Students Nationwide to Converge in Anaheim Students Nationwide to Converge in Anaheim Posted by CN Staff on October 23, 2002 at 18:31:25 PT News Advisory Source: U.S. Newswire Students from universities and high schools nationwide will meet in Anaheim, California next month for the largest political strategy and training meeting of anti-drug-war student activists this year. The "Fourth Annual Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference" will be held at the Anaheim Hilton Nov. 8-10. Members of the media planning to attend are encouraged to RSVP by calling 202-232-8997. The conference will feature two days of seminars on domestic and international drug policy, recent ballot initiatives, mandatory minimum sentencing, harm reduction at dance raves, as well as grassroots legislative and media trainings. Students will hold trainings to prepare increasingly large mass protests against the drug war and in particular over the DEA crack down on medical marijuana patients in California. In September, SSDP joined with numerous other drug policy organizations to mobilize 1000 people to travel to Sacramento to protest the prosecution of medical marijuana patients in California. Another hot topic at the conference will be the Higher Education Act Drug Provision which has denied at least 87,000 students loans and grants for college since the year 2000. According to new Department of Education data, over 30,000 college students were denied federal loans and grants for the 2002-2003 school year. Students affected by the law will attend the conference and will be available for interview. The conference is expected to be the largest ever because SSDP is co-hosting the event with the Marijuana Policy Project, a national group -- -- that has spearheaded numerous ballot initiatives to reduce the harm associated with the marijuana. "This conference will improve the synergy of youth in the drug policy reform community by playing a bigger role in pushing legislation and implementation voter initiatives," says Shawn Heller, national director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy. Featured speakers include: former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, M.D.,.Don Abrams, M.D.; Jack Cole, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; Graham Boyd, J.D., ACLU; Judge Jim Gray, Superior Court of Orange County; Mike Gray, author of Drug Crazy; Ethan Nadelmann, J.D., Ph.D., Drug Policy Alliance; Dan Solano, Police for Drug Policy Reform; and many others. See: -- for complete schedule. * Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, M.D. and others to Address Conference .* Backlash to College Financial Aid Restrictions and Expanded Drug War Inspires New Generation of Drug Reformers at 200-plus Campuses. Contact: Adam Eidinger, 202-232-8997 or Shawn Heller, 202-293-4414, both for Students for Sensible Drug Policy.Complete Title: Students Nationwide to Converge in Anaheim for Sensible Drug Policy Conference. Source: U.S. NewswirePublished: October 23, 2002Copyright 2002 U.S. Newswire Website: Contact: Jim Gray: Policy Alliance: Gray - Drug Crazy: Articles - SSDP Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #22 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 23:12:21 PT ...FoM... ..Thank you so much for the generous offer,,but I will be there no matter what!... It may sound strange,but I know that everything will work out.....JAH is no secret............I'll probably go up on Saturday and Sunday,and evidently,there is 'per-day' registration.......Once they find out that I am with The Astoundment Institute,and that I invented the bong,,they'll issue me a backstage pass...and even if they dont,,,,with a student discount,,combined with my Veteran Hippie status,,I'll probably get in for free!Thanks again FoM ....You are the Best!.....d [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on October 24, 2002 at 20:05:54 PT Dana If money would stop you from going. I will find the money some how. I wouldn't want you to not go because of something like money. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 19:58:36 PT ...Whoa!... ...I'm definitly going to go to this gig,,,but It costs $175.00 to "register",for the event...,Maybe they'll let me in as an honorary Hippie......(maybe I can gain admittance by bribing the doorman,,sneak him a few skunk buds).. .or claim I'm Joycelyn Elders husband............or I'll tell them that I am the inventor of the Bong!.....and that I hold the patent to the roachclip.....Founder and Director of The Astoundment Institute!I should be eligible for a student discount,,I never stop learning. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by DdC on October 24, 2002 at 14:16:35 PT Hey Dana Longhaired Hippies are becoming quite rare nowdays....It's an aquired taste, like caviar. ¶8)I hope to attend this, depending if aI take a quad patient I'm caring to the Casino near San Louis Obisbo. At least there'll be two of us waving that old freak flag...DdC [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by malleus on October 24, 2002 at 12:11:36 PT The sleeping giant is about to be awakened When I was in college 20 years ago, the nature of the student body could be described in one word: docile.Many articles in popular magazines and newspapers had noticed the fact that more students seemed to be interested in getting rich (this was the Reaganomics powered, junk bond riddled & credit card fuelled '80's, remember) and to hell with social concerns. So many didn't make waves at all. Which is just what the people in power wanted. Give the kids a sniff of what they could have if they played along with the rules, lead them on with promises of wealth if they were good (like not challenging authority and don't publicly demonstrate) and you could shear them later. It was in the 1980's when we first saw the huge domestic transfer of wealth to the Elite. We've just seen another, even more devastating one more recently with ENRON and all the other bubbles, and it isn't over yet.Well, all games come to an end. So has this one. Many parents and students thought that what happened in Washington had no impact upon them. Even when the first hints of what Souder and his fellow Drug War creeps were up to, many pooh-poohed it and said it would never happen.30,000+ students and their parents have learned very differently. 30,000+ people have had their futures destroyed because of Souder and his buddies. 30,000+ now have a reason to mistrust the system and hate its' political masters. And that hatered and mistrust will spread to other issues as well. And the number will grow so long as these odious laws remain on the books. This is the sleeping giant I spoke of.The middle class has had a rude - and long overdue - awakening. Trusting to the Big Boys to play by the rules, when the Big Boys make the rules and can change them to benefit themselves at will, is a sucker's game. Students everywhere have just tumbled to that, now. The lie of acquiescing to power in order to get what you want has just been shown to be pointless.Expect to see ever more restrictive rules on campus regarding First Amendment rights of students being made as more and more students begin to rediscover their voices and make their displeasure known. The Big Boys don't like dissent, and especially don't like it when it upsets their ideas of social engineering.Which is what this was all about to begin with. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 09:14:59 PT ..gosh... ..I cant believe it either BGreen........quite disturbing,,,especially for one who claims to be an old Hippie........but the rainbow has a beard!......that's kinda spooky FoM,,,within my circle of good friends,,the ones who got married are bald,, [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 24, 2002 at 08:56:24 PT Dana No one should have to change if they don't want too. I'm sure you are right about the hair. I always liked Peter Frampton's hair and now he doesn't have any. When I was young I asked my father when he lost his hair. He said well I had all my hair until this one day. The day I said I Do to your Mother and it all fell out! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by BGreen on October 24, 2002 at 08:53:31 PT DANA, I can't believe you didn't get it "So I tucked my hair up under my hat, and I went in to ask him why."Signs - Five Man Electrical Band [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 08:26:07 PT ...FoM... ..I appreciate your advice on my hair,,,,,but I'm proud to be an old Hippie!...I've got nothing to hide! ..I tie it back sometimes,, but it would be shameful for me to do some fake thing of trying to tuck it up into my hat,and hide it!.....I shock people with my politeness...I have no tattoos,or piercings.......I would look stupid if I tried to bobby pin my hair up,and stuff it into my beret!...Now that would look scary! Longhaired Hippies are becoming quite rare nowdays....I should be in a museum....I'm glad I still have hair!,,alot of my friends are bald!..........Nope,,I made the decision years ago,that I will remain a longhair...I'll not soon forget the trauma of the last time I cut my hair!...It was in the early 80's,,and I was in a New Wave band....weird gangs were beating up longhairs ,and the bass player in the band threatened to make me wear a hairnet!...The first haircut I had was grotesque!,,I looked like Dorothy Hammill,or Peter Tork!...Eventually,I got a pompadour type thing,and with heavy mouse'ing,it stood up about 8 inches tall......Nope,,,I'm a longhair,,,And I'm proud of it!...If there are people with narrow minds who would judge me,or condemn me because of my hair,,then I suggest they look in the mirror,..... I'm an old book,,,and I'm proud of my cover!....In fact,,I'm kind of a militant longhair! ..I pity da foo' who wants to try and look down on me because of my looks!...LoL.....d [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on October 24, 2002 at 07:44:55 PT Dana I hope what I said about your hair made sense. I'm very tired today and am acting silly. My husband is at the IRS today so I'm just a little weird. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 24, 2002 at 07:32:43 PT Oh Dana I'm so happy you are going! I hope you meet Dr. Russo and know I will be there is Spirit. My advice to you.Tuck your hair up under your hat and don't let anyone ask you why! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 06:47:46 PT ..I'll be there... ...You will know it's me...dishwater blonde longhair guy,,,sorta tall,,with beard and mustache,,wearing a dark blue beret...I look like a French Beatnik Hippie Artist.....If you run into someone who looks like me,and is named Dana,,but it's not me,,,then you're on your own!. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Ethan Russo MD on October 24, 2002 at 05:22:24 PT: SoCalian Alert I'll be at the Anaheim meeting, and would love to meet all the SoCalians and others that plan to attend. Cheers, Ethan [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by idbsne1 on October 24, 2002 at 05:19:15 PT Oops... should say, This is exciting to see YOUNG people so involved.idbsne1 [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by idbsne1 on October 24, 2002 at 05:17:08 PT: Yes!!!! I would like to make the same offer as DANA... I live about 20 minutes from orange county... and am completely familiar with the LA area....born and raised...If there are people out there that are interested, but are worried that they wouldn't know anyone, please feel that we are a family here on CNEWS and any help a family member needs is available.This is exciting to see you people so involved. I will be there!!!idbsne1 [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by DANA on October 24, 2002 at 01:54:43 PT Welcome To Southern California! ...I live deep within Orange County...10 minutes from John Wayne Airport,,30 minutes from Anaheim....I would be happy to assist anyone who is coming down for this thing...I am very familiar with the area,and I will be glad to help anyone.If you are flying into LAX,(that's where the budget flights go),you will be about 30 miles from Anaheim.30 miles of big city freeway hell traffic....Take one of those airport shuttles....Orange County airport,(John Wayne),is much closer to Anaheim..If I had room,I'd offer free lodging,but I live in a very small place.....but,,I welcome ANYONE to contact me for any reason if you are coming down to the belly of the beast for this occassion.......dont be shy.....This is a big place.....FoM said;..."...I think about CNews as a sort of training platform for activists with writing ability. At least I hope that is one of it's uses. "...... I like to think of it like that too,FoM.,,,,...BUT ,,Cnews is also an excellent place for people like me,who are beyond training.... My little white dog has been with me for 13 years .He is not very well trained .....they take after their masters.(?). [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on October 23, 2002 at 20:56:48 PT Thank You AlvinCool That was good. Please post what you send to the editor more often. I'll tell you why. Many people write to the Newspapers but many never get published. If you and others post what you send it can be seen by others. Then others learn and get ideas on how to write an article of their own and send it to the editor. I think about CNews as a sort of training platform for activists with writing ability. At least I hope that is one of it's uses. Thanks Again! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by goneposthole on October 23, 2002 at 20:00:52 PT It is in front of our faces Comment #3 is outstanding. The walls will fall. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by The GCW on October 23, 2002 at 19:50:04 PT IF TIRED OF SIN, COME ON IN... US MO: Athletes Warn Youth About Drugs is one, where We can see, some kids teaching about the general concept, supporting the cagings. And then it can be said to those at the school... AND IF YOU WANT THE OTHER SIDE, THEN SEE THIS: Students Nationwide to Converge in Anaheim.REMINDS ME: of that church at the corner that has the outdoor message that changes every week. One week it said: IF TIRED OF SIN COME ON IN.(A girl scratched in underneath:) IF NOT CALL BARB AT 776-42XX... [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by AlvinCool on October 23, 2002 at 19:47:03 PT Straight Stuff I wish I could attend. However I did send this response to the previous "Straight Stuff" article. I rarely post what I send to editors here but thought you guys might be interested.ABSOLUTELY, we should make it more difficult to buy substances that contribute to social problems. Substances like heroin, cocaine and meth. And the key to doing that is backing down on marijuana prohibition. I'm sorry guys but we have to find a way to get marijuana users on board against major drugs and we can't do that while we brand them as criminals. We can't even begin to regulate the availability of drugs to young people without putting a system in place for the most common drug, and the least harmful, so we can quit lying and start just telling the truth. To begin to understand look at why crack usage is down from what it was in the 80's and 90's. It isn't because of the law, it's because people in inner cities see what it has done to their relatives and friends. As for the extremely stupid gateway theory, if it was true why isn't there at least half as many heroin users as marijuana users?And why does it take a urine test to find a marijuana user, if it's so apparent?Just where are all these cancer patients that contracted cancer due to marijuana use? Can't find any, and there should be tens of thousands if the government lies were true. Instead all we can find are cancer patients that SWEAR ON A STACK OF BIBLES that marijuana is the only thing that helps them take their toxic medicines as no manmade, liver killing pharmaceuticals can. When my sister was a Vanderbilt having her brain tumor surgery all the patients that were smoking marijuana were so much healther in spirit and in physical apperance than those that didn't it was like night and day. Kids don't believe the government, and everyone knows why. The government is in denial and can't face the truth. The truth that they have been wrong about marijuana for almost a century and spent an entire generations retirement money fighting nothing. Everyone knows, once a liar always a liar.And here is a question for your readers with kids. First I don't condone drug usage under the legal age of 21. However as a parent lets say you have to make a decision, hypothetical, and allow your kid access to one illegal drug that is available to him/her today. You would want, as a parent, to pick wisely. You would want the least addictive substance and one that your kid would statistically quit using in the future. One that has effects that are fully reversible. One that allows for a normal life and is virtually undetectable unless you are forced to pee in a cup. Your options are heroin, cocaine, meth and marijuana.Hint: The Canadian Senate realized that the above is a real and not hypothetical situation and voted to allow 16 year olds to use marijuana to help steer them from heroin, cocaine and meth. This also allows their parents to provide guidance to their children to steer them to chose wisely, promote responsible use and lower the amount of drug addicts and heavy stoners that are being created from their youth. I guess the Canadian Senate wants their kids to grow up to be a functional part of their society and not an addicted drain on society, like we have. Guess we are a world example after all, a really bad world example that countries are fleeing from. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by michael segesta on October 23, 2002 at 19:35:39 PT: Everyone attend....... I urge everyone to attend this conference! I have seen low airfares like $65.00 (one way) from the midwest and the site hotel is not badly priced. And it's right next to Disney Land. Everyone come! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by pokesmotter on October 23, 2002 at 19:32:53 PT: awesome this is great. the need for drug law reform is spreading and people are waking up. slowly but surely. from my experiences with younger people, (under 18) attitudes about drugs are getting more relaxed which is a good thing. the problem is getting them to vote for drug law reform candidates. a lot of my friends arent even voting this nov and it is really frustrating for me. no matter what i say i get the "my vote doesnt count" which is part of the reason our country is where it is. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment