Marijuana Proponents Seek House Vote Tuesday Marijuana Proponents Seek House Vote Tuesday Posted by CN Staff on June 13, 2005 at 09:40:36 PT By Devlin Barrett, Associated Press Writer Source: Associated Press Washington, D.C. -- Advocates for medical marijuana hope a recent setback in the Supreme Court will boost their strength in Congress, and a New York and California lawmaker plan to force a House vote on the issue Tuesday. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-Hurley, has long supported allowing patients to use marijuana in states where it can be legally prescribed by a doctor. He will offer an amendment to a spending bill Tuesday that would bar federal authorities from making arrests in such cases. "This is a responsibility Congress should face up to," said Hinchey, who is offering the amendment with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif. Hinchey, known for his blistering broadsides against the Bush administration on issues ranging from the Food and Drug Administration to the war in Iraq, said the court's decision is a call for legislators to act. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on June 6 that federal drug laws trump medical marijuana statutes in 10 states, allowing federal authorities to prosecute people who smoke marijuana for pain relief on the recommendation of their doctors. New York does not permit doctors to prescribe medical marijuana. After the decision, federal officials said their focus has been on criminals engaged in drug trafficking, not the sick and dying. Hinchey's supporters say the decision only puts more pressure on Congress to craft a caring policy for those who want to treat their health problems with marijuana. And California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has in the past supported pot use by the sick, said the ruling means "it is now up to Congress to provide clarity." In the past two years, the Hinchey and Rohrabacher amendment has mustered only about 150 of 435 votes in the House, and even its boosters concede there is little chance of passage Tuesday. Opposition to Hinchey's amendment is being organized by Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., who heads the House drug policy subcommittee. Souder dismisses the effort as a political, not scientific, effort to to gradually legalize marijuana. The lawmaker argues that if scientific data supports marijuana as a pain medication, it should be studied and vetted through the regular FDA process. Hinchey dismisses such arguments. He said even if Congress isn't ready to accept it, public opinion in the nation has rejected past concerns about marijuana usage leading to other forms of drug abuse. Bill Piper of the Drug Policy Alliance, a group that supports laws allowing medical marijuana, said they hope to pick up about 10 votes. "That would send a message to the Justice Department that there are political consequences to their actions," said Piper. "If the Justice Department realizes momentum is building on this amendment, they're going to be less likely to go into states like California and arrest people for medical marijuana." The ten states with statutes that permit doctors to prescribe medical marijuana are California, Alaska, Colorado, Hawaiii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington state. Complete Title: Medical Marijuana Proponents Seek House Vote TuesdaySource: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Devlin Barrett, Associated Press WriterPublished: June 13, 2005Copyright: 2005 The Associated Press Related Articles & Web Sites:Drug Policy Alliance Marijuana Information Links When Judicial Fantasies Take a Toll Leaders Should Act To Protect Congress Have The Guts To Tackle MMJ? Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #42 posted by BGreen on June 13, 2005 at 22:56:44 PT ekim re: post #19 Final results for the Springfield News-Leader poll:Do you think that patients who use marijuana as a prescribed medical treatment should be prosecuted?Yes: 143 16.8%No: 706 83.2%Total Votes: 849 [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 18:12:43 PT Loving the Kaptin Measure for measure,the deaf who cannot hear, and the Blind, who canoot ever see or understand,..The most sacred secrets, of all of our souls, will avoid the day, yet, our plea bargained world, demands your participation,..The new birth, heralds, a new world, and a new, constitution, a constitution, that embraces, this new world..In the Name of the Holy Spirit,That Illuminates my soul,Our birth energy,Is for a testament,Is for eternity,In the darkest times,When old scriptures,Are examined closely,These moments, these decisions,These marks, in the sands of time,The dirction, towards that infibite God,Will add to the marks,Those footprints,That have lighted... [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by kaptinemo on June 13, 2005 at 17:48:14 PT: Lest anyone get the wrong idea Karma is a funny thing. The judges can find themselves judged by those they've harmed. And if the instrument of their punishment happens to tbe the very person they harmed? If that person who has lost everything is given a clearcut and penaltyless choice of NOT being merciful? Like I said, "What comes around, goes around." Someday, the antis may be confronted with a large group of people who know the antis were the ones who, like mindless automatons or a a pack of howling dogs, called for the laws that have created so much misery. People who've lost everything. People who've suffered terribly at the hands of the self-proclaimed 'righteous'. If the circumstances are such that there is NO appealing to the 'better angels of their natures', then the antis have only themselves to blame for what they may someday experience.What's been going on is a painful frame-by-frame slow-motion civil war. The carnage is counted not so much in dead bodies but in lost futures. CHANCE AFTER CHANCE TO STOP THE WAR WAS PASSED UP BY THE OPPOSITION. They had the power to stop...and didn't. We held out olive branch after olive branch; they spat on it and tried to slice our hands off.But still we try...for both our sakes. Because, they will have to live with us after we win. And the past 10 years and TEN DAYS have shown that we *are* winning. The editorial content has been overwhelmingly positive for our side and and anywhere from gently chiding to caustically critical of theirs. Public opinion is with us. 'Measure for measure' doesn't always mean an 'eye for an eye'. It can also mean great kindness repaid equally. The ball is in the anti's court. It's their serve... [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by jose melendez on June 13, 2005 at 17:28:26 PT No Pot? NO BEEF! Medical marijuana backers seek support in Congress 13 Jun 2005 21:48:56 GMT Source: Reuters By Richard CowanWASHINGTON, June 13 (Reuters) - Supporters of medical marijuana said on Monday they were gaining support in Congress but not enough to pass a measure expected in the U.S. House of Representatives this week that would prevent the federal government from prosecuting patients who use the drug.Conservative California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher will team up with liberal New York Democratic Rep. Maurice Hinchey on a measure that would prohibit the U.S. Justice Department from going after patients in 10 states that allow the use of marijuana as prescribed by their doctors.A vote could come as early as Tuesday when Rohrabacher and Hinchey attempt to attach their amendment to a bill to fund Justice Department activities next year.(snip)"Seriously ill people should not be subject to criminal sanctions for using marijuana," said Jim Winkler, a United Methodist Church official in Washington.Speaking to reporters, he added his church had "a long record of being anti-alcohol, anti-tobacco, anti-drug. This is not a denomination that is advocating drug use." Not angry, just even. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 17:21:36 PT The Next Step? The next hand, that is lifted in ignorance, the next hand lifted in Grace, will mark, and light our footsteps, into, this eternal night,Coming Together, in what is closest to our [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 17:01:55 PT Kaptinemo and Runruff I'd like to add my 2 cents. I believe that what we say and do can turn on us. What I mean is the story of Moses trying to free his people. When Pharoah said he wanted the first born killed it turned on him and his people's first born were the ones that died. I hope this makes sense. That's all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by kaptinemo on June 13, 2005 at 16:56:20 PT: Runruff, it was not a rebuke I believe in karma. I don't require or ask that anyone else do.I've seen real b*****ds 'get theirs' in the blink of an eye. I've seen faces of those who took great pleasure in making the lives of others miserable have their worlds turned inside out when they learned they had a virulent form of cancer that had been detected too late to do anything about. The books always balance, and the house always wins.That doesn't mean I don't get angry; I sure ain't The Buddha or The Christ. I've railed at the vapid stupidity of the positions of some of our opponents, and the cunning cynical manipulation of the former group by others who use their gullibility and lack of mental acumen to feather their own nests. And to kill innocent children while supposedly 'saving them' from drugs is the pinnacle of moralist absurdity. But doing things their way, as tempting as it is, is the Dark Side.My old instructors told me "Shoot to wound, not to kill, if you can. Aside from the fact that a wounded man will have his buddies carry him to safety, talking 2 or three men out of the fight, some day it may be your turn to look down the wrong end of the barrel. Acquire a reputation as a mad dog, and your enemy may decide to put you down like one. What comes around, goes around."Indeed it does. So, I prefer, no matter how hot I get, to follow Paul's advice to the Romans: "Vengeance is MINE, sayeth The Lord; I shall repay." A Buddhist would call that karma.Or a Mormon would recognize this immediately: "By the wicked shall the wicked be punished." The antis, for all their loud proclamations of being in the right, have stored a great accumulation of wickedness with their predations upon peaceful people and the sick and dying. When the spiritual bill comes due for their 'labors', I wouldn't want to be anywhere nearby. Given the magnitude of their sins, the payback may be exceptionally grievous. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by jose melendez on June 13, 2005 at 16:52:08 PT Bruce Mirken: Kubo's Pot War IS Crime! U.S. Attorney Ed Kubo cannot prosecute doctors for recommending medical marijuana. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals firmly upheld a physician's right to make such recommendations, and the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the government's appeal of that decision. If Kubo goes after doctors, he will be breaking the law -- and he will suffer the consequences. BRUCE MIRKEN Director of Communications Marijuana Policy Project Washington, D.C [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 16:22:13 PT In This War In This War [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 16:13:39 PT Getting Beyond,.. Reparations, holding slaves is no longer, either legal or in human justice,..and in our new insight, illuminates, caging innocent people who "smoke" cannabis, marks, this journey, into dissolution, of law and spirit.What is Right, Correct,, in the light of Truth, Justice, and Freedom, Noah, found grace in the Lord,Where the Hell-are them good old Christians,? [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by runruff on June 13, 2005 at 16:12:17 PT: Kaptinemo You are right about L.H.O. and I should never wish the death of another. That said. I wish there were some way "W" could just dissapear. Is it so wrong to wish for the absence of one who has so willfully caused the death and suffering of so many human beings? To me. In my understanding. I see "W" as being no different than say Hitler or Stalin only with more restraints.It is always good to here from you Kaptinemo. You are one of the "good guys"Namaste [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by goneposthole on June 13, 2005 at 15:42:24 PT everybody wins with this "Souder dismisses the effort as a political, not scientific, effort to to gradually legalize marijuana. The lawmaker argues that if scientific data supports marijuana as a pain medication, it should be studied and vetted through the regular FDA process."The guy can pass the buck. He doesn't want to face responsibility.Come on, Mark, you can do it. It's not that tough to do.In 1937, it was political and the AMA was dissed. The scientific approach wasn't even considered, and, voila, Marihuana is instantly illegal.They want it both ways. Now, it's got to be scientific. I thought the science said Marihuana wasn't medicine. That's what they all said. "It's 'Cheech and Chong' medicine." No science in there.Condemn the stuff as a harmful substance. Marihuana is the demon, the devil's weed. Now Congress might just vote to allow medical cannabis to be used by sick and dying patients that say it works to alleviate their misery.All of those kids sent off youth camps for 'abusing' Marihuana might just line up with a slew of lawsuits against Straight, Inc. and The Drug Free America Foundation. All of those imprisoned for marihuana possession and distribution might just sue the DEA for false imprisonment and arrest. All of those billions sent down a rat hole have all been spent for naught.All of the lies and propaganda are beginning to fall on deaf ears.The DEA has been 'running and gunning' in every state to stop the scourge of the demon weed, Marihuana. But, now Congress might just tell them that arresting sick people who find it helpful has got to stop. The DEA, with all of their running a losing race as fast as they can, has been overtaken by the tortoise, the cannabis-eating one. The cannabis-eating tortoise doesn't mind winning, either. Didn't bother him if he was losing all along, he just kept on slogging along. Toughing it out when he had to scale the mole hill, he knew, without a doubt, the finish line was in sight anyway. The DEA made a mountain out of that mole hill, but the tortoise knew better. He knew he could complete the race.For all along he knew: Slowly but surely wins the race. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 14:58:02 PT ot:definition Felony 1. One of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor. 2. Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part.Smoking cannabis, would never fit this type of serious crime, yet the highest court in the world, has adjudicated; what other herb or plant will they cast their tired gaze tomorrow?The founding fathers, never considered, the possibility, that their grandchildren, would become so incapable of distinguishing reality from a lot of hype and propaganda, administered from our tv's..The Jackson verdict, justs illuminates, the flesh and bones, of our world. Like the recent cannabis decision, with each decision, the shank, the soul, of our pitiful existence, is slowly being revealed.The pursuit of money and power, has a birthday, We may someday, blow up our world, in some thermonuclear paradox, but the bargains and agreements, will forever be spared, in some insane and dillusional bubble of madness, that may continue to survive, beyond, global warming, the death of the sun.For those that want to plant a garden, to welcome the new born universe, you might have to wait a little bit, for the muddied waters, will clear, and the light, will illuminate, and we can share a token.., when the water clears, [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Taylor121 on June 13, 2005 at 14:55:43 PT Call and to Support Hinchey-Rohrabacher! I did! Call Congress TODAY!Medical Marijuana Vote Could Happen TuesdayDear ______,Thank you to everyone who has urged lawmakers to protect medical marijuana patients in the wake of the Raich Supreme Court decision. The amendment that gives Congress an opportunity to do just that is up for a vote this week - possibly as soon as Tuesday afternoon! The Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment would protect cancer, AIDS and other patients who use marijuana for medical reasons from federal prosecution. Lawmakers need to hear that their constituents demand protection for sick people, so call your Representative as soon as possible and forward this alert to everyone you know.What to Do: Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask to speak to your Representative. If you're not sure who represents you, the operator can tell you. You can also look up your Representative at by entering your zip code at the top.What to Say: Once the operator transfers you to your Representative's office, give the person who answers the phone the following message: "Hi, I'm a constituent. I'm calling to urge my Representative to vote for the Hinchey-Rohrabacher medical marijuana amendment to the Justice spending bill, which will be voted on this week. I would also like him (or her) to send me a letter letting me know how he (or she) voted. This issue is very important to me." If you emailed your Representative last week in support of the amendment, you should mention that. Say that your phone call is a follow-up to an email you sent. (Hinchey-Rohrabacher is pronounced Hinchee Roy Bocker.)Then forward this alert to friends, family, etc.Thank you for all your work to create reforms that will help patients!Sincerely,Bill Piper Director of National Affairs Drug Policy Alliance [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by global_warming on June 13, 2005 at 14:20:59 PT The Internet Is Shuddering You may have to click a couple of times, until your website is engaged,10 counts and found innocent.Mostly dealing with the administration of an intoxicant, to perform a felony.Felony, now their is a word that could use some definition. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 14:20:25 PT I Really Like Number 7! [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 14:12:47 PT Political Cartoons about Medical Marijuana Topic: They found Michael Jackson innocent. I am not fond of MJ but I agree with the verdict. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by The GCW on June 13, 2005 at 14:06:39 PT POP! US CO: Supremes take on medical marijuana is pricelessPubdate: June 13, 2005Source: Summit Daily News (CO)Author: (My) State Rep. Gary Lindstrom Viewed at: soon to MAP) Gary LindstromJune 12, 2005 (in the print form on 6:13:5)Supremes take on medical marijuana is pricelessThe United States Supreme Court has ruled medical marijuana is not legal. I would not have expected a different decision from the justices. But there is some interesting reasoning in the justice's decision.Some of the more conservative justices voted with the minority, saying it is a states' rights issue and the federal government should butt out. (No pun intended.)The majority ruled that medical marijuana laws in states interfere with the free commerce of the United States. Yes. Free commerce. They said if individual states allow medical marijuana and others do not, it will cause the free-market prices of marijuana to be adversely affected.Man, what a stretch. The older I get, the less I understand why some courts make the decisions they make.Colorado voters approved medical marijuana use in a statewide ballot initiative in 2000. What we said was if a person has a note from his or her doctor, it is legal to grow and smoke marijuana for medical purposes.A couple of relatively local cases come to mind. The Summit County Drug Task Force raided a home in Park County a couple of years ago. The resident of the home had a prescription from his doctor for medical marijuana. Big controversy at the time.Up in Routt County, federal agents raided a home where a person was smoking and growing weed under permission from his doctor. The drugs were seized and all hell broke loose. Not sure the status of that case.In Denver a month or so ago, a drug grower and smoker was arrested and his dope was seized. A judge ordered the police to give the stuff back because the smoker/grower had a note from his doc.Several years ago the state decriminalized marijuana in small amounts, less than an ounce, for personal use. It became a petty offense, and a ticket can be issued to the possessor instead of going to the slammer.All of these laws make a lot of sense. The free market excuse does not.Sheriff Bill Masters down in San Miguel County has his own approach to the problem. He has said it is a waste of time and money to enforce any drug laws. He is a Libertarian and has gained national prominence for his position on drugs.I have to agree with the sheriff. In my more than 30 years experience in law enforcement, I have never seen anyone hurt from smoking marijuana. The only damage done is to the nearest bag of chips. I suppose someone could bang his head if he started nodding too much.There are more people killed in the United States every year in car accidents than were killed during the entire Vietnam War. Most died because of alcohol, not wearing seat belts, or both. I am not aware of anyone ever being killed in a car accident as the result of smoking marijuana.When have you ever heard a news report of a fatal car accident where they said the cause was smoking marijuana? In almost every fatal accident the reporter will say, "The police suspect alcohol was involved."I suppose an argument could be made that marijuana smoking causes the user to fall asleep. Falling asleep while driving is not good. Talking on a cell phone while driving is not good either. Smoking your cell phone while driving could be fatal, too.Maybe if we legalized marijuana we could set the market price nationally to placate the Supreme Court.We could also heavily tax it and gain government benefit from legalizing it. Maybe we could use the tax revenue for important things like education and health care.For health reasons, I oppose smoking. People should not smoke marijuana, tobacco, phone books, or old tires because smoking anything is bad for your health.But not that it creates pricing issues and interferes with the free trade of the United States of America. That is just plain silly.State Rep. Gary Lindstrom of Lakeview Meadows represents Summit, Eagle and Lake counties. He writes a Monday column. He can be reached at gary, or visit his website at [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 14:04:43 PT MPP: For Immediate Release MASON-DIXON POLL ON MEDICAL MARIJUANA JUNE 2005A random sample of 732 registered voters nationwide was interviewed by telephone June 8-11, 2005 by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C. Margin for error is plus or minus 3.7%. The survey was commissioned by the Marijuana Policy Project. 68% of Americans say the federal government should not prosecute medical marijuana patientsPoll: [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by siege on June 13, 2005 at 13:57:05 PT Did this man call you today Montel William: to call the hill and give them something to THINK ABOUT art [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by jose melendez on June 13, 2005 at 13:43:49 PT Big Pharma Poised for Fall Acute CINV When Added to a Standard Antiemetic Regimen MARIETTA, Ga., May 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Results of a new study showed MARINOL(R) (dronabinol) CIII Capsules helps to reduce delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). MARINOL(R) is a synthetic version of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is one of more than 400 compounds found in the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa L). The research was presented today at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla. The research also suggested that adding a small dose of MARINOL(R) (2.5mg) to the standard preventive antiemetic regimen helped relieve CINV on the day of chemotherapy. On Days 2 through 5 following chemotherapy, the study concluded that continued treatment with MARINOL(R) alone, or in combinationwith ondansetron (a commonly used serotonin receptor antagonist), was more effective than placebo in reducing delayed CINV and comparable to ondansetronalone. - - -see also: Don't Take Harmful Drugs Aren't those dirty hippies dead yet? Margin of Error: 'T’was a great victory. Sort if like Iraq.' - Richard Cowan A Study in Corruption Consumer Fraud: Soothing Pretty Picture Sells Overpriced Synthetic Pot [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by kaptinemo on June 13, 2005 at 13:38:12 PT: Let's not be wishing for THAT Don't give the swine any ammo. And, as far as I am concerned, Oswald was just what he said he was before Ruby killed him; a patsy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by runruff on June 13, 2005 at 13:11:15 PT: Eli Lilly and the Bushs' Marinol is manufactored by the Eli Lilly Corp.A huge portion of which is owned by the Bush clan.Question: Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him? [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by ekim on June 13, 2005 at 13:01:17 PT Thank you FoM Comment #3 posted by BGreen on June 08, 2005 at 15:03:51 PT POLL Do you think that patients who use marijuana as a prescribed medical treatment should be prosecuted? Yes: 16.8%No: 83.2%Total Votes: 738Springfield (MO) News-Leader Poll Comment #8 posted by FoM on June 07, 2005 at 21:24:48 PT Poll: Seattle Post Intelligencer Should the use of marijuana for substantiated medical reasons be legal? Current Results:28.0% -- Yes, it makes no sense to add prosecution to sick people's suffering. 0.5% -- No, it's a dangerous drug that's an entrée to even more dangerous ones. 68.6% -- Yes, marijuana use should be decriminalized for everyone. 2.9% -- No, this whole "medical" marijuana business is hooey. Total Votes: 207 Please Vote: Comment #9 posted by jose melendez on June 07, 2005 at 22:17:51 PT polls take toll on anti-pot rhetoric " . . one poll in President Bush's home state last fall, The Scripps Howard Texas Poll, found that 75 percent of residents in the Lone Star State favored a bill in the state legislature to use marijuana to treat symptoms of cancer and other serious illnesses. Among the sample of 900 Texans, 67 percent of Republicans favored medical marijuana. "These are not exactly latte-sipping liberals with a permissive attitude on drug use," Merkin said. "When Republicans from George Bush's own state of Texas express by a margin like that their support for medical uses of marijuana, you know that this is not exactly a case of the conservative bloc universally in favor of a policy." Comment #4 posted by FoM on June 07, 2005 at 15:40:58 PT Rhode Island: News Article from News Channel 10 R.I. Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill Governor Has Promised VetoJune 7, 2005PROVIDENCE -- The state Senate approved a medical marijuana bill on Tuesday, aiming to make Rhode Island the 11th state to shield from prosecution those who use the drug to treat health problems.***Survey:Should Rhode Island pass a law legalizing the use of marijuana for certain medical conditions? Percentage of 778 Votes Yes -- 712 -- 92% No -- 49 -- 6% I'm not sure -- 17 -- 2% Do you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling to outlaw the use of medical marijuana? Choice Votes Percentage of 18616 Votes Yes 3336 18% No 14595 78% Unsure 685 Video-Marijuana Patients Angry Medicine Taken Away-Supreme Court Snuffs Out Medical MarijuanaPrevious Stories:* June 6, 2005: High Court Rules Against Medical Marijuana Users sponsor Comment #2 posted by Taylor121 on June 07, 2005 at 00:17:51 PT Christian Science Monitor Poll Should federal law trump state law on medical marijuana? No, states should 'serve as a laboratories for new ideas,' even if federal law disagrees. 88.4% Yes, the federal government should have the right to ban or regulate all drug use. 11.6% Total votes: 250 Comment #2 posted by FoM on June 06, 2005 at 21:22:46 PT USA Today Poll Should patients be allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes? Current Results:Yes under any circumstance -- 43%Yes with a doctor's prescription -- 42%Only in extreme circumstances -- 6%Almost never -- 2%No -- 8%TOTAL VOTES: 2613Please Vote:[ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by The GCW on June 06, 2005 at 21:19:55 PT 2 POLLS Vote here Should the federal government prosecute medical marijuana users, now that it has been given the OK by the Supreme Court? * 69575 responses Yes 10% No 88% I'm not sure 2%&&&&LOU DOBBS TONIGHT QUICKVOTE Do you believe the federal government should prosecute doctors who prescribe medical marijuana? Current Results: Yes -- 7% No -- 93% Total: 3264 votes [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by VitaminT on June 13, 2005 at 12:42:12 PT Bryan Epis Does anyone know the status of the Epis case? As I recall he was released pending resolution of Raich/Monson. I guess the the next big public relations move by the inJustice Dept. will be to throw him back in the hoosegow. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 12:31:40 PT Ekim Here You Go! [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by ekim on June 13, 2005 at 12:23:02 PT the polls that were taken like msnbc or lou dobbs or the usa today poll. i thought it would be good to have them up on this page as the congress votes tomorrow. seems that every poll i read was overwhelmingly for med use.sorry for maken more work for you. i will reread and see if i can find them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 12:14:52 PT BGreen Meth just faded away in the 70s. The problem was not drug testing but they trained dogs to sniff out Pot and Meth was easier for people to smuggle I believe. The war on Cannabis made hard drugs more popular. I agree with you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by BGreen on June 13, 2005 at 12:09:29 PT We had meth back in the '70s It was never a societal scourge until the war on cannabis shifted the focus to concentrated, quickly produced and much more profitable substances per gram.The crack and meth epidemics are a direct byproduct of cannabis prohibition.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 12:07:18 PT ekim I never put any polls on my FTE web site. Was I suppose to or did I say I would and didn't do it? What polls and maybe I can find them on CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by ekim on June 13, 2005 at 12:04:14 PT FoM do you have a page on last weeks polls i looked at your freedom page and did not see a section just on the polls last week am i looking in right section. Thank you [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 12:04:07 PT PainWithNoInsurance I am a person who was dependent on Codeine in the form of Tylenol 4, Fioricet for headaches and Meprobamate a tranquilizer. When I went thru detox which for me was no drugs just going into a hospital and going thru seizures and hell I swore I would never take any drugs again unless I am in really bad health and need something for pain. I turned my back on pharmaceuticals back in 94. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by PainWithNoInsurance on June 13, 2005 at 11:58:32 PT Fom I am one of those guinne pigs that have taken vioxx and celebrex. They did nothing for me but make me broke, so I stopped taking them.The meth crisis is so sad I get emotional about it. I wonder if these new and dangerous drugs are a result of cannabis prohibition because no matter what, people seem to be attracted to something that makes them feel better. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 11:42:53 PT PainWithNoInsurance You're welcome. Last night I was talking with my husband about legal and illegal drugs. Back in the 70s it was common to be careful about trying an illegal drug like Meth or Heroin. You knew it wasn't pure and could be cut with substances that could make it dangerous. When it comes to legal drugs we believe they are safe because they have an FDA stamp of approval and in turn people don't fear them. That is dangerous since we know that we become the statistics if a legal pharmaceutical drug gets pulled from the market. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by PainWithNoInsurance on June 13, 2005 at 11:35:24 PT Fom Thanks for your wonderful work here at These articles are full of stunning support for compassion from some of the biggest names in media.I am amazed at that recent article about prescription drugs being more deadlier than illegals. I think if someone would suggest some of these news articles to other online news sites they would post them, especially the one about the prescription drugs being more dangerous than the illegals. It wasn't until I had tried a whole lot of different pharms that I relized it myself that some prescription drugs really aren't that good and in fact are garbage. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 11:18:48 PT A Thought Souder dismisses the effort as a political, not scientific, effort to to gradually legalize marijuana. The lawmaker argues that if scientific data supports marijuana as a pain medication, it should be studied and vetted through the regular FDA process. ****How can it be vetted thru the FDA when it's the DEA that won't let it get out of being a Schedule I drug? [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 11:15:35 PT afterburner I agree it's way past time to re-schedule Cannabis. To me that is the only way to go. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by afterburner on June 13, 2005 at 11:12:36 PT This Is Democracy? 80% of the people are "duped" by medical cannabis.20% of the people *know* that medical cannabis is a fraud.Representatives to Congress and Senators represent your constituents! Stop arresting medical cannabis patients. Reschedule cannabis to acknowledge its long-standing medical utility. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 11:10:49 PT Just a Question I don't understand the Hinchey and Rohrabacher amendment. Could someone please help me understand how this will help us if it would pass? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on June 13, 2005 at 11:09:06 PT Thanks observer! Study: Prescription Drugs More Deadly Than Illegal Ones June 13, 2005WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- In Florida, more people die each year from prescription drugs than illegal drugs, according to a new study by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.In 2004, Florida medical examiners reported more than 1,800 deaths from prescription drug overdoses -- up nearly a quarter from the year before. Nearly 300 of those fatalities occurred in people younger than 25 years old.Deaths in young people caused by methadone -- a painkiller that's an alternative to oxycodone -- almost doubled since 2002. Doris Carroll, the community coordinator for the Palm Beach County Substance Abuse Coalition, said parents need to keep track of their own medications. Students can often find many prescription pain killers in their own medicine cabinets, where they have free access. Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by observer on June 13, 2005 at 11:03:11 PT Study: Prescription Drugs More Deadly Than Illegal breaking newsUS: Study: Prescription Drugs More Deadly Than Illegal OnesFound: Mon Jun 13 10:01:03 2005 PDT Webpage: Newshawk: [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by PainWithNoInsurance on June 13, 2005 at 10:28:37 PT Souder sure would vote yes if he where in pain Souder would be smoking joints every day if he where in pain all of the time and ruining his body on expensive pharms that barely work. It sure would be a different story then. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment