Legalize When Grandma Dies!

Legalize When Grandma Dies!
Posted by CN Staff on July 29, 2004 at 23:31:40 PT
By Joel Miller
Source: WorldNetDaily
I've written for quite a number of years now on the drug war, principally about its problems. In my research, I've run across countless people who are not only against drug prohibition, but who also have no moral qualms about drugs themselves, or breaking the law to use them. Individually, these people are mere lawbreakers. Together, they are one important reason the drug war will never succeed.
As conservatives, we put a lot of stock in the rule of law. As well we should. But while insisting that law be followed, we often don't think about whether the law is legitimate to begin with or what it means when people don't believe it is. When enough people collectively do not believe that a law is legitimate, no matter what's on the books, it ceases being law. This is why in some places around the country there are various blue laws and municipal regulations on the books that are still technically binding, but never actually enforced. For all intents and purposes, they're not really law anymore. Writing in this week, Gary North discussed the ongoing undermining of copyright law. His statements there apply perfectly here: "A law that cannot be enforced is merely a suggestion. If it costs more to enforce a law than the returns generated by the law, authorities are not interested in enforcing it unless pressured by the hierarchy to do so." Obviously, there is great political pressure to enforce the current drug laws, but the only thing more transient in life than politics is teenage love. Someday the pressure will lessen and, because the costs and drawbacks to drug prohibition are so monstrous, the laws will cease to be enforced. They might even be outright repealed or reformed. After all, the current drug-war regime is only as old as the Nixon and Reagan administrations – it's far from permanent. Laws, and the arguments either for or against them, usually have nothing do with principles – at least not the ones vocally propounded by legislators and their supporters. Conservatives talk about the rule of law, but turn a blind eye as the drug war violates the Constitution. Liberals rail about the freedom to make lifestyle choices, but then punish people for choosing drugs. In practice, laws are much more about political expediency and power than anything else. Nixon urged a law-and-order crackdown (of which drug enforcement would be a big part) while running for the presidency because it produced votes – something he was willing to admit. "I have found great audience response to this [law and order] theme in all parts of the country," Nixon wrote his mentor, former President Eisenhower, "including areas like New Hampshire where there is virtually no race problem and relatively little crime." In other words, the promised crackdown wasn't even needed – just useful for garnering votes. Before needing the conservative law-and-order vote in his corner, Reagan actually took a fairly laissez faire attitude to pot. And by laissez faire, I don't mean lackadaisical. I mean exactly what the term says, let people do what they want. In a 1979 radio address, Reagan both warned of health risks associated with marijuana and fired a shot at prohibition. "If adults want to take such chances [using pot], that is their business," he said. Despite the fact that Reagan later reneged on that statement, literally millions of Americans operate as if he never had, choosing to illegally partake of drugs. And like it or not, more will do the same – each act of disobedience doing some small part to undermine the legitimacy of drug prohibition. A friend of mine sometimes uses a crass but meaningful phrase, "Legalize when Grandma dies." Pardon the rudeness and ponder the meat: Whatever else they might be, laws are expressions of cultural consensus. Right now the consensus is shaky, but still tilted toward prohibition. It won't always be that way. Cultures change. And when cultures change, so do laws – either formally or informally. If our solution to drug abuse is prohibition, then we will ultimately fail in dealing with it, because prohibition will not always be the law of the land. Our solution to drug abuse has to be bigger and more foundational than the State and the shifting ambitions of politicians. Drugs have been around for millennia. Our laws haven't and won't. If we're going to deal intelligently with the problem of drug abuse, we need to realize that our current solution to a longstanding problem is fleeting and temporary.Joel Miller is senior editor of WND Books and author of "Bad Trip: How the War Against Drugs is Destroying America." His own company, Oakdown, recently published "Drinking With Calvin and Luther! A History of Alcohol in the Church." "Anyone who will read the law codes and the annals of nations with a philosophical eye will almost always find the terms "vice" and "virtue," "good citizen" and "criminal," changing their meaning in the course of centuries, not because of the changing circumstances that befall the country ... but because of the errors and passions that have successively dominated various legislators." – Cesare Beccaria, 1764 Source: WorldNetDaily (US Web)Author: Joel MillerPublished: July 30, 2004Copyright: 2004 Inc.Contact: letters worldnetdaily.comWebsite: Related Articles: 800,000,000 Marijuana Joints To Kill Families Drug Cops Can't Win 
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Comment #19 posted by kaptinemo on July 31, 2004 at 14:45:06 PT:
I am no such thing
I am only one of a host of people here who are willing to add their own tuppence and their toil to try to further our cause. In my case, I am (or so I've been told) an articulate spleen venter cursed with a too-good memory and an intolerance for hypocrisy that borders on anaphylactic. That's all. If I come across a tidbit of information that might be relevent to us, I hope that in sharing it we all benefit.Every time I come 'here' I learn something new, from *all* of us. I'd like to think that's the guiding principle. For knowledge (in my humble estimation) is indeed power...if properly channeled and used.CE, you may find yourself surprised when I say I am only too well aware of the potential for misuse of technology, and it's application against civil liberties. I work in a field where innovation isn't always good; every day I am forced to wipe someone's computer and start over because one devilshly clever hacker or another has created a new virtual Frankenstein's Monster that would take too long to deconstruct and analyze. In order to get the victim back up and operating, we have to use 'ultimate maeasures' to fix the hoof-and-mouth disease is dealt with. So, the idea of chips in your phones to listen in on your converstaions or chips *under your bloody skin* to track your whereabouts is only too plausible for me. And I am not so sanguine about the future of those civil liberties unless some massive change in society takes place to shake most people from their complacency.I stated here many times that Freedom and Tyranny are in a race, and they are neck-and-neck. Technology drives a lot of that race now, as those who seek to prevent the destruction of civil liberties are up against a cavalier attitude towards them by those entrusted to protect the country. We've seen how they've done such a stellar job of it by not catching the purported head man of the 9/11 tragedy but have put the screws to our own people.It was an article of faith amongst the terrorists of the 1960's and 1970's that in order to succeed, they must cause the targeted government to become so tyrannical in its' efforts to 'protect' the populace from terrorist acts that the people themselves overthrow the government. At the time, the theory was supposedly discounted. I fear that it has not been. And that it is not only valid, but workable. And we, today, are witnessing its testing. On *us*. With the hearty assistance - if not outright INSTIGATION - by Uncle's minions.But for all the seeming cluelessness of the American people, we have a wellspring of force which, when awakened and applied, could cause a different outcome to take place, one not anticipated by our would-be masters. It would take a Hell of a shock to wake it...but we may be unable to avoid that shock, now. Things have gone too far. Tyranny is trying to put it's last bits of energy into a sprint for the home stretch. And, despite it's past successes, it may yet falter. Hence my optimism despite the gloom we labor under.
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Comment #18 posted by Cannabis Enthusiast on July 31, 2004 at 12:48:56 PT
kaptinemo is by far the #1 commentator here...
I am just a pessimist myself. I'll avoid being negative to anyone on here personally though in the near future.
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Comment #17 posted by FoM on July 31, 2004 at 08:36:27 PT
Kaptinemo and Everyone
I'm not sure why people are being sarcastic in their posts but it's totally out of character for all of us here. I know the times we are living in are enough to makes us all angry but we aren't the enemy. We are working towards the same end. We might not agree on how we want to get to the end but we all are passionate in our efforts. I didn't noticed GWs dig but after you made a comment and I looked and that was not necessary. Do young people just want older folks to just go die? That is extreme but we need to respect each other if we are old or young. I've always believed in respect. Hopefully soon life will be easier or we all will get tougher or we'll just go and die. 
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Comment #16 posted by kaptinemo on July 31, 2004 at 07:27:12 PT:
CE, a suggestion
If you believe my writings to be fiction, I welcome a detailed deconstruction of them. Point by point, please. I would do you the same courtesy. And as I mentioned, the email address is quite live. I do answer my email. "Hailing frequencies open..."
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Comment #15 posted by kaptinemo on July 31, 2004 at 06:50:26 PT:
GW, for your information
I am not on any medication, hypertensive or otherwise. Your insinuation is unwarranted. I'll remain as civil as you will.My main point was that the members of the generation who seem the angriest about what has happened to this country these past 50 years have in many cases been largely responsible for it happening in the first place. When the laws restricting personal freedoms in this country for the sake of preserving 'national security' first began to bubble up from the brimstone Pit, there were very few of the generation that had just fought a war to liberate Europe and the Far East who spoke out against them. Yet they had fought nations which had made the same flirtation with the Devil that they were now making. They saw where it went. It was the height of arrogance to think that any law restricting civil liberties wouldn't end in the kind of mess we have now. As Huey Long put it, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the Stars and Stripes."Those few who did speak out were often labeled as being 'alarmist', 'paranoid', 'unpatriotic' or worse. (Doesn't this sound familiar?) Yet we have seen the almost complete erosion of civil liberties since the 1960's reach the point where just wearing a t-shirt with the Bill of Rights printed on it is considered grounds to be stopped and questioned by police. Or just as bad, (as Alabama Marijuana Party founder Loretta Nall learned) expressing your opinion in an LTE to the local paper critical of the Wo(S)D is seen by the local Mayberry Macchiavellis as being grounds for a search warrant.None of this slow slide to tyranny happened overnight. It happened while those who were entrusted to prevent it passively allowed it to happen, or worse, actively fronted for it. And to take FoM's suggestion to heart, I have ALWAYS maintained an 'open channel' with the email address you see lighting up my user name. And many of those out there, regular contributors or not, have been answered by me. It's not a 'dummy box'. If someone wants to correspond with me about this matter outside the confines of CNEWS, I'll happily accomodate you. 
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on July 30, 2004 at 21:10:20 PT
Cannabis Enthusiast 
Please stop with the sarcastic digs at contributors here when you make a comment on CNews. If you want to get into an argument please do it in an e-mail. 
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Comment #13 posted by Cannabis Enthusiast on July 30, 2004 at 21:05:21 PT
kaptinemo, your writing is very exciting, but...
Your writings are very exciting [fiction] to read, but they are not the reality (in my opinion).The fact is that there is currently a big Republican movement among college students that doesn't seem to be mentioned here very much. Even though cannabists have had so many "victories" in the past 8 years (medical use legalized, decriminalization in some states such as Nevada), the truth seems to paint the opposite picture as "victory" for the cannabists. 7,000,000 people are now under the thumb of The System (jails, prisons, probation, parole, etc), while 8 years ago Im guessing there were much less.The War on Drugs is just the beginning of complete control over all humans on planet Earth. The next step is electronic monitoring of all human behavior - Im guessing withing 25 years all babies born in this country will be required to have a chip implanted into them for monitoring. I'm sure some Senator will give it a catchy name too - "the YOUAREOWNED Act" or something.
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Comment #12 posted by global_warming on July 30, 2004 at 17:54:59 PT
The Dogs are Hungry
Kapt..have you been abusing your blood pressure medications?
The Dogs are hungry and they will morph to seek and destroy even the slightest infractions..these boomers, will find that life is getting smaller and smaller, as the dogs sniff out the properties and monies of the boomers,The lies that base our society can and will change to expand and encompass more innocents, untill this lie, that is called the "war on drugs" is put to rest,..If Americans went to war to stave off "Communists", then they have failed, for this "war on drugs", is the ultimate corrupted communist success, for the bellies of the dogs need to be filled, and the army that has been borne for this war on drugs has grown into a behomoth, and like "Goliath", it must be brought down.-gw
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Comment #11 posted by sukoi on July 30, 2004 at 16:37:59 PT
Take a Look at This:
This poor guy could be dead right now if he were armed in his own home and for what, absolutely nothing!!! is called hibiscus, but it won't get you highOfficials mistake the popular foliage for pot and storm home of contractorLandscape contractor Blair Davis was in his northwest Harris County home around 2 p.m. Tuesday when there was a knock at his door.
Davis said he hadn't even gotten his hand on the doorknob when it flew open and he was looking at the barrel of a pistol.Behind the gun were about 10 members of the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force, who burst into the home, guns drawn, and began shouting at him to get down on the floor. snipIncidents like this are happening all over this country and it is absolutely insane! We need to take our country back. We cannot allow this kind of idiocy to go on any longer. I hope that this guy sues their butts off, although in the article it sounds as though he won’t!There is some good commentary about this incident/article at these two links:
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Comment #10 posted by kaptinemo on July 30, 2004 at 13:26:21 PT:
I'm not being completely pessimistic
I hope no one gets the idea that I am. Because the last sentence of my previous comment is meant to illustrate something.Namely, the same kind of forces for change are erupting into action again. With a vengeance, in more ways than once.We've had it real good in The States. But that's changing. The economy is getting increasingly tighter and tighter. Things are hard all over. The social safety net has been torn, and the remaining threads of it are stretched to the breaking point when they are not being actively sawed by those who ripped it to begin with. It really is a 'zero-sum game', where if someone gets a huge slice of the economic pie, there's less left over for the rest. And that truth is being rammed into the brains of even the most complacent, somnambulistic flag waver.The Powers That Be were able to head off much of the (delayed) effects of dealing with the inevitable backlash to their policies in the past by having a 'full-employment' economy. But the days of going from high school into some factory for 20-30 years and retiring comfortably are now relegated to modern-day folk tales. Economicaly, things are getting vicious, thanks to the greed of the moneyed class moving those factories offshore in pursuit of cheap labor easily controlled by local bullyboys. Fewer and fewer people have stable jobs...and those few are forced to compete in a downward spiral for less and less pay.When I was In, while overseas, we called the US 'The World'. This is the 'world' those angry vets will be returning to. One in which they will have a double disadvantage. Because anyone who's been shot at - or worse, been shot - is going to be going through some serious s**t. And they won't be in any mood for games - especially if they begin to feel they've been betrayed. Hug a vet if they let you get close enough; those poor b*****ds are going to need all the help they can get.So why am I optimistic? BECAUSE THIS TIME THERE'S NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CHANGE. The Guv'mint has admitted it's bankrupt. It can't maintain this idiocy of foreign adventurism while keeping a lid on things at home. After many decades of 'guns AND butter', we must make the choice, or lose both. Something's got to give...and something very well may.The illusion of plenty is fading into the grim reality of dog-eat-smaller-dog. The War on (Some) Drugs has sat at the table and gorged from the feast; now only the gristley carcasses with tiny shreds of leavings remain. Agencies will become increasingly cut-throat at appropriations time. The reality will eventually filter into the hardest heads that we simply cannot afford champagne programs like the War on (Some) Drugs on beer budgets. Not any more. The piper has come calling, and has his hand out under the taxpayer's nose. And he will not be denied.The War on (Some) Drugs IS on it's last legs, it's just that those doing the running are so busy trying to keep it going, they are looking down as they are running and can't see the financial cliff they are approaching. It's a toss up as to whether the end is explosive, or anti-climactic.And as to declarations of martial law? Those are COMBAT vets coming back. They feel betrayed. Their lives were smilingly discounted by Rumsfeld and his bean-counting brethren as not being worth the equipment that would have saved many from death or dismemberment. And this Administration's treatment of them has been worse than scandalous. It is a national DISGRACE.I wouldn't try to pull a Lincoln (he suspended habeas corpus and declared martial law; a fact not mentioned much in the history books) with so many angry folks running around loose with fury at their mistreatment on their minds and in their hearts.But then, this particular Administration has not been known for rationality...
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Comment #9 posted by Max Flowers on July 30, 2004 at 11:42:47 PT
My grandma died in 1995
...and I'm still waiting.I agree with the writer though that once enough stodgy old timers who remember Reefer Madness die off, we may have a chance.However I also worry that there is always a new crop of Gestapo-like Young Republicans who want to carry on the old ways. That's a very scary thought for me. They absorb their parents' twisted views through osmosis, then carry them forward to the next genteration, again and again... that's my personal nightmare. 
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Comment #8 posted by ron on July 30, 2004 at 10:46:37 PT
Everybody in Muskogee smokes Marijuana Now
I hope you're right about the next generation, duzt. My friends and I were introduced to cannabis in 1968. Almost immediately we realized the laws concerning this plant were absurd. The LeDain and Schaeffer commissions in the early seventies gave us reasons for optimism. Carter and Trudeau were sympathetic towards relegalization. Surely this idiotic bigotry would soon stop. That was a common feeling in those days.If we had known the history of cannabis persecution then, we might not have been so confident. The collusion between Anslinger (Law Enforcement), Mellon (Corporate welfare) and Hearst (Media propaganda) was known by only a few. And so, this trifecta was still able to come up with winning numbers. Nixon repackaged the discredited FBN and rewrote the constitutionally shaky laws. Corporations set up front groups to oppose relegalization and the media all went along for the ride. A quarter century has passed, and the War on Some People Who Use Some Plants has reached Hitlerian depths. I shudder to think of where we would be now without the internet to counteract the propaganda that has oozed and spewed over every jurisdiction in America, and lately over the rest of the world. I think Vigil was remembering this agent's comment in DEA Watch last year:...the VERY LAST THING the Drug Czar should do is give nuts equal time and space on an equal platform that raises them to the same and equal level of the United States Drug Czar!
(Dec 19, 2003)
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on July 30, 2004 at 10:32:12 PT
You said: And guess what? The same process is begining all over again. Those Iraq War vets will be coming home soon. The worm will turn once more. And like before, it has teeth in it's mouth.So very true! 
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Comment #6 posted by kaptinemo on July 30, 2004 at 10:22:40 PT:
I think it comes down to honesty
IMHO, namely, that the so-called "Greatest Generation" saw everything they thought as being 'the verities' ("work hard and you will be rewarded" as one, the 'golden rule' as another) were ripped to shreds by the 1960's. But it was not the fault of the next generation; the government policies which led to the insane involvement in Viet Nam, among other things, are to thank for that. Policies which many of that generation blindly accepted without question...much as those THEY HAD JUST FOUGHT A WAR AGAINST HAD DONE IN THEIR COUNTRIES.What many of the older geneartion resents so bitterly is that they were suckered. And now, the chickens are coming home to roost: all the things like Social Security and Veteran's bennies are being slashed to the bone in favor of feeding the maw of the war machine run by plutocrats. They played by the rules, and got screwed anyway. But it runs far deeper than that.All who read this with concern for the safety of the Republic should remember that the 'national security state' as we know it today was born with the National Security Act of 1947, which began the slippery slope we have been sliding down ever since. It happened on the "Greatest Generation"'s watch. They had just fought a brutal, devastating war to keep such things from happening in this country...and it happened anyway. Right under their noses. And the pace of the change from democracy to 'corporatism' has been increasing.The Boomers who had to fight in the stinking jungles half a planet away learned first hand the depth of the hypocrisy and lies they'd been handed by the political machine that developed as part of the Cold War. When they came home and rebelled, joining with others of conscience who saw through the lies, it showed up the older generation as having, despite all the laudatory comments, partially failed.And guess what? The same process is begining all over again. Those Iraq War vets will be coming home soon. The worm will turn once more. And like before, it has teeth in it's mouth.
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on July 30, 2004 at 09:41:40 PT
A New Movie Review
In Search of a Burger, Demolishing StereotypesJuly 30, 2004The stoner, gross-out comedy "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" has one foot here and one foot there. The here is a politically savvy universe where the title characters, 22-year-old New Jersey roommates who are Chinese-American and Indian-American, puncture ethnic stereotypes. But the other foot is rutted knee deep in the muck of perpetual puerility according to Hollywood. Complete Article:
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on July 30, 2004 at 08:49:55 PT
You're right about getting older. I know that if the boomers which I'm one don't get the laws changed soon it will be passed on to those years younger. The people from the 50s do seem to have an angry streak. There was a major split that happened back then. Remember the lyrics we don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee we don't take our trips on LSD? Many people from the 50s don't like people from the 60s or I should say they don't like their attitude. Being a free spirit annoyed them.
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Comment #3 posted by duzt on July 30, 2004 at 08:07:02 PT
baby boomers
Those 60's generation baby boomers are getting old now and are so loaded up on bunk pharmaceuticals and having so many health problems that I see things changing completely in a 5-10 year period. The 50's and before generation is just flat out dangerous as they seem angry and confused and have all the power. They won't be around for a lot longer and the generations that came after tham have a much different view on cannabis. I've been growing for a whole lot of years and it amazes me how many older (35-55 year-olds) I meet, from extremely rich to poor, that are growing some plants in their houses. Hell, I threw a plant right out in my yard and I live right in town and nobody seems to care. I'm also medical and have a state card so there is no risk from police, only thieves, but still I expected a different response.  I'm very open about the fact that I smoke and I love to educate people on the plant, I've never met anybody who wasn't really interested in the plant, even if they seemed anti at first. I'd say 75% of the people I meet either smoke or don't have a problem with it. And to anybody interested in how the plants grow with different methods (soil, hydryponics, etc.) they're having a contest over at cannagenetics that I'm entered in that's kind of fun to follow (FOM, if you don't want me to mention this part, just delete it). We all received the same genetics which are unkown to us. We can use any style with any artificial lighting. We all started on the same day (4 weeks ago) and have 4 weeks to veg and 8 to flower. We all have contestant #'s instead of names so nobody knows who is who and new pics are posted every week to update growth and are then voted. If anybody is interested in seeing the different styles go head to head, here's a couple links to this weeks pics (the last of veg and to flower for those who are ready).
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Comment #2 posted by Virgil on July 30, 2004 at 07:45:46 PT
The Republic is dead
Disinformation and propaganda is the norm for our roque state these days. A person would be wise to not accept anything as true coming from the government as government releases are just a continual stream of lies.Congress serves the Corporate states of America, but they do not want to change the name from USA. CP has no justification on intellectual merit, but that is unimportant when building a police state to insure corporate rule forever is the driving force.The trade agreements mean that if a country injures the profit stream of the multinationals the multinationals can sue the government. NAFTA has cost Canadians $11 billion in US dollars. Privitization is the new method for insuring that all wealth evaporates up as the public monopolies like water and electricity across the world are now set to be mined for profits only monopolies can generate. The World Bank, the WTO, and the IMF are the new armies of conquest all united in an unholy and downright evil alliance.Bolivia is where we see that right plays no part in anything. Remember the Frontline episode on Bolivia where they said they could arrest people on drug charges and a person had to prove innocence to get out. That is how upside down things are in the conquered lands of US hegemony. But the astounding fact is that Bolivia only gets 20 percent of the market value of their petrochemicals in a world in dire need of them. They are absolutely being raped right in front of everyone on a continual basis and who is talking about that.All the talking is not going to change the prohibitionist stance as one DEA agent quote that appeared here said, we do not listen to the reformers. It is the call of the reformers that needs to change in both attitude and selection of words. There will be new recruits, but we see that a 4 to 1 majority on MMJ by the populace means nothing to the stonewalling prohibitionists.There is a real war on the people in this country with unbelievable budget and militarization from the drug wars. We have an illegitimate government that has overthrown a government constitutionally called upon to create a more perfect union. The drug wars destroy public tranquility and have nothing to do with promoting the general welfare and defy all definitions of liberty and rob people of their unalienable rights.CP is locked into a police state and a drug war that uses excuses to intervene in countries across the world and destabilize their democracies. Like the former prime minister of the Netherlands said this year, the US is a roque country. The only way to make cannabis free is to rid the country of the treason that rules us.The Preamble to the US ConstitutionWe the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 
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Comment #1 posted by kaptinemo on July 30, 2004 at 03:57:13 PT:
And the sad part is
that 'Granma' *could* have greatly benefited from the use of cannabis. But the problem is that 'Granma' comes from a generation that was brainwashed. Having grown up during Watergate and all that's happened since, nothing has convinced me that the government can be trusted. Lie after lie after lie has spilled shamelessly from the lips of government functionaries these past 30 years. And when, 10 years ago, it was admitted by many newsies they were (are?) on the CIA payroll, that gilded the lilly as far as trusting the media went. But 'Granma' continues to trust the very institutions that deny her the relief that was her right...before she allowed it to be stolen from her under false pretenses. With all the evidence indicating betrayal of trust, she still insists on caging humans for ingesting plants. Because the Guv'mint told her it had to. For her own good. Because those "N****rs, S***s, and G**ks" might toke up and think they're as good as any White person. And might take a shine to her.The Guv'mint is instrumental in the suffering of our aging population because it refuses to acknowledge ANY therapeutic values in cannabis. Therapeutic values especially of interest to the elderly. And those little old ladies sporting turbans and elderly, gaunt, frail sunken eyed, hairless gents I saw in the chemo ward every month are dying painfully by inches due to malnutrition from being unable to eat due to the (terrible and undignified) nausea are suffering needlessly. And being charged 50 bucks a pill for an anti-nauseant that doesn't work. All while the chemo vendors are charging 3-4K a pop for their treatment to Uncle via Medicare. It's a disgusting, shameful racket, and 'Granma' and all of us pay for it. But Granny pays *twice*...because she trusts the Guv'mint to tell the truth about cananbis...when it lies through it's damnned *teeth* about it. And refuses her and anyone else who needs it access to it. So she suffers...because of her pathetic trust in lying bastards.
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