Politically Incorrect Transcripts: The Drug War Politically Incorrect Transcripts: The Drug War Posted by CN Staff on June 14, 2002 at 21:07:33 PT Transcript for Thursday, June 13, 2002 Source: Politically Incorrect Bill: Good evening and welcome to "Politically Incorrect." Let me tell you who is with us this evening.David Foley, one of my favorite guests over the years.Made one more appearance for me.This is his new DVD, "Kids in the Hall: Same guys, new dresses." [ Laughter ] Governor Gary Johnson, my favorite governor, I'll tell you why in a minute.He is an Ironman, mountain climber, governor of New Mexico.Thank you for coming back with us, sir.Jane Chastain, always a good guest for us.Co-host of "The Judicial Watch Report" on the USA Radio Network and a columnist for Gene Simmons, as if I have to tell you, is the number one gold record champion as the frontman for Kiss.And his new magazine, which I am featured in right next to a condom ad --[ Laughter ]Called "Gene Simmons Tongue," on the stands now.Give a hand to our panel if you would.[ Cheers and applause ]Okay, now, as I mentioned, the governor is pretty much my favorite governor because he is pretty much also the only politician in America that I know of who's had the guts to say that our drug war really needs a serious rethinking, especially --[ Applause ]I never understand that.You say things like that, people applaud.But somehow when they get in the voting booth, you know, it just doesn't work that way.Gary: Actually, I think the people are ahead of the politicians on this.Bill: But why don't they vote the way they applaud? Dave: They're a little disoriented from the weed.[ Laughter ]Well, I think I voted, man.I don't know.Gene: I'm at a disadvantage.What is the consensus? You guys seem to understand each other, yes, the governor votes.What is your way? What is that thing? Because I have a feeling I have a --Bill: What do you mean, "Our way"? Gene: Well, in other words, the people are ahead of the government.What does that mean? Gary: Well, drugs should be considered a health problem rather than a criminal justice problem.That we need to stop arresting 1.6 million people a year.Gene: Oh, I don't agree.Gary: You don't agree? Gene: Not at all.Gary: No? Gene: Not at all.Gary: You think we should continue to arrest people on drugs? Gene: I'll tell you what I think we should do.As King of the world, here's what I would do.I would set up sections in town, in New York, Los Angeles, and so on, that are legal to do whatever the hell you want to do to yourself.You want to shoot up heroin? Legal.Smoke cigarettes, do everything.In point of fact, right now we are punishing people who want to smoke cigarettes.You can't do it in the building because it smells, all this stuff.If you get caught drunk driving, you get, you know, punishment.As King of the world, if you're caught drunk driving and you bang into somebody, even if you don't kill them, death.Bill: But, Gene, Gene, you know what? Gary: Maybe we don't disagree at all.Do drugs and do harm to somebody else.Bill: Right.Gary: That ought to be punished.Bill: Hello? Jane: But you're forgetting one thing.We got the genie out of the bottle on tobacco and alcohol.Have huge companies that lobby --Bill: Because they're legal, which means they can afford people to go to Washington and make campaign contributions.Jane: You can never put those two back.[ Talking over each other ]Gary: 80 million Americans have done illegal drugs.I mean, you gotta realize, it's out of the bottle already.Jane: If you say 80 million Americans have done illegal drugs, and you're right about that.But what you're forgetting is that in this past month, in this past month, according to the household survey on substances, over 100 million people have used alcohol, around 40 million people have used tobacco and something like 14 million people have used drugs.That's 6% of the population.Bill: Oh, I see.So we live in a country where if you do something that only 6% of the people do, you go to jail.Jane: No, no, Bill.It's the idea that we block the drug war, so we ought to just give up.Bill: You know what? First of all, when people answer surveys about the drugs they do sometimes they lie."Are you doing cocaine right now?" "Yes, come over, you got me." [ Laughter ]How stupid is that? [ Applause ]Gary: The government says that drug use has been cut in half over the last 20 years and that's absolutely false.They say that drug use has dropped from 24 million users down to 12 million users.But listen, we're arresting 1.6 million people a year.I refuse to believe that we are arresting one out of every drug user in this country and does that mean as we proceed to hundreds of users of drugs in this country, does that mean that we are going to arrest 18 million people a year? I'm gonna live to see 80 million people arrested in this country.Bill: Let me ask you one question.Dave: Shouldn't Bush be helping to support the drug industry, then? Bill: No, no, no.We're just asking for consistency.What do you think is more deleterious to your health? Marijuana or McDonald's? Jane: Let me tell you one thing, Bill.No one has had to be protected from someone who was high on a hamburger.[ Laughter ][ Applause ][ Talking over each other ]Bill: And has anyone had to be protected from someone who was high on pot? Gene: Yes.Jane: Absolutely.Gene: I was in my college dorm, my roommate, who I thought was straight, jumped on me in the middle of the night, the guy was clearly on something, it wasn't a cigarette.Bill: So you don't know what he was on? Gene: I think, it's very clear.Later on I thought it was because of my magnanimous personality, but I found out he was the lead dealer in school, much later on.Bill: So you're basing our drug policy in America on the fact that in college, somebody tried to lick you at night? [ Laughter ][ Applause ]Dave: You're not likely to be made King of the world, are you? [ Laughter ][ Applause ]Bill: Yes, Governor Johnson, please, add some intelligence.Gary: Look, the bottom line drug strategy ought to be reducing death, disease, and crime.The bottom line ought to be putting more resources into education.The bottom line ought to be giving treatment to people that need treatment.I would maintain that 90% of the drug problem today is prohibition related, not use related, and that is not to discount the problems with use.But that's what we ought to be concentrating on.Gene: I don't agree with that.Gary: The problems with use.Jane: An addict will not come in voluntarily for treatment.There are only two reasons that an addict will come in for treatment.A drug addict, a hard-core drug addict will not.There are only two ways.One, if they are incarcerated and therefore forced to get the treatment, or number two, they're health deteriorates to the point that they can't use the drug anymore and then they get treatment only until they're rehabilitated to the point they can start using again.Gary: Harm reduction strategies, Zurich, Switzerland.In Zurich, Switzerland, if you are a heroin addict you can get free heroin.You have to go to a doctor, you have to get a prescription.The idea was, death, disease and crime would decrease in Zurich, Switzerland.Free heroin, no more overdose, no more Hepatitis C because the needles were clean.No more HIV, no more Hepatitis C, no more crime involved to have to steal the product.The idea of death, disease, crime plummets.I talked to the chief of police in Zurich, Switzerland a couple of years ago.He was in Albuquerque.He said, "I was in law enforcement.We knew that death, disease, and crime was going to skyrocket when they did this in Zurich." He said, "I'm here today to tell you that death, disease, and crime has plummeted in Zurich, Switzerland, as a result of this heroin maintenance program." The point is, looking at it from a health standpoint rather than a criminal justice standpoint.And that needs to be the basic shift.Gene: But that was my point.[ Applause ]Gary: That's why I don't think that we disagree.Gene: I think there's got to be a section in town where --whether it's the hospital --"This is where you get high." Bill: This reminds me of the college campus that wanted the free speech zone.I thought we lived in a free speech zone called America? Gene: It's not the same thing, Bill.Bill: It is the same.Gene: No, it's not.If you're high, you don't even know what you're saying.Dave: There's a corollary to that.Bill: Well, you don't know what you're saying and you are not high.[ Laughter ]Jane: The reasons with which people accepted that is that they were told that this would somehow find a way to take all of these heroin addicts and they would figure out a way that if they regularly had their heroin and they didn't have to run out and get it and worry about having to get the next hit that they would somehow be returned to society.Bill: Can we stop lumping the heroin in? Gary: Not in all cases, but again --[ Talking over each other ]Gary: If we're out to kill heroin addicts, we've got the perfect strategy right now, which is basically, you don't know what the product is so we got people shooting up with dirty needles, we got HIV, we got Hepatitis C, we got women involved in prostitution, we've got --Jane: We're not out to kill heroin addicts, we're out to keep them from killing other people when they're out on the street.[ Talking over each other ]Jane: What happened in Switzerland is they come in four times a day, they get their hit, they have never gotten regular jobs, it's been a big failure.Do the American people want to have rooms here where people literally come in four times a day and they maintain heroin addicts? [ Talking over each other ]Gene: I don't want that person high in my house.Over there is good.Gary: I don't want them in my house.This is not about saying okay to drugs.Don't do drugs.Bill: Okay, please, my advertisers need a hit.We'll take a break.[ Laughter ][ Applause ]Poor Colorado still on fire.Over 90,000 acres are burning out of control there.In fact, the smoke was so thick and widespread last night that even as far away as New Jersey, the Nets were choking.[ Laughter ]Bill: President Bush met today with the Saudi Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal.As usual, they glossed over their differences and exchanged pleasantries.Bush called the Saudis an important ally, and al-Faisal named Bush employee of the month.[ Laughter ][ Applause ]Okay, fellas, fellas.[ Cheers and applause ]Fellas, fellas, please let me interrupt this to start the show again.We were talking about drugs in America, but we really should broaden it out to be health in America.That is, I think, what we were trying to say.That it is drugs are a part of the health problem.But, you know, because they get all the heat --it's like the way the Arab countries have to focus on Israel.You're Israeli.Because, otherwise, they would have their people looking at them.They have to deflect from the real evil.Same thing with this country.The people who make poisons in America that are legal, throw all the heat onto marijuana and the illegal drugs.Gary: Relative evils.Look, Bill --Bill: If I ask again, McDonalds --way worse than marijuana for your health, long term.I promise you.Jane: No one ever caused a traffic accident because they were high on hamburgers.Gary: I think you're being naive.I think that --I think when you look at sugar --You're talking to somebody here who hasn't had a drink in 15 years.I don't do drugs.I don't do sugar, but I got to tell you, these sweeteners that have been added to our food, the food additives, the food that we consume, definitely --anxiety, the health consequence, the health cost added to what it is that we consume, again, it is enormous.It is a gigantic problem in this country.The correlation between the Big Gulp and diabetes is enormous.Bill: Absolutely.Gary: We're not recognizing that there's a consequence to what it is that we're consuming.Bill: And they just passed this $190 billion farm bill.This pork laden, putrid substitute for real legislation that basically encourages people to grow corn.Why? 'Cause corn people make a lot of campaign contributions.And they now use corn syrup.It's called high fructose corn syrup.Gary: Well, it's in everything.Bill: It's in everything.It replaced sugar, which is bad, but they used to use cane sugar.But this stuff is cheaper.And the corn lobby got this through.If you chart the rise of this stuff, it goes with the rise of obesity in America.Gene: But you notice it's quiet.Nobody's arguing with you.Nobody here is saying that sugar is good or that corn syrup and all that stuff is good for you.I'm not sure that's the issue.You're saying drugs --Bill: I am saying food is a bigger poison than drugs in America, by far.I am saying that commercial with Kobe Bryant where a 3-year-old says, "You know, if you help us win the championship, you get to go to McDonalds." You should have that commercial where he says, "Okay.We get to go and buy a pack of Marlboros." It is the exact same thing.[ Laughter and applause ]It is not ridiculous.Gary: Without hitting McDonalds --without hitting McDonalds, there ought to be a component here of education to where McDonalds changes their diet.Which again, long term, we're gonna see that.We're gonna see the fast food --Jane: They're offering salad.[ Talking over each other ]Bill: They're offering salad.[ Light laughter ]Hey, gang, let's go to McDonalds and get a salad! [ Laughter ]Jane: I got a low-fat dressing there.Gene: By the way --By the way, the camera's still on.McDonalds, if you're interested in a commercial for the McGrill Chicken, Gene Simmons is right here.[ Laughter ]Jane: Bill, you are not for the government regulating the kind of food you eat.I mean, that would be ridiculous.Bill: No, but --Jane: That is not the government's job.Bill: The idea that the government is looking out for you --the idea that the government is looking out for our health is preposterous.Jane: All right, but there are --Bill: The EPA today --Jane: One of the legitimate functions of a government in a democratic society is to protect you from enemies within and abroad.To protect you from being murdered.And you look at drugs, people who are high and have their brains altered in seriously damaging ways commit a high percentage of the traffic accidents.Bill: All of that is alcohol.Almost all of that is alcohol.[ Applause ]The legal one.Jane: So you want to --you want to unleash a whole --you want to unleash a whole new array of mind-altering substances on society? Gary: They're not going to unleash anything new, you're just going to redirect law enforcement to actually enforce the laws of people doing harm to others.Dave: You can't equate drug use with being a killer.You know --Jane: What do you mean "You can't"? Gene: I can.Jane: Of course you can.Look at the traffic accidents.Look at the number of people driving while they're high.Bill: That's alcohol.Gene: I agree.Bill: That's the legal drug.Jane: Well, wait a minute, you're telling me nobody causes an accident? You better look at the accident reports.It says smoking marijuana.Dave: Some drug users kill.Some people that don't do drugs kill.A killer is a killer.[ Applause ]Bill: So what you want to do is --Dave: It's a specious argument.I mean, drugs do not make killers.Jane: Gary is concerned about health and I am, too.Dave: So am I.[ Laughter ]Look at me.Jane: 450 million people --Dave: I am in horrible shape.[ Laughter ]I am very concerned about health.Jane: I am not going there.Dave: I'm not likely to make it through this show.[ Laughter ]Jane: Hang on.Hang on.--die of causes related to alcohol and tobacco.Dave: And how many million --Jane: --the two addictive substances we have legalized.Bill: But if there --Gary: Shocking, shocking.Only 10,000 people a year die from cocaine and heroin.Jane: Well, that's because it's illegal.Gary: No, it isn't.No, it isn't.It's because of prohibition.It's because they don't know what it is they're ingesting.Arguably, you could cut down on that number of deaths if they were taking prescribed doses.If they knew what they were taking.During prohibition of alcohol, you had people that died from their consumption of alcohol.People went blind.[ Talking over each other ]Gene: What are you saying? Jane: --And letting them kill us.Bill: He said it at the beginning of the show.Treat it like a medical problem and not like a criminal justice problem.[ Cheers and applause ]What do you mean, what are we saying? Gene: It's very clear that everybody here is high, but when you go over to somebody's --when you come to my home, what do you expect? Some dip, potato chips and some crack? [ Laughter ]Gary: I'm not gonna serve that at my home.I'm not gonna serve that.Gene: Why not? Why not? Gary: Because that is a lifestyle that I've chosen.Gene: But if it's legal, that's my question, you see? Dave: I have been to people's houses where they serve Coke at the table, you know? It's not that unusual.Bill: And by the way --and by the way, the dip and the potato chips will kill you, too.We'll take a break.We'll be back.[ Applause ]Gene: By the way, off-camera Bill told me that I was right.Gary: Oh, now you're going --Bill: You know what, I was going to be nice and now I'm going to say something.You told me off-camera, you said, "I don't think anybody knows, but, I've never done" --you've never had a drink, right? Gene: That's not true.I've never been drunk in my life.Bill: And you never did any drugs.Gene: No, except in a dentist's chair.Bill: Okay.Now the other person, the other musician I can think of who says that, Ted Nugent.[ Light applause ]Now, I know you set a lot of gold records, but come on.Drugs help bands.Excuse me.[ Laughter ]Gene: You know what drugs help bands do? They help bands learn how to say, "Do you want fries with that" correctly.Bill: I don't know.Drugs have not hurt my record collection.If I had to take --Gene: It hurts me.I have two guys in my band that are from Mars.Bill: But just from the music, if I had to pick records based on guys who took drugs or didn't take drugs, I'd take the ones who took drugs.Okay.[ Laughter ][ Applause ]The other thing I wanted to bring up about food is that, you know, the food industry and the drug industry, that's the legal drug industry in this country, are so in cahoots.We eat crappy food.What are the three biggest drugs in the country? They're all ones that help heartburn, cholesterol, or farting, basically.Gene: Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco.Bill: Right.So in other words, you eat crappy food, get back to work, have some coffee, which is horrible for you, caffeine, more acid in your stomach so you can get back to work.And then if you're stomach really explodes, take --I saw this ad for, I wrote this down.It says, Lipitor, it's a cholesterol lowering drug.It said, "When diet or exercise fail, Lipitor can help." So in other words it's not you, it's the diet that failed.It doesn't say, "When you can't diet or exercise," it says, "When diet or exercise fail." Gene: Side effects.Did you hear the side effects? Bill: Of what? Gene: Of Lipitor.Bill: No.Gene: It has nothing to do with lips, I'll tell you that.Jane: Very damaging.Gene: Well, they say.So this is not --there's no slander, don't start to sue me.Bill: No, no, no.Gene: But Lipitor has enormous side effects.Fatigue, low blood pressure, all that stuff.Bill: All I know is that nobody in America --again, the spotlight is on the drugs so the real health problem goes unheralded.Nobody talks about that.Why don't you eat correctly instead of eating the crap that you eat? Gene: But it doesn't have to be either/or.There's bad food, everybody's hurting themselves.Alcohol and tobacco is legal.You're stupid if you use either one, but it's your life.My only point is --Bill: You just said put them in separate camps.Gene: I'm trying to help these guys.Get high, shoot up in your eyeballs, whatever you want to do, I just don't want you on my street because I'm the King of the world.Bill: We're not coming.We'll take a break.[ Laughter ][ Applause ]Bill: All right, there's Gene's new magazine called "Gene Simmons Tongue." I'm featured in it.There I am wearing a T-shirt that says, "Rehab is for quitters." [ Applause ]Guests:Dave FoleyGary JohnsonJane ChastainGene SimmonsSource: Politically IncorrectTranscripts: June 13, 2002Copyright: 2002 ABC, Inc.Website: : Related Articles & Web Site:Bill Maher's Official Web Sitehttp://www.billmaher.tvLegalizing Drugs is Dead Wrong Forms Drug-Reform Group Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by Tim Stone on June 15, 2002 at 18:49:37 PT Chastain again "Jane: An addict will not come in voluntarily for treatment. There are only two reasons that an addict will come in for treatment. A drug addict, a hard-core drug addict will not. There are only two ways. One, if they are incarcerated and therefore forced to get the treatment, or number two, they're health deteriorates to the point that they can't use the drug anymore and then they get treatment only until they're rehabilitated to the point they can start using again."*****Once again with Jane, I'd be even more grateful for her information if it had any connection, however remote, with observable, verifiable fact. Her comment is just so wrong in so many ways it's hard to settle into the starting blocks. She's recounting a standard banana drug war myth, going back to the 1920s, as almost all U.S. drug war myths do, a myth that has been used very effectively over the decades to justify the coercive nature of drug prohibition policy, and the need for policy to be based on law enforcement coercion rather than on science, medicine and public health concerns. In essence the myth says that all addiction is morally corrupting and therefore evil, that any refusal to quit by the addict is just proof of evil and moral corruption, and the only way to get an "addict" to stop is to hit him with a stick. And even that won't work most of the time, so the sovereign remedy is to get a bigger stick and hit the "addict" harder." That in a nutshell has been U.S. drug policy since the '20s. Being a sloppy archivist, I can't provide an insta-cite for the following, but somewhere in my files are some articles from Britain evaluating the misnomered English "legal heroin" experiment some years back. My cites, if I could only find the buggers, suggest that while the vast majority of junkies didn't want to quit in a coerced time and manner solely to please the Jane Chastains of the world, about 5% of heroin addicts managed to quit each year, year over year, most of them in their own time and in their own way. Gov't coercion was at best only a very small force among many working towards the addict's quitting. Which suggests that a sane national policy might be to keep addicts alive, reasonably healthy, and out of jail until they finally get older, get tired enough of the hustle and the hassle, and get serious about a lifestyle refurb. Just considering tobacco smokers shows the idiot-vicious error of Jane's argument. Most tobacco smokers do not voluntarily go into "treatment." Those who manage to cancel the tobacco contract at some point in their lives - which percentage is probably not that far off the 5% of junkies who quit each year in England - do so in their own time and way. Different scenes for different genes, different lanes for different brains, and hitting people with sticks just doesn't seem to help the situation much. Addiction doesn't seem to be a situation where punitive forms of B.F. Skinner's behaviorism works very well. So, for all that, should the gov't be given the power to coerce tobacco users into quitting? Because most tobacco users won't quit on a dime to please some stranger, is that sufficient justification to give the gov't power to coerce abstinence to the gov't's tune and time? Of course not. You don't let the Perfect be the enemy of the Good. If 5% of problematic substance abusers quit each year on their own irrespective of gov't coercion, that's not perfect, but it's better than what was. And for people who do problematically abuse substances, a "better" state that can actually be achieved is better than a hypothetical perfect "drug-free" state that can never be achieved. (Full disclosure: I smoked tobacco slavishly for some decades. I tried to quit many times and failed. Jane's zero-tolerance, total-abstinence idea of "failure" was for me just more useful experience over time to find my own personal way to make the tumblers fall one-by-one until I could pick the personal lock of my addiction and break free.) [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Tim Stone on June 15, 2002 at 17:33:15 PT Jane Chastain "Bill: No, no, no. We're just asking for consistency. What do you think is more deleterious to your health? Marijuana or McDonald's? Jane: Let me tell you one thing, Bill. No one has had to be protected from someone who was high on a hamburger."******I happened to tape and watch this how. It actually makes more sense in the transcript than in the watching, because of the panelists talking over one another about 30% of the entire show. Jane's argument, as articulated in a recent anti-drug article she wrote that FoM posted here, is essentially that if even one member of the class of cannabis users might, possibly, one day, act irresponsibly and endanger someone else, that is sufficient grounds for the gov't to criminalize _all_ cannabis use by everyone. From a standpoint of the conservative principle of "limited government," this is a stupid policy on its face. From a standpoint of the conservative principle of "fiscal responsibility," this is a stupid policy in that it causes the state to spend taxpayer dollars criminalizing the many solely because of the sins of the few, as opposed to just focusing on the few. From a standpoint of the conservative principle of "personal responsibility and accountability," this is a stupid policy