Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?

Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?
Posted by CN Staff on June 25, 2005 at 03:56:43 PT
By Diane Glass and Shanti Feldhan
Source: Journal Gazette
USA -- Conservatives’ defense of states’ rights over the Goliath of federal government intervention verges on the pathological. So it seems a teeny bit hypocritical for Republicans in Congress to suddenly support the recent Supreme Court ruling that federally outlaws medical marijuana in the 10 states that had legalized it for medicinal purposes.But perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. Enlightened conservative discourse on the topic of marijuana harkens back at least to 1937, when Harry Anslinger, U.S. commissioner of narcotics, testified: “marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”
Now, I’m not arguing that conservatives today would still champion Anslinger’s view, but our perceptions of marijuana remain laden with prejudice that should not be allowed to hinder medical progress. There’s a dark side to every medical issue.But conservatives are so overly concerned with the “slippery slope” that they assume complex issues are unmanageable and that evil will undoubtedly triumph. That may be true in the pages of the Old Testament, but much of medical history is based on risk and experimentation. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t have vaccinations, heart transplants or any number of routine medical procedures we benefit from today.Administered under a doctor’s care, marijuana alleviates pain and the nausea experienced by cancer and AIDS patients, according to Institute of Medicine research. Admittedly, research on the therapeutic benefits of marijuana is still thin. Richard Cohen, director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, says that marijuana research is “blocked at every turn” and adds that renowned AIDS doctor Donald Abrams couldn’t obtain approval for research on marijuana as an appetite stimulant in AIDS patients for five years.While some argue that medical marijuana can be addictive, few would contend it has the same dependency risk as the medications hospitals routinely administer for debilitating pain. Conservatives aren’t clamoring for hospitals to turn off the morphine drip for dying cancer patients because there’s a heroin problem in the world. But they want to draw a line in the sand over medical marijuana? Please. Show me the logic.Note: Doctors should be free to prescribe pain medication that works.Diane Glass and Shanti Feldhan are columnists for Universal Press Syndicate. Source: Journal Gazette, The (IN)Author: Diane Glass and Shanti FeldhanPublished: Saturday, June 25, 2005Copyright: 2005 The Journal GazetteContact: letters jg.netWebsite: http://www.journalgazette.netRelated Articles & Web Site:NORML Court Beneath Contempt and Mirrors: Watched Pot Local Medical Pot Users Disheartened by Decision
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Comment #6 posted by jose melendez on June 28, 2005 at 00:34:34 PT
err jose
Thanks, Max. must . . . remember . . . slow is . . . fast.
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Comment #5 posted by Max Flowers on June 27, 2005 at 21:46:48 PT
I think you meant melanin, not melatonin.Although I'm quite sure they would persecute us based on melatonin levels and any other neurotransmitters too if it would make their corporations fatter!
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Comment #4 posted by ekim on June 25, 2005 at 14:54:25 PT
see a Leap event or just pass it on
Jul 9 05 NAACP Annual Convention 08:00 AM Peter Christ Milwaukee Wisconsin USA 
 Members of the NAACP welcome LEAP Speakers Peter Christ and Garry Jones with LEAP volunteer Cliff Thornton (Director to this year's NAACP Annual Convention. Peter Christ a nationally recognized expert on America's drug policies, will be discussing the relationship of drug prohibition to crime, the impact of America's drug policies and the resulting devastation to the inner cities, mandatory minimums and the racially biased aspect of America's failed war on drugs. Location: Milwaukee Convention Center. Jul 13 05 WRPI Radio interviews Jack Cole 07:45 AM Jack Cole Troy NY USA 
 Executive Director Jack Cole will discuss the unintended consequences of the war on drugs with Judith Brink on her Indy Media Radio Call-in Talk show on WRPI 91.5 FM, in Troy, New York at 7:45 a.m. Listen live at Jul 17 05 National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice 07:00 AM Jack Cole Dallas Texas USA 
 Members of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice welcome Executive Director Jack Cole and other LEAP members to this year's convention. LEAP will be hosting an exhibit booth and discussing LEAP's mission and why America should end the failed war on drugs. Location: Adam's Mark Hotel Jul 22 05 "Seminars at Steamboat: Dialogues on Public Policy" 05:00 PM John Kane Steamboat Springs Colorado USA 
 Speaker Judge John Kane will participate in "Seminars at Steamboat: Dialogues on Public Policy" to discuss the the war on drugs and its effects on the criminal justice system. Judge Kane, one of LEAP's newest speakers, is a senior judge of the U.S. District Court in Denver. In its third year and growing in popularity each year, the event will be held at Centennial Hall. As the date gets closer, visit for more information. Jul 24 05 National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) 29th Annual Tr 09:30 AM Jason Fisher Atlanta Georgia USA 
 Speakers Jason Fisher and Garry Jones are welcomed guests to the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) 29th Annual Training Conference and Exhibition. This year's event is expected to draw approximately 3,000 visitors, giving LEAP some good exposure and the opportunity to explain LEAP's mission and why America's war on drugs is a complete failure. Location: Marriott Marquis International.
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Comment #3 posted by kaptinemo on June 25, 2005 at 14:35:46 PT:
Something important has happened here
The racial aspect of cannabis prohibition has been mentioned publicly, for the first time in my memory, in a newspaper.As to how many African-Americans are counted as its' readers, I have no idea. But that this historically verified fact has been broached, publicly, signals something very important. Indeed, several things.First, that the author did her homework. Second, the newspaper wasn't afraid of the racial controversy this will no doubt stir up (and it will stir it up, considerably; imagine what will happen when those who read this and are curious enough to follow up with further research begin to reach the same conclusions any reformer does, that the drug laws are the last vestige of Jim Crow). Third...this was in INDIANA.You know; Mark Souder's stomping grounds? I imagine he is 'not amused' of having such appear in a local media outlet. This should prove interesting...
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Comment #2 posted by jose melendez on June 25, 2005 at 07:59:21 PT
bad boys . . . watcha gonna do when they come 4 U
" I’m not arguing that conservatives today would still champion Anslinger’s view . . ."I am.Furthermore, 100 plus years for an apology from Congress for public lynchings as entertainment and exponentially higher incarceration rates based on melatonin content to support paychecks, pensions and profits are just the tip of the iceberg . . . 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on June 25, 2005 at 05:31:20 PT
Just a Note
I think they made a mistake in the article. I believe this article is by Diane Glass and not Shanti Feldhan ( not spelled correctly ) I wish whoever edits these articles would get the names right.
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