Fired Border Patrol Agent Blames Hemp Bar Fired Border Patrol Agent Blames Hemp Bar Posted by CN Staff on October 13, 2002 at 13:34:10 PT By Frank Green, Union-Tribune Staff Writer Source: Union Tribune Snacks can make people obese and high-wired. But get them fired? A U.S. Border Patrol agent dismissed from his job earlier this year after testing positive for drugs is blaming a San Diego-based manufacturer of hemp bars for his downfall. Michael Baranic, a San Diego attorney representing the fired agent, said his client's troubles started last year after he ate Govinda's Fitness Foods hemp bars just before a random drug test. The Border Patrol fired the agent in May based on the results of the test, which indicated the presence of psychoactive chemicals in his blood. "My client has never used (illegal) drugs," said Baranic, adding that he would seek reinstatement, back pay and attorney's fees for the former agent at a hearing this month before the government's Merit System Protection Board. Baranic declined to divulge the name of his client. Border Patrol spokesman Raleigh Leonard said he could not comment on the case or reveal the agent's name because it's a personnel matter. The dispute comes as the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is considering whether to uphold a Drug Enforcement Administration rule banning the sale of food made with hemp. Hemp food products typically contain trace elements of the mind-altering substance Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is found in marijuana. The DEA contends that the consumption of any amount of THC is illegal. The Border Patrol agent is hardly the first to invoke the so-called "hemp defense." Several studies conducted in the mid-1990s found that the use of hemp seed oil could trigger positive test readings for low levels of THC, according to the Journal of Analytical Toxicology. Indeed, the U.S. Air Force banned the use of hemp by its service people several years ago after Master Sgt. Spencer Gaines was exonerated by a court-martial jury after testing positive for marijuana use. Gaines asserted during the trial that the test results stemmed from his consumption of hemp oil, which is used in hemp food products. Likewise, Marine Lance Cpl. Kevin Boyd was acquitted by a court martial jury in 1998 of a single count of using marijuana after he blamed the use of hemp oil for his troubles. But representatives of Govinda's and the hemp industry said that the hemp defense has rarely been used by defendants in drug cases in the last couple of years because strict processing of the hemp crop, which is largely grown in Canada, has virtually eliminated THC residue. "You'd have to do 500 pounds of steady eating to get a buzz," said Larry Gatpandan, a co-founder of Govinda's. Gatpandan said he first heard of the fired Border Patrol agent's allegations against his company earlier this year when he received an affidavit from the government asking him to certify that Govinda's hemp bars were free of THC. "I didn't sign it," he said. "They're trying to ruin the reputation of my company." Govinda's sold $200,000 worth of hemp bars last year. That's about 20 percent of the firm's total revenues. Overall, hemp products account for about $40 million in annual sales in the U.S. food and body-care sectors and $100 million in sales in the fiber sector, according to the Hemp Industry Association. David Bronner, chairman of the association's food and oils committee, said hemp is being used as a scapegoat by drug users caught in the drug-testing mill. Bronner is the president of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap in Escondido. "Some people smoke marijuana, get desperate and look for an excuse," Bronner said. Bronner noted that hemp oil – which is used in Govinda's hemp bars – contains only 5 parts per million of THC. And hemp oil makes up only 10 percent to 20 percent of the ingredients in Govinda's product. "There's no way the THC would show up in a drug test," Bronner said. Bronner said the U.S. hemp industry is awaiting the court decision on the DEA ban with apprehension. Last October, the DEA declared that food products containing even trace amounts of THC were banned under the Controlled Substances Act. The DEA ordered a halt in the production and distribution of all goods containing THC that were intended for human consumption. It ordered all such products to be destroyed or removed from the United States by March 18. However, the 9th Circuit said the government cannot enforce the new regulation until the court rules on challenges to it. Note: Man says the snack caused a positive result on drug test.Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)Author: Frank Green, Union-Tribune Staff WriterPublished: October 13, 2002Copyright: 2002 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.Contact: letters uniontrib.comWebsite: Links Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #24 posted by FoM on October 15, 2002 at 14:53:50 PT DdC Thanks for the advice! LOL! He is a big, sweet, but don't mess with my people type dog. We are talking about getting another Rott from the same breeder since he is so nice. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by DdC on October 15, 2002 at 14:21:58 PT Warning signs FoM... ¶8) Next you'll receive a subscription to High Times and wonder who ordered it. Watch your stash! ¶8)DdCMore warning signs for parents... of My Heart by Janis Joplin [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on October 15, 2002 at 11:09:33 PT DdC I wanted to tell you that my 2 year old Rott is so cool. He is an anti drug dog. He won't take any pills no matter what we do so we hope he doesn't get sick or we're in trouble. He is named Kaptin after Kaptinemo and he has a thing for Piece of my Heart by Janis Joplin. He howls thru the whole song. He just got done singing again and I thought I'd mention it while it was fresh in my mind. He sure makes me laugh! [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by DdC on October 15, 2002 at 10:23:23 PT Thanx herbdoc215 p4me and all... I have a patent on this doober I'm about to shelve in my lungs... ¶8)Damn Those Nazi's!Peace, Love and Liberty in Solidarity or The Murdering Goofy! Deceptions Qaeda! Wallyéjå vü!!!'s Bushit Circus Behind the Swastika [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on October 15, 2002 at 08:29:03 PT herbdoc215 I understand that you are upset about this issue. I don't know anything about it though and I'm sure some others don't either. I have found the only way to keep going forward and staying hopeful every day is to keep my eyes on what I can help change. I can't change what was, but maybe just maybe, I can help bring change in the future. I don't look back in my personal life either. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by herbdoc215 on October 14, 2002 at 23:57:25 PT Nazi's, damn Nazi's I am not even = to Nazi's "So damn destructive for this info to be withheld from public. This guy doesn't include the fact he has a government protected monopoly!! Being chief "scientist" for the Gestapo has it's advantages, ask Goering I am sure he's up here in Canada with the rest of the Nazi party who have been given refuge for their entire lives and are only now being sought even. 91 missing Nazi animal dogs they will ADMIT to, and we are not welcome???? I want ANY Canadian to explain how I am not welcome but Nazi's are, and I won't even rehash all the atrocities these Bastards committed as it's common knowledge I thought?? If this is what the world has come too then we truly have " moved on " and there is no hope for stopping this jaugernaut." steven tuck, in exile [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on October 14, 2002 at 23:43:11 PT herbdoc215 Thanks for explaining. I know that there are those who don't want the laws changed but I'm not sure who they all are or for what reasons. I'm hoping for good to come from the Nevada Initiative and other issues like the law suits by WAMM and others from OCBC. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by herbdoc215 on October 14, 2002 at 23:30:30 PT Why this patents important!!!!!!!! FoM, Those are the patents for injectable THC preparations by UMIss and in his words give weight to theroputic potential of cannabinoids and how they are just slowing us up to maintain an artificial control upon price structure of feeling good and if you control how somebody feels you control.... Just one of of 100's of examples I can name easily is Premature Infant Neuro-induced 'memory' of neurons for pain and all the developmental problems arising from sustained periods of isolation from human contact in incubation units, repeated medical precedures from surgical to hypo sticks with ZERO pain meds because of slim line of LD10 to theraputic levels. Babies small lungs and respitory systems cannot handle narcotics and according to Noyes,et al 75 among many others have Proved cannabis alone is more effective than Codeine at killing pain. Me and one of the physicians I worked with in Humboldt spent alot of time working out a plan to study this and protocals for how to study it, beauty is complete lack of toxicity plus added anti-emetic benefits. Thus removing many obstacles from these already tenuous lives the government professes to protect. So ergo the US government is killing babies by subverting this research! This is only one example and I could go on all night...Who is going to look all these families who struggle to raise children maimed by ignorance after the truth finally comes out and they realize that it could have been prevented if this could have been looked at logically instead of agenda-zing/demonizing that passes for science today. Peace, Steven Tuck in exile [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 14, 2002 at 20:01:56 PT p4me Back in the early 90s I wanted to learn about medicinal herbs since I had lost my faith in modern medicine and found a book by Dr. Culpeper back from the 1600s. I was looking for many different herbs but wasn't looking for Hemp but there it was and I went wow really! That was my first awareness that Cannabis was medicine.They talked different and it is hard to understand but here it is.The English Physitian - 1652 Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. This is so well known to every good Huswife in the Country, that I shal not need to write any Description of it.Time. It is sown in the end of March, or beginning of April, and is ripe in August or September.Vertues and Use. The Seed of Hemp consumeth Wind, and by the much use thereof disperseth it so much that it drieth up the natural Seed for Procreation; yet being boyled in Milk and taken, helpeth such as have a hot dry Cough. The Dutch make an Emulsion out of the Seed, and give it with good success to those that have the Jaundice, especially in the beginning of the Disease if there be no Ague accompanying it, for it [EDGENOTE:] Wind, Cough, Jaundice, Gall, Choller. [p. 64]openeth Obstructions of the Gall, and causeth digestion of Choller. The Emulsion or Decoction of the Seed staieth Lasks and continual Fluxes, easeth the Chollick, and allayeth the troublesom Humors in the Bowels, and staieth bleeding at the Mouth, Nose, or other place, some of the Leavs being fried with the Blood of that bleed, and so given them to eat. It is held very good to kill the Worms in man or Beast, and the Juyce dropped into the Ears killeth Worms in them, and draweth forth Earwigs, or other living Creatures gotten into them. [EDGENOTE:] Flux, Chollick, Bleeding, Worms, Earwigs, Inflamation, Gout, Sinews shrunk. The Decoction of the Root allayeth Inflamations in the Head or any other parts; the Herb it self, or the Distilled Water thereof doth the like: The Decoction of the Roots easeth the pains of the Gout, the hard Tumors, or Knots in the Joynts, the pains and shrinking of the Sinews, and the pains of the Hips: The fresh Juyce mixed with a little Oyl and Butter, is good for any place that hath been burnt with fire being thereto applied.It is a Plant of Saturn, and good for something els you see than to make Halters only. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by p4me on October 14, 2002 at 19:25:24 PT isolating THC Do you remember that article "Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years": This paragraph from that article seems to say THC was isolated in 1857:Far from being disinterested in hashish, however, French scientists seemed very curious and intrigued about its therapeutic potentials. In 1847, the Pharmaceutical Society of Paris posted a prize for the isolation of the active principle in cannabis, which was eventually won in 1857. In 1848, the first doctoral thesis on hashish was written by DeCourtive, whose pharmacopoeia Charles Baudelaire later relied on for much of his information about hashish.1 [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on October 14, 2002 at 18:25:20 PT herbdoc215 I'm sorry but I really don't understand. I don't think about patents. I just think about the whole plant and changing the laws against it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by herbdoc215 on October 14, 2002 at 18:22:49 PT Here's another, It would be hilarious if it wasn't United States Patent 6,008,383 Elsohly , et al. December 28, 1999 Method of preparing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol esters Abstract The present invention provides an economical and efficient process for converting delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol to a variety of ester analogs. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is esterified by reaction with a carboxylic acid, an acid halide or an acid anhydride in the presence of a 4-aminopyridine either alone or in admixture with an organic amine such as a mono-, di-, or tri-alkyl amine. Inventors: Elsohly; Mahmoud A. (Oxford, MS); Ross; Samir A. (Oxford, MS); Feng; Shixia (Oxford, MS) Assignee: University of Mississippi (University, MS) Appl. No.: 178644 Filed: October 26, 1998"So damn destructive for this info to be withheld from public. This guy doesn't include the fact he has a government protected monopoly!! Being chief "scientist" for the Gestapo has it's advantages, ask Goering I am sure he's up here in Canada with the rest of the Nazi party who have been given refuge for their entire lives and are only now being sought even. 91 missing Nazi animal dogs they will ADMIT to, and we are not welcome???? I want ANY Canadian to explain how I am not welcome but Nazi's are, and I won't even rehash all the atrocities these Bastards committed as it's common knowledge I thought?? If this is what the world has come too then we truly have " moved on " and there is no hope for stopping this jaugernaut." steven tuck, in exile U.S. Class: 549/390 Intern'l Class: C07D 311/80 Field of Search: 549/390 References Cited [Referenced By]U.S. Patent Documents [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by herbdoc215 on October 14, 2002 at 18:09:24 PT That theiving El Sohoy stole the formula AND pat. ( 7 of 35 ) United States Patent 6,008,383 Elsohly , et al. December 28, 1999 Method of preparing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol esters Abstract The present invention provides an economical and efficient process for converting delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol to a variety of ester analogs. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is esterified by reaction with a carboxylic acid, an acid halide or an acid anhydride in the presence of a 4-aminopyridine either alone or in admixture with an organic amine such as a mono-, di-, or tri-alkyl amine. Inventors: Elsohly; Mahmoud A. (Oxford, MS); Ross; Samir A. (Oxford, MS); Feng; Shixia (Oxford, MS) Assignee: University of Mississippi (University, MS) Appl. No.: 178644 Filed: October 26, 1998 U.S. Class: 549/390 Intern'l Class: C07D 311/80 Field of Search: 549/390 References Cited [Referenced By] U.S. Patent DocumentsPrimary Examiner: Owens; Amelia Attorney, Agent or Firm: Graham & James LLP Claims1. A process for the preparation of a compound of the formula: ##STR4## in which R represents an acyl group, said process comprising reacting delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol with a carboxylic acid, acid halide or acid anhydride having R as the residue group in the presence of a 4-amino-substituted pyridine. 2. The process of claim 1, where the 4-amino-substituted pyridine is a compound of the formula ##STR5## in which R.sub.1, and R.sub.2 are each independently H, optionally substituted lower alkyl, optionally substituted aryl or R.sub.1 and R.sub.2 can be taken together to form a carbocyclic or heterocyclic 5-or-6 membered ring. 3. The process of claim 1, further comprising carrying out the esterification with the additional presence of a further organic amine. 4. The process of claim 1, in which R is a group of the formula: ##STR6## in which R' is an alkyl containing a carboxyl or an amino group. 5. The process of claim 1, wherein R is the hemiester of succinic acid. 6. The process of claim 1, wherein R is the hemiester of malonic acid. 7. The process of claim 1, wherein the 4-substituted pyridine is 4-pyrrolidinopyridine. 8. The process of claim 1, wherein the 4-substituted pyridine is a 4-diloweralkylaminopyridine. 9. The process of claim 1, wherein the 4-substituted pyridine is 4-dimethylaminopyridine. 10. The process of claim 3, wherein the organic amine is a mono-, di-, or tri-lower alkyl amine. 11. The process of claim 10, wherein the organic amine is triethylamine. 12. The process of claim 1 wherein R is the acyl residue of succinic acid, the acid anhydride is succinic anhydride and the base is a mixture of 4-dimethylamine pyridine and triethylamine. 13. The process of claim 1, wherein the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is reacted with a carboxylic acid. 14. The process of claim 1, wherein the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is reacted with an acid halide. 15. The process of claim 1, wherein the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is reacted with an acid anhydride. 16. The process of claim 1, wherein R represents an acyl group having an alkyl side chain containing a polar group. 17. The process of claim 4, wherein R' is an alkyl containing between 2 to 10 carbon atoms. DescriptionBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, also known as Dronabinol) is the main biologically active component in the Cannabis plant which has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the control of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and, more recently, for appetite stimulation of AIDS patients suffering from the wasting syndrome. The drug, however, shows other biological activities which lend themselves to possible therapeutic applications, such as in the treatment of glaucoma (1), migraine headaches (2,3), spasticity (4), anxiety (5), and as an analgesic (4). It is because of these-promising biological activities of THC that marijuana has been brought into a public debate relative its medicinal value. The balance between medicinal use of a drug and the abuse potential is a delicate balance. One of the main points brought by the medicinal marijuana proponents is the fact that the currently available soft gelatin capsule formulation is very expensive and lacks [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by DdC on October 14, 2002 at 11:45:49 PT Thanks CorvallisEric I figured the Feds isolated and synthesized the Delta 9 but wondered about their extraction method, basically using oil, the same as mine using the vegetable with all of the cannibinoids. I was under the impression cannabis couldn't be made into a white powder like coca and poppy, or some would have been injecting it long ago. I think marinol can be useful as a suppliment to ganja, but on its own I prefer the raw extractums, and the patients seem to have better results.So am I right in asuming they take the atoms and molecules from ganja, isolate the Delta 9 and then replicate it? Rather than extract it by oil and then separate it? It seems I remember Alchemist trying to change lead into gold. And with todays science we can by manipulating the atomic structure. But the cost is more than the price of gold. Marinol is expensive, and so is prohibited ganja. Is this basically making an artifical gold way more costly than the actual going price?Its said ganja isn't water soluable so I assume thats why oil, fat or alcohol is used. Whereas Bhang made with water also adds a lot of pepper that has oil residue. So I guess to form a white powder you have to extract with water?Q. The percentages uses when comparing ganja. For years it was considered a range of 0 to 10% Zero being unattainable but basically low thc hemp as 10% being potent delta 9 kynd bud and the ranges inbetween from schwag to chronic. Basically street pot at 3.5 to 6% Now they mention 25%, as with BC buds. Any clarity? Thanks again, DdC [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by CorvallisEric on October 13, 2002 at 23:36:25 PT DdC, hope this helps Dronabinol is the generic pharmaceutical name (at least in USA) for synthetic THC. Marinol is the brand name both for dronabinol and for the capsules which contain 2.5 or 5 or 10 mg of dronabinol (THC) plus sesame oil, coloring, and other inactive ingredients. 2.5 milligrams of any organic compound is a tiny amount, about the size of a few grains of salt. A typical capsule will weigh more than 100 mg. Synthetic simply means a man-made compound identical to the one found in nature.Marinol can be replaced by ganja extractions. Islating and matching strains to illness is the most logical medicinal approach.Right. What you are doing is chosing among many possible naturally-occurring proportions of THC, CBD, THCV, and other cannabinoids. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by DdC on October 13, 2002 at 23:33:06 PT WoD is for the Birds... Nutrition, Marijuana and Pot Pride Society: Legalize It! Field Notes on Woody Brief Summary of the Uses of Hemp High on Hemp: Ditchweed Digs In Mechanics 1938 Plants-Hemp Childrens Encyclopedia 1909;pp.321-324 George McMahon, one of eight (Now 7 are remaining) patients in the federal medical marijuana program and a founding member of Patients Out of Time Patient Calls for Legalizing Marijuana, Interview: Elvy Musikka another of the 7 remaining patients receiving government joints... Cannabis Food [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Jerr-man on October 13, 2002 at 22:34:40 PT (D)on't (E)at (A)anything !!!!!! Hemp food products typically contain trace elements of the mind-altering substance Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is found in marijuana. The DEA contends that the consumption of any amount of THC is illegal. Except seven former compassion study patients ,I believe (please feel free to correct info.-all memory).Also,what about those States ,who passed by votes,allowing mj to be used as medicine?Wait a minute,my government says marijuana is not medicine !!! Is this a trick!!! A LIE?! John Walters ,Where are you?I believe the medicine part of the issue is mute now,because other more progressive countries are experimenting with a plant that is safely used by millions throughout history.It is called Cannabis Sativa..patients in the USA should be allowed to use this plant immediately.......just until we get compassionate again and reopen the program to use marijuana again......Are you still in Nevada ,John?I truly hope with all my heart you are in Nevada,Mr. Walters,when the PEOPLE are HEARD !!!Proud Ohio Patient Network (OhioPatient.Net) memberJerry Anderson (aka Jerr-man ,aka Jerrman) [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by DdC on October 13, 2002 at 22:03:52 PT CorvallisEric The bottle says Marinol... 2.5 MG Capsule...Qty 50...Mfg Roxan LabsYellow warning: May Cause DrowsinessI read something similar to find out what kind of oil, and it said sesame. Dronabinol is formulated in sesame oil. Marinol is supplied as round, soft gelatin capsules containing either 2.5 mg, 5 mg, or 10 mg dronabinol.Interesting. So the weight on the bottle isn't the size of the capsule. Dronabinol. Which is formulated in sesame oil. Confusing. So it says its 2.5 mg THC (is that including or exluding the weight of the oil, required to make it Dronabinol?} It sounds like they have a synthetic resin Delta 9 THC. Taking 2.5 mg's and adding it to (an) amount of sesami oil required to make it Dronabinol?. Then filling the caps of a weight not on the bottle...I'm asking cause I'm not sure now...btw I'll take a doober anyday. I make a ganja extraction for patients using 100 ml milk and a tad of butter, and 1 gram of ganja, but I have extracted it into oil. I don't use the alcohol method. 2.5 MG of THC should show up in a urine test. Most of the nutritional writers and producers say its too small an amount in the seed to show up. I assume that depends on how close you look. It used to be anything below 3% was schwag and 1% was considered hemp. Now the say anything goes. The "synthetic" part is confusing why they would isolate the Delta 9 if that is the problem, and probably why most prefer ganja over Marinol, besides the faster means of ingestion toking. Easy way to discredit ganja by showing results of Marinol. But the hempseed issue is moot. Its Fascism. If it can ruin Wally's urine analysis then good, it has no business in the workplace concerning cannabis. That can not be tested for accuracy and will stay in the system weeks. With no relationship to work performance. Marinol can be replaced by ganja extractions. Islating and matching strains to illness is the most logical medicinal approach. As WAMM was doing before the pillage. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by CorvallisEric on October 13, 2002 at 20:07:49 PT DdC "The caps I've seen are 2.5 mg, but that includes the sesame oil and the capsule. The amount of THC isn't stated."THC = 2.5 mg. Quoting from the Prescribing Information downloadable (PDF file) from this page:, the active ingredient in Marinol, is synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC). Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is also a naturally occurring component of Cannabis sativa L. (Marijuana). Dronabinol is a light yellow resinous oil that is sticky at room temperature and hardens upon refrigeration. Dronabinol is insoluble in water and is formulated in sesame oil. Marinol is supplied as round, soft gelatin capsules containing either 2.5 mg, 5 mg, or 10 mg dronabinol.This publication also has some interesting information about abuse of marijuana and Marinol which doesn't fully parrot the DEA line including the following:WARNINGS Patients receiving treatment with Marinol should be specifically warned not to drive, operate machinery, or engage in any hazardous activity until it is established that they are able to tolerate the drug and to perform such tasks safely. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by DdC on October 13, 2002 at 16:46:02 PT Hempseed threatens Meat, Grain and Prohibition Inc The smallest dose of Marinol contains 2.5 milligrams THC. The caps I've seen are 2.5 mg, but that includes the sesame oil and the capsule. The amount of THC isn't stated. It is Delta 9. The cannibinoid behind the entire reason for prohibition according to the paranoid propagandist. The one causing the dreaded euphoria. Taking enough caps would surely intoxicate someone as much as toking.And a thousands times more than hempseed. Yet its legal and food fuel and fiber isn't. It is 99% of the marijuana suppression program so uses it for tally sheets and can't afford losing the chemical profits to organic hemp. The only debate is debating standards to test protein or tensile strength conducted by machines and equipment and titrations.No debate if the facts aren't censored. Politicops motives are behind this. Prostitutes I mean.Poppyseed will also show up as morphine or heroin. Nothing mentioned. Over the counter drugs contain speed and hallucinagens and phenolbarbitol. The argument is moot, hempseed will not get you high. But it will cut into the powerful Meat Lobby profits. Not that hard to figure why. Its just hard to figure why the people can't see the profits in prohibition...Hemp is competition, period. The meat and chemical grain industry was never concerned until hemp seed nutrition came out in the 90's. With Hempseed dealers sliceing their own throats siding with Trying to distant themselves from the buds and leaves. Depending on the producer. The shell casing around the seed is supposidly the only source of THC, not the seed itself. But its too convenient in this instance to conclude anything but paid witnesses for to carry out their threat of keeping competition out of the free enterprise system through legislation. Or Fascism. Boycott Companies who Pisstest!!! Annual Ditchweed Eradication Boondoggle Underway Again Chemical Manipulation of Human Consciousness Toxic Alternative to Natural Fiber Sucks http://www.monsantos.comTerminator Seeds for Prohibition Inc. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by CorvallisEric on October 13, 2002 at 15:21:35 PT Let's do the math >>> "You'd have to do 500 pounds of steady eating to get a buzz," said Larry Gatpandan, a co-founder of Govinda's. The smallest dose of Marinol contains 2.5 milligrams THC. Let's assume that is enough to get a "buzz" and fail a pee test with a reasonable cutoff limit. At 5 parts per million THC in hemp oil, that's 5 milligrams per kilogram or 2.5 milligrams in 500 grams. If the hemp bars contain 10 to 20 percent hemp oil, then you have have 2.5 milligrams THC in 2.5 to 5 kilograms of hemp bars. The presence of high levels of cannabidiol (high CBD to THC ratio) in hemp bars might negate the buzz but not the test failure.In other words, failing the test because of eating hemp bars is extremely unlikely, but not impossible when you consider variations in testing, etc.Sorry, I just feel very pedantic and cranky today and very tired of the "smoking a telephone pole" arguments like the one quoted above. Very few people who flap their jaws publicly can get simple math right: journalists on both sides, politicians of every stripe, activists on both sides, people who post good thoughts on every bulletin board on the net.By the way, Dankhank, your conclusion is probably correct, but I think some amount of THC in hemp seed is unavoidable. Five parts per million seems reasonable; I'll bet it's very inconsistent depending on harvesting and processing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on October 13, 2002 at 15:09:27 PT LTE with a link Sirs, Perhaps this former border patrol agent should consider moving to Canada. The Canadian Human Rights Commission has banned most workplace drug testing, saying that a positive result does not indicate current impairment. In certain safety-related jobs, the commission does allow testing for alcohol impairment - but even then, workers who test positive can not be fired, only put into treatment programs. It's too bad that the USA has such draconian, zero-tolerance policies. I'm sure the border patrol needs all the agents it can get these days. To lose manpower over a snack food is completely absurd.Referenced: Canada: Federal Rights Watchdog Bans Workplace Drug Tests [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by DdC on October 13, 2002 at 15:02:44 PT Before it was two Marines...Weasels! The dispute comes as the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is considering whether to uphold a Drug Enforcement Administration rule banning the sale of food made with hemp.No one should be persecuted for using ganja, or forced to use lame excuses like hempseed when they get busted or choose to give bodily fluids for a job against their Constitutional rights...Deal in reality, if a trace of thc is found in microscopic testing, it has no way of effecting the job performance. But it can make good propaganda fodder...Peace, Love and Liberty or the Weasel!...DdCDrugthugczar to ban all hemp products Cybrary Hempseed linx Fiber(clothing)linx Hemp Eco Mall Maritime Industrial Hemp Environmental products Products Good Humans against hemp Headshop Hemp Headshop Embroidery Czarbarry to ban hemp products Hemp Sustainable Living Hemp Industries Association Canada: Fancy A Hemp Burger? Be Careful, Report Warns Mac Hemp Products The 1997 Washington Hemp Intiative Welcome to Soully Created - Your Source for Quality Hemp Products Blue Heron Hemp - Hemp Products Made in Montana Cotton - Fabric of Our Demise Welcome to Ferguson-Davie Law Corporation of Public Opinion on the Marketing of Hemp Natural Choice Directory: Hemp Products Health Canada and The Body Shop Canada Reach Agreement on Hemp Product Launch: Launch Date ... Hemp Products: Hemp Clothing, Body Care, Accessories, Shoes, Paper, Household DEA Seizes Tractor Trailer of Legal Hempseed Products from Canada What So Big About Hemp Holistic Health and Positive Living Directory G-M Planet Hemp Hemp Body products Hemp Products Hemp Information Telluride Hempery Eco Organics Eco Directory Hemp Supply Rocko's Source for Hemp Products Rocko's Index Artisan Gear Cannabis Hemp from Dank Forest Rocko's Info Hemp Products clothing Impairment tests vs GOP drug tests. 2000 non-invasive 30-second impairment test. "FIT 2000 is directly relevant to employers interested in high quality, exacting, detail work, as well as general safety and quality, without violating the privacy of the employee. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Dankhank on October 13, 2002 at 13:39:59 PT: Horse Hockey Hemp food has no THC in it unless deliberatly introduced in the preparation process.You smoked or ate or whatever ... take your lumps, perhaps you will now become an advocate for legalization ... Hemp N Stuff [ Post Comment ] Post Comment