Williams Fails Third Drug Test Williams Fails Third Drug Test Posted by CN Staff on July 29, 2004 at 12:49:28 PT By Dan Le Batard Source: Miami Herald Even if retired Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams changes his mind and decides to return to football this season, he will be forced to serve a four-game suspension after failing a third drug test for marijuana use.Williams admitted Thursday that marijuana played a larger role in his retirement than he originally indicated, and that he learned of a third failed test and upcoming suspension just days before informing Coach Dave Wannstedt of his decision to quit football. Williams said, however, that there were ''a hundred reasons'' for his retirement and that his desire to continue smoking marijuana without inhibition was merely one of them. He said he was not addicted to the drug, but merely that he didn't believe in government and NFL laws banning it. He said he had already decided to quit football even before testing positive a second time for marijuana use last season and incurring a $650,000 fine.He appealed that fine, flying to New York to argue his case before an arbiter with his attorney, but received word last week that his appeal had been denied. While the appeal was pending, Williams said he continued smoking marijuana while on tour with rocker Lenny Kravitz and Europe and failed a third test upon his return. He said he had been using a masking agent to cleanse his system while being randomly tested for two season, but said he didn't even bother before the last such test after returning from Europe.''I didn't quit football because I failed a drug test,'' he said. ``I failed a drug test because I was ready to quit football.''Williams said the Dolphins didn't know of his third failed test or even the results of his appealed second one. NFL confidentiality rules prevent teams from commenting on player drug issues, with a possible penalty of $500,000.Williams failed his first drug test soon after arriving in Miami in 2002. He spent much of his two seasons with the Dolphins in the league's drug program, seeing a therapist weekly and subjected to eight to 10 random urine tests a month at his home.Williams said he continued smoking throughout his time as Dolphins, stopping only for a month here and there, but passed random tests by drinking 32 ounces of a masking agent called Extra Clean and chasing it quickly with 32 ounces of water. Upon retirement, Williams originally said that he hadn't learned yet of the results of his appeal and that the NFL's drug rules didn't run him off but rather merely reinforced that his lifestyle didn't belong in the regimented football world.Williams, who suffers from social-anxiety disorder and was a spokesperson for the anti-depressant Paxil, said marijuana helped him once he had to stop using Paxil because it didn't agree with his diet.''Marijuana is 10 times better for me than Paxil,'' he said.Williams said he doesn't see anything wrong with marijuana because it is ''just a plant'' and his hero, Bob Marley, admitted to smoking it daily. Williams has Marley tattooes all over his body, named his first child Marley and is friends with Marley's children. Source: Miami Herald (FL)Author: Dan Le BatardPublished: Thursday, July 29, 2004Copyright: 2004 The Miami HeraldContact: heralded herald.comWebsite: CannabisNews Drug Testing Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #10 posted by Rev Jonathan Adler on July 30, 2004 at 10:49:38 PT: Ricky could easily be legal! Tell him to call us! Aloha and this is interesting. Ricky Williams burns herb! Admits it and steps down from his job because of the ban on it! A man of principle, it appears who chose to use God's greatest herb for his spiritual and medical benefits! RICKY or any one who chooses to join a legitimate, sincere and sincerely mandated cannabis church may do so. There is only one, currently, with a stipulated agreement from the court, signed by the Judge and Prosecutor in the 9th Circuit. Ricky Williams could conceivably fund the WHOLE medical marijuana and research development movement with the dollars he looses as a result of his principles conflicting with the legal right to pursue using his skills to play ball! It's his right to gainful employment also! As a legal member of a court validated church, he would have no fear! I welcome a contact from Mr. Williams anytime to discuss a legitimate way to regain his contract and play again, while retaining his right to heal himself through religious self medication with the "sacramedicine" he gets from his church! He has always displayed a great "rasta" appearance! We can be contacted anytime: 808-982-7640 or 808-345-3411 Our P.O. Box 742 Hilo, Hi. 96721 is open to donations and membership applications. *Actually, we need funding to do the rest of the job! Millions need our unique medicine daily, just do it legally. Hawaii Medical Marijuana Institute [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on July 30, 2004 at 02:31:32 PT War On Plants Yes, but a lot of poor-quality smokeable weed has been needlessly cross-pollinated with wild outdoor ditchweed. Perhaps a better term for my idea would be a war on ditchweed, with the idea being to stop it from breeding with the stuff that's being cultivated by people for a purpose, while distracting government agents from the good stuff. That way, instead of having to rely on schwag to get you through the dry times, there would be no dry times - partly due to the eradication efforts, and partly because kind bud would be available in licenced shops... ahh, dreaming again... While I'm dreaming, let me say that every year I find myself wishing that dandelions had the same effects as marijuana. One of two things would result: either there'd be a time in spring when everybody could get high for free... or I'd actually see some results from the $40B the government spends every year on the drug war, because the narcs would come by every year and weed my lawn. Either way I'm a winner. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by siege on July 29, 2004 at 21:21:38 PT Off topic ignorance retarded LEO's. WifeNiece Two die in 90+ mph police pursuit Boiling Spring S.C. Deadly Pursuits some recent police Chases that turned FATAL. jan, 10, 2002 jan, 25, 2002 Feb., 13, 2002 may 27, 2003 Nov., 21, 2003 JULY 04, 2004 After fleeing checkpoint man crashes into another car killing it's driver and himself . one still in hospital. they had to be cut out . There is alot that can be said for this IGNORANCE . not going too. arthur!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Dankhank on July 29, 2004 at 19:11:41 PT: War on Schwag? I've said it here before, and must say it again ...ALAS!In parts of the country: central, southern, in close proximity to our southern neighbor, there is virtually nothing but "Schwag." It handily gets the job done, and if it is not up to the quality of some NW bud it can always be rendered into some pretty good resin or oil. Medically speaking the resin is better than even kindbud as it is more potent and requires less consumption.This continual dumping on Mex Schwag minds me of say, the Northern German wine-imbibers looking down on the southern Bavarians as poor beer-drinkers while every one should know that they drank wine because it was safer than any local water supply for many centuries as did the Bavarians beer.At $50/oz those living hearabouts LOVE the price and do what they must with the product.Can't we all just get along? Hemp N Stuff [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Cannabis Enthusiast on July 29, 2004 at 18:06:30 PT JR Dobbs Hobbs RE: "War on Shwag"Why would you want a war on schwag? Just because the United States is flooded with mediocre quality cannabis doesnt mean you have to smoke it?Schwag is useful as it "gets the job done" in times when you don't have the blessing of having a nice bag of HomeGrown sinsemilla with you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by gloovins on July 29, 2004 at 18:01:12 PT He's smart to get out now... Ahhh, poor millionare at 27 who smokes herb and wants to play in the NFL. Man, that game kills your body...Williams stay out bro! Hell, if he doesn't want to become an advocate, that's his choice imo. It's just ammo for harrassment these days for retarded LEO's... [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by billos on July 29, 2004 at 17:53:22 PT I wish I could make that same choice......... Ricky Williams is doing what he feels is right.Would we not do the same if we knew money was not an issue? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on July 29, 2004 at 17:50:48 PT Organize! All NFL players who smoke cannabis(and even those who don't) should threaten to resign or walk out immediately unless the league discontinues testing for cannabis. With well over half the players threatening to quit, the league would change their policy overnight...or continue on with inferior talent,poor ticket sales and poor viewership on television. Might as well watch arena football! No thanks. With pre-season action just a couple of weeks away and NFL fanatics going through withdrawals, now would be a perfect time to put the commissioner and his cronies on the spot!Williams is one of the premier backs in the league and his departure will devastate the Dolphin's offense. Imagine what would happen to the Dolphins if half the team followed suit? Half the league? It would be great if Mark Stepnoski could organize some form of protest among the players. Although retired, he is still very well respected. Are you out there Mark? We're right behind you! On an unrelated note, it seems that our president is wigging out on us! He's literally going bonkers! Is this scary or what? Read on... Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior: way out is the way in...Coup d'Etat in America? by Michel Chossudovsky: Traitors Absolve Themselves - by Henry Makow,PhD: GOES FRONT PAGE! Whistle-Blowing Said to Be Factor in an F.B.I. Firing: [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on July 29, 2004 at 17:31:59 PT Well If the government is going to eradicate cannabis plants, then please, by all means, go for the schwag. I'd support a War On Schwag...I'd like to compare this story, about a prominent African American's relationship to the herb, to the previous story about how the drug war prison system machine grinds up several new poor black people every minute. Isn't it amazing how he can basically come out and say that he smokes it, he has smoked it, he continues to smoke it, and he's not going to stop, and no police officer seems to bat an eye. Prominent people can get away with this, and since the drug war doesn't seem to affect them they rarely have a reason to speak out. Richard Cowan calls this kind of thing "Unequal Injustice", and I'd really hope Ricky Williams takes the opportunity afforded him by his fame to help change these laws. I know there are a few outspoken advocates, like Mark Stepnoski (sp?), but not enough. The rich and famous are above the law, because if they weren't then the law would be changed, and how would we grease the wheels of the prison-industrial complex with poor people then? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by sukoi on July 29, 2004 at 15:15:14 PT Some Hemp News Illinois Farmers Hope To Grow Hemp is a short news release about police completely wasting time and money. This is rediculous!Scott County hunts for wild, illegal plants [ Post Comment ] Post Comment