Today It’s NORML Today It’s NORML Posted by CN Staff on April 20, 2005 at 07:06:57 PT By Karen Wilkinson - Staff Writer Source: Lumberjack Dane Wilkins will be fighting for medical marijuana patients’ rights today instead of observing the annual marijuana merriment. April 20, historically known as Adolf Hitler’s birthday, the Columbine High School shooting anniversary and the day the territory of Wisconsin was created, is also internationally known for its link to pot. Wilkins, the Ukiah National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) chapter executive director, will be attending Ukiah’s council meeting to contest a proposed local ordinance requiring all medical marijuana patients grow plants indoors as opposed to outdoors. “I’ll be having a good time but I’ll be in front of the city council—that’s just as important to me,” Wilkins said. Misha Blacker, a manager at Pacific Paradise for the past 10 years who has lived in Arcata for the past 15, said people, especially in Arcata, liken April 20 to a holiday and hopes customers take advantage of the business’ glassware sales. Wilkins, who first smoked with his mother at age 11, got involved with NORML after unearthing false educational information at a local medical marijuana facility roughly three years ago. A pamphlet said that anyone driving while high is more likely than anyone to have a car accident. “There’s a huge educational vacuum,” Wilkins said. “There’s no need to exaggerate the negative side of marijuana [use] or the positive side.” Wilkins, who has lived in Ukiah for 15 years, said commemorating April 20 works as a tool to foster communication between pro and anti-marijuana advocates alike. “It’s as much an educational as a celebratory event,” he said. Blacker said stereotypes endure, perpetuating the “hippy holiday” perception. “Anything negative somebody can say about a smoker they can say about 420,” Blacker said. Dale Gieringer, San Francisco’s NORML executive director, said he grew up with Hitler’s birthday being associated with the day. “I was very delighted when it turned into a pot smoker’s holiday,” Gieringer said. Gieringer, whose birthday happens to be the same day, will be meeting with the district attorney to discuss California state law 420, which established Proposition 215 possession and cultivation guidelines in 2004. Wilkins supports medical marijuana patients’ rights as well as reversing prohibitory regulations. He said with marijuana prohibition slowly eroding, the day spawns dialogue. “We’re very fortunate in Northern California to have the ability to have these freedoms,” Wilkins said. “There’s so much fear about it, it’s opening minds up.” Blacker said because Earth Day falls two days after, there are even more reasons people celebrate. “A lot of people think it’s nothing more than an excuse to get high,” Blacker said. “While Earth Day is an opportunity to think and talk about ways to give respect to the earth by finding alternatives to our more destructive practices,” Blacker said. “420 allows us the same opportunity, but instead to give respect to ourselves in the same way.” Source: Lumberjack, The (CA Edu)Author: Karen Wilkinson - Staff Writer Published: Wednesday, April 20, 2005Copyright: 2005 Lumberjack Newspaper, Humboldt State UnivesityContact: thejack humboldt.eduWebsite: CannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment