Daley Blasts N.Y. Mayor's Pot Quip Daley Blasts N.Y. Mayor's Pot Quip Posted by FoM on April 11, 2002 at 15:00:17 PT By Fran Spielman, City Hall Reporter Source: Chicago Sun-Times Mayor Daley blasted New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Wednesday for making a flippant remark about his past marijuana use, saying it sends a dangerous message to children.Bloomberg's comment to a magazine reporter last year--before he declared his candidacy for mayor--has made him the unwitting poster boy for the campaign to decriminalize marijuana. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Foundation has launched a $500,000 advertising campaign featuring Bloomberg's response when asked if he ever tried pot."You bet I did. And I enjoyed it," Bloomberg said.On Wednesday, the mayor of the Second City lashed out at his New York City counterpart.If Bloomberg was foolish enough to use marijuana before becoming mayor, Daley said, he should be smart enough now that he has the bully pulpit to keep his mouth shut about it."It's the wrong message. It's a sad message. It's like getting up there and saying, 'Hey, this is great. I'm smoking every day.' Think of that," Daley said."Adults have to be role models--whether you like it or not. . . . I'm just trying to protect a lot of kids--children who, maybe, don't have the 44 limousines and all the money."Bloomberg has said he regretted making the remark, now featured in full-page newspaper ads, in radio commercials and on bus shelters and transit signs in the Big Apple.Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL)Author: Fran Spielman, City Hall ReporterPublished: April 11, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Sun-Times Co.Contact: letters suntimes.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:NORML Ad - Pictures & Articles Campaign Needed Lobby Picks Bloomberg Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #20 posted by DdC on April 12, 2002 at 21:14:57 PT If a ruler hearken to lies his servants are wicked (Prov. 29:12) And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. (Ezekiel 34:29)Scythians"The Lord said unto me, 'I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs.' "Isaiah 18:4-5Kaneh Bosm The hemp plant (scientific name: cannabis, slang name: marijuana) is but one of the many useful herbs "yielding seed after its kind"... Visions of a Sacred Tree ...blessed by God on the third day of creation for people to use in conjunction with our free will.(Genesis 1:12, 29)When Smoke Gets in My Eye "In the later times, some shall speak lies in hypocrisy commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." (Paul: 1 Timothy 1-4) The Assassins of Youth: FRCn PDFA/DARE and Cannabis, Jesus Used Marijuana "God said,'Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.To you it will be for meat.'... OF MARIJUANA AS INCENSE God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." (Genesis 1:29-31)Erowid Library Religious Links"Judge not, that ye be not judged...Cannabis Biblical Links ...For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: And with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again... Evidence Indicating the Semetic Origins of Cannabis why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" (Matt.7:1-4)America was NOT founded on Christianity! day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. Thomas Jefferson, 1823 Give Us This Day Out Daily Rant Sacramental Cannabis [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on April 12, 2002 at 19:21:30 PT Kevin Thank you for posting the letters you wrote. Very good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Kevin Hebert on April 12, 2002 at 18:36:53 PT: My Response to the Chicago Sun-Times Dear Editors:Mayor Daley tells Mayor Bloomberg that, by admitting he smoked marijuana and enjoyed it, he is sending the wrong message to children.I disagree. The thing we are doing wrong is treating adults like children, by telling them which substances they can and can't use to become intoxicated.Marijuana is a relatively harmless substance. No one has ever overdosed on marijuana. Instead of worrying about sending messages to children, maybe Mayor Daley should be concerned about the hundreds of thousands of children who grow up in broken homes because of our stupid, outdated drug laws.Wake up, Mayor Daley. Most of the people who voted for you smoked pot at one point or another in their lives. It didn't kill them, and, except for those who were arrested for it, it didn't hurt them, either.Putting people in jail for marijuana use is a bad idea. We need to change our laws, and the sooner, the better. Sincerely, Kevin M. Hebert [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by goneposthole on April 12, 2002 at 11:09:25 PT James, not John The Honorable is right. I did not know he was a drug warrior. I'll withold judgment. I will think he's been lead astray by overzealous influences. Our priapistic government bars no holds when it is out to get you. When they get a hard-on for ya, you're toast.Jesus Christ would have been in jail from the age of 12 to the age of 30 had he lived here. Maybe that is where he was during those lost years. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Lehder on April 12, 2002 at 10:20:09 PT goneposthole is right too; coup in Venezuela He has fought hard for the people he represents, and is kind of a folk hero. Indeed, Mr. Citizen Nobody could call Traficant's office and get a little help and a little service from the government. Lots of people are grateful to Traficant for help with medicare, insurance, tax problems, and all sorts of hassles. If I had been on the jury, that jury would still be deliberating, hopelessly deadlocked.--------------But I really butted in again to mention the coup in Venezuela. It's been a flashpoint for some time, a place with lots of oil, lots of cocaine and right next to Colombia. I don't understand it all yet, but there's a good article at Keep an eye on South America, lots of turmoil there. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by dddd on April 12, 2002 at 09:39:58 PT Right On Lehder ..If we were asked to be a distinguished panel of judges,,that were to decide the levels of badness,,and rate the level of public damages caused by the lying and cheating,,and rip-off schemes ,by political decisions,and politicians who backed the policies,,,,,,I think that Traficant would be comparable to someone who got caught shoplifting a 25 cent pack of Juicy Fruit Gum!..what a bad joke when we compare it to the federal budget, and the amount of military spending...........Listen,,I dont know if anyone is really aware,,or cares,,but if you look at where your tax dollars are going;,,you will see that the federal budget could be compared buying a bunch of Kias, and Hyundias for everything else,,but then,,the defense budget is like buying a fleet of Bentleys,with caviar burning engines that were made in France out of solid African titanium,with gold encrusted disposable Verizon cellphones ,and a friends and family ,'Jack in the Box'Mastercard that has a AOL/god bless america hologram that fluctuates like a Cracker Jack prize.,,with Las Vegas"Frequent Gambler",points,that can be applied to huge discounts on Jet Blue flights to Kabul,,Bogota,,or Regina.. ..I got way off topic there Lehder...sorry,,I guess the thing I was gonna say is that I would feel more comfortable hangin' out with Traficant,,than I would facing the stress of going over to Dick Cheneys house for dinner .....dddd [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Lehder on April 12, 2002 at 07:58:07 PT The Honorable James Traficant Hello, dddd, and thanks for your interesting comments on James Traficant. I've followed the story some, it's impossible not to. He's an interesting guy for whom I hold ambivalent sentiments as you do. Traficant is, of courrse, a drug warrior. During one of his campaigns for the House seat he joined the Youngstown SWAT team on a raid, recorded TV news, and personally wielded a big hammer to smash through a doorway. If he had stopped there he could have enjoyed a long career in Congress as one of the good ol' boys. But, unfortunately for him, he's right on a few other items and was in his clownish way very critical of government - "the IRS is one big enema" - and was too colorful and too loud and too critical of his fellow scum bags in Congress who turned on him for telling the truth - at least about official corruption.His crimes, if indeed he's actually guilty of anything, were truly petty: he had a concrete floor poured in his barn, the work supervised by a DUI convict looking for a favor; and the biggest $$ number heard in the trial was $26,000 paid to him ( $13,000 of it cash in an envelope ) for a leaky old dry-docked boat to be used for demonstrating sea borne applications of some rinky dink laser system in which he tried, as a favor to some company or other, to interest the government. Compare Traficant's petty graft to Ken Lay's $160,000,000 or George Bush's $14,000,000 baseball team or the Carlyle Group or any of the high-stakes professional thieves in Congress. He's a professional prankster - nearly your equal - and an amateur two-bit flim flammer. Some of the jurors actually slept through the trial, eyes closed, day after day. He should have used some lawyers. But the g was out to get him and would never have stoped until it did.His greatest legacy will be the movie, tickets on sale soon, and it's sickening that guys like Ken Lay and OJ Simpson will be in line to buy them while Traficant languishes in jail for the crime of having a big mouth that spoke a little bit of the truth. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by MassCrusader on April 12, 2002 at 06:34:29 PT I know something Daly can smoke Since Pot is way too harmful... (Use your imagination) [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by goneposthole on April 12, 2002 at 06:12:29 PT John Traficant A former sheriff of Mahoning County in Ohio and is a good 'Joe'. When a judge handed out court ordered evictions of some unfortunate residents who fell on hard times, John Traficant refused to follow those orders. He has fought hard for the people he represents, and is kind of a folk hero. If what he has done is true, I think he has done it for hyperbole to prove just what kind of government we really have. I, for one, will exonerate him for that act.If his fellow congressman boot him, it will prove that they are the slimeballs everybody thinks they are. I know my congressman has turned into a bootlicking slimeball.I don't know much more about him, but he is definitely being railroaded. I can understand his bitterness and contempt.He needs to be forgiven, not punished. The judge and the jury are slimeballs, too.This kind of stuff pisses me off and is not right. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by dddd on April 12, 2002 at 04:59:36 PT Off topic all the way Sir Lehder I assume you have already heard the news;. ..I thought of you when I read about it,,and I thought;;",,,.I remember a while back ,,Lehder thought this guy was OK,or not that bad...?"...this guy must have had a very well designed public relations thing to bring Lehder on board.....Then I thought about the government/media monster,,and I begin to consider that perhap Lehder was right to begin with,and this guy was not a slime-ball at all!..?,,..then I concluded that Traficant would not even be able to get off the hook with the OJ Dream Team!!!!..I'm glad to see this guy get busted!..It's about time...I'll bet there are dozens of other politicians,,who,if the truth were known,would make Traficant look like a choir-boy.............dddd [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Lehder on April 11, 2002 at 19:38:32 PT speaking of drunks... Besure to watch Jeopardy tomorrow evening, April 12, 2002. President George W. Bush will be competing against the current champions. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by goneposthole on April 11, 2002 at 18:57:51 PT 'flys' doesn't fly, either But then, niether does the drug war. It flies in your face, though.Everybody must get 'on board' now. First it was the Taliban, now the irish are jumping into the firey pit, too. Jeesh, this is getting weirder by the nanosecond. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by goneposthole on April 11, 2002 at 18:36:01 PT two n's in drunkenness I didn't get it on Wheel of Fortune, either. Oh wellGod, help me. Free speech allows you to mispell misspell, doesn't it [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by goneposthole on April 11, 2002 at 18:22:29 PT Irishmen drink whiskey Falling down piss-your-pants drunkeness and all that jazz. The ideal perfect role model to follow through and through without delay is what we have here.Sitting on top of a pot of gold, Michael bloomberg is happy to smoke a joint.I've got 45 limosines and 23 yachts. I own the hotel where I sleep. A private 747 flys me to a different restaurant everyday. 799 trillion dollars with a perfect life. A brand new pair of wing-tip shoes each and every day. It will never get any better.Who cares about the peons and that silly Bill of Rights? It's just another bill of goods. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by MikeEEEEE on April 11, 2002 at 18:20:29 PT Same message, different day On the history or discovery channel, I remember seeing an interview with a guy that was from the 1930's. In the interview he said that if alcohol were made legal it would send the wrong message to children. Surprisingly enough, the guy was being interviewed on the streets of Chicago. I'd imagine we'll see a show on the history channel one day, but with a different drug, after prohibition part II. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by PAUL PETERSON on April 11, 2002 at 17:35:48 PT: MAYBE MAYOR DALEY DID IT TO MY WEB SITE! OK sports fans. Here's the latest: First, Daley announced (a few months ago) that he wanted to have the federal courts in town establish a special "drug court", you know, to more aggressively get the bad guys (I'm thinking that the guys that sell bunches of drugs with guns-you know, the white powdery thingies-are bad guys, granted?) with these mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines and all. Then, the chief federal district court judge here (Marvin Aspen, doesn't like mandatory minimum sentencing I think?), bounced back and announced that minor nonviolent drug crimes should stay outa federal court. Then, a few weeks ago, Daley announced to a graduating class of Chicago Police that he had asked in a letter to JOHN ASHCROFT that he make the local prosecutor for the feds MAKE GUN AND DRUG BUSTS A PRIORITY FOR FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT, especially making a point of embarrasing Judge Aspen (for making those judicial comments, etc.). Then, I started my web site, talking in a free speechy way about medical marijuana issues here in the Land of Lincoln (I have been copying yourhonor in on all of my advocacy efforts since last summer on the Illinois Medical Marijuana law we have had here for 30 years no less, that has been BURIED IN REAGAN SAND SINCE 1984-that George Orwell year and all!). Then, two weeks ago, I sent out this flyer, offering "Medical Marijuana Sensitivity Training" to local police forces, DEA, FBI, DOJ, State Troopers, any other takers (no responses yet, thank you).Then, yesterday POOOF. My web site is gone-vamoosh-finished-lost-forgotten-can't find-no money to reboot it-since I lost my license to practice law (on false pretenses, no less, because the Illinois Supreme Court does not want to police their own people at the ARDC), I have no cashola to try to restart, and of course, "THEY" (WHOMEVER THEY IS I DO NOT KNOW) would just do it again, right?Oh, yeah. Right after Daley's remarks about "inviting" JOHN ASHCROFT to "invite" the DOJ to start taking people right on over to federal jail, with their minimum sentencing guidelines and all, like 3 days later, GEORGE BUSH showed up in town for the St. Patty's Day Parade (I do not know if he road on the same back seat with Daley, did anybody else see them together?) I'm thinking that Daley likes Bush, and Bush likes Daley now. And now, the DOJ is prosecuting the present REPUBLICAN Governor's friends, (Republicans themselves all), for various campaign things, and this and that, and I think they are trying to get the Gov to step down early so as not to hurt the chances of the new guy, also a "Ryan" (Jim, instead of George-the present Gov). So maybe Daley is so darned anti-drug these days that he is even politically blind and all-This is too wierd.And the wierdest thing is, I think Daley actually voted FOR THE MEDICAL MARIJUANA AMENDMENT IN 1979, which took ILLINOIS' weak and "maybe" research statute to the NEW AND IMPROVED AND "SHALL" language in the 1979 law-they just didn't change the "research" to "treatment" in the title, that's all. So if he could and did vote for that law in 1979 (while he was a State Senator, right your honor?) how come he doesn't try to have just a little bit more of a sensitive approach right now? I'm thinking it's because there is some federal money involved, that's what.I'm thinking Bush needs some supporters in the "HEARTLAND" of this breadbasket of conservative voters, unsullied by the willy nilly creeping jenny kinda rampant liberalism that creeps in at the shores of this nation like they have them nazi subs beeching throngs of outside agitators from "Old Holland" (remember New York used to be called "New Amsterdam" or something, eh)? You know, these people that come across that new fortified northern border atalking about pot as something that is "not just the for breakfast drink anymore" go figure! So here he has this "second city" kinda guy, not from the coasts, not touching that "troublesome" northern border thingy, with roots in the deep south and all, that can be his "nonpartisen" partner in this crime of the war on crime thingy, I mean the WOD as you'se guys call it here!So finally the City of Chicago speaks! And finally the Sun Times wakes up and prints a drug war story! And Bush has finally gotten his new friend to speak up against those willy nilly guys out east in New York City! And Chicago right now has this SSDP conference going on at Loyola University, and Bush's own state of Texas has this Rice University "Peace Talks" thingy going on too! And we're waiting for the San Franscisco Three to decide the mostest important dynamic duo of marijuana/hemp cases ever assembled in a single ring! And several FIRST AMENDMENT CASES have just come down that round out the bill 1) the DC debacle!, 2) the Colorado Supremos leave the book store alone!, 3) LA lady gets jury to NULLIFY THE DRUG WAR FOR HUNDREDS OF POUNDS OF POT!, 4) HAWAII 5/0 waits in the wings for RELIGIOUS SACRAMENT TO BE OK'd or KO'd?, 5) Will NAFTA grow up to be all that it can be? and finally, and finely, 6) WILL PAULY FIND OUT WHO KILLED JR? I mean, which of the various city, state, or federal agencies that I asked to teach about medical marijuana will be found to be the ones that KIL'T ME WEBBOY, WEB BOYS? I've asked the FBI to investigate, I've called the DEA to enforce my rights, and now I'm wondering if it is the same guy that voted for the bill that I wanta use after all, and after all this time, eh? (And with all the AIDS & Cancer sufferers in this town-and I am not counting all the short sighted people in the bunch either-they seem to be more worried about the $1 billion budget deficit battle than they are about getting a bunch of people let outa jail-the nonviolent ones, of course). Why, there were even some articles lately about towns bitching about not opening up the new prisons they built on fond hopes of lockin up new numbers, they was! And now they are talkin about closing Joliet "Stateville" prison (I wrote an article about that last summer-I wanted to take Joliet and make it into a "school of the americas"-for drug prisoners, homeless people, former slaves, new immigrants (after the end of the drug war, that is!). So what is happening right now? The war is coming to a peak, a head, a collision course with destiny, and the rhetoric is getting hotter and hotter, and the violence should (if my estimates are right) just keep getting hotter and hotter, the closer we get to a catharsis-So what gives, Mayor Daley? Did you diss my web site? And where are you now? In Mexico on vacation, with friends, so as not to take the heat, of your dissing your colleague in New Amsterdam. Well at least I must say, thank you for putting Chicago on the WOD map. For far too long, nothing got printed of any worth from this "second" small town-Now, I'll meet your bet and up the stakes. Will you meet me to DEBATE THESE THINGS? IN ANY CHURCH IN TOWN? YOUR PLACE OR MINE- WITH OR WITHOUT MY WEB SITE BACK, I will, just do it before some somebody thinks they want to put me in jail for my FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOMS OF SPEECH, PRINT OR OTHERWISE, EH? Or at least keep your people (I almost said goons-that would have been rude, wouldn't it?) from trying to entrap me or something, OK? PAUL PETERSON-no email address, you know, since my web site was DISSED. 312-558-9999 DALEY-YOUR CHURCH OR MINE? OK? [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by E_Johnson on April 11, 2002 at 17:01:20 PT Bill of Rights sends a dangerous message to kids Clearly we do not want children to have adult freedoms, or to believe that they have a right to adult freedoms.But just as clearly, we do not want adults to give up adult freedom for the sole purpose of propagandizing children.Well maybe I should be careful about that "we".We, except for the Communists in the ONDCP...Etc. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on April 11, 2002 at 16:41:05 PT Dangerous Message? What kind of a message does it send to the children when you lock someone up in jail for engaging in an activity that harms nobody else's person or property? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Jose Melendez on April 11, 2002 at 16:01:08 PT: grin Hey, this is great. I'm smoking every day.' Think of that," Daley said.(Grin) Now, THAT'S a quote! Arrest Prohibition [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by DdC on April 11, 2002 at 15:15:29 PT Like Fascist Like Son: Best to Lie to the Kids!!! Daly Jr. isn't worth a reply... I wonder if he's as concerned as his daddy beating the college kids heads in at the DMC protest? Hypocritters and Liars don't make good role models either... DdC [ Post Comment ] Post Comment