Hemp for Victory Hemp for Victory Posted by CN Staff on June 25, 2005 at 11:40:10 PT By Ralph Nader Source: Common Dreams USA -- Congressman Ron Paul, a libertarian from Texas and an obstetrician who has delivered over 6000 babies, is trying to deliver our farmers from a bureaucratic medievalism in Washington that keeps saying "No" to growing industrial hemp. Many farmers want to grow this 5000 year old long fiber plant that has been turned into thousands of products since being domesticated by the ancient Chinese. That is their heresy. The enforcer is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in Washington, DC, which has placed industrial hemp on its proscribed list next to marijuana. Detailed petitions signed by agricultural groups, agricultural commissioners, International Paper Co. and others were presented to both Clinton and Bush to take industrial hemp off the DEA list and let the states allow farmers to grow it. The DEA turned the petitions down cold. The arguments for this great, sturdy and environmentally benign plant are legion. In over 30 countries where it is commercially grown, including Canada, France, China and Romania, industrial hemp has been used to produce hemp food, hemp fuel, hemp paper, hemp cloth, hemp cosmetics, hemp carpet and even hemp door frames (Ford and Mercedes). Factories, food stores and paper manufacturers are free to import raw hemp or finished hemp materials from foreign countries. Last year, about $250 million worth of hemp products were purchased from abroad. But federal law in the US prohibits farmers or anyone else from growing it on US soil. Why? The DEA says that industrial hemp grown next to marijuana can camouflage and impede law enforcement against the latter. Strange. This problem doesn't bother Canadian police authorities or similar officials in other nations. Besides, since industrial hemp is only 1/3 of 1 percent THC, growing it next to marijuana would cross-pollinate and dilute the illegal marijuana plants. No marijuana grower wants industrial hemp anywhere near his or her pot plots. You can smoke a bushel of industrial hemp and not get high. Far too little THC. Like poppy seeds on bread. You may, however, get a headache, if you try. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew industrial hemp on their farms. Drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. Imagine the billions of trees and tons of bleach chemicals which would have been saved were hemp a big source of paper. A multi-billion dollar a year farm crop blocked. During World War II, hemp was made into very strong rope for the war effort. The Department of Agriculture made a film "Hemp for Victory" to encourage more cultivation. Enter Ron Paul, the courageous. Numerous colleagues of Rep. Paul, in both the House and Senate, believe as he does regarding the legalization of industrial hemp farming, but they are afraid to go public lest they be accused of being "soft on drugs". This is true, for example, of the North Dakota Congressional delegation, in spite of overwhelming private and public support for farmers being allowed to plant it in their spacious state. On June 23, 2005, Congressman Paul introduced HR 3037, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. The bill requires the federal government to respect state laws (already five of them) allowing the growing of industrial hemp. Immediately, Congressmen Peter Stark (D - CA) and Jim McDermott (D - WA) co-sponsored the legislation. Rep. Paul's announcement was made during lunchtime in the Rayburn Office Building at the House of Representatives. Denis Cicero, owner of the Galaxy Global Eatery in New York City, served up a delicious and nutritious luncheon featuring industrial hemp. Speaking were two leading North Dakota farmers, David Monson, also a state legislator, and Roger Johnson, the North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner. Their remarks were so compelling that in my remarks, I asked whether there were any DEA representatives in the audience who wished to reply. Nobody responded. Last summer I shared a podium with Rep. Paul at a large gathering of organic farm and food enthusiasts in New England. It was a debate of sorts. At one point, I challenged the Congressman to apply his libertarian philosophy by introducing legislation to let farmers have the freedom to grow industrial hemp and sell it to manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. He immediately said he would. And he has done it. There are those like former CIA chief, James Woolsey, who support growing hemp to reduce our reliance on imported oil. More broadly, industrial hemp advances the growth of a carbohydrate-based economy instead of a hydrocarbon-based economy. Thomas Alva Edison, Henry Ford I and the presidents of MIT and Harvard dreamed of this transition during the nineteen-twenties. Unfortunately, the synthetic chemical industry of DuPont, Dow Chemical and others pushed this dream aside. The rest is the history of environmental damage, pollution-disease, geopolitical crises and many other external costs. Please urge your members of Congress to support HR 3037. Free our farmers and you, the consumers, to move toward a more sustainable economy. Visit: -- & for more information. Source: Common Dreams (ME)Author: Ralph NaderPublished: Saturday, June 25, 2005 Copyright: 2005 Common DreamsContact: editor Website: Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #26 posted by FoM on June 28, 2005 at 08:51:44 PT Hemp - It's What's for Lunch By Kristen Green Tuesday, June 28, 2005 Actress Julia Roberts and consumer crusader Ralph Nader have more in common than you might think.They both like hemp.Nader talked about hemp's "wonderful impact on the body," at a press conference and hemp-based luncheon last week. Hemp supporters say Roberts uses hair care products made of hemp.As reporters waited to nibble on such hemp-infused delicacies as Bahama hemp nut-crusted wild salmon and hemp nut-crusted key lime pie, Nader, hemp producers and representatives of said U.S. laws that outlaw growing the plant should be changed.Hemp food is "delicious," Nader said.Industrial hemp farming hasn't been allowed in the United States since1970, when the federal Controlled Substances Act included industrial hemp in its definition of marijuana.Hemp fibers are as commonly used for inedible purposes as its oil and seeds are for edible ones, said Adam Eidinger, communications director for"I mean, paper, clothing, car parts - nobody's eating that stuff," he said.Eidinberg noted the similarities between hemp seeds and poppy seeds. No one will fail a drug test after eating poppy seeds - the tests aren't sensitive enough to detect the contents of someone's breakfast of a lemon-poppy seed muffin. And no one would fail a drug test after eating hemp seeds - unless it's several pounds, he said.Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, sponsor of H.R. 3037, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2005, said industrial hemp's low THC content causes it to be non-psychoactive."Federal law concedes the safety of industrial hemp by allowing it to be legally imported for use as food," he said.But Congress' only response to attempts to legalize industrial hemp growing in the United States has been silence or a flat-out no, Nader said. He said the United States is the No. 1 importer of the crop. Out of more than 30 industrialized countries, the United States is the only one not allowed to produce its own.Eidinger said the government's biggest fear is that marijuana will be mixed in hemp fields - the plants have a similar appearance. He said members of Congress recognize industrial hemp's positive aspects but are afraid to support it because it would appear that they are endorsing marijuana.The Drug Enforcement Agency said it was not allowed to discuss the bill or previous attempts to legalizing industrial hemp. The Office of National Drug Control Policy said it cannot comment on the bill. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, a non-profit group that fights drug abuse, said it views the issue of industrial hemp as similar to that of medical marijuana and prefers not to take a stand on those issues.The bill would allow states to regulate industrial hemp farmers to give them independence from federal restrictions.Reps. Sam Farr, D-Calif.; Pete Stark, D-Calif.; Jim McDermott D-Wash.; George Miller D-Calif.; and Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz. - all original co-signers of the bill - also attended the news conference.The meal, catered by Executive Chef Dennis Cicero of Galaxy Global Eatery in New York, included five courses using hemp nuts and hemp oil. Some of the other dishes included Fuji fennel hempseed salad with caperberry hemp dressing, enoki mushroom and radish summer salad with yuzu hemp oil dressing and tempura hemp tofu steaks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by jose melendez on June 28, 2005 at 04:45:42 PT Victory: It's What's for Lunch Hemp - It's What's for Lunch [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on June 27, 2005 at 12:07:24 PT Hemp Snacks May Make for Mellower Pets By Ramsey Campbell, Sentinel ColumnistJune 27, 2005***Through the years I've had more than my share of crazed pets that needed to be mellowed out.I once had a dwarf collie that was completely insane.When I was in middle school in Indiana, my father and I took him to the local fire department for free rabies shots.Although neutered, he ran amok when he saw all the lady dogs waiting in line.He went into a rampage that cleared the station. Women were screaming, dogs were yelping and men were cursing.It took a half-dozen beefy firefighters to wrestle my dog, named Happy, under control.Happy took a particular delight in tackling people from behind and then sitting on them. He wasn't mean; he wouldn't bite. But the dog loved to sit on people.Because he was a "dwarf," he didn't stand tall.But to offset his lack of height, he was big and wide. Once he knocked you down, it took several people to get him off.My first pet was a high-strung Siamese cat that could open refrigerator doors and would fetch her own late-night snacks.Another feline pet liked to slide down our chimney on cold winter nights, spreading a cloud of soot all over the house.She would crash down the chimney into our family room with a wild-eyed look, dash out the door and run up the roof for another bizarre thrill ride.Now I have a grossly overweight cat that seemingly catches squirrels, and occasionally rats, at will. After she licks them from head to foot she then sucks their brains out, leaving otherwise intact -- and very clean -- carcasses strewn around our yard in Eustis.But relief may be in sight to help overstressed pets mellow out a bit.An Australian entrepreneur, Ian Rochfort, plans to market pet snacks made of cannabis seed (marijuana) for export around the world as Hemp Hound hors d'oeuvres.The product will carry a "not for human consumption" warning, according to a story that appeared recently in The Australian newspaper.The newspaper reported that the dog biscuits will include no more than 50 milligrams per kilogram of tetrahydrocannabinois, the psychoactive ingredient of natural cannabis seed.Health officials said the product, as a result, will have a negligible effect on an animal's mind."There is no chance your dog will be hallucinating rainbow cats," Rochfort told The Australian.Unless, of course, your pet manages to gulp down a handful or two.My experience has been that it's pretty hard to get a pet to settle for just one treat.The cannabis comes from the hemp plant, and researchers say it has a high concentration of essential fatty acids necessary to promote a good shiny coat for dogs as well as stronger teeth and claws.Rochfort discovered the potential of the cannabis plant when looking for a suitable feed for his geese. His cannabis-reared geese have since won favor around the world, according to The Australian.The canine cannabis snacks should be available soon from pet stores and on the Internet.I've got a neighbor with a pack of yowling dogs that could use a box or two of Hemp Hound hors d'oeuvres to mellow out.But there is no reason their appeal would be limited to canines. My cats have rarely turned up their noses at dog treats when available.My overweight, over-energized cat with the taste for squirrel brains will try almost anything. And she can't stop eating once she starts.It is doubtful she would start wearing tie-died flea collars or begin playing the guitar along with my Bob Dylan recordsBut if I could get her hooked on cannabis treats, the squirrels in my neighborhood could sleep easy at last.Copyright: 2005, Orlando Sentinel,0,1474069.column?coll=orl-news-headlines-lake [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by ekim on June 27, 2005 at 09:59:43 PT Jack Herer will be at Traverse City MI on July 23 Jack Herer author of the Emperor Wears No Clothes will be at the Civic Center in Traverse City MI on July 23. tickets are 15$ along with Elvy Musikka. call Laura 321-218-0204 for more info/Coalition for Compassionate Care 2802 Holiday Pines Road Traverse City MI 49686 [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by jose melendez on June 27, 2005 at 08:22:04 PT thanks Jim! I'd like to publicly thank Jim Lunsford for personally bringing me to Linda Lou's Health Foods in DeLand, FL and reintroducing me to hemp foods.I've also quit smoking, and not felt this good in ten years. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on June 27, 2005 at 08:03:47 PT Press Release from VoteHemp Industrial Hemp Farming Act Introduced at Packed Capitol Hill Hemp Food Lunch; HR 3037 Would Give States the Right to Regulate Farming of Versatile Hemp Plant June 27, 2005 WASHINGTON, June 27 -- For the first time since the federal government outlawed hemp farming in the United States, a federal bill has been introduced that would remove restrictions on the cultivation of non-psychoactive Industrial Hemp. At a Capitol Hill lunch on June 23 to mark the introduction of H.R. 3037, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2005, about 100 congressional staff feasted on Bahama Hempnut Crusted Wild Salmon and Fuji Fennel Hempseed Salad. The five course gourmet hemp meal was prepared by Executive Chef Dennis Cicero of the New York City based Galaxy Global Eatery: At the luncheon the chief sponsor of the bill Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas.) described how H.R. 3037 will remove federal barriers to U.S. hemp farming by returning the regulation of hemp to the states. "It is unfortunate that the federal government has stood in the way of American farmers, including many who are struggling to make ends meet, competing in the global industrial hemp market," said Dr. Paul. "Indeed the founders of our nation, some of who grew hemp, surely would find that federal restrictions on farmers growing a safe and profitable crop on their own land are inconsistent with the constitutional guarantee of a limited, restrained federal government. Therefore, I urge my colleagues to stand up for American farmers and cosponsor the Industrial Hemp Farming Act." Dr. Paul was joined by four original co-sponsors including Reps. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), Pete Stark (D-Calif.), Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), George Miller (D-Calif.) and Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.). The bill may be viewed: At the luncheon consumer advocate Ralph Nader called the US ban on hemp farming, "bureaucratic medievalism" because over 30 industrialized countries are growing hemp and the U.S. is the number one importer of the crop, but won’t allow cultivation the U.S. A highlight video of the speakers may be viewed online at: Representing farming interests at the event was North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Roger Johnson. "Industrial hemp is used in a tremendous variety of products, including food products, soap, cosmetics, fertilizer, textiles, paper, paints and plastics," Johnson said. "Once the crop is legalized in this country, I believe science will find even more uses for industrial hemp, uses that will make industrial hemp a popular and profitable crop." North Dakota State Rep. David Monson, (R-Osnabrock), a farmer who successfully sponsored several bills in the North Dakota Legislature regulating the production and research of industrial hemp said, "Industrial hemp production is on hold in North Dakota and the entire U.S., due to roadblocks in Washington D.C.," Monson said. "We have had tremendous bipartisan support for legislation we’ve introduced in North Dakota." U.S. companies that manufacture or sell products made with hemp include Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, the number-one-selling natural soap, Interface, the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial carpet and carpet tiles, FlexForm Technologies, an Indiana company whose natural fiber materials are found in 1.5 million cars, Alterna, a professional hair care company whose hemp products are beloved by Julia Roberts, California based Nutiva Hemp Foods and adidas USA which has been selling hemp sneakers since 1995. Although hemp grows wild across the US, a vestige of centuries of hemp farming, the hemp for these products must be imported. There is widespread support among national organizations for a change in the federal government’s position on hemp. The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture "supports revisions to the federal rules and regulations authorizing commercial production of industrial hemp." The National Grange "supports research, production, processing and marketing of industrial hemp as a viable agricultural activity." Individual states have also expressed interest in industrial hemp. Twenty-six states have introduced hemp legislation and six, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, and West Virginia, have removed barriers to its production or research. Representative Paul’s bill will allow laws in these states regulating the growing and processing of industrial hemp to take effect. "Industrial hemp has become a lucrative crop for farmers in Europe, Canada and Asia, so farmers here are asking ’Why are we being left out?’" says Alexis Baden-Mayer, Director of Government Relations for Vote Hemp. For thousands of years different varieties of Cannabis have been cultivated for non-drug uses such as paper, canvas, soap, food, building materials and recently high-tech bio-composites used in automobiles. Hemp and marijuana come from different varieties of the Cannabis plant. "Because there are millions of cars on the road with hemp door panels, tens of millions of dollars spent annually on hemp food and hemp body care and hemp paper is being made in the U.S., people are asking tough questions about why the U.S. government won’t distinguish low-THC hemp from high-THC drug varieties. I believe this federal legislation will gain momentum over the next year as we spend time educating Congress and their constituents about the need for reforms," says Baden-Mayer. For more information on industrial hemp, please visit: the website of Vote Hemp, a non-profit organization dedicated to the acceptance of industrial hemp. Contact Information: Adam Eidinger Media Contact Vote Hemp 202-744-2671 adam [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on June 26, 2005 at 09:11:16 PT Sukoi Thanks for the articles. I posted the one and added the other in the comment section. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Sukoi on June 26, 2005 at 06:08:53 PT Oh Really??? Looking past the pot smokescreen“To that end, the Drug Enforcement Agency has approved and will continue to approve research into whether the active ingredient in marijuana can be formulated for medical use. Over the last few years, the DEA has registered every researcher meeting FDA standards to use marijuana in scientific studies.”Hmm, that’s news to me!Other items of interest:The high cost of prohibition foundering federalism [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by ekim on June 25, 2005 at 21:03:02 PT BGreen that 10&13 is what i mean thanks to everyone. much talk of forgiving debts and helping others around the planet in Scotland.Mr. Nader is challenging all minds to feel the pain that is being inflicted upon the Earth from this Prohibition.Public Servants will channel this feeling into reality with the help of a new Marshall Plan and Ending this genocide of Cannabis. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on June 25, 2005 at 19:22:34 PT Mama Said They'rd Be Days Like This They'rd Be Days Like This My Momma Said!Seriously we have such kind and dedicated people here on CNews. I couldn't hope for more then what we have.Jose, you know you have driven me a little crazy over the years but I knew you just needed time. You are doing a really good job. And so is everyone!Thanks! [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by BGreen on June 25, 2005 at 19:13:39 PT FoM knows how I feel about her She's the mother that keeps us kids in line while bringing out our best.Thanks, FoM!The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by PainWithNoInsurance on June 25, 2005 at 19:06:08 PT Hemp food getting ubiquitous I was suprised to see frozen hemp bread at my local supermarket last week. I bought some and, unlike many other hemp food was not wild about this bread, but it was ok. Having eaten a lot of hemp food, my opinion is that hemp will quickly become ubiquitous because of its high nutritional value, and it really does taste pretty good. I can't wait to try a hemp burger. The best prezel I have ever tasted was the brand: Hempzels and can honestly say they are very good and good for ya.Healthcare for the affluent only is a huge mistake and infects us all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by jose melendez on June 25, 2005 at 19:04:03 PT grin Aw shucks, guys. I'm just a solidier, it's FoM we really need to thank . . . [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by BGreen on June 25, 2005 at 19:03:14 PT God bless you, runruff Mrs. Green and I are heartbroken because of what's happening to you.I promise you we will keep fighting with an intensity that you've never seen.You will remain in our thoughts and prayers during this battle, so try to channel some of this energy to give you strength to endure.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by runruff on June 25, 2005 at 18:47:44 PT: YEA! What BGreen said! [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by BGreen on June 25, 2005 at 18:32:08 PT The way the last sentence should read If we all emulate you we'll win this war for good.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by BGreen on June 25, 2005 at 18:28:29 PT I have a lot for which to thank Jose I'm here everyday (even though I sometimes feel more like reading than writing) and I've been empowered by the courage and strength exhibited by so many here at, especially Jose Melendez.Thank you, Jose, for everything you're doing to help us. If we all emulated you we'll win this war for good.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Jim Lunsford on June 25, 2005 at 17:42:41 PT: Hemp THC thresholds Apparantly the DEA can only check up to 200 ppb, but my bag of Living Harvest hemp seeds have 0.0% thc. I think there was a .03% limit at one time. But, I could no longer find it. To FoM: Great to be here. And thank Jose for introducing me to this place. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by John Tyler on June 25, 2005 at 17:27:48 PT Hemp flavored candy There was an article in “The Washington Post” this week about some candy suckers with hemp oil in them. The prohibitionists were having a fit over it. They are supposedly on sale at convenience stores. I haven’t seen any in my area. Check around where you live. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by jose melendez on June 25, 2005 at 15:59:23 PT Holy Consumption - melts in your mouth . . . Does anyone know what the THC threshold is in hemp foods, now that cannabis has been deemed an item in commerce and hemp foods are legal? - - -Mmm butter Par, 'k? Etymology Marijuana Mission: It's food, stupid. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by b4daylight on June 25, 2005 at 15:44:18 PT no logic Canda uses gps to track hemp crops.The Dea also blocks clinical research on Cannabis.It tried and lost to block hemp from food.If I ever seen a police state this is it.... [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by ekim on June 25, 2005 at 14:50:29 PT Stop ---being another brick in the wall--------- The USDA reported that Hemp could and would be a excellent feed stock for paper making. Low polluting and renewable. How is it that for the past 85 years the people were told lies about Hemp and the planet has suffered pollution beyond belief. new paper making process used hemp "hurds" - 77 percent of the hemp stalk's weight -{ cellulose } which was then a wasted by-product of the fiber stripping process. In 1916, USDA Bulletin No. 404 reported that one acre of cannabis hemp, in annual rotation over a 20-year period, would produce as much pulp for paper as 4.1 acres of trees being cut down over the same 20-year period. This process would use only 1/7 to 1/4 as much polluting sulfur-based acid chemicals to break down the glue-like lignin that binds the fibers of the pulp, or even none at all using soda ash. All this lignin must be broken down to make pulp. Hemp pulp is only 4-10 percent lignin, while trees are 18-30 percent lignin. The problem of dioxin contamination of rivers is avoided in the hemp papermaking process, which does not need to use chlorine bleach (as the wood pulp papermaking process requires), but instead substitutes safer hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching process. Thus, hemp provides four times as much pulp with at lest four to seven times less pollution. Ethanol from Cellulose This is a pdf overview of NREL/Genencor work from 2003. Here is an NREL Press release about Genencor/NREL winning a Top 100 R&D award in 2004. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by jose melendez on June 25, 2005 at 14:10:39 PT On corporate dictatorship "Corporate America considers the country their own Guantánamo Bay these days, and we are all their prisoners."see also: - - -Rosie the Riveter was Wronged (Former) national security chief Zbigniew Brzezinski said the war has been conducted with ``tactical and strategic incompetence.'' And he notes because of the war, ``America finds itself more isolated than ever before'' and the object of unprecedented international mistrust. Brzezinski adds, ``Patriotism and love of country does not demand endless sacrifice'' of America's troops. Felony War Profiteering: No Child Left Behind [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on June 25, 2005 at 13:25:38 PT Jim Welcome to CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by PainWithNoInsurance on June 25, 2005 at 12:29:11 PT The Time Is Now To Save Us From A Burning World Here in the mid part of the United States we have entered a heat wave and now have an official drought. If we don't get rain soon, food prices will be going up because everything, including crops, are burning up. If hemp really does help the enviroment, the time is now to grow and utilize it because the earth really is getting hotter and the weather really is getting violent to cool it down. For whatever reason politicians are opposed to this plant, they need to put it aside and get this plant growing and implement any other measures to curve global warming. This is a serious situation we have on our hands.On PBS's Nova program airing this week, they are talking about how global pollution is and will be escalating because of the modernazation of China (the largest population in the world). They are paying little attention to pollution control and putting every effort into economic expansion, following the practice every other developing nation has done in the past to expand its economy. They say this will be detrimental to the weather of the world. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Jim Lunsford on June 25, 2005 at 11:53:54 PT: Great....... The question shouldn't be, how can we get this bill passed. Instead, why isn't it, why are we even having to have this bill at all? Of course, the answers are in the article, but no one is ever really willing to outright call our government a corporate dictatorship. Oh well, the day is at hand when the people will have to choose. Hopefully, we will choose wisely. And without bloodshed as well. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment