Nevada DAs Oppose Legalizing Marijuana

Nevada DAs Oppose Legalizing Marijuana
Posted by CN Staff on July 12, 2002 at 16:12:54 PT
By Cy Ryan, Sun Capital Bureau
Source: Las Vegas Sun 
The Nevada District Attorney's Association has voted to oppose a proposed constitutional amendment to permit the possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults.Churchill County District Attorney Arthur Mallory, president of the association, said the prosecutors feel marijuana is a "gateway drug" and people who use it go on to try more serious narcotics. The proposed amendment, he said, would also conflict with federal law, which holds that marijuana is a controlled substance.
"We would be tilting at windmills," Mallory said today.Billy Rogers of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington said he doubts the amendment would cause major problems with federal authorities.Mallory said the federal government closed a business that dispensed marijuana in California. Rogers, however, said the California law was vague and did not set any standards.The secretary of state's office said this week the backers of the marijuana petition have gained sufficient signatures to put the issue on the ballot in November. It would have to be passed this year and again in 2004 to become law."The success of our petition drive provides solid evidence that most Nevadans think it's a waste of their tax dollars to arrest people for small amounts of marijuana," Rogers said."Nevadans support this initiative because it allows law enforcement to spend its time and resources tracking down terrorists, murderers, rapists and other violent criminals."It also puts strict controls on those who use marijuana, banning its use in public and penalizing those who drive dangerously under the influence."The petition would allow anyone 21 or older to possess three ounces or less of marijuana without being charged with a crime. It would permit the Legislature to set up "pot shops" to sell the drug. Marijuana would be taxed like cigarettes.The proposal also calls for low-cost medical marijuana to be available to seriously ill Nevadans.The amendment would prohibit the shipping of marijuana into or out of the state unless the federal law was changed.Mallory also said the district attorneys agreed to support the recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court on the death penalty regarding mentally retarded people and three-judge panels.He said Clark County District Attorney Stewart Bell was attending a national conference, so the votes by the Nevada association may not reflect his views.Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV)Author: Cy Ryan, Sun Capital BureauPublished: July 12, 2002Copyright: 2002 Las Vegas Sun, Inc.Contact: letters lasvegassun.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Marijuana Policy Project Director Criticizes Marijuana Ballot Measure Proposal To Be On Ballot Marijuana Vote Denounced by U.S. Aide
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Comment #15 posted by ekim on July 13, 2002 at 19:50:55 PT
Recieved e-mail --anyone seen this nineoneone-one
So I point folks to a site which provides some insight in to what's 
happened in the past that
can allow people to arrive at their own conclusions and provide a basis for 
analyzing and
understanding current events. Some of it may be new to you, some of it you 
may have read
before and will serve as a refresher.Reject what you may of what's contained, these are simply facts that will 
not go away and
refusal of reality isn't going to change it.Lee   mail has been pre-screened for viruses, worms,
Trojan horses, white powder, radioactive material
and intellectual property.
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Comment #14 posted by xxdr_zombiexx on July 13, 2002 at 10:27:22 PT
such horrible punishment
You must have done something pretty wretched to be sent to the birthplace of Indica only to be smokeless for a month. That's severe - cruel and unusal. And I was just bein silly earlier, about not being notifeid it was a narcotic. I always lampoon that mentality. I always get a little irritable when I run out....because there is no reason I should have to pay for it, let alone go without.....I digress... Im a wilderness enthusiast myself and I swore off TV years ago. The g/f loves it though so I still hear it from time to time.The DANCECRIME ACT MUST FAIL
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Comment #13 posted by John Tyler on July 13, 2002 at 07:11:18 PT
Is anyone not surprised
that the Nevada District Attorney's Association is against this voter initative. Can you say job security? And this "gateway" thing... Did they find that on an old 1950's phamplet? Why are they so bent on jailing cannabis users? In the land of legal gambling, prostitution, drinking and smoking... these guys can't seem to tell a gateway from a highway. 
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Comment #12 posted by Zero_G on July 13, 2002 at 03:46:48 PT
Dr. Zombie
I can assure you that refraining from consuming cannabis, as I did for a month in Afghanistan, ( in sight of the Hindu Kush mountain range, no less) brought on no physical withrawal symptoms.No, Cannabis does not meet the pharmaceutical definition of Narcotic.And I sincerly hope that you do not experience the shakes and shivers when you turn off the TV, If you do, I would be more than willing to sit with you for a week or month in pristine wilderness, until you've shaken the habit. Though I admit to being a political junkie, it would do me well, as well.
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on July 12, 2002 at 21:14:28 PT
War On Raves From SF Weekly
War on Raves 
Dan Strachota , SF Weekly
The government doesn't want you to dance. Actually, the government doesn't want you to take drugs, and it thinks that getting you to stop dancing -- or buying plastic tubes of neon to wave in the air -- will cut down on your drug intake. 
Complete Article:
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Comment #10 posted by ekim on July 12, 2002 at 21:06:09 PT
me too mayan
US Congress to criminalize raves and pot festivals
Posted by KWhite on Friday, July 12   15:07:22 MST 
by Pete Brady (11 Jul, 2002) Citizen action needed soon Last year`s Seattle Hempfest As a member of the cannabis culture, and as a journalist working for Cannabis Culture, I have long enjoyed marijuana festivals such as the Seattle Hempfest, Million Marijuana Marches, and other gatherings of the tribe.But now, the US government has decided to destroy our culture's right to peacefully assemble.A Senate bill (S. 2633) and two House of Representatives bills (HR 3782 and HR 3782) have been portrayed by their Congressional sponsors as an "anti-Rave bill," but the language in the bill says, "Whoever knowingly promotes any rave, dance, music, or other entertainment event, that takes place under circumstances where the promoter knows or reasonably ought to know that a controlled substance will be used... shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not more than 9 years, or both."
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Comment #9 posted by Lehder on July 12, 2002 at 19:53:40 PT
I too thank you, mayan, for posting all the 9/11 reports. I'm more than satisfied that the Bush crew let it happen. We've had plenty of reports about how the US was warned by several governments and by its own CIA and FBI and how the investigations were hobbled from above. Relegalizing marijuana is not going to appease me. We need a thorough cleaning out of a criminal government.
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Comment #8 posted by Lehder on July 12, 2002 at 19:32:37 PT
stupid prosecutors
Churchill County District Attorney Arthur Mallory, president of the association, said the
   prosecutors feel marijuana is a "gateway drug" and people who use it go on to try more
   serious narcotics.They feel marijuana is a gateway drug therefore they presume the authority to conduct a war against those who know for a fact that it is a beneficial herb and not a gateway drug. The drug laws do not reflect reality; they reflect the prosecutors' feelings.The Church once felt and believed the earth to be flat and tortured those whose observations revealed it to be round.Drug warriors use their ugly laws to destroy lives, then hold the tortured individuals as proof of their feelings for which no evidence can be found in any objective reality.What a primitive, foolish species we are.
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Comment #7 posted by xxdr_zombiexx on July 12, 2002 at 18:44:54 PT
I suppose based on the pharmacy perspective cannabis would be "a narcotic". That word is just so full of bad meaning. Instant bad.Based on that perspective, though, Im afraid that I will have to include televison in the list of dangerous narcotics. Whats more soporific? TV is a vicious drug, really, at least as we know it now. (I still believe it is supposed to be a communication devise available to the masses, not a tool of advertisers and government propaganda.).
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Comment #6 posted by xxdr_zombiexx on July 12, 2002 at 18:37:08 PT
Mayan - you and your off-topic crap
turned me on the the FTW website. I read it all the time. I really am glad you post this stuff, and you are Ko-rect-a-mundo! We do need to stay on top of it.Hell, an argument can be made that the RAVE ACT and the Coming Homeland Security nonsense are designed to overlap to co-protect the un-constitutionality of either.Cannabis Prohibition canot be discussd without wading into constitutional law. Go for it , Dude!
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Comment #5 posted by Zero_G on July 12, 2002 at 18:00:34 PT
Narcotics - defined
Cannabis is a narcotic? A member of the Opiate family???? Why wasnt I informed????The pharmaceutical definition of narcotic is not the legal definition of narcotic.Pharmaceutically a narcotic is:sopoforic (sleep or nod inducing) +and addictive (causing physical withdrawal symptoms)barbituates and opiates are narcotics, pharmaceutically.Legally is another story altogether. It's whatever the fuck we want it to mean, with the most damning connotations...
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Comment #4 posted by mayan on July 12, 2002 at 17:51:49 PT
9/11 Timeline
Sorry if I am annoying some of you by posting what might seem to be irrelevant news, but I feel that it is imperative that we know what happenned on 9/11. It may just be the only way to end the war on drugs,people & the planet. Justice must be done. it is up to us to see that it is. Awareness is the first step. The word must be spread.FTW's 9/11 timeline has 13 new entries bringing the total to 87. The 9/11 Noose is Drawing Tighter Around the Neck of a Criminal Regime in Washington.  
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Comment #3 posted by mayan on July 12, 2002 at 17:37:42 PT
Close To Home...
The Rave Act could greatly impact the canabis-law reform movement. This from -
Here's the link - Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down hemp festivals, marijuana rallies and other events and punish business owners and activists for hosting or promoting them. The proposed law would also potentially subject people to enormous federal sentences if some of their guests smoked marijuana at their party or barbecue. It would also effectively make it a federal crime to rent property to medical marijuana patients and their caregivers. The bill, known as the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is moving very rapidly. While it purports to be aimed at ecstasy and other club drugs, it gives the federal government enormous power to fine and imprison supporters of marijuana legalization, even if they've never smoked marijuana.
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Comment #2 posted by mayan on July 12, 2002 at 17:28:45 PT
Fascism Alert!
We must stop these fascists before we are unable to fight for our freedom!!! Down with the RAVE Act! 
Read about it: is what it will do(from the Drug Policy Alliance Action Center)The Senate is considering legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down raves or other musical events they don't like and punish business owners for hosting or promoting them. The bill (S, 2633), also known as the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), is moving very rapidly and could be considered by the full Senate as early as this week. (A similar bill is also pending in the House.) S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), expands the so-called "crack house statute" to allow the federal government to fine or imprison businessmen and women if customers sell or use drugs on their premises or at their events. Property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars or face up to twenty years in federal prison if they hold raves or other events on their property. If the bill becomes law, property owners may be too afraid to rent or lease their property to groups holding hemp festivals or putting on all-night dance parties, effectively stifling free-speech and banning raves and other musical events.The new law would also make it a federal crime to temporarily use a place for the purpose of using any illegal drug. Thus, anyone who used drugs in their own home or threw an event (such as a party or barbecue) in which one or more of their guests used drugs could potentially face a $250,000 fine and years in federal prison. The bill also effectively makes it a federal crime to rent property to medical marijuana patients and their caregivers, giving the federal government a new weapon in its war on AIDS and cancer patients that use marijuana to relieve their suffering. Health advocates worry that the bill will endanger our nation's youth. If enacted, licensed and law-abiding business owners may stop hosting raves or other events that federal authorities don't like, out of fear of massive fines and prison sentences. Thus, the law would drive raves and other musical events further underground and away from public health and safety regulations. It would also discourage business owners from enacting smart harm-reduction measures to protect their customers. By insinuating that selling bottled water and offering "cool off" rooms is proof that owners and promoters know drug use is occurring at their events, this bill may make business owners too afraid to implement such harm-reduction measures, and the safety of our kids will suffer.The RAVE Act punishes businessmen and women for the crimes of their customers and is unprecedented in U.S. history. The federal government can't even keep drugs out of prisons, yet it seeks to punish business owners for failing to keep people from carrying drugs onto their premises. If this bill passes, federal authorities will have the ability to scare business owners away from using or renting their property for all-night dance events, as well as any other "politically incorrect" event.
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Comment #1 posted by xxdr_zombiexx on July 12, 2002 at 17:20:47 PT
Arthur Mallory, Cannabis Expert, Genius.
Prosecuters dont have enough to prosecute in Las vegas????Prosecuters are experts on cannabis????Cannabis is a narcotic? A member of the Opiate family????
Why wasnt I informed????Whats the last sentence mean? Sounds like Mallory had nothing to do today but tell old, refuted lies.
L.A.M. E.
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