Canadian Hashish Profits Go To Terrorist Groups Canadian Hashish Profits Go To Terrorist Groups Posted by CN Staff on July 14, 2002 at 13:28:18 PT By Dene Moore Source: Canadian Press A portion of the $20 million US worth of hashish imported into Canada annually financed terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to RCMP. More than 100 tonnes of hashish is brought into Canada every year, according to a confidential RCMP report obtained under access to information legislation. Most of it comes from southwest Asia, particularly Afghanistan and Pakistan. "This means that approximately $20 million US finds its way back to the producers in the source countries," says the November 2001 report entitled Narco-terrorism and Canada. "It is likely that terrorist elements in Afghanistan tax producers, thereby receiving a portion of the potential proceeds." U.S. intelligence officials say drug profits have been used to finance terrorist activities. Ships in the Arabian Sea have been under intense scrutiny since the war began in Afghanistan in the fall, curbing the flow of drugs from the Middle East. There are currently three Canadian ships on patrol in the area, according to the Department of National Defence. The Canadian armed forces have apprehended vessels smuggling drugs, embargoed oil and other illicit materials. In February, the HMCS Toronto, one of five Canadian warships patrolling the Arabian Sea at the time, found 90 wrapped packages of drugs. Each was stamped with the words "Freedom for Afghanistan," according to newspaper reports. One to two tonnes of heroin is brought into Canada annually, an amount worth $10- to $20-million US, says the RCMP criminal intelligence brief. Most comes from southeast Asia, particularly Burma. "No large-scale importation of southwest Asian heroin originating in Afghanistan has been documented recently in Canada," says the report. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program, Afghanistan produced 4,600 tonnes of opium in 1999 - 80 per cent of the world supply. Opium is used to make heroin. Despite a poppy ban by the former Taliban government, the country produced 3,300 tonnes in 2000 - 70 per cent of world production. Production fell to an estimated 185 tonnes in 2001 but the international body believes that as much as 60 per cent of the Afghani production has been stockpiled since 1996. And there are reports that since the fall of the hard-line Taliban government, Afghani farmers have ripped up wheat crops to plant poppies - the precursor to heroin and opium. Coalition forces in Afghanistan will likely target drug production sites, according to another RCMP report prepared in October 2001. In 2000, Canadian authorities seized approximately 23,000 kilograms of hashish and foreign authorities seized nearly 20,000 more en route to Canada. "There's a certain amount of heroin that generates from that area of the world," says Det. Court Booth, of the Toronto City Police drug information unit. According to an RCMP report entitled The Threat to Canada from Afghani Heroin, Opium and Hashish, the heroin that arrives from Pakistan and Afghanistan is brought in mainly through Montreal and Toronto. Quebec seems to have a larger market for hashish than Ontario, says Booth. Police and customs agents in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia seized 19 kilograms of hashish earlier this month as part of the biggest drug bust in the nation's history. The report says $30 million and $50 million US worth of cocaine is imported to Canada annually and it earns South American insurgent groups anywhere from $1.5 million to $7.5 million US annually. "Narcotics have long been used by organized crime and extremist/terrorist groups as a means to generate revenues to support armed conflict," says the report. Complete Title: Canadian Hashish Profits Go To Middle East Terrorist Groups: RCMP Source: Canadian PressAuthor: Dene MoorePublished: July 14, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Canadian PressRelated Articles:Harboring Hashish Treason Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #7 posted by kaptinemo on July 15, 2002 at 07:41:49 PT: And every gasoline nozzle inserted into a gas tank doesn't foot the bill for Arab-financed terrorism?Terrorists need stable sources of income. And although illicit drugs can provide the level of cash required, they are anything but 'stable'. 'Sporadic' is a more suitable description.They are not as stable as, say, the huge flow of cash that runs from your local gas station to Mr. bin Laden's compatriots.We are all aiding and abetting terrorism with our need for petrochemical fuels. The monies utilized in training and funding the terrs originated from filling gas-guzzling cars with processed dead dinosaur slime. Blaming hashish is hardly being terribly forthright, here. But so long as the sheep keep scratching themselves and saying "Baah-aah!" this kind of 'reporting' will continue. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by dddd on July 15, 2002 at 02:40:52 PT ....Who is a "terrorist"....? .....Just watch.....Even though this article is an obvious example of designer propaganda,,,,I predict that this whole ,,absurd "War on Terror",witch hunt,,is going to continue to expand in the worst way!...... ...If,,you thought the drug war was fucked,,,well you will soon realize,that the terror war if far more fucked!. ..In the drug war;,the term,"probable cause" has become gradually redefined to the point where now,,even cops at the Barney Fife level of law enforcement,can claim any suspicion qualifies as "probable cause"......That was then,,,,,now,,drugs are not necessary,,,proof is not necessary,,...a warrant is almost unnecessary.!!!..If you are labeled as a "suspected terrorist",,or are suspected of having ties to terrorist organizations,,,,then you are fair game for whoever wants to bust you......It's going to continue to spin out of control.......Drugs,,are things,,,,"terrorist",,is a state of mind....The term "terrorism",,is even more nebulous than "communism"!.. .AND ...Believe it or Not,,,the way "terrorism" is defined in the usa/patriot act,ANYONE could be labeled as a "terrorist",,,..If you are labeled a terrorist,and busted by agents of the empire,yet maintain that you are innocent,,,surely you would be allowed to have your day in court,,tried before a jury of your peers!?,,,,Nope,,,,sorry... "terror" charges are not recognized in the same way!Under the usa/patriot act,,,your constitutional rights,(or what's left of them),are adjusted,and compromised to a point where you can be held in-communicado.(sp?).....anyway....the long and the short of my comment,,is to say that we will continue to see,and hear news of "progress" in the "war on terror".....Stories about busting suspected "Al-quaeda" members will continue to appear in the mainstream media...{...My favorite "reports",,are the ones where they claim that somehow,,one of those mystery prisoners,who are in that strange purgatory prison in Cuba, have somehow decided to "'fess up",and tell about the plan to launch terror attacks at Taco Bell drive-thrus,,or attacks against "upscale communities"...... Gimme a break!,,Are we supposed to believe,,that finally one of these nobody prisoners was finally tortured enough to cut loose with some information about the "plasns" of Bin-queada,,or Al-Laden!!!...??..}.I wish this was funny.I .I like to try and make fun of even the worst of problems,,but I'm afraid this is far from being funny.......The War on Drugs,,served as a model,and a testing ground for the War on Terror!,,,and the war on drugs will continue to be combined with the war on terror..... ....If the war on drugs was like bumping your head,,,the the war on terror is like getting your head chopped off........If the war on drugs was like a bad sunburn,,,,then the war on terror would be like the new 4D Caustic Gamma Deep Fat Frying Ray-Gun,,which has been invented out here in Outer Space,,and will someday be used against people who are not nice!... ....hope someone will proofread all this for me. .....Live..from Outer Space...............d...d.....d........d [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by null on July 14, 2002 at 17:20:49 PT does not compute Um... excuse me, but why would Canada need to import hash from anywhere?? Since hash is "A slightly acrid gum resin produced by the common hemp (Cannabis saltiva), of the variety Indica, when cultivated in a warm climate; also, the tops of the plant, from which the resinous product is obtained." Canada grows plenty of BC bud to make it's own hash. I mean, come on... Canada has so much green that they can export it to the U.S.Now if this article were about th U.S. then maybe. Our consumption infamously exceeds our production in every department. Hence our 6+ trillion dollar national defecit. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by E_Johnson on July 14, 2002 at 15:21:35 PT Bin Laden's wealth comes from construction His family made their money in the construction business that benefited from the building boom sparked by the oil trade. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by goneposthole on July 14, 2002 at 14:08:23 PT It's all a Baloney Sandwich (BS) If alcohol were illegal and all kinds of money could be made from its illegality, terrorists would deal booze, too.In 1925, the headlines would have read, "Canadian Booze Profits Go To Terrorist Groups."If cannabis were legal, these problems would not exist.Was the British Navy a Terrorist Group when it opened fire on the Chinese Coast during the Opium Wars?English businessmen were famous traffickers in heroin to China in the 1840's to the early 1900's.You can lead a bull to the whatchamacallit, but you can't make him stampede. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Druid on July 14, 2002 at 14:06:32 PT: Prime you hit the nail on the head! A more appropriate title for this piece would have been "Canadian Hashish Profits Go To Struggling Afghanistan Farmers".This piece must have definitely originated from the ONDCP Propaganda Machine. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Prime on July 14, 2002 at 13:49:12 PT Sloppy reporting... "A portion of the $20 million US worth of hashish imported into Canada annually financed terrorist groups in Afghanistan..."What portion? What portion of oil money goes to support terrorism? Is this a fair comparison?""This means that approximately $20 million US finds its way back to the producers in the source countries," says the November 2001 report entitled Narco-terrorism and Canada."So now its almost the whole $20 mil? Which is it? ""It is likely that terrorist elements in Afghanistan tax producers, thereby receiving a portion of the potential proceeds.""So we are really only talking about a portion or the portion, and that only "potentially" reaches terrorists."U.S. intelligence officials say drug profits have been used to finance terrorist activities."And oil profits, but we'll disregard that fact. And food subsidies, but we'll disregard that fact. And internationl aid, but we'll disregard that fact."In February, the HMCS Toronto, one of five Canadian warships patrolling the Arabian Sea at the time, found 90 wrapped packages of drugs. Each was stamped with the words "Freedom for Afghanistan," according to newspaper reports."Drug? What drugs? Coffee? Tobacco? Ridilyn? Valium? Prozac? Heroin? What about the $20 mil in hash profits? Have we found a ship full of Afghan hash somewhere? Has anyone in Canada ever seen Afghan hash? We dont see it here in the US."One to two tonnes of heroin is brought into Canada annually, an amount worth $10- to $20-million US, says the RCMP criminal intelligence brief."What happened to the hash?"Police and customs agents in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia seized 19 kilograms of hashish earlier this month as part of the biggest drug bust in the nation's history."But we will disregard the fact that this was not Afghan hash, because that would undermine our argument.Did this piece come from the ONDCP? What a load of crap. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment