Partnership Gets Sarcastic In Latest Anti-Pot Spot

  Partnership Gets Sarcastic In Latest Anti-Pot Spot

Posted by CN Staff on October 27, 2003 at 07:26:28 PT
By Rebecca Flass 
Source: Ad Week 

One thing teens can appreciate is sarcasm. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America is hoping that tone connects with its target in a new national campaign breaking today from DDB. The effort, which examines the impact of teens' marijuana smoking on their friends and families, is the first from the Omnicom Group shop's Southern California office since DDB joined the Partnership roster last December.
It is the latest work in the controversial national youth anti-drug media campaign, which has come under fire for failing to significantly change teen behavior. The campaign is produced through an alliance between the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Partnership, which is a nonprofit. Unlike recent campaigns, which stressed the physical dangers of getting high, the new work focuses on the emotional, said Rebecca Shaw, deputy director of creative development for the Partnership in New York. The effort launches with a pair of 30-second spots. In "Pool," a toddler carries an inflatable raft to a swimming pool and places it in the water. As she teeters on the edge, a voiceover says: "Just tell her parents you weren't watching her because you were getting stoned. They'll understand." The other ad, "Pick Up," shows a group of young boys leaving a baseball field. One sits on the curb, waiting to be picked up, as day turns to dusk. The voiceover says, "Just tell your little brother that you forgot to pick him up because you were getting stoned. He'll understand." Executive creative director Mark Monteiro said DDB chose to use the notion of disappointing friends and family as "the motivating consequence" of smoking marijuana. "It comes up in research over and over again as being incredibly important to [teens]," said Shaw, adding that they are particularly concerned about being role models to younger siblings. Past efforts from the Partnership that targeted pot smoking include 2002's "Harmless" campaign from Publicis Groupe's Leo Burnett in Chicago, which featured a spot in which a guy at a party reaches for the buttons on the blouse of an incapacitated girl, and spots from Interpublic Group's McCann-Erickson in New York that addressed issues such as driving under the influence. Two other DDB spots are currently testing. The campaign also includes print and radio ads that employ the same theme and tone as the TV work. "Pool" will also air in cinemas around Thanksgiving. While campaign spending has been $150 million, Congress is still determining what next year's budget will be. The House of Representatives is proposing $150 million, the Senate $100 million. The House is expected to set a date for a conference hearing on the issue by the end of this week, said an appropriations committee staffer. Legislators have been critical of the campaign's effectiveness. "ONDCP needs to produce evidence that there is a decrease in drug use specifically because of the campaign itself," said the staffer, adding that an ongoing study funded by the House has shown "no direct causational link." Source: Ad WeekAuthor: Rebecca FlassPublished: October 27, 2003 Copyright: 2003 VNU eMedia Contact: info Website: Articles:Fleeced By Anti-Drug Ads Armentano: Reason for Skepticism 

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Comment #41 posted by escapegoat on December 16, 2003 at 07:51:17 PT
An ad I'd like to see...
Just tell the Drug Czar that you wrapped your car around a telephone pole, because Madison Ave. ad agencies say you should be getting drunk instead of stoned.
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Comment #40 posted by FoM on October 29, 2003 at 09:25:27 PT
Press Release: ONDCP 
White House Drug Czar, Surgeon General, and Partner Organizations to Address Drug Use Among Hispanic YouthComplete Article:
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Comment #39 posted by jose melendez on October 29, 2003 at 09:15:30 PT
Parents: the anti-truth
You lied to your parents about how much you enjoyed pot.The good thing about that is:It makes it that much easier to lie to your kids.Parents: The AntiTruth.(ONDCP parody by Jose, not intended to subvert any culture, religion or firmly held beliefs. OK, one of those might be true, but it's probably not culture. Really. I swear I love yogurt. Especially with granola and, like, some strawberry preserves . . . :)ONDCP is advertising on NPR. I wonder how much it costs to protect their 2.x billion dollar pork barrel.
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Comment #38 posted by ekim on October 28, 2003 at 21:02:26 PT
ej please get letter to Dennis in Sunnyvale
Sunday, November 2, 2003
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.Oakland, California
Congresswoman Barbara Lee presents
"Bring it to the Bay": National Leadership 2004
Open Forum with Dennis Kucinich - free to public
Taylor Memorial Church, 1188 12th St. Oakland
campaign leeforcongress.org5-8 pm East Bay for Kucinich presents:
Progressives Gala Fundraiser
with Guests of Honor Barbara Lee and Danny Glover
Zazoo Restaurant, Jack London Square
For reservations or info: 415-927-2004 x 75
Contact:Lora O'ConnorTuesday, November 4, 20037:00 p.m.
Boston, Mass.
Rock the Vote Presidential Town Meeting
Faneuil Hall Saturday, November 8, 20033:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sunnyvale, California
Rally with talks by:
"Taking Back Our Democracy" 
& Bestselling Author John Robbins
  Sunnyvale Four Points Sheraton
1250 Lakeside Drive in Sunnyvale
Take 101 to Lawrence (south) to first left (onto Oakmead) to first left (onto Lakeside)
Doors open at 1pm - See Videos of Rep. Kucinich, Get Information about Volunteering,
Network with Volunteers and Organizers from All Over Northern California
Info: 1-650-813-1862. To volunteer: 1-408-296-0112
San Mateo County Campaign:
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Comment #37 posted by ekim on October 28, 2003 at 20:50:17 PT
ok ej how about like what Peter did
a whole page in the Variety paper. We put Todds picture and every person like him in CA Prison today for Cannabis offence. Please use your writing style for the letter. I will back you with a 50 dollar pledge to be sent to Todds lawyer or whoever you say can hold the bag.
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Comment #36 posted by E_Johnson on October 28, 2003 at 08:16:31 PT
We can confront them on this name
Partnership for a Drug Free America -- what does that name really mean?I think we should draft a nice letter asking the corporate PR departnments whether being a member of this organization means they believe in the physical extermination of Americans who refuse to quit using drugs.That's what the name suggests. The Final Solution.We should send them all a polite letter asking them what they believe is the Final Solution to the pothead problem.I'm totally serious about this.Right now they're only flirting with a genocidal ideal as an idealistic marketing slogan.Jew Free Europe - that started out as an ideal too.
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Comment #35 posted by E_Johnson on October 28, 2003 at 08:07:50 PT
Ann Coulter is a man in drag
Look at her Adam's apple. No woman has a neck like that. Whoever he is, he must be thrilled that he's getting away with masquerading as a woman in front of all those conservatives.
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Comment #34 posted by Had Enough on October 28, 2003 at 04:44:58 PT
FoM,Maybe Ann is a “closeteer”. While being asked on a TV show, do you have any liberal friends, she replied, Yes, I have lots of liberal friends. She named Alan Colmes, and Bill Maher. She said her and Bill have great debates then they go out for drinks afterward. I think the TV show was Hardball on MSNBC.If Ms. Coulter would speak out the issue in a positive way, sales of her books and her “Cher” wannabe dolls would increase. Her right winged extremist buddies would be stunned, and have to recover from shock.
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Comment #33 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on October 28, 2003 at 02:25:54 PT
"Just tell your little brother that you forgot to pick him up because you were getting arrested. He'll understand."
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Comment #32 posted by gloovins on October 28, 2003 at 00:15:39 PT
The fires currently in LA were started, as reported where I've been listening, by a climber/hiker man trying to signal his hiking partner. He is under arrest and I guess its accidental arson. Not a natural disaster...either way air quality in SF valley/Los Angeles is BAD...say a prayer for southern California....
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Comment #31 posted by FoM on October 27, 2003 at 22:20:50 PT
Had Enough
I laughed when I saw the doll. My husband asked me if it was for real and I said yes it looks like it is! One time I talked with Ann in an MSNBC chat. I'll never forget she sent me a private message and said she was on my side. I was surprised. I think she is more bluff then anything. It's really hard for me to take her seriously. She signed my guest book ( private message ) and she said to keep up the good work. That was a long time ago though. Maybe she has changed since then.
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Comment #30 posted by E_Johnson on October 27, 2003 at 22:19:49 PT
We need an ad campaign, I am serious
Drug Free America .. what would it really take to achieve that dream?And then list what it might really take to achieve that.These corporations can't keep using this Nazi slogan. It's a Nazi-like slogan.It promises an idealistic utopia if only a certain class of people can be disposed of.We have to approach the PDFA partners and ask them directly -- do you advocate the physical extermination of marijuana users who refuse to quit marijuana?Because that's what it would take to achieve their sloganistic vision.
They can't be given a free ride on this Nazi-like imagineering any more.
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Comment #29 posted by Had Enough on October 27, 2003 at 20:23:24 PT
Cathy Chatty Doll Outdone
This is really off topic, but could not help it.This is truly the most ridiculous item of the day. Similar to the Cathy Chatty doll where you pull the string, you push a button to here this spew. Caution is advised. Keep your phone nearby; dial the first 2 numbers for 911, that way you only have to dial 1 to summon paramedics when your sides are about to split open from laughing. doubtful that Bill O’Riely would feature this as the most ridiculous item of the day, but many others would.
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on October 27, 2003 at 19:48:59 PT
Had Enough 
Thank You! That made me smile. I needed to smile. We do have smart and caring folks that comment here day after day. You all have been a blessing to me. I'm just sitting here and watching the fires in California on a west coast channel and thinking how out of control we really are when it comes to dealing with natural disasters. It makes me appreciate just having a home. I guess I'm doing that old fashion thing called counting my blessings. 
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Comment #27 posted by Had Enough on October 27, 2003 at 19:34:25 PT
FoM Goes Hollywood
How about this“ The Cannabis News Network” with your host FoMTonight’s guests are _______, _______, ______, and tonight’s musical quest__________. (Fill in the blanks with any body who posts information here. We even have musical quests (posters) that frequent this board that could blow Ted Nuggent away one suspects.Almost every one I see post here is most informed on many issues, not just one in particular. Any body with an IQ above any number can see this. Hence the meat of my subject.If this board were on TV, people watching sure would be a lot smarter than they are now. It is unbelievable and disappointing to see so many uninformed people in the 21st Century. Here is this message board that is literally a wealth of information, but what is it you see on “Must see TV”. Now if only this board could get the popularity of news shows like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, etc., things in the world would change rapidly. Put it right between Fox & CNN, for channel surfers like myself. (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome comes to mind)The slogan of the show, “Informing the World, Truthfully Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid”I wish to thank the people who post to this board for their contribution to the “Brotherhood of Mankind”Carry On, WE THE PEOPLE demand it.    Do not forget to VOTE, for I’ve had enough and I’m sure you have too! 
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Comment #26 posted by cloud7 on October 27, 2003 at 19:27:03 PT
*another* ineffectual campaign
The bottom line is that any kid who wants to find out about drugs is going to go straight to the internet. While they *might* visit the government funded propoganda pages, more than likely they will go to one of the thousands of sites where the actual facts about drugs are given. The govt is waging an information war it cant win.
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Comment #25 posted by Arthropod on October 27, 2003 at 18:44:10 PT:
I just got out of the mess called high school. I couldn't agree with you more, high school does cripple your mind. While in high school, I tried to kill myself with prescription drugs twice (luckily failed both times) & almost failed high school in the process. The only thing that saved me was that in my last two years, I was signed up at a vocational school for culinary. Now I'm out, and attending ITT Technical for Computer Networking Services. I made sure that I didn't make a bigger mistake in choosing a college. ITT does have some book work, but all of it is balanced out by the fact that it compliments the lab work we do. When we read something in the book, we work with the corresponding hardware the following week. The sad part of this is, now that I'm out and doing well on my own, I have realized one thing. Remember the argument about high school that everyone always has with their parents and teachers? You know, the one that boils down to "I'm never going to use most of this crap in my entire life!"? It's true. Taxpayer's dollars at work.
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Comment #24 posted by Sam Adams on October 27, 2003 at 16:27:08 PT
Glad to hear you found a learning methodology that worked. I never really thought about whether I liked public school when I was young. I knew I had trouble in high school, I would get these powerful sensations of lethargy, like my eyes would start closing & I couldn't stop it no matter what. At the time, I dismissed it as something wrong with my diet.Later, I graduated from college - I had studied engineering and hated it. I vowed to never return for grad school. I was able to be very successful in work without ever going to grad school.  I questioned why anyone would go to grad school for an MBA- you have a job that pays you money, you quit the job to pay someone else money for 2 years to do work on "case studies" of people in the real world doing work! Am I missing something here?This awareness made me realize what a tragic, tragic, waste my 14 years of public schooling had been. I am an extremely fast learner on my own, putting me in a room with 25 people sitting at desks made me catatonic almost immediately. Also, when I was 22 I took a job doing computer programming. After about six months I realized that I could have done 100% of the job when I was 14 years old.  By that time, I had taught myself how to program computers, and could also read and write very well. The idea that other programmers were leaving to go to grad school and take on 60K in debt boggled my mind. What was also really compelling to me was my experience with standardized testing. In 10th grade I took the SATs, and the test seemed to last forever, the biggest challenge for me was to keep focussed for the 4 hour test, which seemed an eternity. After working in the real world for 2 years, I took the GRE's with a bunch of college students. The test passed so quickly, I was totally surprised after 4 hours when the test was collected. I had become absorbed in the work. I stood up relaxed and alert. All the students in the room were moaning, rubbing their eyes, blinking, looking exhausted. I think the mass education system cripples your attention span and cognitive processes!  People's minds are NOT engaged when sitting with 25 others listening to lecture.All this system does is prepare you for a lifetime of making someone else rich - without questioning it. Most people's experience seems to be the same...memories of school are one big blank spot, except for 1 or 2 teachers who managed to overcome the system and actually teach you something.
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Comment #23 posted by mamawillie on October 27, 2003 at 16:12:32 PT
PDFA sponsors
Goodness! that is scary to see how many pharmaceutical companies support PDFA... it sure would put them out of business if Prohibition is over...
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Comment #22 posted by mayan on October 27, 2003 at 15:41:54 PT
"Just tell the taxpayer's that you're spending their money on counterproductive ads. They'll understand."
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Comment #21 posted by goneposthole on October 27, 2003 at 14:32:52 PT
No, Marc
Their mothers should have delivered them (while 'high' on cannabis}, fed them mother's milk for 4 to 5 years and they would be ok. As they are now, they're hopeless cases. They all need to be fed mother's milk through one nostril with an eye dropper, they haven't the strength to suckle a breast anymore. Poor babies.You're being a little unkind, but I'll forgive you this time.
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Comment #20 posted by Marc Paquette on October 27, 2003 at 14:16:09 PT:
Their Moms are the problem!
Hi Friends;Bush's, Walter's and Ashcroft's mothers should have smoked pot and forgot to deliver the babies! LOLPeace,Marc
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Comment #19 posted by kaptinemo on October 27, 2003 at 13:59:19 PT:
Sam, I couldn't agree more.
When half of your tech team hail from foreign lands, keeping American businesses running (and incidentally driving down the living standard of American techs) you know your school system is failing your kids.My first 4 years of school, K-3, were in a Catholic school, and it as rough...but you DID learn. But my parents couldn't afford the tuition anymore, and we were enrolled in public school.Night and day is not stark enough a comparison. I got a first hand view of how public school is mainly a holding pen.It failed me, but I spent a lot of time in the library, *educating myself(!)* and I gained a tech foothold as a cadet in the commo section of the local CAP squadron. All training was done the 'regimental style' as you came up through the ranks, and if you showed any aptitude for anything, you were 'apprenticed'. My 'boss', "Cap'n Jon", pounded electronics into my brain so much, I thought it would leak out, but he made sure I had some usable skills by the time I graduated high school and left for college and the military. If I hadn't had that early grounding, the best I could hope for would probably be pumping gas in that valley to this day.But the school system consistently, damningly failed my young nephew, and what's left of my family have pitched in with money for Sylvan Learning to augment my sister's home-schooling of him. He's doing exceptionally well, thanks to all the lousy school administrators who kept 'passing' him with atrocious reading and comprehension skills.John Taylor Gatto is right when he talks about the way public schools are DESIGNED to create, not thinking people, but consumerist automatons. Having worked for a school board for 6 months, I can only say that he's squarely struck the nail on the head.
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Comment #18 posted by Sam Adams on October 27, 2003 at 12:12:58 PT
Kappy, I liked your shot at the school system. I don't have kids yet, but when I do I will pay for them to attend a Waldorf school if I have to live in a shack to do it.Recently there was article in the paper about the Amish people being fined $50,000 by the federal government. The crime? Having 14 year old boys in apprenticeship programs working around power tools (e.g., table saw, drill press). Learning by doing, the fastest and most efficient way, is now heresy in this country. We need people who have been prepped for the corporate world. Otherwise some profits might actually slip through and go to the people doing the work, instead of the tiny cabal of top executives and investors.Howard Zinn wrote about how the middle class in 1776 America was one of the largest and most powerful the world had seen. The middle class was largely composed of craftspeople. I doubt any of them wasted time beyond the age of 10 on non-vocational training.It's sad and disgraceful to see 10 year old kids carrying 40 pound backpacks around like some beast of burden. The only jobs that will be open for them are at Walmart and McDonalds anyway.  
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Comment #17 posted by drfistusa on October 27, 2003 at 12:09:54 PT
in my day the teens were too drunk to drive
yes, binge drinking some times you forgot were you were,let alone pick some one up. early 60s,teen binge drinking , keg parties, 
so much more serious than any other kind of drug i ever did, I and many others is glad to be alive from this excess. I could buy in any booze shop when i was 16, many died in crashes, lots of fights, NO DRUGS, plenty died!! O.K we love that Budwiser. why no anti beer ads? 
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Comment #16 posted by kaptinemo on October 27, 2003 at 11:37:38 PT:
Gone, I'll do you one better
Heinlein's Terran Federation Civil Service from STARSHIP TROOPERS (read the damn book, f** the movie; it's an abomination to the memory of a great thinker). You want to hold office? Gotta do Fed service...which is dependent upon your skills. Could be anything you have a talent for, and are willing to risk assignment in someplace possibly dangerous (NOT exclusively military, as too many of his critics lazily charged) to prove your willingness to serve. Most wound up pushing papers in an office building for two years. Very, very few wound up in the military. Two years of service to the society, and you can run for office...but only until after you've demonstrated your committment to that society, not bought your way in or swept through on someone's coat-tails.One more thing: in that fictional society, civil servants couldn't vote until *after* their service was completed, so there was little or no featherbedding by voting for things that would benefit them. Some went 'career' and stayed in for 20 years, casting their first vote when they were in their 40's. Unlike cops in our society who vote for ever more restrictive drug laws and forfeitures. Like the old Roman plebs voting themselves bread and circuses.
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Comment #15 posted by goneposthole on October 27, 2003 at 11:21:44 PT
time to draw names
Place everybody's name in a hat, draw 536 names. One for President, all of the others for Congress. Improved calibre of representation will be immediate.
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Comment #14 posted by kaptinemo on October 27, 2003 at 11:15:42 PT:
Microsoft: Now that's REALLY hypocritical
Psychotropics and computers share an astonishing degree of familiarity.How much of the components and software on the box sitting in front of you was dreamed up under a cloud of pot smoke in the 80's and 90's...and today? A Hell of a lot, friends. And many techs will happily admit it. How any of us smoke? Quite a few. Not on the job, mind you. But afterwards? No different than the glass of wine my late Mother used to have, as soon as she got home from *her* demanding job. I used to know an MS engineer that ate 'shrooms like candy. He was also one of their most productive software developers. Go figure.I sometimes think that the main reason antis are so repetitious is that all the alcohol they've absorbed has caused severe cerebral ossification. Cannabis shakes up the imagination, gives you the chance to play with mental energies, see new ways to solve a problem...and have fun while doing it. Antis are a singularly dour, repressed bunch. That's why it was the geeks that developed the technology, and not the hopeless Naziesque trogs dumbfounded and frustrated at not being able to find the 'any' key...
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Comment #13 posted by E_Johnson on October 27, 2003 at 10:40:41 PT
Let's accuse them of a genocidal discourse
I think we should buy ads and let people know that the only real way to achieve a "Drug Free America" is to become Nazi Germany and physically exterminate all potheads.We need to counterattack. This group is flirting with genocide in their name.If we have to urine test people in prison -- then there's never going to be a Drug Free America, not even if the whole country becomes a prison.I think we need to take this group to task on this fact.They're operating beyond the bounds of reason, indulging in what they think is an idealistic fantasy but one with shades of Nazi Germany.
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Comment #12 posted by John Markes on October 27, 2003 at 10:29:27 PT
Better yet - INVEST!
If everyone started buying stock in these companies, even if we can't get a majority vote, we, as share/stock-holders can go to all of the share/stock-holders meetings and let our voices be heard.
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Comment #11 posted by jose melendez on October 27, 2003 at 09:50:05 PT
Botcott: No pot, no poison.
thanks, FoMfrom: The Florida Chapter of the American Alliance For Medical Cannabis, Is hereby calling for a World Wide Boycott of ALL KFC/ Taco Bell/  & Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers.  (snip) Its Time To Start Taking Down 
               "The     Partnership For A Drug Free America!                            One Sponsor At a Time If Need Be!   ATTENTION Listing Of Corporations Supporting PDFA To BoycottThe Florida Chapter of the American Alliance For Medical Cannabis,
  Is here by calling for a World Wide Boycott of ALL The Following Supporters Of the Partnership For A Drug Free America!  Medical Marijuana Public Enemy #1 for a longtime. We Repeat ANY Corporation who supports these "Wing Nuts 
                  "Partnership for a Drug Free America" 
 Will Be Boycotted By Every Pot Smoking Person In the WORLD!   Billions+ Of Pot Smokers Boycotting World Wide Baby!Current PDFA Corporate Partners Lead Support The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Betty Wold Johnson James E. and Didi Burke Foundation MetLife Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Charitable Trust The Starr Foundation
 Chairman's Circle ($50,000 and over) Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Consumer Healthcare Products Association Eastman Kodak Company Johnson & Johnson Pfizer Foundation, Inc. The Procter & Gamble Fund Schering-Plough Corporation
 Gold Medallion ($25,000 to $49,999) Bayer Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Company The Coca-Cola Company The GE Fund General Motors Foundation GlaxoSmithKline H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc. Major League Baseball Charity McNeil Consumer Healthcare Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation, Inc. Novartis Consumer Health, Inc. Perrigo Company Pharmacia Corp. Wyeth/ Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
 Silver Medallion ($15,000 to $24,999) Bechtel Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation PACCAR Foundation The UPS Foundation Xerox Foundation
 Bronze Medallion (5,000 to $14,999) BellSouth Corporation The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Hershey Foods Corporation Hoffman - La Roche Inc. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. Tribune New York Foundation
 PDFA Partner ($4,999 and below) Automatic Data Processing The Buffalo News Caterpillar Foundation Chubb Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Creative Teen Concepts Inc. Direct Impact LLC. GJF Construction Corp. Hallmark Corporate Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Microsoft Ohio National Foundation Omnova Solutions Foundation RoperASW LLC. The University of Pennsylvania 
 March 17, 2003
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on October 27, 2003 at 09:28:39 PT
I went ahead and removed the extra post.
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Comment #8 posted by jose melendez on October 27, 2003 at 09:25:30 PT

How about this ad?
Parent says: "I don't want ever want to catch you doing drugs, like pot or ecstasy."Parent thinks: God, I need a drink. Wonder if my kid knows I used to do coke?Kid says: "I don't." Kid thinks: Whatever, he used to do coke, and he still drinks. Thank goodness these Ritalins make me enough cash to buy cigarettes and some photo paper for my fake ID.
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Comment #7 posted by TroutMask on October 27, 2003 at 09:08:30 PT

That's right folks!
Stick to BOOZE! Then you will remain the sharp-minded US Citizen we all know and love!-TM
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Comment #6 posted by ekim on October 27, 2003 at 08:57:40 PT

poll ----not pool 
Should America's War on Drugs be abolished or continued? 5:30 PM EST:
abolish 91%
continue 9%Cher called C-span today to say she had been to Walter Reed Hospital over the week end and saw many young couragous men that have lost arms and legs to the war. She said that that the RPGS were going right thru the hummers and the scrapnal was doing great harm. Also she wanted to see the Pres and Vice and Rummy over there to take there pictures with these brave young men. Last nite at the Fox Theater in Detroit the Pres Debate was held. Joe Leberman said he cked Marylands prison makeup and found that 90percent of non violent inmates for drugs were black and said that must change it is costing the citys and states to much. He said reabilitation --but the real question is why have laws against Cannabis in the first place. Why don't all of these people sign the pledge against this drug war (regulate).
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on October 27, 2003 at 08:38:04 PT:

(Laughing uncontrollably)
OK, I got it out of my system. But it's still funny.Look, antis, kids today are way ahead of many of you because they can smell manipulation a mile off. They'll solemnly nod their heads and give you the answers they know you expect them to because they want to avoid the punishment they know you'll visit upon them for a 'bad' answer...and giggle and cover their mouths in mirth behind your backs that you could be so stupid. They've been doing it all their lives; they've had to, because the Stalinist prison system we euphemistically call "public school" demands that as a survival reflex; they are masters at it.So you antis, with all the hundreds of millions of dollars at your command, all the studies, all the bureaucrats, all the PR people...are defeated by smirking children who see you for what you are: lying hypocrites, who lecture them about drugs, then head on out to the bar, drink 'till you barf if you aren't already sick from puffing on cigars.Who's manipulating who?
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Comment #4 posted by Virgil on October 27, 2003 at 08:31:55 PT

They are spending your tax dollars on this
A popular website to inform people on different substances is It says the USG gives them hundreds of millions of dollars. It says this about PFDFA- from - Noted anti-drug organization that receives major funding from liquor and pharmaceutical companies, and hundreds of millions of dollars from the US government for anti-drug ads.From The Partnership for a Drug Free America is not a genuine anti-drug effort, but a corporate / media back-patting consortium designed to scapegoat unpopular groups for illegal drug use while protecting the interests of legal-drug industries.The above link list supporters as American Brands (Jim Beam whisky), Philip Morris,Marlboro Virginia Slims cigarettes, Miller beer),Anheuser Busch (Budweiser, Michelob, Busch beer), R.J. Reynolds (Camel, Salem, Winston cigarettes),Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company and Proctor & Gamble. This is historical information and it does say The Partnership recently announced it will quit its alcohol and tobacco habit but will continue to mainline pharmaceutical checks (Village Voice, 3/12/97). 
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Comment #3 posted by Dark Star on October 27, 2003 at 07:43:54 PT

Dark Star has occasionally forgotten to pick up Dwarf Star, and it had nothing to do with drugs of any kind. Desperation has led to experimentation by the Feds. What's next? You certainly won't see them ragging on Bennett or Limbaugh in front of the kids.
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Comment #2 posted by OverwhelmSam on October 27, 2003 at 07:37:21 PT:

They're Using the Kids
Oh please. Like these instances of neglect don't happen to anyone who doesn't smoke marijuana. And now they use the kids like holding a gun to our heads to make an argument that has no merit. Further evidence that they (prohibitionists) have lost the moral high ground when they started locking up OUR young people, OUR sick, and OUR dying.One solution, stop having children. Turn the argument around and say "Just tell them you were bar hopping and didn't have time to come home to fix dinner."
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Comment #1 posted by Sam Adams on October 27, 2003 at 07:34:43 PT

Soooooo.....jail for people who forget to pick up their little brother! Great idea!

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