Don’t Legalize Backyard Variety

Don’t Legalize Backyard Variety
Posted by CN Staff on June 25, 2005 at 04:09:29 PT
By Shaunti Feldhahn
Source: Journal Gazette
USA -- First, a disclaimer: My family history makes it extremely difficult for me to be objective about the legalization of drugs. But since our story is all too common, it is, unfortunately, instructive. My teenage uncle lived with us as I was growing up, filling the role of my older brother. In the 1970s, few resources explained the dangers of his “casual” marijuana use or provided tools to counter the common snare of needing ever more intake to get the same high. As with so many other promising young people, marijuana caused a host of negative physical and psychological effects and became a “gateway drug” that led to others, a changed personality and desperation. At 23, my special big brother took his own life and irrevocably changed ours. In response, my parents founded and ran the National Drug Abuse Foundation for years.
Growing up around stacks of clinical research on the medical and psychological dangers of marijuana makes it impossible for me to agree with medical legalization of backyard weed, much less to agree that the current state-by-state patchwork is safe, where a 51percent popular referendum can bypass and contravene the 100-year-old system – developed for the public safety – of FDA approval of medications.While Institute of Medicine research does indicate that THC (pot’s active ingredient) is an effective treatment for chemo-related nausea, the institute concludes that “smoked marijuana, however, is a crude THC delivery system that also delivers harmful substances.” In fact, THC-based medications such as Marinol have already been developed that do not carry the risks of marijuana. I suspect that pro-medical marijuana opinions are less about ensuring the availability of treatments unavailable anywhere else and more about legally getting high.When I oppose legalizing backyard marijuana, I am not being heartless toward those with chronic conditions who use it to relieve their suffering. By championing other effective, controlled options, I am trying to spare other people and the public health the even greater suffering from, yes, that “slippery slope” that countless of us have experienced firsthand: that marijuana is not a harmless drug, and its use can go terribly awry.Complete Title: Don’t Legalize Backyard Variety, But Relieve Patients’ SufferingShaunti Feldhahn is a columnist for Universal Press Syndicate. Source: Journal Gazette, The (IN)Author: Shaunti FeldhahnPublished: Saturday, June 25, 2005Copyright: 2005 The Journal GazetteContact: letters jg.netWebsite: http://www.journalgazette.netRelated Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links Medical Marijuana Be Legalized? Court Beneath Contempt
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Comment #15 posted by John Tyler on June 25, 2005 at 17:59:51 PT
Misguided individual
That is a sad story, but that still doesn't explain why I and hundred of thousands of other Americans should be threatened with jail for using a plant we enjoy. Look, lots of people drink way too much and maybe even harm themselves with it, but does anyone want to ban alcohol. Or by the same logic a lot of people die in auto accidents, should cars be banned too? Is is even clear that cannabis contributed to the uncle's death? He could have been depressed and was self medicating with cannabis. Maybe the family just drew some wrong conclusions and saw an angle to make a name and some money for themselves with this so called foundation of theirs.
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Comment #14 posted by runderwo on June 25, 2005 at 10:08:15 PT
"As with so many other promising young people, marijuana caused a host of negative physical and psychological effects and became a *gateway drug* that led to others, a changed personality and desperation."Replace "marijuana" with "alcohol" or "prescription drugs". Also, no discussion is made here of the costs of prohibition to society or the problem that the harms of prohibition outweigh the harm of marijuana to the user. I don't think she quite understands what she is advocating. Would her uncle have been better off in jail? Also, the circumstances leading to his suicide aren't discussed. I've seen several articles advocating the criminalization of pot smokers based on the death of a family member. But in none of those cases have I seen the death caused by marijuana. In the most recent one I can remember, ALCOHOL and not marijuana was in the fellow's system when he died. This is just another strategy of promoting negative associations because they have nothing more substantial to contribute to the discussion.
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Comment #13 posted by FoM on June 25, 2005 at 09:34:05 PT
I don't want your health to get worse because of all of this. I get so angry sometimes and I don't know what to say but how wrong it is. How terribly wrong.
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Comment #12 posted by runruff on June 25, 2005 at 09:26:48 PT:
Hi you guys,I have been court ordered to turn in up dated reports
on my current heart condition and my eyes. I'm due for an
eye surgery within the next two months and my heart needs constant monitoring. The judge said she will need this info in order to know hoow to place me in the penal system. She said if she has to she will send me to Rodchester N.Y. at the federal intensive care unit. I was convicted of one count of "manufacturing" only.But to answer your question, I'm not sure when. About two or three months I think. Imagine, I must be some threat to
society if they are in this much of a hurry to get me "off the streets".Thanks for asking,
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on June 25, 2005 at 09:10:10 PT
I've been wondering how you've been. Please let us know when you must go away. 
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Comment #10 posted by runruff on June 25, 2005 at 09:06:12 PT:
If I grew up in a household where all I had to read was the world is flat and my uncle died falling off the edge I might believe as the same as you.Here's hoping you will someday join us in the 21st century.Namaste
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Comment #9 posted by VitaminT on June 25, 2005 at 08:42:11 PT
Take an objective look Ms. Feldhahn,
suspend your prejudice, read some of the stacks of research. Get a calculator and explore what impact 700,000 marijuana arrests have on 700,000 American families each year. You might also note that medical marijuana is a legal reality now in a dozen states and since a big majority of Americans support it you'd do well to find the good in it rather than seeking to demonize patients and other adults who use marijuana responsibly.
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Comment #8 posted by Jim Lunsford on June 25, 2005 at 08:34:13 PT:
I find this entire article an abomination. Personally, the drug war killed my best friend. Cocaine. Not that he used it, just got in the way of the crooked cops and drug dealers. So my personal history is that I don't trust anyone on the side of law enforcement. That is the message that prohibition sends. Don't trust the police. Yet, you never hear that one. Instead, we are supposed to "feel" the pain of the victims of drug abuse. Thanks John Walters, Merck, CEO Bush, and all of you other "drug warriors" for creating such a mistrustful attitude in our country. The only pain I feel is the pain of embarrassment that such idiotic propaganda works at all. What does that say about our educational system? What does it matter if all I want to do is get high? Is it only bad when it's weed, and is it good if it's oxycontin? Personally, I don't even recognize this government. It looks nothing like the original intent of the founding fathers. Instead, it looks more and more like the nazi government our "greatest generation" was supposed to have conquered. Sorry about the rant, just got ticked. 
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Comment #7 posted by cannabliss on June 25, 2005 at 07:44:09 PT
My loss is everyone else's loss too....
"First, a disclaimer: My family history makes it extremely difficult for me to be objective about the legalization of drugs..."Just about the only true statement in this little missive.I am more than sick of people who wish to somehow bring closure to their personal tragedies by oppressing tens of millions.Find me a paper that would print the following: "I think alcohol prohibition is a great idea, because the guy who sat behind me in math class in 12th grade got killed by a drunk driver on the way home from the prom." It would not happen.
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Comment #6 posted by SoberStoner on June 25, 2005 at 07:22:23 PT
Yet another strand of the web breaks..
"much less to agree that the current state-by-state patchwork is safe, where a 51percent popular referendum can bypass and contravene the 100-year-old system" in her eyes, a 100 year old system is better than the system this country was founded on??? Oh wait..because it's the FEDERAL big brother everyone, we know whats best for you.. She's been so brainwashed she probably doesnt even realize what she just said there.
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Comment #5 posted by siege on June 25, 2005 at 06:37:21 PT
sweet cane
Well here it is again People that will not eat Cannabis to live the good live of god, it was put here for food and there health to stop the hardening of the arteries it is suppose to have the little bit of THC in it, to help the human body
so as to keep the body well tuned and runing put the oils back in the body, and keep it in BalanceIsaiah 43:24
  Thou hast bought me no [sweet cane (sweet kaneh bosm)] with money,neither hast thou filled me with thee fat of thy sacrifices; but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.  
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Comment #4 posted by AOLBites on June 25, 2005 at 05:46:50 PT
led to others ...
a “gateway drug” that led to others ... so shes blaming pot for him tryin numerous other hard drugs and taking his life from the effects of HARD DRUGS-------------and for YEARS some guys have been trying to squeze 10Grams out of nida to test safe delivery mechenisms...not to mention all the blocked research and substandard cannabis [hemp sprayed with thc? freeze dried and rehydrated?] blah 
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Comment #3 posted by JustGetnBy on June 25, 2005 at 05:45:46 PT
Let them eat cake........
  I'm sorry that life has been tough for you, and I hope it gets better for you. If cannabis frightens you, then by all means don't use it, but don't tell me I can't.
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Comment #2 posted by mayan on June 25, 2005 at 05:20:33 PT
Let Her Have It!
It seems that Shaunti is a devout Christian. I wonder how she can justify taking one of God's green herbs from the sick and dying...or anyone for that matter.Here's Shaunti's homepage.'s her email:
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Comment #1 posted by mayan on June 25, 2005 at 05:12:27 PT
“Slippery Slope”
Growing up around stacks of clinical research on the medical and psychological dangers of marijuana makes it impossible for me to agree with medical legalization of backyard weed, much less to agree that the current state-by-state patchwork is safe, where a 51 percent popular referendum can bypass and contravene the 100-year-old system – developed for the public safety – of FDA approval of medications.That's all the farther I read into the article and I knew the author was completely ignorant. FDA approved drugs have caused how many hundreds of thousands of deaths? How many has cannabis killed? Enough said, but I'll say more...It's unfortunate that her uncle took his own life but was cannabis use the source of his problems or a symptom of them? Yes, the "slippery slope" that cannabis prohibition lubricates allows the incremental theft of our liberties and the destruction of the earth's eco-systems just so the pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries can bleed us for all we're worth. Luckily, Shaunti Feldhahn is in the ever shrinking minority. My advice to Shaunti; Think.THE WAY OUT...The Rove Remarks - Comments by Jamey Hecht: 
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