since it tars everyone, responsibile and irresponsible alike, with the same brush. From a standpoint of the conservative general principle of "moral righteousness," this is a stupid policy since it in effect condemns people in the present for a possible crime that they might commit in the future. Inotherwords, you _might_ drive way too stoned one day and endanger others, so that's a good moral argument for criminalizing all cannabis users right now. Jane's position violates so many essential conservative positions that I think we can safely disregard her as a hopeless hypocrite. BTW, Gov. Gary was, as always, _highly_ articulate and influential, dwarfing Dave Foley, who is essentially a comic, and the "conservatives," Gene Simmons of "Kiss" and Jane. And as the transcript suggests, Bill Maher got off some great zingers against Simmons and Chastain. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by BGreen on June 15, 2002 at 11:37:18 PT I was thinking as I tried to fall asleep Jane: If you say 80 million Americans have done illegal drugs, and you're right about that. But what you're forgetting is that in this past month, in this past month, according to the household survey on substances, over 100 million people have used alcohol, around 40 million people have used tobacco and something like 14 million people have used drugs. That's 6% of the population. It occurred to me that if the gov't used a "household survey" asking people if they were muggers, rapists or murderers, we'd find out that those three crimes had been almost completely eliminated from the Amerikan soil. All of the "law and order" politicians could claim victory over violent crime based solely on that "household survey."That whole hypothesis sounds so foolish, yet they use the same method to claim at least small victories in the war against cannabis smokers. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by BGreen on June 15, 2002 at 11:21:01 PT All Zappa used to say was "If you use drugs, you can't play in my band."He NEVER advocated the incarceration of his fans. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Jose Melendez on June 15, 2002 at 07:28:11 PT sigh And you look at drugs, people who are high and have their brains altered in seriously damaging ways commit a high percentage of the traffic accidents.I applaud Bill Maher for pointing out that the truth is that alcohol is the drug "responsible" for accidents, but am surprised no one points out that the four studies with thousands of participants on this actually show cannabis is indeed safer... [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by VitaminT on June 15, 2002 at 06:07:37 PT I never thought he would win . . . . . the Nobel for physics but Gene Simmons is a REAL Dullard!And a hypocrite! My first exposure to KISS was the album "KISS ALIVE" where-in, between songs, the band exorts the crowd of teenagers to consume Vodka and orange juice. I don't doubt a fair number of alcoholics got an early start on a life of misery thanks to that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by boppy on June 15, 2002 at 05:58:19 PT Frank Zappa One of my favorite performers was Frank and he always was down on drugs and drug users. He once told a story about an altercation at one of the early Mothers of Invention concerts where he said that two security guards were smoking a "marijuana cigarette" instead of paying attention to their job which resulted in a fight starting that caused a much larger altercation and the show had to be halted. There many other times where he projected a real attitude about drug use (though he smoked cigarettes) but it didn't stop me from being a fan. Gene Simmons always seems motivated to try to get a reaction out of people by what he says whether it makes sense or not...playing the devil's advocate as it were. He's quite the confrontational type. I found Jane Chastain more annoying than Gene. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by bongathon on June 14, 2002 at 22:26:28 PT: wow after reading the transcript a day after seeing the show on TV, i lost my head, but Gene needs a real life. He needs go get out of the house more. Just keep him far far away from me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by BGreen on June 14, 2002 at 22:26:26 PT Gene Simmons is nuts I watched the show, but reading his words shows he's insane. Once again I ponder the question; How many KISS fans have had their lives ruined because of cannabis prohibition?I bet you all the money I have it runs in the tens of thousands, if not over a million. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by bongathon on June 14, 2002 at 22:22:48 PT: bring it on KISS "this" you f*****g Punk B**** [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by BGreen on June 14, 2002 at 22:18:34 PT Did Gene really say that? Gene: I was in my college dorm, my roommate, who I thought was straight, jumped on me in the middle of the night, the guy was clearly on something, it wasn't a cigarette. Was he referring to sexual preference or sobriety? Is he implying the guy made a pass at him (conceited) or attacked him (paranoid)? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment