High Dudgeon

High Dudgeon
Posted by FoM on April 05, 2002 at 14:39:56 PT
By Jacob Sullum
Source: Reason Magazine
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Drug warriors have discovered the Internet. In a report that is generating alarm among drug policy reformers, the Justice Department's National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) explains that the Internet, "variously referred to as the National Information Infrastructure or the information superhighway," has "revolutionized communications worldwide." 
Apparently it "serves today as the nation's primary medium for the exchange of news, mail, and general information." This Internet thingie "is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard to geographic location."That may sound pretty cool, but the government is worried that some drivers on the information superhighway may be under the influence of unconventional ideas about drugs. The NDIC report focuses on the "Threat to America's Youth" posed by these deviants, who include "drug offenders," "drug-culture advocates," "advocates of an expanded freedom of expression," "anarchist individuals and groups," and "other lawbreakers" (such as "pornographers and pedophiles").Focuses may be too strong a word. The report is maddeningly vague about whom, exactly, the NDIC has in mind. Are organizations that provide honest drug information, such as the Alchemind Society or the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a Threat to America's Youth? What about drug policy reform groups such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or subversive publications such as High Times (or Reason, for that matter)?The NDIC concedes that actual drug dealing is exceedingly rare online, so the Threat consists mainly of inconvenient facts and dissenting speech. Fortunately, the NDIC has discovered the First Amendment as well as the Internet. In a section on "Challenges Facing Policymakers and Law Enforcement," it explains there is precious little the government can do about people who refuse to join the crusade for a drug-free America, even if they use the National Information Infrastructure to spread their heresies.Jacob Sullum is senior editor of Reason. His book on the morality of drug use is scheduled to be published next winter by Tarcher/Putnam. Source: Reason Magazine (US)Author: Jacob SullumPublished: March 19, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Reason FoundationContact: letters reason.comWebsite: MAPS -- http://www.maps.orgNORML -- Society -- http://www.alchemind.orgHigh Times Magazine -- http://www.hightimes.comDOJ's Dot-Narc Rave Strategy --
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Comment #7 posted by Lehder on April 06, 2002 at 08:11:53 PT
blowin' in the wind
In a section on "Challenges Facing
   Policymakers and Law Enforcement," it explains there is precious little the government can
   do about people who refuse to join the crusade for a drug-free America....Yet there is an answer, my friend:Police have arrested 354 activists as they
 organized protests against disputed presidential elections, in what critics
 say is the latest example of President Robert Mugabe's efforts to turn
 Zimbabwe into a police state....The activists jailed Thursday were arrested under the sweeping Public
 Order and Security Act, passed by ruling party lawmakers in January,
 which requires police approval for all gatherings of more than three
 people that are seen as political in nature. Amnesty International condemned the arrests, accusing the ruling party of
 a campaign of "reprisal attacks" against opposition supporters.
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Comment #6 posted by Patrick on April 05, 2002 at 18:45:58 PT
First it was Drugs = Terrorism
And now the antis want to equate cannabis use with…"…Advocates of an expanded freedom of expression," and" other lawbreakers" (such as "pornographers and pedophiles")."Need I say much more about where this is going? 9/11 was a tragic event that will go down in history as the start of WW III. They keep giving us hints at who the hunted down enemy will be. I am just shocked that it includes advocates of freedom. All under the guise of defending freedom itself. Then again the beef on cannabis is that they are protecting me from myself.
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Comment #5 posted by mayan on April 05, 2002 at 17:52:19 PT
"Utilizing Freedom"
Mike Rupperts site, , has been hacked down again! There are mirror sites up but not with the Vreeland interview.Here it is:
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Comment #4 posted by mayan on April 05, 2002 at 17:26:35 PT
"Endure Freedom"
The NDIC will just have to "Endure Freedom". Sorry antis.
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Comment #3 posted by DdC on April 05, 2002 at 17:23:52 PT
Oh But That Doesn't Stop the Perverts From Trying! explains there is precious little the government can do about people who refuse to join the crusade for a drug-free America, even if they use the National Information    Infrastructure to spread their heresies.Secret Searches Bill Also provides plenty of stocked shelves. Would Outlaw Internet Drug Information Bill/Free Speech by Richard Lake War On Free Speech! S. 486/H.R. Anti-Meth Bill - Washington Post Ranks on MAPA/Secret Searches Bill Passes BILL THAT STIFFENS DRUG PENALTIES IS OK'D Introduced to Overturn DC Initiative Warning about Industrial Hemp..., Amerika by Claire Wolfe Speech Void
Planned Pownal Pot Event Canceled AND HEMP The Untold Storyéjå vü!!! is Insane... Deceptions!
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Comment #2 posted by Toker00 on April 05, 2002 at 16:59:17 PT
This is so rediculous.
Everything that is happening on the internet, happened in life before, and will happen, after. Are they just now realizing that people do these things, at all? And we thought the government was way behind the people. They are way behind reality.Peace. Realize, then Legalize.
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Comment #1 posted by E_Johnson on April 05, 2002 at 15:01:40 PT
The next time I go back East
I'm going to find one of those American Revolution historical monuments and give a moment of silence to the people who gave up their lives for our freedom.
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