Include U.S. in Drug Discussions, Panel Hears Include U.S. in Drug Discussions, Panel Hears Posted by CN Staff on June 13, 2002 at 15:10:18 PT By Allison Dunfield, Globe and Mail Update Source: Globe and Mail Canada needs to include the United States in discussions on the creation of a new drug policy, a Senate committee on illegal drugs heard this week. As part of its efforts to table a final report addressing Canada's policy on cannabis, the committee held meetings with several U.S. officials including John Walters, director of the U.S. national drug policy.Committee chair Pierre Claude Nolin said Mr. Walters told the group that if Canada adopts some form of decriminalization of marijuana, the U.S. would not want to encroach on Canada's legislation. However, "the two neighbours would influence each other's policy," Mr. Nolin told the Walters also said that information must flow freely across the border, said Mr. Nolin, who heads the Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs, which is looking specifically at the use of cannabis in Canada."We agreed on rigour and unbiased information. That's the only way we can discuss the issue," Mr. Nolin said. Officials from both countries also talked about the need to develop the same lexicons, he said.For example, if Canada decided that abuse of a drug amounts to a certain number of grams a day, the United States would use the same standards.Although there is nothing in writing with respect to the standards, the talks mean that "the door is now open to have a formal discussion on it," Mr. Nolin said.Common to both countries are jurisdiction problems, he said.Canada's federal, provincial and municipal governments need to work more closely together on new drug strategies, he said.The committee is charged with developing the guiding principles for the government with respect to marijuana use.Mr. Nolin said that the final report must be presented to Senate on Sept. 13, but he hopes to have a copy ready by the first week of September. Although the topic of decriminalization will be included in the document, it will not be its "cornerstone," he said.Rather, the report will speak to what steps the government should take next to change or improve the nation's public policy on illegal drugs, he said. Also included will be a discussion on whether Canada should develop an independent drug information agency that is not tied to the federal government, similar to the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the United States. The committee wrapped up cross-country hearings this week in which it heard testimony from police, marijuana activists, health officials and other Canadians about how the government should develop a new drug strategy.A recent discussion paper released by the Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs also said that its preliminary conclusions found that marijuana is not a "gateway drug" to the use of harder narcotics."Scientific evidence seems to indicate that cannabis is not a gateway drug. It may be appropriate to treat it more like alcohol or tobacco than like the harder drugs," Mr. Nolin said when the report was released.Newshawk: puff_tuffSource: Globe and Mail (Canada)Author: Allison DunfieldPublished: Wednesday, June 12, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Globe and Mail CompanyContact: letters globeandmail.caWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Canadian Links Czar Wants Tougher Stance Against Marijuana Czar Visits Canada Wants Tougher War on Pot Invites Advice on Legalizing Marijuana The Debate Over Decriminalization Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #36 posted by paul peterson on June 15, 2002 at 14:58:58 PT: BGREEN part 2 (continued saga) OK, where was I? Oh yeah, the part where the feds are looking at a number of troubled waters: 1) That Oregon case where the fed judge said the feds can't get involved in a "physician-patient" relationship in that assisted suicide (home rule) type thing-feds go home! Since there was no "commerce involved" (like the sale of any drug that might "ooze over the border", remember?), they had no juridiction to intercede and jerk the DEA license away from any doctor they think is acting like a jerk by allowing someone to die in dignity (and stay tuned).2) The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (SF land-also convenientally the same court the Oregon case would get sent to on appeal, ha!) is ready to rule on the DEA land cases where they are trying to prohibit HEMP FOODS (no rational basis to prohibit what doesn't have any THC, etc.), & 3) The DEA land case where they want to impede on a "physician-patient relationship" (hey, isn't this sounding familiar-how about that case up on the Oregon trail, eh?), 4) Oh yeah, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just said you guys out on the Oregon trail (and other federal enclaves can USE POT FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES, etc.!). 5) Don't forget about that DC federal judge that allowed DC to put a medical marijuana referendum back on the DC ballot in time for Christmas! 6) and Don't forget about that CANADIAN COMPANY'S PLAN TO FILE A TRADE SUIT AGAINST THE FEDS (who else-the DEA & friends!) based on NAFTA! 7) and don't forget about our friends down south in Chihuahua(sp?), Mexico, that wanna legalize pot! I'll bet that is giving Bush some gas. 8) and how about that Columbian beano gas about how Bush's 2 million beans got spilled outta town-"where's the beef?" So that's why Walters might be talkin nice like, because there are too many fires burning in too many jurisdictions- And I'm not even talkin about Jon Adler's religious case about 10 days away from hitting the fan in Hawaii (the judge won't be able to find a "compelling" interest in restricting religious freedom, right on the heals of that 9th Circuit Court of Appeals case parroting the right wording for the state decision to come!So once again, you guys in California-get yourselves some people to start watering plants in patients' own homes-stay outta the "commerce" thingy, don't ever sell, distribute, or buy the pot, just a few seeds that you have some governmental agency to "give away", you know, like for "peanuts" or something, which cannot ever "really" affect "commerce", and without any "OOZE" potential to trigger that fed thingy. That was we keep the feds from getting that big publicity thingy (that they are using to keep the war mongers in business in the other 40 states and all, eh?) And help get some friendly faces elected in Washington, friends for Barney Frank and friends, OK?And once again, "tellem Pauly sentya, OK?" I'm done now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by paul peterson on June 15, 2002 at 14:39:55 PT: response to BGREEN ( and thanks for asking) part 1 The nearest I can figure, (and you have to consider if I can still figure, since I have LOST MY LAW LICENSE BECAUSE I AM A WAWOD-warrior against the war on drugs, that is)the federal government can validly regulate "commerce" between the several states, like where they might want to keep the states from impeding commerce between the states (hmmm, did I just come up with something there?), like where they have been validly shown to keep one state from having a duty tax for goods to cross the joint borders. I think during world war II some president or somebody used the "commerce clause" to stop a railway strike or something (and I can't recall exactly the name of the case, the year, or the setting, though, law school was a long, long time ago and all). This clause was used to stop some coal strikes, you get the picture. Well, when we got to the drug war, there was a case where possession of drugs near schools did not affect "interstate" commerce (US v. Lopez, 1995). (Printz v. US, 1997), held that purely "intrastate" sale of guns did not allow for the feds to use the "commerce" clause to extend regulation to wholly intrastate commerce, get the picture?This stuff got real dixey, though, in TISOR V. US (96 f. 3D 373), I didn't catch the year. In that case, a guy was clearly involved in the "distribution", and big time, of methamphetamines, a whole buncha guys, a lotta tapes, phone calls, you name it, conspiracy, the whole nine yards-bad case, bad precedent, bad implication, WHY? Because the feds said that although they couldn't prove "interstate" commerce, per se, here, since the big bad drug war was involved, "INTRASTATE SALES" of the big bad drugs, caused an affect on "INTERSTATE COMMERCE", SO THE FEDS "BOOTSTRAPPED" the commerce clause in after all-Where guns had previously been precluded as invoking the commerce dingy, the big bad drugs weren't precluded, get it? It's like the drugs could dissolve and ooze over the border (being water soluable or something), but guns are metal, right? So the feds figure they got this ooze happening, and they think they can turn that right into pot (even though pot is not methamphetamines-but I aint gonna argue that right now, since we're still in 2002, and they don't see straight on that, yet, right?).Now lets go back to that US v. LOPEZ case-That came out in 1995, right after a guy named Carvell got busted for growing a bunch of pot for medical use (no doctor, though) for depression-He copped a plea, they gave him 70 months, he appealed saying US v. LOPEZ precluded federal jurisdiction! The fed appellate said no dice: he knew (or shoulda) about Lopez in time (prior to the entry of the sentence), in other words, they wouldn't let him withdraw his plea-darn! That Maine case woulda settled this whole mess, and the feds wouldn't be able to bootstrap anymore!You see, the whole mess in California is because these guys are "selling" or "distributing" pot, so that puts wind right smack in the federal sails. They should just walk away from the "clubs" as they now exist! Go and clone the Oregon program, for instance. There, the people are smart. They don't allow any "commerce" at all. Just a few seeds, a little dirt, a little light, a little water. Make people grow your OWN and if the people can't do that, get some authorized person to come in to tend your garden. THEN THERE IS NO COMMERCE AT ALL, the feds can't bitch at ALL, the feds have just got to STEAM AND STEW and the FEDS DON'T GET ANY HEADLINES that make it look like medical marijuana is DEAD OR SOMETHING, (which it isn't!). The only LEG for the feds to stand on AT ALL is the sales, stupid, it's the sales! So once again, what do the California people need to do? Hire some GROW WORKERS, makeem GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES, give um some seeds, turn your clubs into SOCIAL GATHERING PLACES AND MAKE SURE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT GROW THE STUFF (in measured quantities and all) are the ones with the cards and GET YOUR GOOD PEOPLE OUT OF THE DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, PLEASE! Then we can go back to working to get more states on line, so we can get more people nationwide sensitized to the potential benefits of this medicine, in time for the November election, so our good friend Barney Frank gets a majority of people coming into town with some friendly smiles, not those Republican holier than though "runemouta- town" looks and all. And when you talk with those California people tellem PAULY SENTYA, PLEASE?Here I am in Illinois, totally broke, lost my license, lost my practice, lost my family, lost everything, tying to keep these people from ditching a perfectly good medical marijuana law that has been HIDDEN IN THE "REAGAN SANDS OF TIME" since 1984, it is! Since I wanted to invoke this VIRGIN LAW, that has never, ever, been tested in court, they took me out merely because they didn't want to give me the help that the law mandated. And the ARDC (the local lawyer police, that is) even committed federal crimes to take my license-MAIL FRAUD, it is!And because it was my own research, not some fancy group (no names), nobody wants to help me with squat, they don't. I need lawyers, guns (not the real ones, just the voices that can get newspapers to print stuff, that is), and money, (like that Warren Zvon(sp?) song says). I need money to keep my office open, money to buy postage so I can get my surveys out to these state legislators, money to keep my phone hooked up, money to keep my web site burning, money for petrol for the half track, money to repack my shell cartridges (ink that is), money for web help, money for ADD research, you name it. Send your contributions (please) to 77 W. Washington St. #1620, Chicago, Il. 60602, and I promise I will stay just this mean and crass, OK? And I promise that I will continue to fight for justice and openness and be your lobbiest here in the HEARTLAND, even if I ain't a lawyer and all, but I'm fighting them on that too, probably right back into the ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT, etc. (stay tuned sports fans, OK?). PAUL PETERSON 312-558-9999 (check out my web site for all but the most current articles I have written on these subjects). More soon. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Hope on June 14, 2002 at 09:44:06 PT Paul's "on the money" post This, indeed, is what I fear may be hiding in the Bush(es)as the "cunning plan" that our adversaries will use to oppose progress once again."OR, this is just a bunch of bull, and such a wicked charade, that we should'a known better from the get-go. Waters might have put such a pile of bunk on the table, and tantrumed so fullo beans about a big frickin TRADE WAR, that the canuk's (phonetic, of course) figured a few pot heads are well worth the sacrifice (and they ranted about "mutualism" and "sovereignty" just enough to keep the locals for mutineering, whilst they count the money that some governmental agency will get doled out to to by the greedy green back purveyors in Washington, eh what)?" [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by TroutMask on June 14, 2002 at 07:31:17 PT Nugent Nugent sucks. I always enjoyed his music, but I saw him warm up for Kiss last year and he went on a tirade against anyone in the US who can't speak English ("get the f#uck out of here!"). At least 1/4 of the audience were of Mexican heritage, mostly if not all English speaking, probably, but it was a very embarassing and uncomfortable moment for everyone. I'd always taken his gun/hunting enthusiasm okay, but once he became a racist bigot on stage, that was the end for me. So long Cat Scratch Fever, Wang Dang Sweet Poontang, Great White Buffalo, etc. etc. I don't have to pay money to hear an asshole sing!-TM [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by kaptinemo on June 14, 2002 at 07:06:39 PT: Canadian reasonableness; American bombast When juxtaposed, it's really amazing that we haven't heard more from the Canadian press about Walter's 'big (trade) stick' approach to dealling with long-time friendly and inoffensive neighbors...whose deliberations concerning changing their drug policies are like a blast of pure oxy in a tainted atmosphere.As one American, I'd like just once to hear the normally level-headed and taciturn Canuck media tell an American pol like Walters to "F- off!", go home and play with his GI Joe dolls - and leave rational discussions to those capable of them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by BGreen on June 14, 2002 at 05:01:21 PT A question for Paul Peterson Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. What has been the court's reasoning for disallowing the 10th amendment from applying to the WOD, and, more specifically, to medical cannabis? I can't find where the Constitution either gives the federal gov't the power or prohibits the states the power, so my musician's mind says the power should go to the states. How does your lawyer mind interpret this, and can you boil down the courts' reasoning (or lack of) into something we can all understand? [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by dddd on June 14, 2002 at 04:35:51 PT I second the motion goneposthole! Paul Peterson is Right On!....dddd [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by goneposthole on June 14, 2002 at 04:26:56 PT Read Paul Peterson's post It is a succinct anaylsis. Right on, right on, right on. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Nuevo Mexican on June 14, 2002 at 01:00:42 PT Teds' illegitamate offspring... when I met the Nuge, I asked him about my friends child, his daughter, and he admitted to it somewhat, referring to the mother as 'lunar Eva', yep thats the one Ted, you deadbeat dad! Typical redneck family values kinda guy! I always loved 'Journey to the Center of your mind", but it was all downhill after that. I'll spare you his stupid stories, he thought they were funny, he is friendly, (talked to me, a stranger with a curious agenda) but still a jerk! This guy is as honest as they come, too bad he missed the boat! [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Prime on June 13, 2002 at 23:48:30 PT O'Reily's "boycott" comment a few nights bac I think it may have been on the same night that he embarrassed the latest depression statistic Asa Hutchinson.He did a bit on lax Canadian immigration. He had a guy on saying that essentially, everyone gets into Canada, and I mean everyone. Highest immigration rate in the world apparently.While this did strike me a bit, what really struck me was O'Reily's next comment, (paraphrasing) "They need to get their act together, or we'll Boycott."I hate to say it, but that could be the answer. I'd buy only Canadian. Oh, I have a Canada question. Do you guys call "canadian bacon" bacon? If so, what do you call our bacon? American Bacon?Sorry, its late. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by paul peterson on June 13, 2002 at 22:24:17 PT: THIS COULD BE A BIG BREAK-or an awful charade Can you imagine what a boon this could be, if Canada starts to seriously relax the rhetoric, right in time for the US congress to start hearings on the subject? At least, consider that those 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judges in good ol SF might just pick up a newsy and see that our Aussies up north have taken heed of their senses and gone and done the good deed, and not gotten their teeth knocked out by a nuke from Washington-Why they might even think they won't get impeached-what with the NY mayor still alive and all! Why and the SF DA is still alive, too! Why we still have a governor in Arizona that is a supporter! Why, maybe enough people have come forward enough, to where they might even start to think for themselves, instead of this rot that people like NIXON have been rotting with since the 60's and all! Maybe Jamaica & Britain & Scotland and Australia and New Zealand (and every other English speaking country in the world, methinks) hasn't been so gosh awful crazy after all, eh mate?). OR, this is just a bunch of bull, and such a wicked charade, that we should'a known better from the get-go. Waters might have put such a pile of bunk on the table, and tantrumed so fullo beans about a big frickin TRADE WAR, that the canuk's (phonetic, of course) figured a few pot heads are well worth the sacrifice (and they ranted about "mutualism" and "sovereignty" just enough to keep the locals for mutineering, whilst they count the money that some governmental agency will get doled out to to by the greedy green back purveyors in Washington, eh what)?Well, I'm thinkin either way, by the time the goods are told, there might already have been some good damage done by the SF crowd with those two big DEA cases on the table-Why? 1) That recent Oregon decision where they told JOHN ASHCROFT to go home and stay outa the doctor-physician relationship, about that HOME RULE type assisted suicide pact thingy. 2) There are enough FREEDOM OF SPEECH cases that have been coming down lately, not the least of which is that DC judge telling the feds to get outa town and let DC put a pot referendum on the ballot! That was a doozy, wasn't it? 3) The 9th Circuit already said that Rasti's can smoke up on federal lands, which means that they are no longer wedded to the contention that all pot is all bad all the time! And they know full well just how many of their friends and neighbors in SF don't think pot is half bad, etc.! I'm thinkin the SF bunch will take the right hint from the friends to the north, and "GO WEST, YOUNG MAN". I'm thinkin this season is finally turning warm, and just in time. Thanks again, Canada, for getting some good news out at a good time. Best wishes to your full sovereignty (even if I can't spell too well). [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by Rambler on June 13, 2002 at 22:20:26 PT the Nuge [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by legalizeit on June 13, 2002 at 22:10:50 PT Nugent is an animal hater too The Nooge is a pro-hunting redneck who has spoken out numerous times against animal welfare, has physically assaulted pro-animal activists (click the link in this post) and belittles those who say that animals have a right to be treated with respect. That he supports the idiotic drug war and its blasphemies against human rights is no surprise to me at all. Statistics show time and again that those who abuse animals are more likely to abuse people. Many violent criminals started their lives of crime by practicing on animals. This is a "gateway" theory that IS true and backed up by research!The Nuge, or whatever he is called, can kiss MY rear ... And if he comes hunting around here, maybe I'll stick an arrow in HIS rear. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by pppp on June 13, 2002 at 21:04:37 PT ...however... ..I could be wrong....but I could swear the Nuge was once a marine....(maybe it was his father?).... [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by pppp on June 13, 2002 at 20:52:01 PT ...I beg to differ Mrgreengenes ....the Nuge was,,in fact ,,,in the marines..... [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by mrgreengenes on June 13, 2002 at 20:24:42 PT ppppppppppppp Don't think Nugent was ever in the marines or any other armed services. Just acts like it. He can be hard to take at times, but then so can a lot of us. I just like going to his board and others sometimes to get a different perspective on things. If you only listen to one opinion or variations thereof, it tends to make one a bit myoptic and lazy. I like to hear different opinions and viewpoints. It helps keep me sharp. I do have to admit that I enjoy a good chunck of his music and he is a good guitar player whether you agree with his politics or not. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by qqqq on June 13, 2002 at 20:15:29 PT fact.. .."Stand tall, you don't have to kiss Uncle Sam's behind."....'s alot easier to kiss old Sams' stinky ass if you're short!....tall people have to bend over to to kiss that old red,white,'n blue rump.........I'm not sure what all this means,,,but I think only a sleezeball would brown-noses uncle Sam...... I might pretend to brown-nose Sam,,but only if I was forced to do so... .I've always imagined that uncle Sams ass must be quite smelly,,,but I'll betchya it is almost unbearable nowdays. yup....someting stinks on capitol hill, .sho' nuff!..... it's ol' Sams ass! [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on June 13, 2002 at 20:01:18 PT mrgreengenes I don't think I really know any songs he made. I've seen him on Politically Incorrect though. He is just different then what I like. I'm kinda stuck in the 60s and I'm a Moody Blues kind of person. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by pppp on June 13, 2002 at 19:58:46 PT's about like arguing with McCaffrey,or ..some kind of Bill Bennett mutation!......The "Nooge",(rhymes with stooge),,is an ex marine,who is convinced that he is some sort of "alpha male"........while he may have made some rock music that was not that bad,,,I think he is somewhat of an arrogant dickhead....I've read some stuff about the Nooge,,,during his band days,he was quite the groupie poking madman...he had more ass than a toilet seat....The Marine Corps is good at what they do;making some of the most obedient soldiers in the world.....It's too bad the marines dont have a rock star training division like West Point ,,,it would be called "No Point",,and it could turn out some of the most well disciplined rock stars in the world!.......the motto would be;"Sex,,,,,and Rock 'n Roll" "drugs" though!....Drugs have nothing to do with responsible Rock and Roll...only losers like Hendrix and Elton John ever did drugs. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by mrgreengenes on June 13, 2002 at 19:50:23 PT nuge What's the matter FOM. You don't like Nugents music? [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by John Tyler on June 13, 2002 at 19:47:03 PT Canada... Stand tall, you don't have to kiss Uncle Sam's behind. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on June 13, 2002 at 19:44:21 PT Ted Nugent Well how can I be kind and say anything about him. I'm thinking! Still thinking!I give up! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by BGreen on June 13, 2002 at 19:18:45 PT You know what I meant Caging people for cannabis is wrong. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by BGreen on June 13, 2002 at 19:17:34 PT I loved his music but Nugents' viewpoints are idiotic. Caging people is wrong. Canada take note. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by mrgreengenes on June 13, 2002 at 18:45:46 PT "Drugs are evil and I'm glad they are illegal. My Mom has lung cancer and I told her to ask the doctor about getting THC (The active ingredient in Marijuana) She got it! IN PILL FORM. She didn't need no Marijuana cigarette to relieve her symptoms. NORML can kiss my red pimply rear. The legalization of drugs goes against the policies of pure libertarianism because drugs of all kinds infringe upon mine and your liberties. Period."The above quote is the opening comment on a thread on the General discussion board at So far he's had over a hundred comments both pro and con. If your getting a little bored preaching to the choir and want to knock the dust off the electric turkey (argument) shears, it might be worth a few chuckles for you. This guy sounds like Joyce's red headed stepchild. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by xxdr_zombiexx on June 13, 2002 at 18:45:39 PT Canada: the 54th State I think the ballyhoo about the need to improve border security with Canada is meant to make Canadians think the border is still there.This nonsense from walters, that another Country "NEEDS" to develop its own policies in conjunction with the US is preposterous. Dont forget Robert Maguinness has hamhandedly threatened trade sanctions might be enacted if Canada {ackowledges reality and} legalizes cannabis.Hopefully a gigantic stink will ensue.(Unrelated Zombienote: Doc Zombie thinks pretty highly of Micheal Ruppert.) [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by The GCW on June 13, 2002 at 18:38:24 PT Urantia And there can be no peace in the heart or progress in the mind unless you fall wholeheartedly in love with truth, the ideals of eternal realities. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Sandino on June 13, 2002 at 18:26:09 PT: More Quotes "You can never win by playing by the rules when the other person cheats."...Rob E. Geraghty"Every revolotion was first a thought in one man's mind."...Ralph Waldo Emerson"The ancester of every action is a thought."... Ralph Waldo Emerson"I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching."... Ralph Waldo Emerson"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."...Ralph Waldo Emerson"I'm not young enough to know everything."... Ralph Waldo Emerson"He who possesses art and science has religion, he who does not possess them, needs religon."...Goethe"Nothing is worth more than today."...Goethe"Doubt is not a plesent condition, but certainty is absurd."...Voltaire"A witty saying proves nothing."...Voltaire"The idea that we are physical beings desended from primeval cells in nutrient soups, that idea does violence to my intuition, stomps all over it with football-shoes. The idea that we are decended from a jealous god who formed us out of dust to choose between kneel-and-praying or fires-of-damnation, that stomps me worse."...Richard Bach"I hold that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing."...Thomas Jefferson"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."...Thomas JeffersonAnd"Nothing is worth more than today. You cannot relive yesterday and tomorrow is still beyond your reach."..GoethePosted by: S.A Homes [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by The GCW on June 13, 2002 at 18:23:23 PT Pro-drug crusader Ken Gorman fights to help Libertarians legalize pot with cover photo.Pubdate: June 13 - June 20, 2002 Source: Boulder Weekly (CO) Contact: letters [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by mayan on June 13, 2002 at 18:16:10 PT This Just In... KPFK Does it again! Mike Ruppert ambushed on Pacifica Radio: [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by mayan on June 13, 2002 at 17:27:48 PT C,mon Canada... You are the only hope the U.S. has. The U.S. media is a "corporate/government mouthpiece" & yours will be too unless you stand up now. It may already be too late. Just read how the Canadian media is trashing Mike Ruppert...Ruppert Set to Wrap Successful 9-11 Speaking Tour of Canada: Bush, Ashcroft Conflict Over Alleged Dirty Bomber: Didn’t They Know It, and What About You? mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill - The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11: Cat Is Out Of The Bag! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Sandino on June 13, 2002 at 16:27:16 PT: Greenfox Thanks, for posting the "Hate Your Leader With Passion" link, great stuff can be found there. Impeach and jail the entire shrubyatollah regime and the sc5. TooStupidToBePresident at Homes [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Naaps on June 13, 2002 at 16:24:34 PT Walters Gets the Last Kick. It really would be interesting to know more about the exchange between Walters and the Senate Committee. Senator Nolin was quick to squelch comments by people who made outrageous assertions without clear scientific evidence to corroborate their statements. Also, people testifying were expected to be aware of the Senate Committee’s Discussion Paper. What self-respecting Drug Czar would want to be corrected on salient points by Senators from Canada? The actual testimony would be most telling.It is also interesting that after the Senate Committee has traveled across the country twice, once before and once after the release of the discussion paper, and when no more public appearances are scheduled, then Walters has his stab at influencing the Senate Committee. I would sooner have had his testimony first, ostensible to all.I’ve spent much time reviewing the websites of both the Senate Committee and the House Committee. The two committees are not replicating their efforts. The Senate Committee looks to present the facts of drug use, exposing the myths, and to educate or stimulate Canadians to consider drug policy. The House Committee seeks to determine ways to reduce drug use, never contemplating soften the laws, but perhaps toughening them.From: Réal Ménard: You are aware that our mandate is biased in a way that yours is not. Under the mandate given to us by the House of Commons, our goal is to find ways to reduce non-medicinal drug use. Some witnesses have already pointed out to us that we have a biased mandate. That is something we must keep in mind. Of course, every political party does not necessarily share the same degree of bias, but the mandate we received was to make recommendations with a view to help reduce the scope of this problem with the help of other levels of government. Therefore, our starting point is that non-medicinal drug use is a problem. So we are not as open-minded as the Senate, as you pointed out in your presentation in describing your mandate. That is somewhat unfortunate. In my view, the mandate should be changed… [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by firedog on June 13, 2002 at 16:22:47 PT Maybe this is a good thing... If you get John Walters in a room with a serious committee that is strong enough to stand up for the truth, he might actually have to listen. Some of it might actually seep into his brain, and then... who knows? It might lead to a "Traffic" scenario.True, this might end up just being another case of US officials trying to intimidate Canada, but the door does swing both ways. If Canada is strong about this and stands up for its sovereignty, it could get... interesting... [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on June 13, 2002 at 15:20:24 PT greenfox I hope you got my email. I can't be sure using that e mail account. I'm not good at email but I tried. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by greenfox on June 13, 2002 at 15:17:16 PT This shit sickens me.... I didn't even read the article. The first four lines were enough to tell me that poor, poor canada has caved to big brother. The end is near, folks, and I fear we will be alive to see Rome fall.Love and peace AND (of course) sly in green, foxy in kind.~~~~greenfoxxxy. Hate your leader with passion [ Post Comment ] Post Comment