Buy Dope, Fund Terror Buy Dope, Fund Terror Posted by FoM on February 07, 2002 at 15:39:01 PT By Bill O'Reilly Source: WorldNetDaily In between the patriotic displays and Bono and Mariah, there was a very interesting commercial during the Super Bowl. And that spot cost us the taxpayers almost $4 million because it ran twice – frightening the heck out Britney Spears. The advertisement linked the buying of illegal drugs with supporting terrorism. It basically accused Americans who support the traffic in illegal narcotics of being anti-American. Of course the ad was scoffed at by many Americans who see drug taking as legitimate recreation. But I thought the ad made a valid point, even though I believe the war on drugs the way it is being fought now is a loser. A $30 billion dollar a year loser. Let's break it down. The main point of the commercial is that if an American puts money into the hands of dope pushers, that money can make it possible for terrorists to operate, for assassins to get paid, for more drugs to pour into the streets of America. That is all true. The Taliban supported itself on opium sales. Drug cartels throughout the world routinely murder and commit incredible violence against their opponents, and illegal narcotics flood the poorest neighborhoods of America. In every ghetto in the USA the most dangerous drugs are readily available to children and everyone else. Even in more upscale neighborhoods, drugs are not hard to find. The kicker is that if no one bought illegal drugs, none of the above would be happening. So if you do buy dope, you are hurting your country. It is simple logic. But simple logic doesn't dent the minds of many dopers who want to get high, and their country be damned. The primary rationalization, of course, concerns alcohol. Many Americans who buy dope say that they have the right to do that because alcohol is legal. If booze can be served, than society is hypocritical for outlawing drugs. However, our society is not stupid. According to every poll taken on the subject, the overwhelming majority of Americans are against the legalization of drugs. Americans are even against legalized marijuana. A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll taken last year showed 66 percent of Americans do not want pot made legal. Only 26 percent do. The rest were possibly too high to take a stand. The reason, I believe, that so many Americans are against making drugs legal is that they have seen what intoxicants can do. More than a million drunk-driving cases each year. Nearly 10 percent of the adult population heavily involved with alcohol. Why make more mind-altering substances available? Why send a message to children that intoxication is a birthright? It is not. And supporting criminals who sell addictive substances is anti-American. Public intoxication hurts us all, and private intoxication hurts the individual. Nothing good can come of this. Why are so many Americans blind to the truth? The answer comes back to selfishness. I want to get high, so I will. It is my body, so if I give money to a pusher who sells crack to kids so what? I'm not responsible. Well, yes you are. Again, if nobody bought the drugs – the evil that they bring would not exist. So move over Britney. The best commercial during the Super Bowl was the one that confronted Americans with the damage that dope buying does. It was a gutsy move. I applaud it. Source: WorldNetDaily (US Web)Author: Bill O'ReillyPublished: February 7, 2002Copyright: 2002, Inc.Contact: letters worldnetdaily.comWebsite: Articles:New Low in the War on Drugs - A. Huffington Do You Think They Call It Propaganda? Deception in U.S. Drug War Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #29 posted by gloovins on February 09, 2002 at 22:19:20 PT Still though No one has mentioned how there is NO LINK between domestic cannabis growth in the US to terrorism. This the gov't won't say.Why>?Because of all the money the current corporate DEAth gov't would loose if cannabis/hemp were re-legalized once again in the USA -- my country I love. Please, the Gov't will soon open its eyes (when all incumbunts are out or have died of old age) & those eyes will be filled with a natural youthful spirit of progression & wisdom & respect for our planet. These will be the new representitives...Time is running out ladies & gentlemen of out gov't. Please take note we need this special, unique plant now more than ever. This plant can solve our energy & deforestation problems that we inherited from a very wasteful generation (since about 1930). Its time to break the chain -- for the good of the nation.The best nation ever -- the United States of America. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by mayan on February 08, 2002 at 18:24:53 PT ggggrandpa... are you really just dddd trying to get our goats? You dirty rascal you! Surely Grandpa isn't for real! [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Dankhank on February 08, 2002 at 11:25:54 PT: Bill the loud-mouthed peabrain I spend more time watching O'Reilly than I should.It is interesting to see his evolution to the most uncompassionate person on TV news, today, with the possible exception of G Gordon Liddy or that North asshole, but neither of them have a show, I don't think ...HE is wrong, is it wrong to hope he has a loved one get Cancer so he will be encouraged to think "out of the box?"Fo him it seems that would be the only way for him to learn.He is in favor of tough love, tough law, when he talks about everyone else. Poetic turn if it happened to him. Hemp N Stuff [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by SpaceCat on February 08, 2002 at 09:49:40 PT I welcome Grandpa's comments Because they provide an opportunity for scientific rebuttal to hysterical outbursts, they provide a window into the minds of those we struggle against, They serve an important purpose in providing contrasting viewpoints that allow us to examine our own positions to make sure they are backed up by facts, and because everyone has the right to express an opinion, free of coercion.We who know the truth about Cannabis have been shouted down because the truth cannot be denied, and so must be obscured by those who would continue the policies that have so damaged our nation. We have no need to shout, because the truth shines with its own light. The bluster of the opposition merely highlights the ethical, intellectual, and practical bankruptcy of their position.(And here on Cannabis News, even the most radical and obnoxious anti is welcomed with reasonable good humor- are you still out there, Joyce?) [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by kanabys on February 08, 2002 at 08:28:23 PT This proves that the antis are lurking around here. Keep up the good work guys, our increasing momentum in the cause must really be pissing them off BWAAAHAAHAAHAA!!!! Hey, to all you antis out there, you are losing the war, face it and accept it. We will win in the end! [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by CorvallisEric on February 08, 2002 at 07:32:02 PT Grandpa and immunity I wasn't gonna get into this, but then it hit me. ... but it wasn't until drugs came on the scene that AIDS began- lowered immune system and filthy disease-spreading sex practices and, bingo, AIDS. Early in AIDS research, time and effort was wasted on sidetracks like "poppers" (amyl nitrite, used by some gay men during sex). It may be unfair using 20/20 hindsight, but a less drug-phobic government (early 1980's) might have closed in on the problem earlier. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by Mr X on February 08, 2002 at 07:06:58 PT Bad grandpa "Also, one third of schoolkids are regular users of illegal substances leading to terrorism in schools, school violence including shootings, rapes etc."Yep, the Columbine killers did have drugs in there system...Eric had been taking anti-depressants for 2 years before the shooting.Not that I think about it, I think "grandpa" is a very bored teenager who really needed attention. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by goneposthole on February 08, 2002 at 06:20:41 PT Grandpa Where did you come from? Mars?Stick around, you've got a lot to learn.Raise your tolerances and be more accepting of how others choose to live.That can't be asking for too much.Of course, there is a cave in Afghanistan where you can find refuge, or did you crawl out of one?Uff da [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by The GCW on February 08, 2002 at 03:23:34 PT Da poll. The poll now says 81% in favor. Only 4% disaprove.Granpa, it is not a proven fact that marijuana lowers the immune system. In fact THC has now been proven in different studies to stop cancers, shrink cancers and help with relief of pain etc. after you even get cancer. This is relevent since 1 out of 4 humans get cancer. There is also gamma linolenic acid (GLA), in hemp seed oil, which is responsible for a strong immune system and is only available in 5 obscure places on our planet. Borage, black currant seed oil, primrose oil, MOTHERS MILK and hemp seed oil. And then the hemp seed oil only supplies 2.8% of our daily requirements. If you were not nursed as a baby, you may have never put GLA into your body. As a Christian, I testify it is a sin to cage humans for accepting cannabis.Grandpa, ask and you shall receive. Including the truth from the Holy Spirit of Truth. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Robbie on February 08, 2002 at 02:43:11 PT granpa!! LTNS Boy,O'Reilly really smoked out the druggies tonight.thats what he gets for being such a blowhardWith nearly 20,000 people dying from drug overdoses each yearYes, all illegal drugs together take 20,000 lives, while the legal ones take nearly 650,000.most of which started with a shared joingYou smoke joings?!!? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!from a schoolmate, the druggies still say drugs are harmless.Few, if any, "druggies" think drugs are harmless. It is only simpletons on your side of the fence who blanket generalize everything they don't understand.It is a proven fact that marijuana lowers the immune systemProven FACT, eh? I see. Well, you'll have to prove that this is truly a FACT, since facts tend to conflict.while at the same time reduces good judgementI think YOUR judgement is terrible. No, YOUR judgement is the one that deserves scrutiny.which accounts for the great number of druggies and homosexualsDING! DING! DING! DING! There's your stripe! You should just wear that on your sleeve, or something, so that you're easier to identify. Like, changing your handle to HomophobicsR'US, or something.with AIDS. Homosexuals have been doing their nasty stuff to each other since the beginning of time, but it wasn't until drugs came on the scene that AIDS began- lowered immune system and filthy disease-spreading sex practices and, bingo, AIDS.Your logic is so atrociously illogical and irrational. Will you ever learn, or just go to the grave wholly ignorant?Also, one third of schoolkids are regular users of illegal substancesMan, those facts are so fascinating. Did O'Really expel them in a bowl movement so that ye may imbibe? The study that came out, just the other day(!), said that the number is closer to one-quarter. You're right, though, I saw every last one of 'em hanging around the neighborhood mosque trying to convert to Osamalam.leading to terrorism in schools, school violence including shootings, rapes etc....Enron, tax cuts, floor waxing, homeopathy, inversion, helicopters... Yeah, whatever works...And the druggies want that stuff legalized.Get wise and legalize.You gotta be on drugs to think that irrationally.What's irrational is your insistence or moral terpitude at the expense of all reason. When your dogmatic sermonizing produces ANY of the results that you desire, then you can blather. But I guess they don't let you just go out and shoot all the homosex-- er, all the druggies, right? What a shame.Thanks, O'Reilly.For nothing Sorry, just had to rant [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Dan B on February 08, 2002 at 02:36:40 PT: Grandpa: Still in the Closet After All These Years It is a strong belief of mine that the most rabid homophobes are gay men who have had to repress their sexuality due to an unaccepting social climate. It isn't so much that they are afraid of homosexuals as that they are afraid of their own homosexual impulses. In fact, their anger toward out-of-the-closet homosexuals stems not from pure hatred, but from a mixture of jealousy toward them and shame regarding their own homosexual desires. That is why you quite often hear about fights (even murders) begun when a homosexual man comes on to a homophobe: the homophobe is ashamed of the fact that he wants to take the gay man up on his offer.Cheer up, Grandpa; it's never too late to be yourself.As for the 20,000 people each year who die from illegal drug overdoses (this number, by the way, is dwarfed by the 100,000 each year who die from legal prescription drug overdoses), the number of people who died each year from drug overdoses before the war on drugs jumped into high gear in 1980 was about 1600. So, if Grandpa is truly interested in reducing the number of people dying from illegal drug overdoses (something that has yet to happen for cannabis, by the way, in at least 5000 documented years of cannabis use), he might want to take a step back from his figures and realize that it is his idiot policies that caused this jump in overdose deaths. Judging from Grandpa's fascist rhetoric, though, I'd guess he is likely pleased each time he hears of another "druggie" dying from an overdose. Maybe--just maybe--Grandpa is jealous of people who derive pleasure from cannabis, as well. Come on out of that "homosexual druggie" closet, Grandpa! Be brave! Or at least have the decency to be honest.Dan B [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by freedom fighter on February 07, 2002 at 23:27:48 PT Oh boy, Grandpa? Another hit and run artist?What do the observer think? eh?Let's see, Dear Ann Lander who is a Grandma who thought back in 60's that Homosexual is a crime and then by 70's she thought it is a disease. In 80's, she shocked the world by stating that Homosexual is just another human being. Today, she demands that they have the same rights as average human beings on this earth.Looks like Grandpa got alot to catch up with this Grandma.ff [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by RavingDave on February 07, 2002 at 22:44:47 PT Grandpa, Go Home Boy Grandpa, you're just full of answers. Imagine, all of the world's problems can be linked to marijuana! I did not know that.Let's see... 20,000 drug overdoses a year can be linked back to a joint. Any possibility that we could go a bit farther - say, to a can of beer? How about a Marlboro? Oh, and you failed to mention the 120,000 deaths a year from alcohol, or the 400,000 from tobacco. But let's not consider facts, when simple hyperbole will do!Oh, and I see you also have a very scientific explanation for the onset of AIDS. I think your proposal goes something like:joint + anal sex = worldwide epidemicDo I have that right? Of course! How could I have missed it before. Never mind those pesky doctors who warn about sharing needles. It's those fishlipped spliffs we need to watch out for.Oh, and I am sure most of those school shootings were the result of too much dope being smoked. Every time I light up, I get the urge to go for the heavy artillery. The sound of gunfire is so soothing to my soul.Do us all a favor, "Grandpa," and take your pseudo-Christian, judgemental bullshit somewhere else. You and your ilk are the cause of our problems, not the solution.And as for you, O'Reilly, why don't you learn a few things about cause and effect - like who really funds those terrorists. Why put the blame on the consumer, when our government's at fault for creating the black market in the first place?Sorry, but this stuff really pushes my buttons. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on February 07, 2002 at 22:36:42 PT CorvallisEric Thanks! I went and voted and brought back the poll page link and poll results. It really is good. I want to see if this works with the long urls.Poll Page Results you think marijuana should be legal in Wisconsin? Choice Votes Percent of 61 votes Yes - 50 82% Yes, but just for medicinal reasons 8 13% No - 3 5% [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by CorvallisEric on February 07, 2002 at 22:22:45 PT off-topic - Wisconsin survey While trying to find a copy of Richard Cowan's ( story on a West Milwaukie SWAT-team shooting which resulted in a $700,000 settlement, I found a fresh survey "What do you think about legal marijuana?" Yes/Medicinal-only/No. Link in the "As seen on 12" box near the middle of the page: Shooting story on Yahoo: [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Grandpa on February 07, 2002 at 21:42:05 PT: Druggies Support Terrorism Boy,O'Reilly really smoked out the druggies tonight.With nearly 20,000 people dying from drug overdoses each year, most of which started with a shared joing from a schoolmate, the druggies still say drugs are harmless.It is a proven fact that marijuana lowers the immune system while at the same time reduces good judgement which accounts for the great number of druggies and homosexuals with AIDS. Homosexuals have been doing their nasty stuff to each other since the beginning of time, but it wasn't until drugs came on the scene that AIDS began- lowered immune system and filthy disease-spreading sex practices and, bingo, AIDS.Also, one third of schoolkids are regular users of illegal substances leading to terrorism in schools, school violence including shootings, rapes etc.And the druggies want that stuff legalized. You gotta be on drugs to think that irrationally.Thanks, O'Reilly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on February 07, 2002 at 21:03:11 PT goneposthole I didn't noticed you mispelled that word that I can't spell! LOL!Heck I thought the Internet has created a whole new language where we skip word and don't cross Ts or dot i's and we understand. Kinda special. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by goneposthole on February 07, 2002 at 20:39:28 PT dang I always misspell 'unconscious'. But not this time."That one's just about to the end"Easy Rider Steppenwolf Born to Be Wild and all that nonchalant jazz piano Fish This WeekFly High as an EagleBooze sucks [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by goneposthole on February 07, 2002 at 20:30:46 PT Thank you, FoM For the links to Brownie Mary, Tom Crosslin, Roland Rohm, Peter McWilliams."Give us this day our daily reef." (It may not be in the bible, but it should be)Forgive us our trespasses (unconcious bogarting)And those who trespass against us (Gov't)We, too, will never forget.Bill O'Reilly needs to be forgiven, also. There is an excuse for ignorance, but not for stupidity. He knows not what he does, and needs to get a life for he may not get an afterlife. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Mr X on February 07, 2002 at 20:23:12 PT Shame Bill just lost a near lifetime fan, I am writting a letter to Worldnetdaily explaining my discust for his senseless propoganda.Also starting today I will call his show as many times as nessasary until I get on the air.If you hear a very pissed of James on his show, smile a knowing smile :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by gloovins on February 07, 2002 at 19:57:23 PT O'rightousnot O'Reilly a joke, but why is it i can't escape his joke? He is everwhere now, & it sickens me. My Dad gave me his book for XMas & I use it to roll hemp-paper j's on. hehe ;) I started to read it but it was too spin orientated so i just use it for the rollin'. IS ANY MEDIA OUTLET GOING TO MENTION SPECIFICALLY DOMESTICALLY GROWN CANNABIS IN THIS RECENT WOD 3.2 MILLION $ AD CAMPAIGN SUPER BOWL PROP'OGANDA THING????????C"MON --, I dare you.You corporate fed petro-chemical fossil-fuel burning, alcohol-swiggin', dead-brown leaf inhalin' thru a fiberglass filter, Hyper-hippocrate, lazy, wanna-be, so called, "journalist" joke. Your book is good for rollin' though, Billy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by p4me on February 07, 2002 at 19:56:08 PT MJ and the bible I am not a paid spinmaster so I do not read my own stuff most of the time before I hitPost Message. In comment #7 I meant to include a thread on Marijuana in the bible that is at [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by p4me on February 07, 2002 at 19:38:21 PT The ad and Vietnam I am critical of the spending of public money on these ads. I can just imagine how people would have viewed an ad like thisabout the war during the Vietnam War. Even people that were for the war would have declared the number of bullets and bombs that could have been bought with the ad money.Now the supporters on the WOMJ do not say it cost us 3000 hours of helicopter time. And why is that. Maybe this 10 million is just a direct payment to the media to keep the lid on anything cannabis. It sure is a direct payment to the media companies. I just saw the ad this Thursday night. What a waste of money.Busch had start worrying about all this red ink. This week the Governor of South Carolina announced a 900 million shortfall. Property taxes in Charlotte and Mecklenburg went up 15% and they now declare a hiring freeze on over 1000 positions. The State has a hiring freeze and this week the Governor declared that the state is at an educational advantage because NC does not have a lottery. The children are suffering as we grow the national debt. They will also be the ones that will inherit the debt. Go ahead Busch and bribe the media. We know it has abandoned the true principles of journalism. Those of us that seek true information about cannabis come here and know that marijuana has medicinal value. Come on Buschy Wuschy. Can you say "medical marijuana?" It is not so hard Buschy Wuschy. There is a good thread about MJ in the bible if you want to increase the details of your christain mythology.I think it was Rumsfield on "This Week" talking about transforming the military. He said we no longer need to maintain a force to fight a war on two fronts. He said we need to be able to fight in one theater and contain another. Maybe because with the screwed-up link between illegal drugs and terrorism, the administration is just practicing its lies. It still wants to fight a two front war. One with the American citizens and the other with everyone else.What is wrong with yearly elections anyway? Please vote the Bastards that purpetuate the Schedule One Lie out of office. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Lehder on February 07, 2002 at 18:16:16 PT "Let's break it down." A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll taken last year showed 66 percent of Americans do not want pot made legal. Only 26 percent do. The rest were possibly too high to take a stand. Or too drunk. Or too illiterate to understand the poll. Most polls of Americans show at least 8% who "don't know," like this author.The reason, I believe, that so many Americans are against making drugs legal is that they have seen what intoxicants can do. More than a million drunk-driving cases each year.Cannabis is not an intoxicant. Alcohol intoxicates, debilitates, causes muscular and mental emfeeblement and a loss of connection with reality and even concsiousness. Cannabis uplifts, enlightens, provokes thought and sensitivity, and PREVENTS CANCER. Cannabis has essentially NO EFFECT on driving - except that it causes one to have second thoughts about driving at all with so many drunks and road-rage sickos on the highway.The primary rationalization, of course, concerns alcohol. Many Americans who buy dope say that they have the right to do that because alcohol is legal. If booze can be served, than society is hypocritical for outlawing drugs.Society is foolish to outlaw cannabis, irrespective of the legal status of alcohol.And supporting criminals who sell addictive substances is anti-American. Public intoxication hurts us all, and private intoxication hurts the individual. A good case against using alcohol, but not a reason to criminalize it.'Let's break that down'? Why are so many Americans blind to the truth? Because of decades of propaganda like this article. Because television, where 86% of Americans get their news and information, has hypnotized them with corporate and government lies. Watch the Enron hearings, get my drift. Let's break it down??This two-fisted, drunk Irishman was probably yelling about somebody's door.However, our society is not stupid.Oh. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by The GCW on February 07, 2002 at 16:48:47 PT IGNOID: yes. The extent of it seems like 2 Th. 2.Bill, seems like a robot. There are a few stories out about this ad farce. It seems half are right on and half are missing the love boat. The very good news is that they ARE out. Let's do our best to approach it as a great oppertunity. I would like to see more of these newspapers make a public note, so we can use the platform to respond. With out printed stories, we can still write to editors and speak our mind. If we do well, we'll get that voice out there. LTEs are already coming out. I suspect and expect, many good LTE'S will come from this. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by EntheOnline on February 07, 2002 at 16:44:03 PT: CIA He also fails to mention the fact that a few years ago the C.I.A. was under investigation for selling coke (to be made into crack) and herion. Maybe the C.I.A. is the terrorist organization the commercials were referring to. :) EntheOnline EntheOnline [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by goneposthole on February 07, 2002 at 16:27:19 PT opinion Somebody open his cranium and stuff some brains in there so he can form an educated opinon.A bear lost in the woods after a long winter's nap knows better than this.I will bet my last dollar he has a drink now and then; Irish whiskey is my guess. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by guy on February 07, 2002 at 16:01:41 PT: fdsafdsa he fails to mention that if drugs were legal these criminals who "sell crack to children" wouldnt profit off of the drugs. he also fails to mention that the govt could tax the hell out of all these drugs if they were legal, just like they do tobacco and alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by p4me on February 07, 2002 at 15:51:51 PT Everyone is entitled to an opinion... even if it is stupid.Vote against all incumbents especially the Sheriff's that want to seize your property. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment