The Problem Is Pot Prohibition The Problem Is Pot Prohibition Posted by CN Staff on May 04, 2002 at 07:17:50 PT By Keith Stroup and Paul Armentano Source: Washington Post Contrary to John Walters's allegations "The Myth of 'Harmless' Marijuana," op-ed, May 1, marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. About 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. According to the U.S. Institute of Medicine, fewer than one in 10 marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntarily cease their use after 34 years of age. By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit symptoms of drug dependence. U.S. government-sponsored population studies conducted in Jamaica, Greece and Costa Rica found no significant cognitive differences between long-term marijuana smokers and nonsmokers. Similarly, a 1999 study of 1,300 volunteers published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reported "no significant differences in cognitive decline between heavy users, light users, and nonusers of cannabis" over a 15-year period. Most recently, a meta-analysis of neuropsychological studies of long-term marijuana smokers by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse reaffirmed this conclusion.Perhaps the most offensive aspersions are those Walters casts toward the medical use of marijuana by the seriously ill. The drug czar cynically asks, "Is the American health care system . . . really being hobbled by a lack of smoked medicines?" He'd be better off asking our nation's doctors.According to a 2001 national survey of U.S. physicians conducted for the American Society of Addiction Medicine, nearly half of all doctors with opinions support legalizing marijuana as a medicine. Moreover, no fewer than 80 state and national health care organizations -- including the American Public Health Association and the New England Journal of Medicine -- support immediate, legal patient access to medical cannabis. Walters is correct in suggesting that marijuana, like other drugs, is not for kids. We permit adults to do many activities that we forbid children to do, such as motorcycle riding, skydiving, signing contracts, getting married, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. But we do not condone arresting adults who responsibly engage in these activities in order to dissuade our children from doing so. Nor can we justify arresting adult marijuana smokers at the pace of some 734,000 per year on the grounds of sending a message to children.More than 76 million Americans, roughly one-third of the adult population, have smoked marijuana, and 18 million to 20 million admit having done so in the past year. Most of these people are upstanding, hardworking and productive citizens. They do not deserve to be treated like criminals.Neither the marijuana user nor the drug itself constitutes a legitimate danger to public safety. Pot prohibition is a failed public policy that wastes billions of dollars of law enforcement resources and that destroys the lives and careers of hundreds of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens each year. That's why 61 percent of Americans oppose arresting and jailing marijuana smokers. Indeed, if there exists any true "myth" regarding marijuana, it is that pot is more damaging to society than pot prohibition.-- Keith Stroup and Paul Armentano Stroup is founder and executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), and Armentano is its senior policy analyst. Source: Washington Post (DC)Author: Keith Stroup and Paul Armentano Published: Saturday, May 4, 2002; Page A19 Copyright: 2002 The Washington Post Company Contact: letterstoed washpost.comWebsite: Related Articles & Web Sites:NORML Today's Pot is More Dangerous O'Reilly Factor - Keith Stroup Myth of 'Harmless' Marijuana CannabisNews Articles - NORML Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #5 posted by Jose Melendez on May 04, 2002 at 09:42:40 PT drug free - barely three Got tolerance? See this photo of my drug-free former business partner taking his daughter on a skydive. Note: This jump was legally accomplished. Got Tolerance? [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on May 04, 2002 at 08:26:09 PT JR - Published: Saturday, May 4, 2002; Page A19 It's on page A19. Anytime you see a PAGE article on the Washington Post you will find the printed article there. If there isn't a page number then it is on web only. Hope this helps! Great letter too! Way to go guys! Walters' Original Article: Published: Wednesday, May 1, 2002; Page A25 [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Patrick on May 04, 2002 at 08:15:42 PT Earth to Supreme Court News Flash Judge Breyer…More than 76 million Americans, roughly one-third of the adult population, have smoked marijuana, and 18 million to 20 million admit having done so in the past year. Most of these people are upstanding, hardworking and productive citizens. They do not deserve to be treated like criminals.BUT WE ARE! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on May 04, 2002 at 08:06:39 PT Right on! Where was this featured in the print Post? Was it in the print version at all, or just online? And how does its placement compare to the Walters article it rebuts? I ask this because I'm curious, and because I read both articles here at C-News. My NORML membership was purchased just over a year ago... looks like it's time to send Keith and co. another check! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by fivepounder on May 04, 2002 at 07:44:41 PT a breath of fresh air Tell it like it is Keith!! This is why everyone who reads this website should be a member of NORML. They are our voice in Washington when walters at el put out their lies and dribble. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment