Woman Executed by Riverside Police! 

Woman Executed by Riverside Police! 
Posted by FoM on January 08, 1999 at 05:08:46 PT
What does a toxicology report mean in a murder?
RIVERSIDE, Calif. Relatives of a 19-year-old woman questioned the release of coroner's findings that she was legally drunk and had traces of marijuana in her system when she was shot 12 times by police. 
Tyisha Miller had a blood-alcohol level of 0.13 percent, Mark Wasserman of the Riverside County sheriff-coroner's office said Thursday. The legal limit for driving in California is 0.08 percent. The preliminary toxicology tests also found cannabinoids, a byproduct of marijuana, in the black teen-ager's system. Family members have claimed Ms. Miller was unconscious when she was shot early Dec. 28 as she sat in a disabled car. Four officers _ three white and one Hispanic -- and a white sergeant who were at the scene have been placed on paid leave. The FBI is conducting an inquiry into whether Ms. Miller's civil rights were violated. Burnell Butler, a cousin of Ms. Miller's, wondered why police released the toxicology report so quickly. "They were quick to release the report on the toxicology of Tyisha. What about the toxicology on the police men?" he said. "What about the 911 report? Why don't you release the tapes? Where is it?" Ms. Miller, who was armed with a handgun, was shot after police responded to a call that she was locked in a car at a gas station, unresponsive to relatives who banged on the window. Investigators first said Ms. Miller fired at officers, but later said they didn't know who fired first. They sure find traces of Marijuana and Alcohol quickly when they want to and sure don't in cases like Sonny Bono!
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