Nearly 100 MPs Support Bill To Legalize MMJ! Nearly 100 MPs Support Bill To Legalize MMJ! Posted by FoM on June 04, 1999 at 06:19:21 PT Source: NORML London, England Ninety-five House members have signed on to a motion to legalize the medical use of marijuana. The record showing of support steps up pressure on the government to allow physicians to prescribe marijuana to seriously ill patients. "Public opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of this change," bill sponsor MP Paul Flynn (Labour-Newport West) said. "I believe the government has accepted the principle that cannabis will one day be authorized. The only question is 'When?' In the meantime, my bill should be accepted and the cruel, wasteful persecution and jailing of seriously ill people should end." Flynn's motion states: "This House deplores the continuing criminalization of thousands of otherwise law abiding people who use cannabis medicinally to relieve chronic pain and distress caused by multiple sclerosis, AIDS and the side effects of chemotherapy; and supports the simple change in the law recommended by the House of Lords Select Committee on Science to allow a limited number of doctors to prescribe cannabis to named patients in the same way that millions of other prescriptions are now dispensed." The House of Commons is scheduled to debate the bill on Friday, June 11. In November, a House of Lords panel recommended legalizing the use of marijuana by prescription after completing a one year inquiry on the subject. However, government officials immediately rejected the findings, and said that Parliament will not change the law until more research is completed. Human trials regarding inhaled marijuana's medical value in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and chronic pain began this year. For more information, please contact R. Keith Stroup, Esq. of NORML (202) 483-5500. A listing of motion co-sponsors is available online at: . Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: