Police Endorsements Makes One Wonder

Police Endorsements Makes One Wonder
Posted by CN Staff on August 13, 2002 at 07:40:38 PT
By John L. Smith
Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal 
Can you trust the cops? Kindergartners are taught that lesson early: Trust your local police officer. High school kids are reminded often to respect the police, whose judgment in enforcing the law is crucial in our society. Traditionally, politicians have known that garnering a police endorsement is sure to translate into winning the confidence of prospective voters come election time. Voters don't trust politicians, but they generally do trust the police. 
Then came Campaign '02 and a string of on-again, off-again cop endorsements that is turning a long-respected political prize into a "Police Academy" laugh track. Can you, for instance, still trust the judgment of the Nevada Conference of Police and Sheriffs after its former president, Andy Anderson, announced an NCOPS endorsement of the state's controversial Question 9 marijuana decriminalization initiative before an executive board vote had taken place? Frankly, no. Anderson resigned Friday under pressure from some thoroughly embarrassed police union officials, who represent more than 3,000 officers throughout the state. Although Anderson logically argued that small-time pot busts waste time, the issue went up in smoke and took with it, at least temporarily, the credibility of the NCOPS endorsement. "This is the screwiest year I've ever seen," says one NCOPS board member. It's not the only snafu to come from the police organization. Earlier this year, says one NCOPS source, the endorsement process was so mangled that the group endorsed candidates in districts they no longer represented. After rushing to endorse congressional candidate Dario Herrera, NCOPS voted to withdraw its endorsement after questions were raised about the candidate's personal finances and $42,000 Las Vegas Housing Authority public relations deal. Herrera wrote off the change of heart to opponent Jon Porter's "vicious, negative and deeply personal attacks." But the greater question is, did NCOPS do any homework before endorsing Herrera? And did its members investigate the allegations against him? At a time they should have been alert, they were asleep at the switch. And in the attorney general's race, NCOPS quickly endorsed Brian Sandoval, then watched as the State Peace Officers Council endorsed last-minute challenger John Hunt. The council, of course, is an NCOPS member. So much for consistency. Other police groups have looked fickle and easily pressured. A recent revision by the Police Managers and Supervisors Association of the District 1 congressional endorsement has incumbent Rep. Shelley Berkley and her challenger, City Councilwoman Lynette Boggs McDonald, complaining for very different reasons. Berkley, because her once-exclusive endorsement was revised under questionable political circumstances. Boggs McDonald, because her share of the endorsement has been tainted by controversial language contained in a letter from PMSA Chairman Thomas Plehn. The Police Protective Association, meanwhile, made its Clark County sheriff's endorsement -- easily its most important -- in December in an effort to boost the candidacy of respected but little known Deputy Chief Bill Young. That endorsement has helped with Young's fund-raising efforts, but it hasn't prevented Capt. Randy Oaks from polling extremely well in recent surveys. Those polls show Oaks in a statistical dead heat with Young, despite a vast fund-raising disadvantage. The PPA will look particularly out of touch should Oaks pull off an upset. Its officials also will look like they were listening more closely to political merchants than to rank-and-file members. So what in the world happened to that well-oiled police union political machine? After all the political games are played, that is supposed to be the bottom line: Endorse the candidate who first will do the best job for union members as well as the community at large. It shouldn't be too much to ask. In an attempt to offset the marijuana "endorsement" damage, NCOPS has scheduled a news conference for today to restate its zero tolerance for Question 9. Can you still count on the cops to provide well-reasoned political endorsements? For now, the answer is no. John L. Smith's column appears Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Complete Title: Police Endorsements Makes One Wonder: Who's on First? Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)Author: John L. SmithPublished: Tuesday, August 13, 2002Copyright: 2002 Las Vegas Review-JournalContact: letters lvrj.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:NRLE Policy Project Accused of Illegal Campaign Against Pot on Marijuana Initiative Stirs the Pot Group Retracts Support of Marijuana
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Comment #6 posted by Toker00 on August 13, 2002 at 19:14:26 PT
DITTO.Sorry about the stalker, but you are right, generally, about the AUTHORITIES.Peace. Realize, then Legalize.
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Comment #5 posted by Tigress58 on August 13, 2002 at 18:32:03 PT
Legal Outlaws Above and Beyond the Law
I don't trust the cops, judges, politicians, lawyers, our President, the CIA, FBI, DEA, State police, county police, city police, county commissioners, city officials, or anyone otherwise. They are all liars, greedy for the last dollar, and out to make a name for themselves.I raise my son to think of the cops as "PIGS" (Police In Gestopo Suits). I explain to him and re-emphize the fact, one day I over heard a judge cross examine a witness stating, "Are you calling this police officer a liar? The police have no reason to lie, no, they have no reason to lie. Why would the police lie, there is no profit in it to lie, only to tell the truth, no, the police have no reason to lie."The police have every reason to lie. EGO! The super hero syndrom. Why would someone want to be a PIG! They never got over that childhood adrenelen rush that makes their heart pound, the flashing lights, the excitement of racing to an accident or the high speed chase. The danger element that may make them a recognized hero, even their dogs are given more honor, rights and respect than a normal hard working low-life civilian. Don't agree? Kill a police dog and find out what they will do to you in court.The PIGS are so caught up with their illusion that they even have the legal right to kill you and call it justifiable homicide. They will not be tried for murder.Yes, all those listed above in the 1st paragraph have earned the righteous title of "Legal Outlaw Above and Beyond the Law." They have the money and the laywers that will get them off and glaze coat the situation, of course, someone else will get fingered. And with a wide, toothy smile, they will wave and say "I told you I was innocent, vote for me, I care about YOU."They have nothing to do but harass the poor, steal the property of the poor so they can be richer, and to keep us in poverty. The priviledged elite are those that think they are the only ones on this world that have the right to be a Legal Outlaw, for their wealth sets them apart and puts them Above and Beyond the Law.The job of the police has always been to SERVE and PROTECT. Who are they serving and protecting? Not me! I have had to deal with a dnagerous stalker for the past four years. This is a "cat and mouse game." The cops told me they will do nothing to prevent this guy from harming me or my child, and "we may become statistics" (dead>>>murdered) because they (cops) want to make sure he (stalker) goes back to prison and the charges stick. That's sick. Fact is, he would get 5 - 7 years for murder and walk. To serve and protect. Sounds like the stalker is being served and protected more than me or my child. I'm homeless and move constantly to keep this prick offbase. No help here from anywhere. This situation has turned me so anti-government and anti-law enforcement, I'm over the edge. I'm capable of doing anything without a conscience.The next time a cop says something, I'll be sure to read the reverse meaning as fact. No the cops aren't to be trusted or anyone else in political office as a matter of fact.PIGS don't have the right to endorse anything, nor any politician. That is for WE THE PEOPLE to decide. They are paid to follow our instructions.
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Comment #4 posted by Zero_G on August 13, 2002 at 11:43:41 PT
Can you trust the cops? Kindergartners are taught that lesson early: Trust your local police officer. High school kids are reminded often to respect the police, whose judgment in enforcing the law is crucial in our society. This is very enlightening and informative.First, realize that the question really addresses who you are and what your status is. "Can you trust the cops?"; there are whole communities in this country where the answer is clearly no. If you are a member of the underclass in Amerika, if you are a dissident, a minority, poor, or any of the other, "Others" that make up this population, you generally distrust authority and the symbol of that authority, the police force.Second, look at the difference in what is taught as part of the socialization process we call "American Education". Kindergarteners are taught to "trust" the officers, while High Schoolers, who already know what a load of shit they're being fed are taught to "respect". Respect is a term for what Mafia Dons expect. It is a term of fear.In a word, can we trust cops? No.
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on August 13, 2002 at 10:49:04 PT
This Should Be The Link To Program Politician Fired Over Drug ProposalIn Nevada, the head of a law enforcement union was ousted for supporting a ballot proposal that would legalize marijuana in the state. Marijuana Law in BritainIn Britain, the Brixton section of South London has already been seeing the results of a marijuana law that radically reduces penalties for smoking pot. 
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on August 13, 2002 at 10:41:14 PT
Heads Up On Radio Program
Noon EDT, WBUR Boston 90.9 FM (show is aired on some other NPR stations 
"Here and Now" Anthony Brooks and Melinda Penkava MPP's Rob Kampia debates Las Vegas Detective Todd Raybuck about the 
Nevada marijuana initiative (segment should be middle of the hour, roughly)
Listen live at:
(Debate is taped but you can call in at (617) 358-0397)
2:30 pm EDT, WRIF 101.1 FM Detroit (and about 10 other stations)
MPP's Bruce Mirken on the Peter Werbe show
Subject: NV and DC initiatives
Call in at 800-TALK-YES
Krissy Oechslin, Assistant Director of Communications
Marijuana Policy Project
P.O. Box 77492 -- Capitol Hill -- Washington, D.C. 20013 -- KrissyO MPP.ORG
phone 202-462-5747, ext. 115 -- fax 202-232-0442
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Comment #1 posted by Dan B on August 13, 2002 at 08:10:25 PT:
Here he is again . . .
John L. Smith must really get off on showing everyone what a dumbass he is. (I hope "dumbass" is okay to say. They use it all the time on That 70s Show, so I figured it was okay).The fact that NCOPS endorsed the initiative doesn't make them untrustworthy. The fact that a few members of that organization forced a vote change afterward to reflect the opinions of a minority does make them untrustworthy in the eyes of voters. The rest of the crap they pulled, as outlined in this article, only serves to confirm that the public cannot trust them on the cannabis issue either.Dan BNote: Sometimes when I'm typing, I accidentally hit the "m" key at the same time I hit the "n" key when I spell my name. The result is a "Damn" funny mistake, so feel free to point it out if I forget to change one of those back.
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