INCB Praises Dutch Marijuana Crackdown

INCB Praises Dutch Marijuana Crackdown
Posted by CN Staff on March 02, 2005 at 20:00:49 PT
By The Associated Press 
Source: Associated Press
Amsterdam, Netherlands -- The International Narcotics Control Board yesterday praised efforts by the Dutch government to harden its famously relaxed marijuana policy, and urged it to go farther.The number of coffee shops where marijuana is openly sold in the Netherlands has fallen by around five per cent in the past two years since the conservative government made it more difficult to obtain business licences and threatened to increase sentences for marijuana growers.
The policy change brings the Dutch "closer toward full compliance with the international drug-control treaties with regard to cannabis", the Vienna-based board said in a statement."The fact that the Dutch government has recognised the health and social problems associated with cannabis abuse and its cultivation and trafficking will have a far-reaching impact on the whole region and beyond," it said.The board, which promotes United Nations drug policy, "urges the Dutch government to take further action to reduce the number of coffee shops, which are contrary to the provisions of the international drug-control treaties".Marijuana is technically illegal in the Netherlands, but police don't bother people for possession of less than several grams (a quarter of an ounce). Some coffee shops have sold it since the 1970s, and the easygoing atmosphere is a major draw for tourism, especially in cities near the Belgian and German borders and in the capital, Amsterdam.The chairman of Legalize!, a Dutch-based organisation that promotes liberalising drugs policy, said the crackdown has been felt by coffee shops and users, resulting in more street dealing and underground sales."There's definitely been a turning point a few years ago," Has Cornelissen said. "Other countries are catching up to us in terms of policy."Last year, Britain reclassified marijuana as an illegal drug not worthy of prosecution in low-level cases. Canada's Senate recommends legalisation.Studies by the Netherlands' Trimbos Institute, which does not take sides in the legalisation dispute, says that usage rates in the Netherlands have risen slightly in recent years, but remained in the middle of international averages. Meanwhile the percentage of THC, the main active chemical in marijuana, has dramatically increased in Dutch weed.A study published in the British Medical Journal in January said that marijuana use may increase the chance of mental illness.Complete Title: International Narcotics Control Board Praises Dutch Marijuana CrackdownSource: Associated Press (Wire)Published: Thursday, March 03, 2005Copyright: 2005 The Associated Press Related Articles:Proof That Smoking Cannabis Makes You Psychotic Could Spell Trouble for Coffee Shops Celebrate 30 Years of Legal Pot 
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Comment #5 posted by rchandar on March 05, 2005 at 17:14:09 PT:
INCB congratulates Netherlands for reducing "coffe
I've never, never understood that plea of the governments and the UN about "international treaties." A SOVEREIGN, ELECTED GOVERNMENT has whatever rights deemable and should be allowed to institute whatever policy there is. But everytime these little nerds are confronted with the cannabis issue, they plea, "we have to obey the international treaties."Why? Are they governments or are they not? Do they have the elected voice of the people, or don't they? The concept of "international government" just doesn't work; it's a fluke that forever prevents legalization from taking root. It's so stupid, they have no business abdicating the elected vote we gave them...The UN claims, "we already have enough problems with tobacco and alcohol." Well, that's stupid, too! Those are more harmful than cannabis, and yet cannabis is super-demonized by the UN.What irks me most (it doesn't take much to irk me, i guess) is that cannabis is grouped with really harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, you know. What irks me EVEN MORE was the UN's 1998 report promising to "eradicate all drug use by 2008." Who the F# K do they think they're kidding? It's just another piece of propaganda bulls $#t that enshrines the current prohibition.END the war on cannabis. Peace.--rchandar
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Comment #4 posted by mayan on March 03, 2005 at 17:46:11 PT
The INCB is supposedly independent but their members are elected by the United Nations and they are funded by the United Nations. Independent? Sure.lombar is right on. Why isn't the U.N. condemning BushCo. for war crimes? What are they doing to prevent the coming wars in Syria and Iran? The United Nations is obviously irrelevant at this point.
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Comment #3 posted by lombar on March 03, 2005 at 16:13:08 PT
UN is innefectual now
"International Narcotics Control Board" is what tipped me that it is progaganda...the first line. Isn't it ironic that the INCB would be insisting that Holland have stronger enforcement of UN treaties with respect to cannabis but the US government can ignore the UN when it starts wars? 
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Comment #2 posted by freddybigbee on March 03, 2005 at 04:57:05 PT:
"A study published in the British Medical Journal in January said that marijuana use may increase the chance of mental illness."It "may" decrease the "chance" of mental illness as well. As soon as I see a weak statement like "may increase the chance..." I know I'm reading propaganda rather than journalism.
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Comment #1 posted by rchandar on March 02, 2005 at 20:41:12 PT:
My take on this--Don't worry, but solidify and convince the general population. What I've been reading from,,, and my last visit tells me that Justice Minister Donner and CDA have launched a "culture war" against cannabis. Basically they are trying to persuade, through legislation but also through the presentation of culture issues such as security, immigration, criminal justice and the face of justice, Dutch people to adopt an American-style vision of crime, its logistics, and who the "good guys" are. Health also figures in; the reports on schizophrenia and mental health definitely figured in to this "crackdown."Not to worry, though. I think the biggest issues re tourists are the nuisance factor and trafficking (any type). Donner believes the American line, basically. But the Dutch people probably don't--however, they need to be persuaded, through example and ideological certainty, that we are not the horrible criminals that US Drug Warriors proclaim us to be. Act responsibly. When in Holland, respect people and if possible, join hands in the vehicles of organized "protest" against the Drug War. CDA has been in power since 2002; they tried to shut down foreign sales, outlaw "high-grade" cannabis, and close lots of shops; none of these measures were bought by the Dutch people. We should help to make sure they don't buy into it now......the kicker. Remember Bush's line in 2002, "if you're buying drugs in America, you're contributing to terrorism?" The Dutch recently, with the assassination of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, launched their own "war on terror." Immigrants, particularly Middle Easterners (some of whom sell hash), are being racially profiled. Now in America, this behavior on behalf of the government was resisted. Let us make sure that the same is the result in Holland, that all people continue to have equal rights and equal protection under the law.A couple of weeks ago, some website made the claim that Dutch weed wasn't so terribly strong. It's true; street weed often is very potent, so no one's buying that one either.Keep the faith,
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