently. And of course, my mind was often on the people who have to suffer like this because of disease and illness or injury that might not come to a resting place as mine has. I am renewed in my zeal to see that no one is denied help, rest, or relief in their times of need.Agog, I’ve read something about those lights before. I’ll study that article you sent better later. It’s very interesting.Afterburner, I keep concentrated cranberry juice from the health food store on hand all the time for myself and other family members. It’s good healthy stuff. I mix it in water or soda or other juice and sweeten it, or not, as I please. Juniper berries is another good natural antibiotic that I kept on hand years ago, but I haven’t in a good while.Again, thank you all for your concern. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on July 24, 2005 at 21:14:33 PT Hope Are you feeling any better? BGreen you are very special too. The Internet has brought people together like pen pals did years ago but much faster. I love the Internet. I am never bored. I have been studying different houses and how they are built recently. I have spent time searching on health issues. I follow Neil Young's career and know others do too. I read current news on Google and find out what is really happening in the world. What a wonderful time to be alive. With all the bad there is now there is so much good we can learn on the www.Hope, You said you like Carole King. She has a new CD out. I listened to clips from it and ordered it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by BGreen on July 24, 2005 at 21:00:14 PT Now I'm Happy! Whew!I've really been worried about you, Hope. I can't believe how close I feel to all of my CNews family even though I've never met you face to face.Hope and FoM are two very special ladies to me (Mrs. Green is OK with that.)Thanks for checking in with us.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by Hope on July 24, 2005 at 20:47:22 PT Hey I'm here. Still surviving. Thanks, all of you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on July 24, 2005 at 20:01:53 PT Just a Note It would be very nice if everyone who posts here regularly gives their user name and password to someone to make a comment if they can't because of illness. That way we would always know. My husband would post a comment for me if I was really sick. I know I often think of those who haven't posted for a long time and wonder if they are ok. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on July 24, 2005 at 19:58:06 PT BGreen I have been wondering how Hope is doing but just didn't ask. I'm glad you did. Just a little comment from her would make me feel better. I hope she is just resting. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by BGreen on July 24, 2005 at 19:39:37 PT Hope I'm really worried about you. I'm sure you're just resting and recuperating, but I really want you to check in and let us know you're OK.God bless you.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by unkat27 on July 23, 2005 at 18:39:08 PT Those cops are thieves I've become so sick of reports like this that i decided to start a website and make critical fun of the jokers who think of themselves as 'honorable' enforcers of law. Senator Admits Truth about Medical Marijuana [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by afterburner on July 23, 2005 at 09:40:17 PT Hope and E_Johnson E_Johnson:My wife and I were out of town when she had a bladder infection. All the pharmacies were closed, so we went to a health food store and discovered cranberries as an effective alternative treatment.Hope:My feelings are mixed. I am sad that you had to experience such an ordeal. I am happy that you survived. I am angry that the FDA/DEA/NIDA/HHS/ONDCP, the Bush Executive, Congress, and most of the court decisions continue to support dangerous pharmaceuticals and to demonize herbs. This political prejudice includes, of course, medical cannabis, which was in the United States Dispensatory, Pharmacopeia of the United States, and Materia Medica prior to 1938 and is therefore a "Grandfathered medicine" and not having "no medical value" as incorrectly alleged in the Controlled Substances Act, which invalidly added cannabis to Schedule 1. Free the medicine; help the ill. {Next, recorded documents existing within private and public libraries, now located on the world-wide web, (internet) further reveal evidence of marijuana's recognition and acceptance as medicine prior to 1938. Defendant submits the attached declaration and supporting exhibits which verifies the pre-1938 acceptance of marijuana in the United States Dispensatory, Pharmacopeia of the United States, and Materia Medica acknowledging marijuana's use in the treatment of pain relief, epilepsy, appetite loss, depression, vomiting, etc., etc., etc. See Attached -(Declaration of Edward "njweedman" Forchion). { As set forth in this declaration, companies such as Parke-Davis, Eli Lilly, Merck, and Squibb made extensive use of marijuana for commercial medicinal purposes and not only manufactured and sold marijuana preparations, they cultivated "home-grown cannabis" and then sold the "flowering tops" of those plants by the gram, ounce and pound. (NJWEEDMAN- Declaration.) { Thus, the "medical marijuana" that I the defendant "njweedman" is charged with possesion, is identical to the type of marijuana that was cultivated and marketed for medical use back in 1937. Since "medical marijuana" is a federally recognized pre-1938 medicine, not a Schedule I substance, defendant's conduct does not constitute an offense in violation of NJ status: 2c:35___, and 2c:35____.. In fact these newly enacted status are seriously flawed in that it erronerously classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug, which requires substance's in the schedule 1 classification to have no medical value in the U.S. .