Cannabis University Promotes Hemp Cannabis University Promotes Hemp Posted by FoM on December 06, 2001 at 13:06:26 PT By Emily Taylor-Mortorff, Daily Bruin Contributor Source: Daily Bruin In protest of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's campaign to make all hemp food products illegal, Wennifer Lin Curry brought her dream of a pro-marijuana club to Bruin Walk Tuesday, starting with a poster display and books about marijuana. The club, Cannabis University, is Lin Curry's contribution to a nationwide protest of the DEA's actions since the Sept. 11 attacks. On Oct. 9, the DEA illegalized hemp – the stalks and sterilized seeds of cannabis plants – that contains tetrahydrocannabinols, the substance that creates a high. The DEA is disproportionately focused on its campaign to eliminate hemp products, while the nation is in the midst of a crisis, Lin Curry said. "The war on drugs should not be lumped in with the war on terrorism," the folk medicine doctoral student said. Like terrorists, drug users are "targeted without a premise," she said. Both are viewed as an "ambiguous, nebulous (group) targeted as some evil source," she said. Marijuana is not physically addictive, Lin Curry said, adding that there are medical studies that prove it is harmlessness. "It doesn't cause people to be violent," she said, comparing it to alcohol. As a Schedule I drug, marijuana is prohibited because it "has no acceptable medical use and a high abuse rate." The DEA illegalized hemp on the basis that it contains THC like its cannabis counterpart. "Marijuana is still a Schedule I narcotic, just like heroin or ecstasy," said Jose Martinez, public information officer for the Los Angeles field division of the DEA, "It is a substance that has no medicinal use in the U.S." The question of legalization of marijuana has been one of considerable debate since the 1930s. According to, the drug was recorded in Chinese medical books as early as 2737 B.C. and made its way to Europe as early as A.D. 500. Marijuana was a major crop in colonial North America and was included in the "United States Pharmacopeia" from 1850 to 1942. The drug was prescribed for conditions ranging from labor pains to rheumatism. The Compassionate Use Act of 1996, or proposition 215, made marijuana use legal for patients with diseases such as epilepsy, cancer and glaucoma. During her second pregnancy, Lin Curry was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarium, a condition which made her extremely weak and sick during her second pregnancy. The marijuana she took for the pain and morning sickness was the only thing that helped her, she said. Marijuana is an extremely important medicine for women, especially Taiwanese and Chinese women like herself, Lin Curry said. She said it is part of their cultural heritage, and it is tragic that other women have a "cultural and medical amnesia" about the benefits of an herb critical to the origin of the civilization. After establishing their Monterey Bay-based Cannabis Co-op, an organization which helped administer marijuana to those in need, the Curry's moved to Los Angeles to preserve the legal use of marijuana as a pain reliever. "It's important that it stays a folk remedy," said Robert Curry, the father of her two children. POT: Founder says medicinal benefits of marijuana warrant its legalization.Newshawk: W.CurrySource: Daily Bruin (CA)Published: December 6, 2001Copyright: 2001 ASUCLA Student MediaContact: viewpoint media.ucla.eduWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:FTE's Hemp Links Marijuana Information Links on Hemp in Foods Draws Protests Marijuana a Necessity for Society Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #6 posted by Jose Melendez on December 07, 2001 at 04:51:35 PT: No way, Jose "Marijuana is still a Schedule I narcotic, just like heroin or ecstasy," said Jose Martinez, public information officer for the Los Angeles field division of the DEA, "It is a substance that has no medicinal use in the U.S." Liar. Cannabis prohibition is based on well a documented campaign of fraud, deceipt and hypocrisy. That campaign continues today, even as the manufacturers of Zoloft legally actively advertise cartoon based commercials describing how their product works in the brain in ways almost identically to marijuana. The reason Marinol was rescheduled is not only that the active ingredient is safe and effective, but also that there is no indication of abuse. Notice that DEA and FDA do not recommend prohibition of cigarettes, even though tobacco is abused in quantities greater than marijuana. Notice that prohibition of cannabis is easy work for drug agents, it smells good, and pot heads do not fight back like PCP or meth users, or even drunks. It is time for us all to admit that prohibiting the use of cannabis is morally unfair and scientifically unsound. I'll say it again, so that even the public information officer with my name hears: If you think a twelve year old smoking pot is the most dangerous drug, what are YOU smoking? Arrest Prohibition - Drug War is FRAUD [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by goneposthole on December 06, 2001 at 20:41:54 PT now how can that be? Like terrorists, drug users are "targeted without a premise."- Lin CurryLike a pot smoker is going to fly a 757 into a large tall building like the World Trade Centers in New York City?I can see the headlines, "Pot smoker flys plane into big building.""He was flyin' high." [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by mayan on December 06, 2001 at 17:55:13 PT Dec.10th Deadline! Beat the Dec.10th deadline to comment on the DEA's hemp food ban! visit: [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Dark Star on December 06, 2001 at 14:09:46 PT Right to life. Perhaps the feds think that it's more moral to lose your baby than it is to smoke cannabis. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Ethan Russo MD on December 06, 2001 at 14:03:28 PT: Cannabis in Ob-Gyn Cannabis has a several thousand year history in obstetrics and gynecology. It was recommended for childbirth by Morris Fishbein, the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, in 1932. All of this has been forgotten, or suppressed. Brave women like Wennifer will help return cannabis to its rightful place in the pharmaceutical armamentarium. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by E_Johnson on December 06, 2001 at 13:49:54 PT He knows people who smoke weed and it scares me That's the ad being run on daytime TV soap operas right now.A black kid with half-grown dreadlocks is under surveillance by the camera with a voice over that sounds like it's from God.This is a cultural war, plain and simple.Yeah let's be scared, God forbid the kid could end up like Bob Marley or Louis Armstrong. Productive talented black male role models whose hard work and creativity and ability to work with others made themselves, their families and the companies they worked for prosperous in the midst of poverty. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment