Governors Daughter Charged with Prescription Fraud

  Governors Daughter Charged with Prescription Fraud

Posted by FoM on January 29, 2002 at 10:44:24 PT
Breaking News Section 
Source: St. Petersburg Times  

Gov. Jeb Bush's daughter was charged with prescription fraud in Tallahassee, police said today. Bush and his wife, Columba, issued a statement but did not provide details of the incident. "Columba and I are deeply saddened over an incident that occurred last night involving our daughter Noelle, 24. This is a very serious problem. Unfortunately, substance abuse is an issue confronting many families across our nation," Bush said.
Bush asked the public and the media to "respect our family's privacy during this difficult time so that we can help our daughter." Police said she called in pretending to be a doctor, then called again to see if her prescription was ready. The pharmacists became suspicious and checked with the doctor. Ms. Bush was arrested in the drive- through while waiting for the drug. She was driving a white Volkswagen beetle. "We will have no further comment on this issue," Bush said. Noelle Bush is the second of three children and the family's only daughter. She graduated from Tallahassee Community College in 2000. She was released on bond this morning. Source: St. Petersburg Times (FL)Published: January 29, 2002 Copyright: 2002 St. Petersburg TimesContact: letters sptimes.comWebsite: Articles:Bush's Double Standard Devil Inside Jenna and George Jenna Bush is a Pothead, Is It News?

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Comment #13 posted by goneposthole on January 29, 2002 at 13:05:10 PT
Forfieture, forfeiture. I spell words with reckless abandon. I look at a word, see the correct spelling in my mind's eye, and then I still misspell the doggone thing.Must have something to do with mind control experiments.L- eagle eyesDoes George Bush lie?
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Comment #12 posted by goneposthole on January 29, 2002 at 12:53:20 PT
I have dyslexia
Quit picking on the dyslexics. The words mom and dad are the most difficult.I guess if Jeb and Columba want to retain their privacy they should notify the swat team in advance.They have a lot to lose, forfieture laws will be enforced.
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on January 29, 2002 at 12:35:28 PT
THC in a plant isn't a drug. It's a wonderful medicinal plant. (Government sure doesn't think so) I can honestly say I don't do any drugs but I forgot caffeine and nicotine were drugs. Duh!
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Comment #10 posted by Lehder on January 29, 2002 at 12:35:15 PT
Xanax and abuse
Houston school children face prosecution for Xanax abuse.Paramedics rushed four students to the hospital Friday after a teacher noticed that one of her students
 was acting strangely, authoritiessaid.... Houston Independent School District officials told News2Houston that one of the students brought a generic form of the drug Xanax to sell to two other students at school....The Houston Police Department is investigating the case. School officials said that charges are pending against that students, and possible expulsion. as I study this scourge of Xanax, I see that the Dow is down 240 and the NASDAQ 59. Are drugs the problem? Well, we can find out tonight when George gives us his state of the union address.... One little weasel of a man. I bet that more than half the audience will be body guards, the rest of them paid to clap clap clap.
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Comment #9 posted by Jose Melendez on January 29, 2002 at 12:30:24 PT:
caffeine alert!
I am a skydiver, and some of my friends are competition jumpers hoping to someday compete in the Olympics. So when I noticed papers marked Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Guide: Prohibited classes of substances and prohibited methods 2001-2002, I noted with interest that on the first page the definition of a positive for caffeine (which listed as a class A stimulant in the document) is excess of 12 micrograms per milliliter in a urine sample.
So, the war on drugs has finally got around to caffeine. Better watch out before they start the asset forfeiture program for abusers of Folger's and Maxwell House...
To avoid exceeding the legal limits set by the United States Olympic Committee, intakes below 800 milligrams are recommended for most average-sized people. Smaller-sized athletes may exceed the legal dose at this level, because 100 milligrams of caffeine will yield 1.5 micrograms/milliliter of urine. 12 micrograms/milliliter of urine or greater may result in disqualification. A recommended dose is 5 milligrams per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. Abstaining from caffeinated products for 2 to 3 days before the competition may enhance epinephrine release in people who regularly consume caffeine.
Arrest Prohibition 
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Comment #8 posted by Robbie on January 29, 2002 at 12:13:19 PT
Only drugs I use are
nicotine (unfortunately)
and THCKISS (keep it simple stupid)
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Comment #7 posted by Lehder on January 29, 2002 at 12:03:57 PT
public enemy
Bush asked the public and the media to "respect our family's privacy during this difficult time so that we can help our daughter." Sorry, Jeb, but drug abuse and prescription fraud are public problems that are dealt with by the police, the courts, and our unexcelled penal system. An arrest for Xanax abuse is particularly troublesome because it's a binge drug that abusers often combine with cocaine, crack and heroin. Darryl Strawberry, for example, was recently sentenced to jail in Tampa, Florida for abuse of Xanax and cocaine. His treatment was so vital for his own rehabilitation and for the safety of Floridians that it was necessary for him to discontinue his chemotherapy while incarcerated. After all, cancer affects only the victim while drug abuse is a contagious disorder that threatens us all.Jeb Bush supports strengthening the penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes: reduce the presence of illegal drugs, drug-related organized crime, and the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse in society requires a comprehensive strategy involving federal, state, and local governments. The Governors believe that one of the most severe public health threats is the recent rise in substance abuse among children. --Jeb BushThis sounds like a public matter.
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Comment #6 posted by DdC on January 29, 2002 at 12:03:34 PT
90 years for medicinal cannabis/Jebya's rugrat zip
Oh how nice it is to be the gov and keep this nasty episode quiet, with the kid at home. While that same night how many Un gov kids get busted and jailed until trial? Manditory sentencing? Like the rest of the hypocrite wod junkies with rugrats skipping out on the harsh punishments and fines.
Florida is one of the most gung ho to eradicate cannabis with genetic fungus. Any normal family might consider the harm of the drug war on their kids to be as horrible as the drugs they are taking after an experience of getting busted, what is the lesson here, my kid shouldn't suffer with jail? Its ok cause I'm the gov. The cop doing the busting is probably on suspension. Of coarse I don't think any kid should serve time for substance use or abuse, but this so called free society should have equal punishment regardless of income or status. A Farfetched notion I admit, but I try to stay optomystic. ¶8)
Peace, Love and Liberty
DdCJames Geddes-47
Release Petition
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on January 29, 2002 at 11:22:18 PT
What the heck is Xanax?
Great drug person here Hey? I assume it is a tranquilizer. Thank God I don't need drugs anymore! I took a drug called Meprobamate 400 for years. That was my downer drug of choice. Actually I took all the drugs that Oliver Stone took. No more though!
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Comment #4 posted by Jose Melendez on January 29, 2002 at 11:16:19 PT:
Bayer, legal drugs, and the Holocaust
From: top I.G. Farben (now Bayer) executives were sentenced to terms of imprisonment for slavery and mistreatment offences at the Nuremberg war crimes trials. I.G. built and operated a massive chemical plant at Auschwitz with slave labour; the I.G. facilities at Auschwitz were so enormous that they used more electricity than the entire city of Berlin. Approximately 300,000 concentration-camp workers passed through I.G. Auschwitz. At least 25,000 of them were worked to death (Borkin, 1978: 127). Others died in I.G.'s drug testing program. 
The following passage in a letter from the company to the camp in Auschwitz demonstrates the attitude of I.G. Farben to the subjects of it drug testing program:
In contemplation of experiments with the new soporific drug, we would appreciate your procuring for us a number of women. . . . We received your answer but consider the price of 200 marks a woman excessive. We propose to pay not more than 170 marks a head. If agreeable, we will take possession of the women. We need approximately 150. . . Received the order of 150 women. Despite their emaciated condition, they were found satisfactory. We shall keep you posted on developments concerning this experiment. . . The tests were made. All subjects died. We shall contact you shortly on the subject of a new load (Glover, 1977: 58)
Rhetorical question: What is it they say about those who do not know their own history?
Arrest Prohibition - Drug War is TREASON
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Comment #3 posted by E_Johnson on January 29, 2002 at 11:15:19 PT
So will the evil Xanax kingpins be arrested?
No -- because they are respected business leaders and highly paid executives.Doctors have been trying to get Xanax taken off the market for years, I heard.
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Comment #2 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on January 29, 2002 at 10:52:24 PT

Xanax - the choice of dyslexics everywhere
  A couple more links for you info-junkies out there...
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Comment #1 posted by E_Johnson on January 29, 2002 at 10:49:11 PT

But you're a special case
"Columba and I are deeply saddened over an incident that occurred last night involving our daughter Noelle, 24. This is a very serious problem. Unfortunately, substance abuse is an issue confronting many families across our nation," Bush said.But Jeb, darling, most families don't seem to have quite as much of it as yours does.Hmmmm I wonder why?Could it be that --- GASP --- ALCOHOL is the true Gateway Drug(tm)?
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