} --Mt Holly - Motion Mt Holly NJ Filed-JULY 12th, 2000 "4th of July Statement" Edward "njweedman" Forchion -vs- State of New Jersey SUMMONS # S996924 MOTION(s)to: (1) dismiss -Medical Marijuana is legal per 21u.s.c. & 321(p) Merck once sold medical cannabis, but after Vioxx, would *you* buy your medical cannabis from Merck?"Eli Lilly posted a quarterly loss of $252m, or 23 cents per share, thanks to a charge of $1.1bn, or 90 cents per share, for a product liability settlement and related costs involving Zyprexa, its top-selling anti-psychotic treatment." Eli Lilly once sold medical cannabis, but after Zyprexa, would *you* buy your medical cannabis from Eli Lilly?BTW, I came across the following poll on the njweedman site:{PLEASE: Take the poll below!{SHOULD THE MARIJUANA LAWS PROVIDE FOR A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION?{Absolutely, in compliance with the first Amendment!{No, this is a "Christian" country and marijuana is not an acceptable sacrament in Christianity{I could care less! - go to jail{I don't think "RASTAFARI" is a religion} scroll downCurrent results {SHOULD THE MARIJUANA LAWS PROVIDE FOR A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION? {Answers Votes Percent {1. Absolutely, in compliance with the first Amendment! 1032 78% {2. No, this is a "Christian" country and marijuana is not an acceptable sacrament in Christianity 57 4% {3. I could care less! - go to jail 170 13% {4. I don't think "RASTAFARI" is a religion 70 5% } [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by jose melendez on July 23, 2005 at 07:32:26 PT handcuff the long arm of the law I agree, OverwhelmSam. There should be lawsuits, and rumors of lawsuits. Let us hound them incessantly in criminal and civil courts, and in those of public opinion. It's working for MPP in California, Alaska and elsewhere. It's working for Drug Policy Alliance and ACLU in NYC. It's working for that Massachusetts guy that had his video camera knocked from his hand and shoulder injured (sure officer, he fell, RIGHT?) and was unconstitutionally arrested for having a few beers on private property.Imagine A MILLION MARIJUANA LAWSUITS, with people refusing to plea bargain, demanding jury trials and respectfully asking His or Her Honor for the record if evidence that would tend to exonerate us will be lawfully suppressed in the course of due process.Imagine if a line of American citizens turned themselves in with ONE SEED from a bag of bird food . . . [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by OverwhelmSam on July 23, 2005 at 05:34:37 PT Okay, We didn't really expect Nord to win. But at least Nord is responsible for wasting a ton of police time and money, prosecutorial time and money, and court time and money over a few ounces of pot. Nord wasn't even covicted and these cops had the table turned on them with the threat of jail. Good!Next step, sue the state police involved in this mess in state court for violating state law. They've got all this free time to chase after ill people for a few ounces of pot, let's tie up their time in civil court. Maybe fewer sick people will have to worry about being busted for a couple of ounces of POT! Afterall, mainstream America doesn't care about pot anymore. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by BGreen on July 22, 2005 at 21:33:52 PT OMG, Hope I'm so sorry you have to go through this but so happy you're better.Take care of yourself!The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on July 22, 2005 at 21:08:13 PT Hope I hope you are feeling a little better. You mentioned you lost five lbs yesterday and losing weight makes most of us happy but losing weight by being sick is horrible as you know. I became accustomed to watching my son getting sick and throwing up his pills. Medical Marijuana helps stop run away nausea and I won't rest until the laws are changed because it would have helped him if he would have been able to get some to use. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on July 22, 2005 at 19:10:30 PT Just a Comment I haven't been watching news recently particularly when Bush is on but I did see a child acting very unruly when Bush was trying to speak. I thought maybe the child had a health problem and didn't know how to stand still or maybe it isn't the same child that Nicholas mentioned here. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by mayan on July 22, 2005 at 16:51:35 PT Nick I have visited that site but I don't post there. There must be another "mayan" over there. Oh,no!If Robert's son is only four years old what dirt could possibly be found on him? Maybe he stole a lollipop from the drugstore when he was three? The premature nomination of Roberts, along with the London bombings, are only meant to distract from the fall of Rove,the DSM,9/11 and numerous other issues that are blowing up in the neo-con's faces. Thanks for the info, though! [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Nick Thimmesch on July 22, 2005 at 16:02:58 PT Hey Mayan... ...the following may be of interest to you:On the Daily Kos web site, contributor "Mayan" later posted the comment: "When Roberts thanked his family, he mentioned his son, Jack... Roberts' [sic] wife's face fell. It was like a poker tell. I think we should research Jack." This was followed up a few minutes later by "Geotpf," who posted, "Of course, this is how ridiculous rumors get started, but extreme conservatives seem to have a lot of homosexual children..."For Release: July 22, 2005 Contact: David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or project21 Liberal Internet Activists Suggest Investigating Nominee's ToddlerConservative Black Group Condemns Involving Children in "Politics of Personal Destruction" Liberals on the Internet took a quick trip to the gutter with regard to the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts, Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court. On the left-wing Daily Kos web site, a participant suggested the behavior of the nominee's four-year-old son, Jack, warrants investigation while another speculated about the toddler's sexuality."Is nothing sacred anymore? Is no one exempt from insulting partisan attacks?" asked Project 21 member Michael King. "If someone mentions the relatives or personal lives of a liberal, there are wails and caterwauling from the left. But it seems that it's always open season on conservatives."At the White House nomination announcement held late on Tuesday night, young Jack Roberts was visibly restless in his seersucker suit, and was shown on television fidgeting during the event. On the Daily Kos web site, contributor "Mayan" later posted the comment: "When Roberts thanked his family, he mentioned his son, Jack... Roberts' [sic] wife's face fell. It was like a poker tell. I think we should research Jack." This was followed up a few minutes later by "Geotpf," who posted, "Of course, this is how ridiculous rumors get started, but extreme conservatives seem to have a lot of homosexual children..."This sort of talk was strongly derided by liberals after it was discovered that then-President Bill Clinton had an extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Former first lady Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), while promoting her memoir in 2003, said of this type of speculation: "I think that these were obviously personal and private moments that unfortunately were made public for partisan, political purposes - a part of the ongoing politics of personal destruction.""The consternation I feel at this personal, attack-dog politics is echoed by people across the nation," added Project 21's King. "Judge Roberts's son is four years old. It is not unusual for kids that age to dance and prance and otherwise frustrate their parents."Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, has been a leading voice in the black community since 1992. For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11, email project21 or visit Project 21's website at 30 -501 Capitol Court, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 (202) 543-4110 Fax (202) 543-5975 E-Mail: info Web: www.nationalcenter.orgBTW FROM THIMMESCH: This is the "think tank" that "sponsored" Jack Abramoff's golf gig for Tom Delay.Juz thought you would like to know you rattled these folk's enough to issue a news release that even ends with the ancient "30" at he end. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by E_Johnson on July 22, 2005 at 15:17:02 PT Oops I forgot the link Here's the news story George III poisoned by his medication? [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by E_Johnson on July 22, 2005 at 15:16:01 PT George III and the pharmaceutical industry King George III's bouts of insanity, which played a large role in making people feel the American Revolution was a necessity not a dream, were apparently caused by arsenic poisoning, possibly from arsenic contamination of the medication given to him by his physicians for stomach problems. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by E_Johnson on July 22, 2005 at 15:08:13 PT And I did refuse Cipro after that too After my surgery they wanted to give me Cipro but I told the doctor what happened to me on Levaquin and they changed their minds, they gave me some other antibiotic and it worked fine. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by E_Johnson on July 22, 2005 at 15:04:38 PT Hope, I totally agree with you on Levaquin They gave it to me for a bladder infection.I started having the weirdest feelings. Everyone hated me. My life was a failure. I was a victim. I couldn't trust anyone. The only rest for me was death.The feelings lasted about an hour or so and they came on about two hours after I took my daily dose of Levaquin.During a moment of clarity, I reached for the Internet and found a collection of other people who suffered what I had and far worse. Aha, it was the drug, not me!Levaquin is related to Cipro by the way.One thing that helped reduce the side effects was to follow the instructions very carefully and take it with a full glass of water, not just enough sips to get the pill down.It finally worked. BUt wow was I glad to get off of it. And scared of the other side effects like nerve and joint damage.By the way, edible cannabis is really great at taking away the SYMPTOMS of a bladder infection. It won't cure it but it takes away about 98% of the discomfort. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Agog on July 22, 2005 at 09:18:40 PT Hope - Migraine Relief Hi Hope,I'm sorry to hear of your pain and misfortune. Regarding migraines... if you haven't already done so, you may want to investigate using red LED lights to ease the migraine pain. When NASA was doing experiments for the space station and shuttle astronauts to counteract the effects of weightlessness (ie: slow healing, body atrophy etc.) they discovered that the same wavelengths they were using to study plant growth (the far red and near infrared 660-680, 780, and 880nm wavelengths) significantly improved the healing process. I have successfully used the 660-680 lights to aid in muscle sprain and trigger point healing) and I know of woman that has used them successfully to get relief from 30 years of migraine suffering. She uses the light at the base of her spine and then on both sides of her neck and since starting the protocol has experienced tremendous relief. It turns out that the same red wavelength that plants use for photosynthesis in fact helps stimulate the healing response in people and other animals.I have no interest in the lights other than I purchased a set last year for my med grow and just stumbled upon this other use for them in the last month. After experiencing the effects myself I've been truly amazed.If you are interested, please feel free to contact me and I'll share whatever I know with you.All the BestR/Agog [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on July 22, 2005 at 08:46:56 PT Hope I really am sorry. The wrong drug killed my mother. A routine procedure gone wrong killed my father. I watched drugs hasten my son's death. I don't have any faith left in pharmaceuticals. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Hope on July 22, 2005 at 08:29:19 PT Thanks, FoM I'm miserable. Those two link I left aren't the most informative ones. A search for "Leviquin side effects" brings many up...most more informative than those two I posted. It's bad stuff. I'd beg anyone not to take it. It's supposed to be a last resort medicine...and it should be. It can save lives probably...but the risk for most things is unbearable.I lost five pounds yesterday.Severe migraines have been a part of my life since I was eighteen. The headache from this stuff was like twenty migraines rolled into one. At least with a migraine you can eventually drift into some sort of sleep state. Not with this stuff. It keeps you awake and because of the sever nausea unable to take anything. Whatever (I was too sick to ask) they gave me by injection for the pain wore off in an hour and 15 only numbed the pain...didn't end it and only numbed it for that short time. The anti nausea injection saved making me able to take a little of the otc pain meds I had on hand to continue the numbing of the pain.They wanted to put me in the hospital...but my husband and I wanted to see if what they gave me would help without the hospital, although we prepared to head for the hospital if it didn't help. It did. My husband had to miss work. I was terrified. Anyway...that was why I wasn't throwing in my two cents worth yesterday.This link is better...a doctor who got the government to stop recommending Cipra...another quinolone for anthrax. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on July 22, 2005 at 08:11:11 PT Hope Oh my no! We love you too much. Nothing can happen to you! Take care and keep us posted. Rest and get better! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on July 22, 2005 at 07:35:54 PT Tough Guys "But it is not our intent to do anything other than continue to focus our attention on large-scale traffickers," Dorschner said.Then why did the feds harass Nord? It's easier to pick on sick medical cannabis users than meth lab-rats.Tough guys. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Hope on July 22, 2005 at 07:35:46 PT Off topic The pharms nearly took out another one of us yesterday. Of course some emergency injections of other pharms have nearly restored me. It was awful…I thought I was worm meat for sure.It was some of this stuff or stuff like it that put me out of commission during the ulcer debacle. I said then and I repeat…”the cure infinitely was worse than the disease.” Bad as it was…and is….I’m apparently one of the lucky ones, although, at the very least, I may have a blistering headache for the rest of my life. By headache…I mean everything above the shoulders. By blistering of course…one realizes that nerve endings are involved. Levaquin can destroy or damage nerve endings permanently.The thing I remember about the ulcer treatment was that I BECAME PAIN. That time my entire body was severe, severe pain that hurt so bad I couldn’t define a source or beginning place for it. This time it was my head.I took one pill “wrong”…with my vitamin mineral supplements and zinc…which made the effects of the Levaquin hugely diminished. I took the second one “right” and life was over as I knew it.The stuff is poison. It needs removed from the market right away. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on July 22, 2005 at 07:08:20 PT Related Article from The Rocky Mountain News Six Officers Cleared in Pot SeizureBy Rocky Mountain NewsJuly 22, 2005A federal judge has thrown out contempt charges against six officers who seized a Routt County man's medical marijuana and growing equipment in 2003. Colorado U.S. District Judge Walker Miller ruled Wednesday that the six officers - one federal agent and five local officers who were deputized as federal agents - are immune from prosecution because federal law trumps state law. Colorado allows people certified by physicians and registered with the state to grow and use limited amounts of marijuana for medical reasons, usually to relieve pain, nausea and lack of appetite. Federal law prohibits all growing and use of marijuana, with rare exceptions. The Supreme Court ruled recently that federal law governs, but federal agents rarely target users of small amounts of marijuana. Donald Nord, the Routt County man whose marijuana and equipment were seized, was charged in state court, but the charge was dismissed. He never was charged with any federal crime. A Colorado judge ordered the return of his marijuana and equipment, and all but some of his marijuana and two pipes were returned. The judge then cited the law officers for criminal contempt for refusing to return the rest of Nord's property. Miller dismissed that contempt citation.Copyright: 2005 Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_21_3945010,00.html [ Post Comment ] Post Comment