Free Hemp Festival Planned For July Free Hemp Festival Planned For July Posted by CN Staff on June 13, 2003 at 09:28:02 PT Upcoming Event Source: Eugene Weekly Will our area see another hemp festival this summer? The big annual for-profit celebration in Linn County discontinued after embattled cannabis activist Bill Conde exiled himself to Central America a couple of years ago, but local activists are planning a free Emerald Empire HempFest 2003 to be held July 19 at Alton Baker Park.The focus of the event will be to promote education and awareness of "hemp-based products and processes," and to "neutralize and eradicate government propaganda regarding the plant cannabis sativa," according to the group's mission statement. Not all the key arrangements have been worked out, according to Dan Koozer, one of the organizers. Parks officials are cooperating and local businesses are supportive, he says. But local police officials are making it difficult. "The EPD and county are really down on pot," says Koozer. "They don't seem to get so excited about meth or heroin. ... They want us to hire six to 10 off-duty police officers at $60 an hour each for every hour we are open." Koozer says the festival has a $10,000 budget, but that does not include hiring cops. "We're running out of time," he says. "We can't sell vendor sites" at the last minute. "We may not have much of an event, but we'll have an event of some kind," he says. "We expect this year to be a little rough, and next year better."Organizers are meeting at 7 pm Mondays in the Umpqua Room at the EMU on campus. For more information, e-mail: dankoozer — TJTSource: Eugene Weekly (OR)Published: June 13, 2003Copyright: 2003 Eugene WeeklyContact: editor eugeneweekly.comWebsite: Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment