Pot Bill Sparks Debate Pot Bill Sparks Debate Posted by CN Staff on May 19, 2005 at 07:19:34 PT By Jim Baron Source: Pawtucket Times Providence, R.I. -- After listening to nearly two hours of often-impassioned testimony about the medical use of marijuana, the chairman of the House Health, Education and Welfare Committee said that "philosophically, it is something the committee would look at," if the proper controls could be put in place. "That’s our challenge," Chairman Joseph McNamara said after the hearing. "Distribution, control and regulation are major issues that have to be addressed." McNamara said he expects to work with the state Department of Health on some of those details in the coming weeks. "It’s bad enough when you have a devastating disease that you are trying to fight," said Irvin Rosenfeld, one of seven patients still receiving medical marijuana from a government program that was closed in 1992, "and then when you find a medicine that actually works for you, you are labeled as a criminal. It’s just not right." Holding a large silver can containing rolled marijuana cigarettes and holding one of the cigarettes up for the committee to see during his testimony, Rosenfeld said he smokes 11 ounces of marijuana every 25 days. While the use of most medical marijuana is still illegal under federal statutes, Rosenfeld said, states have begun passing laws to make it legal because they are telling the federal government, "we are tired of making criminals out of our sick patients." Rep. Thomas Slater, who introduced the bill in the House of Representatives, agreed, calling his legislation, "a reasonable measure that protects sick people from the possibility of arrest."This bill is very narrow in scope," Slater told the panel. "What it simply does is offer protection from arrest and prosecution to patients who use marijuana in conjunction with their doctor’s recommendation. "These people are not a threat to society, and there is no reason to have them risk going to jail."Rep. Steven Costantino, who said he lost a brother to cancer two years ago and a cousin to the same disease last week, said, "this is about compassion. This is about an end of life issue that allows someone to die in dignity. We can throw everything up in front of this legislation to say why we shouldn’t do it. "If you have to tweak it, tweak it. If you have to fix it, fix it. But let that patient who is in someone’s home right now who is wasting away at least have the opportunity to die in dignity." This is how the proposed law would work: Licensed physicians would recommend the medical use of marijuana to patients with degenerative or crippling diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, epilepsy and chronic pain. The R.I. Department of Health would then provide those patients with registration identity cards which would be in effect for one year and renewable. The patients, their doctors and up to two primary caregivers would then be protected from arrest, prosecution and other penalties for having a quantity of marijuana that does not exceed 2.5 useable ounces or 12 plants. The HEW committee took no vote on the bill Wednesday. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on the Senate version of a medical marijuana bill, sponsored by Sen. Rhoda Perry, this afternoon."This is not some devious attempt to legalize marijuana," said Rhonda O’Donnell, a 42-year-old mother of two who is a registered nurse and suffers from multiple sclerosis. She urged the lawmakers to, "Make this a medical decision, not a political one. This is a decision that should be between a doctor and a patient." One of the few witnesses to speak against the bill, State Police Lt. Leroy V. Rose, Jr. told the committee that marijuana is "a widely abused drug in Rhode Island. Unfortunately we are number one in drug and alcohol (traffic) fatalities. We feel that legislation would potentially increase that, something we are not very proud of. "Secondly, if we had someone who was using it for medical purposes and they were involved in a fatal accident, or stopped for being impaired, this legislation says it cannot be used in a criminal investigation. In a letter to the committee, Department of Health Director Dr. David Gifford said the department recognizes the potential benefit of the active ingredient in marijuana plants in certain medical conditions, but does not support the legislation.How patients would access the marijuana is not addressed in the legislation, he said and prescribing marijuana by physicians conflicts with federal regulations. Source: Pawtucket Times (RI)Author: Jim Baron Published: May 19, 2005Copyright: 2005 The Pawtucket TimesContact: editor pawtuckettimes.comWebsite: http://www.pawtuckettimes.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links, Cons of Medical Marijuana Get Hearing Medical-Marijuana Bill's Problems Bill Goes Up For Debate On Smith Hill Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #5 posted by Toker00 on May 19, 2005 at 16:16:22 PT FoM Hope Donegenero FoM, you are so right about this plant being nothing for them to worry with,(Have cannabis? No worries!) considering all the other things they Should be worrying about. But the fact is, they DO understand that the laws on the books concerning Cannabis are wrong. They just haven't figured out how they are going to make the transition from being liars to being the actual public servants we hired them to be, when we get through legislatively kicking their arses! Call 'em up, dress 'em down, Vote 'em out. Join other groups besides Cannabis liberators and help them with their causes in return for them at least listening to ours. This will make a difference. Major Media are being forced to report the down turn in Bush's and Congress's approval rating. 52% of Americans are giving both of them the "thumbs down". Vote in the Greens and Libs '06, depending on your personal choice and send these heartless ruthless Elite a message FROM the people. (Sorry C-news Republicans and Democrats. I have lost faith in both of these parties to do the will of the people.) Remember: She's still our Constitutional Republic as long as we can keep 'er! That means standing up and shouting out "We defend ALL our Liberties given to us by God, and we deny you the opportunity to tyrannize us any further!"Let's give 'em hell (heck), Hope, Donegenero, and everyone who cares about Liberty and God.Peace. Legalize, then Revolutionize!(medicine)(energy)(nutrition) [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by dongenero on May 19, 2005 at 11:57:49 PT I love Toker00's comment I mean isn't that the truth! These discussions always get mired in fine detailed arguments about how will this aspect work and how will that aspect work and how will we control this and control that and monitor his use and monitor her use.That is what politicians do professionally, they turn what is clear and obvious into a complicated mess.Well, screw it is right! Just get the hell out of the way! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Hope on May 19, 2005 at 09:41:11 PT Toker00 I so agree."That is what this is all about changing, The Federal Regulations of Cannabis! Get over it! We are going to change the laws! If you don't like it, get another job somewhere that needs a close minded bigot with fascist tendencies and with government credintials! This is OUR COUNTRY! You forgot about that." [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on May 19, 2005 at 09:38:38 PT Toker00 It's just a plant and worrying about it seems so out of step with all the important issues that face us now in the world. I wish they would understand that the laws on the books concerning cannabis were all wrong. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Toker00 on May 19, 2005 at 09:26:20 PT Hint, hint... "How patients would access the marijuana is not addressed in the legislation, he said and prescribing marijuana by physicians conflicts with federal regulations"Screw the Federal regulations! That is what this is all about changing, The Federal Regulations of Cannabis! Get over it! We are going to change the laws! If you don't like it, get another job somewhere that needs a close minded bigot with fascist tendencies and with government credintials! This is OUR COUNTRY! You forgot about that.Peace. Legalize, then Revolutionize!(medicine)(energy)(nutrition) [ Post Comment ] Post Comment