Pot City, USA Pot City, USA Posted by CN Staff on July 02, 2005 at 16:09:04 PT By Wayne Laugesen Source: Boulder Weekly Colorado -- They don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee, but we smoke it by the bushel in Boulder. And here's a statistic anyone can believe: Boulder County ranks second in the nation for per capita pot smoking, falling in just behind Boston. Who, with a straight face, can challenge the high believability factor of this new statistic? If anything, the survey's in error for ranking us second rather than first. Yet, here's what the lead paragraph in the Rocky Mountain News said: "Boulder County showed the second-highest rate of marijuana use in a federal report that left some local officials scratching their heads Thursday." They scratched their heads? We have hydroponics stores that thrive, and it's not so people can grow tomatoes in the basement. We have citizens getting wealthy blowing glass pipes and crafting colorful bongs. We have unemployed hippies in million-dollar homes equipped with grow lights—people who scratch their heads when asked: "So what do you do for a living?" We're a pot-smoking party town, and the only shame is in ranking second rather than first. The report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that 10.33 percent of Boulder County respondents admitted to pot use in the past month. Boston was at 12.16 percent. Locations with the least pot smoking are likely suspects: Northwest Iowa, at 2.28 percent; northeast Iowa, at 2.53 percent; southeast Texas, at 2.59 percent; and central Iowa at 2.63 percent. The Muskogee area came in just below average, with 3.46 percent of respondents admitting to recent marijuana use. If Boulder Mayor Mark Ruzzin really scratched his head in response to the drug report, he did so skillfully. He told News reporter Berny Morson that the city and the University of Colorado probably have a better idea of actual drug use in our community than the feds do. It was a comment that allowed readers to believe that the federal report may be wrong, whether ranking us high or low. I asked the mayor if he truly questioned the validity of the report. "My real point was that between Boulder County, CU and the school district we have a pretty good sense of what's going on in terms of alcohol and drug abuse," Mayor Ruzzin said. I told him that despite my frequent criticism of Boulder, it's an enviable place that attracts visitors and new residents from all over the world. I said property values and prosperity are high, our streets are clean and we're not overrun with crime. "If Boston and Boulder—two very well-educated, enviable locations—are number one and two, then perhaps this survey tells us that pot isn't so bad," I argued. "I wouldn't disagree with you at all," Mayor Ruzzin said. "We're not likely to form a task force or a committee to address the marijuana issue." I called former Mayor Paul Danish, who moved to Boulder in 1960 and spearheaded our slow-growth and open-space initiatives. I told Danish, who's also a former county commissioner, that local officials reportedly "scratched their heads" upon hearing that Boulder ranks second in pot smoking. "Give me a break," Danish said. "We're number two because we try harder." "Do you have a history of using marijuana?" I asked. "I have smoked marijuana, and I've smoked enough of it that I can comment intelligently about it, and that's as far as I care to go on that subject." Danish has a long history of fighting an intelligent and articulate battle against the drug war. I told him that perhaps this new government survey will be a good thing in his efforts, as some of the most productive and enviable places on earth seem to have the highest percentage of pot smoking. "Yes, we're number two, and we seem to be producing a lot of wealth in this community by our own creativity," Danish said. "If you drive on the east side of 47th street and knock on any door, you'll see the 21st century being invented. That's not bad for a town that's number two in marijuana use. It makes you wonder: How would we be doing if we weren't high on pot? Probably not as well." In early June, just before the first-ever pot ranking was released, USA Today pointed out that Boulder-Longmont took first place on another list: We're the most educated metro area in the United States, with 52.4 percent of the population holding at least a bachelor's degree. Danish said knowledge and education may go hand-in-hand with our high number of pot smokers. "We're a very tolerant, highly educated community, and it's a fairly widely held understanding in Boulder that the most dangerous thing about marijuana is the fact you might get arrested for it," Danish said. "We know that 10 percent of those who use alcohol are clinically addicted, but the government has spent 60 years arguing the question of whether it's even possible to get addicted to marijuana," Danish said. "If we ask the question 'which drug is likely to lead to violent behavior?' we know that alcohol wins the gold medal. We know that alcohol figures into at least half the violent crime in this country, and more if you look only at the domestic-violence statistics. So why are we having this argument?" The new pot report was intended to send shock waves through the communities that top the list, causing mayors and health directors to form committees and throw money at the problem. It'll backfire, because the top 10 comprise a who's who of America's most literate, functional and productive places. But we do need a task force, Mayor Ruzzin. The task? How to beat Boston in 2006. Newshawk: The GCWSource: Boulder Weekly (CO)Author: Wayne LaugesenPublished: June 30 - July 7, 2005 Copyright: 2005 Boulder WeeklyContact: letters Website: Article:Hub Goes To Pot - Boston Herald Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #40 posted by The GCW on July 09, 2005 at 05:09:39 PT Redford Givens splits the arrow. (This published letter is in response to this article.) CO: LTE: Where Are The Bodies?WHERE ARE THE BODIES? ( Re: "Pot City, USA," Wayne's Word, June 30. ) The most curious aspect of Boulder's No. 2 position in pot consumption is the absence of the crime wave predicted by America's drug crusaders. After all, marijuana was outlawed for these reasons, outlined in U.S. government propaganda: "Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality and death." "Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind." "[Smoking] one [marihuana] cigarette might develop a homicidal mania, probably to kill his brother." ( See the lies used to outlaw marijuana at ) The unanswered question is how Boulder, with the second-highest per capita rate of pot use in the nation, can escape the scourge of marijuana. Where are the murders, robberies, rapes and the wanton violence predicted by every drug czar since Harry J. Anslinger? Redford Givens, webmaster, DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by FoM on July 07, 2005 at 15:40:13 PT Upcoming Online Event with Bob Dylan Dylan, Jones To Rock's Anniversary By Barry A. Jeckell, N.Y.Bob Dylan and Norah Jones will perform at a 10th anniversary concert for online retailer Set for July 16 in Seattle, the event will be open only to the company's employees, but the public will be invited to virtually attend via the homepage. Hosted by comedian Bill Maher, the Chase-sponsored event is dubbed a Show of Thanks. It will begin at 5 p.m. PT and will also boast readings from popular authors and previously unseen footage from such DVD releases as "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Updates on additional entertainment will be posted at: [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by jose melendez on July 06, 2005 at 20:29:58 PT unintended consequences As we have noted here before, as fossil fuels increase in cost, demand will encourage alternatives. How sad that our 'leaders' prefer to give tax breaks and incentives to polluters and poison manufacturers . . .Fortunately, markets are self correcting. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 19:54:28 PT Off Topic: Maybe It Will Stop at $100 a Barrel! As a Storm Rolls Through, Oil Prices Jump UpPublished: July 7, 2005The hurricane season is again rocking global oil markets at a time of tight supplies. Crude oil prices surged to a level above $61 a barrel yesterday after a tropical storm curbed production in the Gulf of Mexico and forced the evacuation of nearly 100 offshore operations.Oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange reached $61.35 a barrel, then closed at $61.28, up $1.69 or 2.8 percent, after the storm, named Cindy, made landfall. Yesterday's closing price was the highest since Nymex began trading oil futures in 1983. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by global_warming on July 06, 2005 at 17:21:27 PT The Point' "why won't anyone listen to the people who are trying to make a point?"It might be for that precious last heat, or that that last "breath" that connects all of us, to this world.Death' and the unknowns, is that most frightening passage, that requires all of us, and refuses our worldly treasure, as we hover above, the portals, that lead us, into a time that is strange, like, the ideas that illuminate the possible larger possibilities, of our reality, may, we all consider, our greatest fears, may we, our birth, be living testaments, that will illuminate, every mind, that lives the breath of "life".Love, unlike selfishness, can have that extra measure, that, blessed hand of Forgiveness, that fragrant reminder, as we hold the hand, of our most loved, so we shake the hand, of our deepest fears.The children, who are filled with much darkness, will, grow, and gather to offer, ARt, on their flesh and bodies, like the olden canvas, art, this is the Son of Man.The child, has been born, the celestial markers, the mothers and fathers, rejoice, for this new dawn, heralds, this new world.--gwThe Son of Man, has been born. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 15:50:18 PT afterburner This upsets me. It isn't the violence that upsets me except I am non violent and wouldn't resort to it but why won't anyone listen to the people who are trying to make a point? Protests Turn Violent As G8 Summit Begins***Geldof Speaks Out As G8 Protesters Clash With Police [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by global_warming on July 06, 2005 at 14:56:23 PT One Person Can Make A Difference' "One person can make a difference. "The opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy." --Leo Buscaglia "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." It is better to try and fail than never to try at all."The opposite of Love is Selfishness and/or Greed.' -gw Canada Loses It´s Magnetic North Pole [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 13:06:09 PT afterburner I'm not sure how I did it and probably can't do it again but I am now watching PF on my tv! I just had to tell you! [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 10:43:36 PT afterburner I just saw on the news that Bob Geldof is being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize! Go Bob!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by afterburner on July 06, 2005 at 10:34:41 PT California Grass CTV in Canada, did play that London Live 8 Paul McCartney performance of the Beatle hit of days gone by during their Live 8 coverage. I'm listening to it now.So much for the American Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of Speech (1st Amendment). [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 10:12:38 PT afterburner You got mail! [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by FoM on July 06, 2005 at 09:55:53 PT afterburner This isn't really important but I want to say it anyway. When Paul McCartney was on the Live 8 concert they only started playing the song that has california grass in the lyrics after that part had passed and wouldn't be heard on the tv. That really annoyed me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by afterburner on July 06, 2005 at 09:25:32 PT It Only Takes One It only took one (supposedly lone gunman) to bring down Camelot.It only took one (terrorist mastermind) to send ripples of fear through the most powerful nation on earth.It only takes one (violent G8 protestor / black operator) to wash the image/memory of Live 8 from the consciousness of some of the public.One person can make a difference. "The opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy." --Leo Buscaglia "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." It is better to try and fail than never to try at all.Living as if. Be the one who makes a difference for love, God and country. Leo Buscaglia Quotes [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on July 05, 2005 at 22:59:30 PT Just a Comment I thought maybe some here might like to hear the 4 songs. Pink Floyd [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on July 05, 2005 at 09:43:30 PT afterburner I finally saw Neil perform at your concert and it was great. Here's a link you might want to read. Pink Floyd is working fine for me now. I had my setting wrong on the Media Player and I fixed it.One In Three Canadians Watched Live 8TORONTO -- Despite the lure of the great outdoors on a long weekend, a "stunning" 10.5 million Canadians tuned in Saturday to watch some or all of Live 8 on television, CTV said Monday. The network said one in three Canadians - and 45 per cent of all households - tuned in for the 18-hour, 23-minute broadcast at some point, according to data from BBM Canada. Peak viewership was over two million at 8:16 p.m. EDT when Neil Young closed the show at Park Place in Barrie, Ont., with Keep On Rockin' in the Free World. Coverage of the Canadian concert lasted nine hours and 20 minutes and had an average audience of 1.1 million viewers per minute. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 21:47:00 PT afterburner You're very welcome but I think it isn't working anymore or at least not like it was earlier. The traffic could just be heavy but the songs should still be on AOL if this doesn't work. I never saw and heard Pink Floyd together and it was really great. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by afterburner on July 04, 2005 at 21:38:28 PT Thanks, FoM, for the Pink Floyd Link I'll listen to it tomorrow PT. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by AOLBites on July 04, 2005 at 20:33:02 PT Silence screams suspicion Friday, July 1, 2005Did David Green have to die?Police say yes. His family says no.You would expect that sort of fracture. But we'd also expect more details about the matter.Yet a week after the Illinois State Police gunned down Green, the public remains antsy with questions that cops refuse to answer.I keep getting calls and questions, gossip and rumors. The bottom line is this: People don't understand why police had to blow away a guy growing a little weed at his rural residence.Maybe there's more to the story. If so, it's about time the state police pipe up.So far, details are scant.At 6 a.m. last Friday, the West Central Illinois Task Force went to the home of Green, 47, who lived alone in a rented home amid flatlands and woods outside Glasford.According to the search warrant, the task force was looking for materials "associated with cannabis and controlled substance violations." State police officers served the warrant, while Fulton County sheriff's deputies secured the area outside.When officers entered the house, Green was upstairs. Green, armed with a long gun and handgun, pointed the pistol at officers. Officers ordered him to drop his weapons, but he refused. So an officer shot him repeatedly in the chest and abdomen, killing him.I've had private discussions with police and others close to the case. Here are a few more details:Green was asleep in his bedroom when police rapped on his door. When they got no answer, they forced their way in.Police rushed upstairs, where Green waved his pair of firearms. The standoff lasted a minute or two, with Green ignoring officers' repeated demands that he drop both weapons. Moreover, Green cussed angry threats of harm at the officers.The family questions the likelihood of such a scenario. They paint Green as a laid-back man who rarely showed anger.-=snip=- Silence screams suspicion [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 17:10:04 PT That's Great EJ I like Stevie Wonder too. I've seen Bachman Turner Overdrive and Deep Purple today that I really liked. I want to see Neil and Pegi sing Four Strong Winds and When God Made Me. I hope I don't miss it. I hope they put Barries songs on line too. There is nothing like good music to lift our spirits and make us dance, dance dance! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by E_Johnson on July 04, 2005 at 16:54:09 PT Stevie Wonder So I downloaded the plugin and now I'm rockin out to Stevie Wonder. I keep on trying, till I reach the higher ground. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 11:22:15 PT afterburner Pink Floyd's Live 8 Set! I know you want to see Pink Floyd and I just found this info on the Rust List. Here it is.To watch all the footage from Pink Floyd's Live 8 Set click here! [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 10:50:58 PT Off Topic: About The G-8 Meeting Bush Rejects Kyoto-Style Deal Ahead of G-8 News StaffJuly 4, 2005Ahead of a meeting with leaders of the world's most powerful nations, U.S. President George Bush has made it clear he's not about to budge on the issue of climate change.In an interview to be broadcast on Britain's ITV Monday evening, Bush admits that global warming is "a significant, long-term issue," but stresses he will not sign any agreement that even resembles the 1997 UN Kyoto Protocol.The so-called Kyoto accord, which takes effect in February, calls for a global 5.2 per cent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2012.The U.S. has refused to sign on, however, citing concerns that adhering to its strict emissions limits would imperil their economy.British Prime Minister Tony Blair has made no secret of his hope of announcing a new Kyoto-style at the summit of G-8 leaders in Gleneagles, Scotland later this week.But in his interview with ITV's Tonight With Trevor McDonald, Bush made it clear his position on a deal to curb global warming hasn't changed."The Kyoto treaty would have wrecked our economy, if I can be blunt," he said, promising to keep rejecting any similar deals in the future."If this looks like Kyoto, the answer is no," he said.Bush also brushed aside the suggestion his support on climate change would be political payback for Tony Blair's support of the unpopular war in Iraq."Tony Blair made decisions on what he thought was best for keeping the peace and winning the war on terror, as I did," Bush said. "So I go to the G-8 not really trying to make him look bad or good, but I go to the G-8 with an agenda that I think is best for our country." But the president conceded he may be nevertheless willing to soften his position, as he described climate change as "a significant, long-term issue that we've got to deal with."When asked whether he believes climate change is man-made, Bush offered an uncharacteristic response."To a certain extent it is, obviously," he said. "I mean, if fossil fuels create greenhouse gases, we're burning fossil fuel, as is a lot of other countries."Noting his country's investment in such clean energy technologies as sequestration of carbon dioxide, hydrogen-powered cars and zero emission power stations, Bush said he is still holding out for other G8 leaders to "move beyond the Kyoto debate."Bush said he would be willing to sit down with any nations willing "to come together and share technologies and develop technologies ... and spend money on research and development, just like the United States is, to help us diversify away from fossil fuels."The other G-8 nations -- Britain, Canada , France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia -- have all signed on to the Kyoto protocol.Complaining not only of its high costs, but also of its exclusion of developing nations, Bush pulled out of the deal in 2001.On that issue, Bush said he hopes to make some progress this week."Some of the discussions we're going to have at the G-8 ... is to work with India and China as to how to share technology with them, so that we can all work together to clean up the environment, and at the same time have sustained economic growth."In addition to Chinese and Indian leaders, officials from Mexico, Brazil and South Africa have also been invited attend the three-day G-8 summit in Gleneagles.Copyright: 2005 Bell Globemedia Inc. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 09:59:16 PT afterburner Thank you for the information. I signed up for their news. I'm really starting to get some good e-mail news from different organizations on earth issues. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 09:31:10 PT Oh Something Nice Last night our neighbors must have had a big party because they set off a fireworks display that was fantastic. We stood outside and watched from our own front yard and it was like we had our own personal firework show. Only in the country can something like this happen and it was so cool. That's all and I am totally enjoying the concert replays on AOL. They are great and I hope people check them out why they are still available and its free and you don't have to use AOL! I don't. Thank you AOL. I never thought I'd say that! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 09:09:18 PT Just Another Thought The Discovery Times Channel has been showing news that is important to know. I must commend them for stepping out and taking a big risk and trying to show us the err of our worldly ways. Someone that has a connection to the media should try to see if they could do an hour special on the war on Prop 215 from it's beginning until where we are today. That would help. I know we have Hooked on Drugs and it was very good but we need to document the raids, the deaths, the victories for the people and the losses because of being tripped up along the way by the powers that be. I am not against making money and working with the system. I am a mainstream type person who is getting very dis-illusioned with what we are being fed in the news. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 08:54:54 PT Activism and Being Heard I know that some of the younger activists think that we didn't care or do anything years ago to bring change and we aren't important and the younger generation is going to show us where we went wrong. Maybe they will understand that people did try as best as they could but we didn't have satellite tv or the internet. Now we have instant communication and we still are censored. The powers that be really seem to keep any controversial issue in check. I am almost at the point where I don't believe the news at all. It's the dumbing down of america and the world. It's just wrong. That is immoral to me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Hope on July 04, 2005 at 08:41:19 PT Comment 12 When I read about that yesterday, the World Health Organization's report on cannabis that was supressed several years ago came immediately to mind. The report said there was no reason that cannabis should be prohibited and that it was not a serious threat to health or society. The powers that be threatened WHO with loss of funding if they released the report. They didn't. Information about the report was eventually leaked. Even then, the media never gave it serious coverage. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by afterburner on July 04, 2005 at 08:08:22 PT Completely OT: Science or Superstition Check which states voted against controls, or even recognition, of global warming, compared to states with known prohibitionists."From : John Adams, NRDC Action Fund "Sent : June 29, 2005 "Subject : Senate Breakthrough on Global Warming "Please make your own voice heard right now. Go to to see how your Senators voted on last week's resolution. Then take a minute to email or phone them with your thanks or your disappointment -- according to their vote. And urge them to fulfill the promise of this historic resolution by supporting and passing a tough global warming law."Take Action in Support of Strong Global Warming Legislation! "Last week, the U.S. Senate passed an historic resolution that finally recognizes the enormous problem of global warming and declares that our nation must enact mandatory limits on the pollution that causes it. (To read the text of the resolution, click here.)"Look at the list below to see how your two Senators voted on last week’s resolution. Then take a minute to email or phone them with with one of the following messages, depending on how they voted." [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on July 04, 2005 at 07:50:21 PT Thanks Kapt I saw that article in the ccc list last night and thought it doesn't surprise me at all. I'm watching Deep Purple perform at the Barrie, Canada Concert and they had at least 35,000 people there and none of the performers made it to the Philly broadcast. When we get told to do something and we do we never hear anything on the news that amounts to anything about the message. The G 8 summit is very important but how many people even know what it's all about? Thank goodness for the Internet. We need to keep growing and maybe someday we will be heard. The only way to change the current laws is to get TV coverage. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by kaptinemo on July 04, 2005 at 07:26:39 PT: OT, but of general interest: UK Secret report Says War on Hard Drugs Has Failed surprises for any of those reformers who read here; it would seem to be just another vindication of the 'balloon effect': squeeze one place, a bulge appears elsewhere.But that the UK government would find this so sensitive as to keep it secret for reasons of 'national security' (yeah, right) gives an idea of the degree of desperation national governments have in trying to keep word of their (so predictable and incredibly expensive) failures from the public's mind. Altogether too late; this will only increase both criticism and demands for reform.These mitwits would classify sex if they thought they could get away with it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by The GCW on July 04, 2005 at 04:48:58 PT About the Supremes... Cannabis? “the substance belongs to Christ” –see Colossians 2:17. verse 16, “Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink…”THCUEven in 2nd place... thank Christ God Our Father, The Ecologician, for cannabis.For ever and ever.The Green Collar Worker [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on July 03, 2005 at 14:17:06 PT mayan Thanks. We sure like to blow up things. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by mayan on July 03, 2005 at 13:04:52 PT Deep Impact NASA is going to blow up a comet tonight. Folks out west might be able to see it...Your First Look Inside a Comet! [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on July 03, 2005 at 10:39:32 PT Off Topic Jim Pillsbury No Longer Blowing SmokeBy Rob Haneisen, Daily News StaffSunday, July 3, 2005FRAMINGHAM -- What finally convinced Jim Pillsbury that he didn't want the phrase "famous pot head" on his grave was a delayed sense of maturity that struck after his 50th birthday. Now 52 and the host of a cable television show available in 400,000 households in Massachusetts, Framingham's Pillsbury can look back on the three years he has been hosting "Jim Pillsbury Live" and chuckle at his naivete in politics as well as praise the power of free speech. He has cut off his ponytail and no longer drives a green MG convertible with a license plate -- NORML -- announcing his allegiance to a pro-marijuana group. Instead, you're more likely to see the short-haired, middle-aged man with a deep tan driving a minivan, its license plate announcing "Invest in Children." He no longer embraces the term "hippie" and if you see him, he might even be wearing a tie. Pillsbury, the former Libertarian candidate who made legalizing marijuana a fervent cause, is all grown up and it's the love for his all-volunteer staffed live cable show that gets his juices flowing. "It's the love of creating that keeps me doing this," he said Monday afternoon while lugging around staging in the muggy heat outside Comcast studios on Burr Street before his weekly talk show. Monday was his 141st show, by no means the longest running show for local cable, but likely one of the longest running, public access, live, all-volunteer talk shows. Blame -- or credit -- state Rep. Deborah Blumer, D-Framingham, for Pillsbury's show. He was running against the Democrat seeking re-election in 2002 when he launched his show as a vehicle for his campaign. "I knew she'd kill me in spending," he said. Pillsbury ran for state representative against Blumer again in 2004, again finishing far away from victory, a result that has left him slightly bitter and wiser to the pocketbook politics of Massachusetts. "I will never be involved in politics again," he said. "For the little guy with an idea, you can't compete with big money." DL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on July 03, 2005 at 08:17:02 PT Druid I am anxiously waiting for an article to post. I don't understand statistics like are in the Counter Punch article but if the main stream media or even the AP or Reuters picks it up I will post it right away. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Druid on July 03, 2005 at 07:22:44 PT Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer This study is very significant don't ya think?Coming from Tashkin, this conclusion had extra significance for the assembled drug-company and university-based scientists (most of whom get funding from the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse). Over the years, Tashkin's lab at UCLA has produced irrefutable evidence of the damage that marijuana smoke wreaks on bronchial tissue. With NIDA's support, Tashkin and colleagues have identified the potent carcinogens in marijuana smoke, biopsied and made photomicrographs of pre-malignant cells, and studied the molecular changes occurring within them. It is Tashkin's research that the Drug Czar's office cites in ads linking marijuana to lung cancer.and "You don't see any positive correlation, but in at least one category [marijuana-only smokers and lung cancer], it almost looked like there was a negative correlation, i.e., a protective effect. Could you comment on that?""Yes," said Tashkin. "The odds ratios are less than one almost consistently, and in one category that relationship was significant, but I think that it would be difficult to extract from these data the conclusion that marijuana is protective against lung cancer. But that is not an unreasonable hypothesis." So Pot not only does not cause cancer it looks as though it may prevent it! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by John Tyler on July 03, 2005 at 06:46:41 PT Boston #1 It would seem that some of the residents of Boulder are miffed that they weren’t #1. The Boston win was a surprise to me too. Looks like an East West rivalry developing. Maybe there could be some kind of plaque or trophy or something to display at the city hall or the chamber of commerce. Better luck in 2006. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on July 03, 2005 at 04:46:52 PT Sickening I guess If you kill yourself you won't be depressed anymore...FDA issues 2nd suicide warning for adults - Higher risks linked to antidepressants:,1,5525670.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed&ctrack=1&cset=trueDoes Ritalin cause cancer? It wouldn't surprise me as the FDA will approve anything for a buck...Researchers Urge Caution on Ritalin-Cancer Link Finding: prohibitionists are such sorry imbeciles. If you truly cared about the kids or any human beings you would be going after the pharmaceutical companies instead of cannabis, which is one of the safest substances known to man. You are as low as low can go and now the whole world knows it. You had better hope hell doesn't exist. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by ekim on July 02, 2005 at 21:00:15 PT Cannabis does not cause cancer[Defense Attorney] Hallinan says that every cannabis dispensary has links to a network of growers, and that the decision to take down these three was an attempt to exploit anti-Asian sentiment. "They asked themselves, 'Who will we start with now that we've been given permission [by the U.S. Supreme Court's [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by ekim on July 02, 2005 at 17:11:43 PT democracynow, July 1st, 2005 NYPD Arrest 181 Black Men in Queens After Cop Shot in the Leg [ Post Comment ] Post Comment