Hemp Food Products Can be Eaten Without Fear! Hemp Food Products Can be Eaten Without Fear! Posted by FoM on January 07, 1999 at 05:37:10 PT FRANKFORT, Ky. The Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association has released the results of a study that showed hemp food products can be eaten without fear of flunking a drug test. The results contradicted information Frankfort city employees got in September from their Nashville drug-testing company. Consultants for National Safety Alliance said some hemp items contained small amounts of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, which could lead to a positive urinalysis for drug-tested workers, although that was held unlikely.The issue came up after Rick Paul's White Light Diner in Frankfort began serving hemp-fed beef and hemp muffins.The Hemp Growers Cooperative Association, pushing for the ability to process hemp in Kentucky instead of purchasing it in Canada, sponsored a Hemp Banquet in December where six people ate a typical meal of meats, vegetables and beer that was either made or cooked with hemp seed, hemp meal or hemp oil.Just before the meal and after the meal, the participants gave urine samples for a drug test.Helen Spencer, owner of Forward Edge Associates, a Lexington drug-testing agency sent the samples to Premier Analytical Laboratories in Texas. The result: all six were THC-negative.``This study helps us promote the product and hopefully gives people some comfort,'' Andy Graves, association president, said Tuesday. ``We dispelled a myth. We're glad we can gloat.'' Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #2 posted by FoM on January 07, 1999 at 12:20:51 PT Thank You Mr. Cohn! Thank you very much for your very informative comment! I didn't realize that. Thanks Again! Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Ben Cohn on January 07, 1999 at 11:33:38 PT: Bad Methodology This "study" (one-time, poorly designed experiment is more like it) seems to use very bad methodology. Without being any sort of scientific or medical expert, I know just from common knowledge that orally ingested THC or THC containing foods can take up to a few hours to be completely digested. Any digested THC would then have to circulate through the bloodstream, be filtered out by the kidneys, and eventually wind up in the bladder. Since the subjects were urine tested, "just before and just after the meal", the tests were premature, and really mean nothing. Testing them hours, and then days after the meal would have been more conclusive.Ben CohnPresidentSt. Louis NORML [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: