Rainbow Farm Standoff Continues

  Rainbow Farm Standoff Continues

Posted by FoM on September 02, 2001 at 14:43:45 PT
By Christine Cox, Tribune Staff Writer 
Source: South Bend Tribune  

In early June, Tom Crosslin was hard at work restoring his 1830s home in Vandalia when a tour bus pulled up. Sightseers eagerly descended, anxious to take a look at a home that helped slaves find their freedom as part of the Underground Railroad.Crosslin, 47, seemed happy to share his three-story home with the 35 strangers who roamed its halls, peered in every bedroom and then grew silent when they gathered in the basement to look at an underground tunnel that slaves had squeezed through to get to the next farm on their way to freedom.
"I bought this house because I liked it and wanted to preserve it," he had said about the former Bonine residence at the corner of Michigan 60 and Calvin Center Road. So intent on preserving the home and its history, Crosslin planned at least $350,000 to totally refurbish almost every square inch to turn it into a bed and breakfast. With his own hands and the help of some friends, he tore down walls and stripped floors, replacing what was ugly and neglected with elegant, beautiful chandeliers, porcelain light switch plates and expensive window shades that let natural light stream into the historic home.On Saturday, a sign outside Crosslin's home gave a clue to his situation and apparent departure from his contented demeanor in June. "Those who deny a peaceful revolution demand violent one," it read.Since Friday afternoon, Crosslin has been holed up at his nearby Rainbow Farm property, keeping dozens of police at bay with alleged firearms and refusing to talk with authorities. Gunshots from the property on Friday hit a news helicopter and two buildings on the farm were burned to the ground.On Saturday, more shots were fired at a state police airplane and what observers described as a muffled explosion followed by thick, black cloud of smoke came from the property at 59896 Pemberton Road.State police Detective Lt. John Slenk said police from his department, Cass County Sheriff's Department, state police Emergency Support Team and FBI were involved in the case, which was led by Cass County Sheriff's Department. Cass Sheriff Joseph Underwood said there were around 20 officers at the scene.Though police had almost no information to give to the television and newspaper reporters camped outside a temporary police headquarters on Black Street, Crosslin's lawyer read a short communication from her client at 8:30 EDT."The right-wing prosecutor (Scott Teter) and his rubber stamp (Cass County) Judge (Michael E.) Dodge have stolen our child and they are who we hold responsible," Dori K. Leo read. "They no longer serve the people, they only serve themselves. They must resign. Admit publicly what they have done to our family."Although Crosslin faces criminal drug and firearms charges from May, friends said Saturday that the standoff was not about those things, but about the state taking a child Crosslin has helped raise for years."They came in and tore his family," his sister Shirley DeWeese, an Elkhart resident, said outside police headquarters. "... That boy had everything a child could want."The 13-year-old boy is the biological son of Rolland Rohm. Rohm and his son have lived with Crosslin since the boy was a baby, DeWeese said.The boy was taken out of the home and placed in foster care about a month or two ago after Crosslin and Rohm were charged with the drug counts, Leo said.Crosslin had a court date in Cass County District Court on Friday. He was facing a $150,000 bond revocation hearing because police believed he had violated terms of his bond and was involved in illegal drug activities. He had been charged with manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a drug house and felony firearms.Leo said because Crosslin had not appeared in court Friday, a bench warrant had been issued for his arrest.Rainbow Farm had been shut down twice this year by authorities, including for Labor Day weekend through a civil suit claiming that alleged drug use at the campground's gatherings constituted violation of Michigan's public nuisance abatement act.The farm had been shut down in May just before Hemp Aid 2001, a Memorial Day weekend event drawing hundreds to the campground and extolling the virtues of legalizing marijuana.Crosslin has said that he does not participate in or allow buying or selling of marijuana or any illegal substance on the farm.Police had not made direct contact with Crosslin by 8:30 p.m. Saturday.. All negotiations were taking place through his friend, who was identified only as "Buggy." Although Leo had talked briefly with Crosslin on Friday, they had only corresponded through two letters on Saturday before he apparently stopped correspondence.After reading his statement, Leo made a plea on television for Crosslin to contact her.During the standoff, a group of Crosslin's friends lit a bonfire and held signs in support of him and Rainbow Farm.Despite the impasse, police and Crosslin apparently want the same thing: A peaceful resolution. Leo said her client told her he wanted the standoff to end peacefully.Underwood said police hoped the standoff would come "to a successful conclusion."Note: Crosslin demeanor different in June.Source: South Bend Tribune (IN)Author: Christine Cox, Tribune Staff Writer Published: September 2, 2001Copyright: 2001 South Bend TribuneContact: vop sbtinfo.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Rainbow Farm Campground Campground Owner Continues Standoff Copter Hit by Bullets in Standoff

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Comment #64 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 21:40:56 PT:

yeah, the key word is innocent...lately that word meansNOTHING...enjoy your future...with your attitude, i'm suresomeone will accuse you of something to make the gestaposalivate and open fire...
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Comment #63 posted by SWAMPIE on September 03, 2001 at 21:36:18 PT

This poor man was afraid for his life,as we all would be if in the same situation.You wouldn't even think about walking around your house with your gun pointed at the ground if there was a chance that you would be murdered,would you?That this even happened is a total tragedy,but because of the training that the LEO'S receive in operating a firearm,they only shoot to kill!Why not put him down with a tazer,shoot him in the knee?Beacuse if he lives,he will sue you,sue the state!All he did was allow people to smoke pot peacefully at his campground,and try to eke out a living while promoting the cause of cannabis' ability to relax people.Did he deserve to die for his beliefs?I would most certainly defend myself if I had to.He did not deserve to die for this.No tear gas???They really outdid themselves on this one!Read and learn,my boy,watch and learn!
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Comment #62 posted by Patrick on September 03, 2001 at 21:30:30 PT

You will wither and die a miserable death. No one will place flowers on your grave. Ancient chinese proverb.
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Comment #61 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 21:20:25 PT

key word
Winston,,,after your dead,,,,your innocence wont matter much withsix feet of soil between you and the sky........Your case will have already been tried,and settled by the new Evil Empire,and the flowers that I hope someone left on your grave,will have turnedbrown,and rotted long before anyone realized you were a good person.Even though I tend to put a humorous streak into some of my ramblings,...Keep in mind,,this is not some cheap abstract bullshit,this is MURDERunder the cloak of a conjured up war on drugs.This is not a game,or somethingthat wont affect your twentysomething ass,,,this is your future,and youshould take another look at what the f#ck is going on here...It's not thegloriously justified shooting of a "thug",that you seem to think it is.It'snot some fair game law enforcement incident,in which a fbi guy wasthreatened by Mr Crosslin.....You need to take another look my friend.WAKE UP WINSTON!......4d
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Comment #60 posted by winston on September 03, 2001 at 20:58:16 PT

i'm sure you are quite pleased...  Not pleased about any of it. Though I wonder when they'll be auctioning off the land... A lot of neat things a good person could do with 34 acres.maybe you can be acop/murderer too have the right attitude...   So you don't think Crosslin raised the gun?  
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Comment #59 posted by winston on September 03, 2001 at 20:55:19 PT

...The logical conclusion of your philosophy may finallyhit home,when your "homeschool" is surrounded by SWATteams,and the news says that you are teaching them thewrong things,and that someone said you were involved inkiddie porn,and the 9mm round enters your innocent forehead,and the headlines read;"Child porn homeschool operator fatallywounded by federal agents"  The key word being "innocent".  
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Comment #58 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 20:35:40 PT

Yup Winnie
...The logical conclusion of your philosophy may finallyhit home,when your "homeschool" is surrounded by SWATteams,and the news says that you are teaching them thewrong things,and that someone said you were involved inkiddie porn,and the 9mm round enters your innocent forehead,and the headlines read;"Child porn homeschool operator fatallywounded by federal agents"4d
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Comment #57 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 20:32:20 PT:

i'm sure you are quite pleased...maybe you can be acop/murderer too have the right attitude...
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Comment #56 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 20:26:42 PT

Crosslins' dead
I live nearby so maybe I'm hearing this before most... local news reports crosslin raised a gun at an fbi agent who responsded by shooting crosslin fatally in the head. I had a weird feeling that was going to happen.
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Comment #55 posted by SWAMPIE on September 03, 2001 at 19:45:51 PT

Your comments are very funny.When I wrote earlier,I didn't realize that I was shouting,as I am not an EGGHEAD,nor a STUDENT who must have had his ass kicked so many times that he has to take off his hat to $h!t.You must be very proud of yourself and enjoying the amount of attention that you have gotten here.While you're at it,please feel free to correct our grammar too.Just quit with the floccinoccinihilipilification!!!there's a $500.00 word for you!Remember,you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar,and if you really care about the cause,get rid of the attitude.
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Comment #54 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 19:39:47 PT:

winston smith...
i find your response difficult to fathom...i'm not a mention a photograph...where is it located?..ihave an email address...please attach it so that i canunderstand what you are referring to...Yoinks and Hurm may be common words where you come from, butthey are new to me...can i have definitions please?"That kind of neurosis can be caused by brain damage, suchas the kind that happens in a car acciden. The suffererexperiences depression, social phobia, fatigue... It'sinteresting to me that we see the same sort of thing in dopers."what? "Yes. That means standing back, being objective, seeingthings outside of the context of your emotions, politics,biases, not just seeing what you wanted to find. Gotcha."admittedly we look at the world through the stained glass ofour own experiences...growth comes with overcoming our ownprejudices and listening..."Do you really think that an organization that was abouthemp as a viable resource would have bong shops? Do yousuppose that as long as these ppl. are the ones making allthe noise about hemp that anyone will ever take it seriouslyin a squillion years?""I think this is all about advertising. A certain psychologytype is being manipulated to provide consumers for HighTimes magazine, organized crime... There's a pic on theirwebsite of two kids buying some kind of parephenalia (inVandalia) and I look at them and I see everything there thatan advertiser would have predicted, the look, the demeanor,the personality type, the IQ, etc. etc. All the thingsadvertisers know and use to manipulate this and that groupof ppl. I see that entire machination at work. What doesyour daughter think?"i'm still trying to figure out what you are attempting tosay...i hope your major isn't communications...
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Comment #53 posted by mr.greengenes on September 03, 2001 at 19:33:05 PT

Good one 4d
  Pardon me while I pull the fish hook out of my mouth.lmao
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Comment #52 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 19:27:27 PT

I guess you people aren't so bad afterall
I've reconsidered my position,and decided that maybe people should be free to do what they want.After all,if someone wants to smoke pot,why should I call them names,and think they are all thugs.I took a look at myself,and realised that I am not perfect,nor is it fair for me to force my preconceptions upon others.I was a bit overwhelmed by all the responses to my provacative comments.sorry the way,anyone know where I can get some weed?dddd....ooops,,I mean WinstonWinston,,,,why dont you register your name.All it involves is getting a password so no one like me can make fake postings under the Winston nom de plume.You dont have to give your email address or accept any cookies,and no CannabisNews biker gangs will be dispatched to your house to beat you up,all that happens,is your name turns red,and you get your own password.I appreciate your intellectually competant input here,and even if you prefer not to register your name,I hope you will continue to give us your spin on the articles,and comments here.SincerelyJames Bond,,,,no,,I mean dddd
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Comment #51 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 18:55:35 PT

..I checked,,,no one has "done" me yet,,not that I know of.I appreciate you taking the time to "do" me.One thing really stands out in your responses;" You could if you were making a transparent attempt to make an ad hominem attack on my character. Kinda makes you look bad (but maybe not in the eyes of your buddies, and that's all that matters). "...Would I be mistaken to suggest that you yourself made the first transparent attempts to make ad hominem attacks on the characterof everyone else?...Was waiting for that. ;)It was not my intention to attack your character,and if I offended you,please accept my apologies...  It's nice to be able to sort this stuff out.Let's keep this dialog going in a polite and rational manner.We may allbenifit from learning something about our views,and ourselves.  Certainly. 
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Comment #50 posted by Winster on September 03, 2001 at 18:49:21 PT

i grew up in the late 60s... students must search out theirvalues...a big part of college is about being exposed have the right to yours...but yourmisconceptions about who WE are, who post at this site,should be corrected...  For every last one? And I was speaking to the rainbow farm thing, not this site.we are mostly advocates for medicalmarijuana, legalization and deregulation of cannabis as arecreational drug...  Ok.i myself am the husband of a medical marijuanapatient...i'm middle class...i have a daughter who is ajunior at berkeley...i don't smoke pot...neither do mykids...they've all tried it, and found it unremarkable...most of us here are thoughtful people with far more lifeexperience than yourself...  Hurm.i'm afraid the tactic of pushingour collective buttons will draw responses that you would beashamed to show your friends, for fear of appearing foolish...  That kind of neurosis can be caused by brain damage, such as the kind that happens in a car acciden. The sufferer experiences depression, social phobia, fatigue... It's interesting to me that we see the same sort of thing in daughter would bury you in 3 minutes on the subject oflegalization...  Yoinks!she knows the issues and knows the peopleinvolved...did you know that one of the dorms at UCBerkeleyhas an entire floor of medical marijuana student/patients?i strongly suggest that as a student, you should keep anopen is the greatest aid to education andmaturation...  Yes. That means standing back, being objective, seeing things outside of the context of your emotions, politics, biases, not just seeing what you wanted to find. Gotcha.  Do you really think that an organization that was about hemp as a viable resource would have bong shops? Do you suppose that as long as these ppl. are the ones making all the noise about hemp that anyone will ever take it seriously in a squillion years?  I think this is all about advertising. A certain psychology type is being manipulated to provide consumers for High Times magazine, organized crime... There's a pic on their website of two kids buying some kind of parephenalia (in Vandalia) and I look at them and I see everything there that an advertiser would have predicted, the look, the demeanor, the personality type, the IQ, etc. etc. All the things advertisers know and use to manipulate this and that group of ppl. I see that entire machination at work. What does your daughter think?
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Comment #49 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 18:21:41 PT

..I checked,,,no one has "done" me yet,,not that I know of.I appreciate you taking the time to "do" me.One thing really stands out in your responses;" You could if you were making a transparent attempt to make an ad hominem attack on my character. Kinda makes you look bad (but maybe not in the eyes of your buddies, and that's all that matters). "...Would I be mistaken to suggest that you yourself made the first transparent attempts to make ad hominem attacks on the characterof everyone else?...It was not my intention to attack your character,and if I offended you,please accept my apologies...Let's keep this dialog going in a polite and rational manner.We may allbenifit from learning something about our views,and ourselves.4d
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Comment #48 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 18:17:16 PT

after rereading winston smith's diatribe  Ten dollar word, anyone?again,(first timelate last night) i see what he's trying to say in adisjointed, angry sort of boils down to: IN A PERFECT WORLD PEOPLE WOULDN'T NEEDDRUGS...  No. Said nothing about a "perfect" world. so, winston, make the world perfect...give every child aloving and caring upbringing...feed them well...give them acomplete education...have everybody do work that they enjoyand find fulfilling...make sure everyone finds their soulmate and lives happily ever after...let everyone liveforever in youthful vigor and perfect health....  Yes, instead of pouring my energies into pretending to be about hemp advocacy while all I really care about is the stoner scene. come back and see me after you've accomplished this, andi'll back you 100%...  You could help out, ya know.   
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Comment #47 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 18:13:35 PT

I hope Winston is not an Adult because his ramblings did not have any intelligent thought involved. He thinks it is alright to bust into someones home and terrorize them. He thinks it is alright to steal their property after and during drug busts.  Isn't it the case that illegal drugs were bought and sold on the property and then charges were made? I don't recall anything about someone's home being terrorized. Perhaps you could show me where it says this. Thrill me with your acumen. It seems to me that the authorities have been pretty lax letting this go on as long as it has. Seems to me that if a cop found a roach clip in my house I'd have been carted to jail right away etc. etc. What is wrong with someone relaxing and puffing on a joint.  Where was mention of that made? Guide me. I would guess Winston is a 13 year old Teacher's Pet.  Some 13 year olds are smarter than you think.
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Comment #46 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 18:05:44 PT

"When these dope thugs talk about the hemp alternative it's just like sociopaths who get life in prison and all of asuddent discover their "christian walk". It's a front. "That's as far as I read; be glad it is past my bedtime.  I'm so glad. I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad.There's no "front" here: I want industrial hemp legalized, I want marijuana legalized for smoking, and I want personal manufacture of heroin legalized. That's pretty upfront. No bull. I'm also a strong supporter of private, nongovernment education. Hope you get some. Bye.  Why, thank you. Actually, I may read your diatribe more closely tomorrow. I'm figure out what makes you people tick and push your buttons and pull your strings.  Ever thought of going into advertising?
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Comment #45 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 18:01:35 PT

dddd (didn't I do you already?)
...Let me see if I understand you correctly.....First off,,what makes you think these people are "self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs"  Selling bongs for use with "tobacco" while trying to make us believe it's all about hemp advocacy. Their guns. Experience.?,,and if they in fact were,"self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs",,what about the self absorbed, gun totin' drugpigs?  Yeah, it's not like I don't have enough to worry about!..I think there are far more of the latter,,  They're recruited from the general population. They're not *all* jack booted. I suspect the greater number of the thug pop. is still back there in the general population. What do you think? and I dont deny the exsistance of "self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs",but your simplistic,inarticulate labeling and categorizing of people with these terms makes you look kinda bad...It also makes you look rather 'law enforcementish'.  I am, ideally. The laws need adjustment to be sure. They don't get changed because as they are now spells job security for lawyers, cops, judges, social workers, prison guards. But yes, the criminal always has a head start on ppl. like me, whatever their wit, because they are willing to break rules that I am not willing to transgress. They can murder to gain ground, whereas I cannot. In fact,,I could easily imagine the same line,except the words "dope thugs" would be changed.How bout; "self absorbed, gun totin' niggers"?,,,or perhaps;"self absorbed, gun totin' Jews"?,,,or my favorite;"self absorbed, gun totin' cops".  You could if you were making a transparent attempt to make an ad hominem attack on my character. Kinda makes you look bad (but maybe not in the eyes of your buddies, and that's all that matters). Do you think that everyone who enjoys smoking Marijuana is some sort of evil criminal "thug" with bad and misguided intentions?  No. Often they are just misguided. However, everyone I can think of (mostly entertainers) who liked to toke aren't really a part of "that scene"; like the rainbow farm scene. A lot of college kids aren't, they just party and don't know what kind of scum they're supporting with the money they hand over for the dope. High Times would have them believe it's going to free thinking revolutionaries of Thomas Jeffersons caliber. Someone hysterically suggested I was a Nark. I think I'll suggest now that High Times is run by organised crime; the criminal empire that comes out of prohibition...Respectfully  Naturally. :)
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Comment #44 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 17:56:51 PT:

winston smith...
i grew up in the late 60s... students must search out theirvalues...a big part of college is about being exposed have the right to yours...but yourmisconceptions about who WE are, who post at this site,should be corrected...we are mostly advocates for medicalmarijuana, legalization and deregulation of cannabis as arecreational drug...  i myself am the husband of a medical marijuanapatient...i'm middle class...i have a daughter who is ajunior at berkeley...i don't smoke pot...neither do mykids...they've all tried it, and found it unremarkable...  most of us here are thoughtful people with far more lifeexperience than yourself...i'm afraid the tactic of pushingour collective buttons will draw responses that you would beashamed to show your friends, for fear of appearing foolish...  my daughter would bury you in 3 minutes on the subject oflegalization...she knows the issues and knows the peopleinvolved...did you know that one of the dorms at UCBerkeleyhas an entire floor of medical marijuana student/patients?  i strongly suggest that as a student, you should keep anopen is the greatest aid to education andmaturation...
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Comment #43 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 17:45:21 PT

THUGS????PULLLEASE!!!THESE"PPL"ARE THE EPITOMY OF A RELAXED CULTURE,AND ONLY WANT TO ENJOY THE COMPANY OF OTHERS WHO THINK WITH THEIR EYES WIDE OPEN,AND POSSIBLY ENHANCED THROUGH THE ABILITY OF A CANNABIS HIGH THAT OPENS UP THE MIND TO SEE ALOT OF THE THINGS THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO SEE!!!  I'm with those who want more coverage on this issue. Let everyone see and judge for themselves, yes. IF THEIR PARENTS DID THE RIGHT JOB OF RAISING THEM,THEY WOULDN'T BE CONSIDERED THUGS,NOW WOULD THEY???  Could be right about that.YOU SEEM TO HAVE A CHIP ON YOUR SHOULDER  Sorta. I hate thugs. I hate that they are so welcome in this society. Mike Tyson is a hero and everyone knows, admittedly or not, that he's a pea brained sociopath. Americans think thugs are neat. It bothers me.THIS INCIDENT,ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT NECESSARILY THE RIGHT WAY TO HANDLE IT,IS THE WAY THAT THIS MAN CHOOSES TO DEAL WITH IT,AND I CAN SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM BECAUSE HE HAS NOWHERE ELSE TO TURN.  Just found out that he's a landlord too; another group of ppl. for whom I have unlimited love. ;)I DO NOT AGREE WITH SHOOTING AT ANYONE,BUT IF IT IS PROVEN THAT HE DID,THEN THE CHARGES SHOULD STAND.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN A SIMILAR SITUATION???  If I were in that kind of situation, I would be that kind of person and I would probably behave just as they are behaving.AS FAR AS THE PROPERTY,WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TELL ANYONE THAT BECAUSE THEY"MIGHT"USE DRUGS,THAT THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO BUY/OWN IT????  Not "might". They are a clearing house for dope. No one over 7 buys Crosslins' line that he couldn't know about it because there were too many ppl. to keep track of... that's just childish to even try to make a weak claim like that.IF YOU ARE A REALTOR,THE BBB WOULD LIKE TO KNOW.THAT WOULD BE CLASS A DISCRIMINATION!!JUST BECAUSE THIS MAN RUNS A CAMPGROUND THAT IS CANNABIS-FRIENDLY DOESN'T ALONE MAKE HIM A BAD PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If it was a think tank for hemp use, advocacy (and I'd be right there at the front lines if it were)... but it's not. It's a clearing house for stoners and creeps.THERE ARE OTHERS WHO MAKE SURE THAT THE CROWD IS IN CONTROL AT ALL TIMES,AND THEY DON'T TOLERATE ANY BULL$HIT!!!!IF YOU HAD A KID THAT USED DRUGS,THIS IS ONE OF THE SAFEST PLACES TO BE AT!!!  Kids turn to dope because their natural development has been severely interrupted by compulsory schooling. They were raised wrong, in short. Since I would home school, I'm not worried about them developing dependent personalities.THE OTHERS WATCH OUT FOR THEM!!!YES,I DO HAVE EDUCATED KIDS,AND THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL!!!AND THEY SMOKE POT!!!!WE TALK ABOUT IT OPENLY,AND THEY ASK QUESTIONS,AND WE ANSWER THEM TRUTHFULLY!!!!ANY QUESTIONS??????  Yes. You must be the only person alive in this century who never encountered the phenomena of netiquette and the use of caps and mulitple exclamation marks. Why is that? 
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Comment #42 posted by mr.greengenes on September 03, 2001 at 17:43:53 PT

Winston, Winston, Winston...
") but if I were to walk into, say, a saloon where there were ppl. from here and they knew who I was, well, you may not admit it here but you know I wouldn't exactly be safe, that a civil conversation wouldn't happen. It would just be hard assed motor cycle ridin' white trash who would laugh at beating up someone who dissed them. They claim to be about peace 'till someone says something about their mother, then they get medieval on someone cause that makes them cool. Com'on, open your eyes."  Winston. If your dumb enough to walk into a saloon, go up to a biker you don't know, and make a disparaging comment about his mother, then you pretty much deserve a sound thumping."When an other wise nice college kid buys pot, they are giving money to a sociopath somewhere, to thugs who beat their wives, girl friends, kids... to depraved goons."  I guess it's better to have your money forcibly taken from you in the form of taxes to give to government employed thugs/sociopaths/goons to beat and imprison other wise nice college kids who happen to willfully spend their money on pot.  Sounds swell! Where do I sign up? Oh yeah, I already did when I had a social security number foisted on me.    
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Comment #41 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 17:43:14 PT

no cat
But I do have a white angoura-like dog....does that count?...dddd
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Comment #40 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 17:40:56 PT

Splendid to hear your feedback.I'm glad to hear you attempt to explainyourself,,,but you seem to be caught up in some sort of cloud of nebuloustheories,and unexplained,unjustified accusations. I especially liked your scenario of discussing things over a beer,and havingall us drug crazed,hemp biker fiends kickin' the shit out of you. Is it possible that you have gone slightly over the edge,in some kind ofparanoic stereotypification syndrome?..Why else would you suggest thateveryone here is some kind of disguised monster? We dont need to go to a bar to have a rational discussion,,we can do itright here,,and the only way you might get your ass kicked,would beintellectually..I admit,,there are people here who will lash out at youverbally,,but you must admit,you yourself have attempted to verballystart some kind of altercation......Let's talk....Explain yourself....we wont bite.....I'm a wimp,,I will runbefore physically fighting anyone,,,but if you want to be real,and havea rational discussion,please,,,,,,,let's talk.dddd
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Comment #39 posted by Paul on September 03, 2001 at 17:38:06 PT

Winston Smith
What do you think your idea of "decent" people are supposed to say, after you call a man (that many of us know to be a hard working, gentle, kind man who is, for a fact, in a horrendous mess of historical proportions, a man many of us are very sad for and worried about), despicably degrading and insulting names that no gentleman would speak under any circumstances? I won't even repeat them. You know how vile they were. Is a "gentleman" or "lady" supposed to just nod and agree happily with you. Do you consider yourself to be some sort of moral icon after the disgusting display you spewed forth on to these pages? I think the people here responded remarkably calmly, rationaly, and with a great deal of self control to your ungodly and ungentlemanly comments. How dare you lecture anyone in these forums on behavior? Have you no honor at all?
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Comment #38 posted by FoM on September 03, 2001 at 17:33:27 PT

Mr. Smith
We don't need fighting to achieve anything constructive. We are mature adults. I know that a few regulars have thrown a few back at you but you are new here and I have seen this behavior cause problems on other sites and I really don't want that to happen to Cannabis News. I thank you for your cooperation. 
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Comment #37 posted by Winston on September 03, 2001 at 17:25:43 PT

WOW...That was absolutely dazzling and stupendous!!  Thanks., I'm gladyou finally came out of your shell,and let people know what you think.  Like I said, just heard about that place yesterday, stumbled upon this site looking up Scott Teter on to find out more about that land being forfeited.Please,,,dont be shy....I am pleasantly stunned by your brash tirade.  Are you stroking a long haired white Cat by any chance? ;)I hope you will not chicken out when those of us with opposing viewpoints inquire about the reasons for your adamant assertions.  Hey, give the Chickens a chance.I'll be gettin' back with you shortly,,,maybe if I hadn't smoked so much weed,I could understand you better.  Why do you take risks like that with your own nervous system?Please visit here again soon Winston,and see if you have the intellectual dexterity to back up your radical discourse.  Are you sure you're not stroking a white angora Cat?Sincerely  Mr. Bond... ha ha ha ha ha ha h... sorry.
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Comment #36 posted by Winston Smith on September 03, 2001 at 17:20:29 PT

ekim said "I for one can smell a nark a mile away"If you met me and found out that I'm nothing near a nark what would your rationalization be for your conclusion? Paranoid melodramatics? You were just being facetious? All you have is my word over the internet but; I'm a student who happens to hate thugs. I know a brown shirt a mile away! There are ppl., particularly my fellow students, who think dopers are just eccentric peace niks like George Carlin or something like that. While pot is illegal that scene will be run by criminals, very nasty ppl. that make you grateful not to have a daughter. When an other wise nice college kid buys pot, they are giving money to a sociopath somewhere, to thugs who beat their wives, girl friends, kids... to depraved goons. If I smoked, I'd grow my own (if it was so important to me I was willing to risk it) just because I couldn't give a penny to who I knew the penny was going to. If I come off as hysterical, you can know that if you met me you'd be safer than a baby with it's mother (couldn't think of another example) but if I were to walk into, say, a saloon where there were ppl. from here and they knew who I was, well, you may not admit it here but you know I wouldn't exactly be safe, that a civil conversation wouldn't happen. It would just be hard assed motor cycle ridin' white trash who would laugh at beating up someone who dissed them. They claim to be about peace 'till someone says something about their mother, then they get medieval on someone cause that makes them cool. Com'on, open your eyes. 
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Comment #35 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 15:58:23 PT:

next time i'll place a {tongue in cheek} next to word"evil"...LOL
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Comment #34 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 15:53:22 PT

...I'm honored to have the word "genius" used inreference to my name,,,,,but I dont think I'm "evil"...I think I'm more of a "silly", wanna-be geenyus..loldddd
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Comment #33 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 15:44:12 PT:

well...your evil genius did come to mind...glad you didn'twrite it's more fun picking on the unwary...
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Comment #32 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 15:40:21 PT

...cant blame you for the suggested suspicion,but I assureit's not one of my cheap pranks.....I would have copped toit by now,(no pun intended),,,out of guilt,,or even pride.dddd
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Comment #31 posted by Paul on September 03, 2001 at 15:21:43 PT

New at Rainbow Farms website
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 2, 2001 Rainbow Farm Campground is under siege. We are gathering on private property on the corner of M-60 and White Temple. Please come and show your support for Rainbow Farm.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rainbow Farm Campgrounds 1-877-443-6724 hempme2 aol.com 13 miles west of Three Rivers, Michigan on M-60, follow signs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Rainbow Farm Thanks High Times" Rainbow Farm sends a big thanks out to Steve Hager and High Times Magazine for their generous contribution to the Rainbow Farm legal fund. We also would like to thank you for all of the anonymous donations and everyone that has kept us in their thoughts and prayers through these terrible times. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you Toyes All of us at Rainbow Farm love and appreciate you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------**The Joint Coffeeshop**THE JOINT COFFEESHOP at Rainbow Farm is nowfeaturing entertainment on weekends.Check out this weekends schedule.Click here for DetailsBring your friends on down to hang out at the Joint.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**MERLE HAGGARD**MERLE HAGGARD was Incredible!!!The Stevens Sisters opened the show (and boy did they)then MERLE HAGGARD and The Strangers kicked it to the next level only like legends can.Show here.
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Comment #30 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 15:07:49 PT:

i would never suggest that you might write something likewhat winston smith wrote, but you seem to know an awful lotabout him...hmmmmmmm?
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Comment #29 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 13:54:37 PT

For those who didnt know
Winston Smith was the name of a character in George Orwells '1984'dddd
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Comment #28 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 10:27:03 PT:

2nd thoughts...
after rereading winston smith's diatribe again,(first timelate last night) i see what he's trying to say in adisjointed, angry sort of boils down to: IN A PERFECT WORLD PEOPLE WOULDN'T, winston, make the world perfect...give every child aloving and caring upbringing...feed them well...give them acomplete education...have everybody do work that they enjoyand find fulfilling...make sure everyone finds their soulmate and lives happily ever after...let everyone liveforever in youthful vigor and perfect health....come back and see me after you've accomplished this, andi'll back you 100%...
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Comment #27 posted by lookinside on September 03, 2001 at 10:07:40 PT:

well said...everyone else's good to see guys like "winston smith" show upperiodically...unfortunately the lack of intellectualinsight on his part makes him appear unarmed in a war of wits...i'm beginning to believe that truly intelligent, educatedanti's understand the idiocy and futility of the isjust in their best financial interests to support itanyway...that is why we rarely, if ever see an intelligentargument against our would take about 15 seconds for the DEA to figure out whoi am..i may have even posted my home address here one timeor another...i KNOW i've posted my real name manytimes...and since i'm the only person on this planet with mygiven name, i think finding me would only take them maybe2-3 years...i stay home alot...
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Comment #26 posted by The GCW on September 03, 2001 at 06:23:56 PT

The ONE who can make a pig sing.
Winston Smith and every one on the Road to Find out..(including us).This is a healthy bunch of toungue BUT the Titled: The "Advantage" of the Holy Spirit  By Duke Stone, is worth stopping what your doing for a few minutes to examine this!I am much more serious than a heart attack, I am as serious as what comes after the heart attack.There is no need to fake it. The Holy Spirit is in Fact The Holy Spirit of Truth. Through the Holy Spirit of Truth, I can take you to Him and bring Him to you. You can also see that when we judge that of others, that as it says in the manual, that judgment will be turned on to you, so it may be well to accept that the relationship man can have is not faked, yet you have created a barrier with the concept of faking it based on your own innerness directed toward your self, which is yourself where the actual wound causes the hurt or in fact failure. The failure to fix that will hinder your relationship with God through the Holy Spirit of Truth, for you have claimed others contain the fake, yet it is within you that the fake manifests. I can take you to Him and Him to you and you can then take your self back again. #1. Prey, and while praying (with out faking it), ask God, through Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sins (clean your robe), for he will face you full on.#2. Spend some time with Him, your Father, for He so cherishes this so much.#3. Ask your Father to show you the Truth on this issue of killing, caging, of your brother and neighbor for accepting cannabis.#4. Give it a few minutes.I testify that as promised in the Bible, what has come to me will come to you as well as anyone who really wishes to walk with God. TRANSFORM FROM BELIEVING IN GOD TO KNOWING GOD. The Holy Spirit given to us by God, through Christ, is capable of your selves having a better relationship with Christ God, than what the 12 disciples had in physical form. Any one faking it should consider the awesome beautiful comfort of knowing the Holy Spirit of Truth. This is in John Chapters, 14, 15 & 16. A year ago I read this page, and it really helped put this into perspective. Titled: The "Advantage" of the Holy Spirit  By Duke Stone.If anyone believes in God, and wants to go quickly to knowing God, this will help you see where your headed.-The Jamaican Christians – Rasta’s – et al. have plenty of input, that takes you to the God awesome realm, that I am including.#1. Prohibition & The Bible – (8 in specific), - which significantly quotes: A logical reason for the Lord to have given it psychoactive qualities, is that it makes one feel closer to God. It is an aid to communication with the Lord. The reason that people like to be "high" because it feels good to be closer to God. Most are not be aware however, that God is trying to communicate with them however, and just enjoy the high.#2. Ganja – The Herb of Inspiration, , which significantly quotes: The smoking of the herb offers a key to a new understanding of self and of self as God. This altered consciousness is the only time in which man can experience himself as a God, and he treats others as if he were a God. In this way, he lets his light shine which aids in creating a God-like culture with cosmic unity that the Rastafarians strive to achieve. Only with the herb can one easily deal with the dismal state that exists in the oppressive society of Babylon. For if anyone enjoys using cannabis, try it with God, and enjoyment of cannabis goes uphill to even please our Father.  I testify that a man can use cannabis & have a relaitonship with God through the Holy Spirit of Truth of Christ God. Winston Smith, reach out, for there is so much more. Kaneh bosm, food and medicine are a few of the references we have for cannabis, in the Bible, but it never refers to cannabis as drug. Medicine and drug may but may not be the same. Drug today is a dirty word with evil implications, medicine, all of it is of the Lord. The neutral words drug and medicine now have stigma attached, that is drug / evil / bad, medicine / Godly / good. Not that I would routinely refuse drugs as medically needed, but with an open mind and a narrow path, we shall see all truth on our road to find out and know God.Never try to make a pig sing. It only wastes your time and it annoys the Pig. Let our Father help the Pig sing.
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Comment #25 posted by Lehder on September 03, 2001 at 06:07:42 PT

our animal bosses
Astute as usual, dddd.As for our being monitored, it's fine with me - those are the people we want to reach, and I would bet that we have turned a few of them. That means we have moles and subversives within the the system now! Besides, I like our form of battle here. Like a chessboard it is all plain for everyone to see. They are the secret monitors, the killers, who skulk in the shadows with their brains "squirming like a toad's."
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Comment #24 posted by The Offspring on September 03, 2001 at 05:47:09 PT

How old is Winston?
I hope Winston is not an Adult because his ramblings did not have any intelligent thought involved. He thinks it is alright to bust into someones home and terrorize them. He thinks it is alright to steal their property after and during drug busts. What is wrong with someone relaxing and puffing on a joint. I would guess Winston is a 13 year old Teacher's Pet.
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Comment #23 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 02:53:36 PT

No apology needed Crusader
...I loved your comments,,Winston may well be the product ofa banged cousin........As to the question of big brother sam monitoring this realm,I'llbet there are people whose job it is to monitor the internet 24/7,,there's probably rooms full of people working for various 3 letteradministrative organizations who probably know where I live,or couldeasily find out...I imagine they also know alot of other stuff aboutour cyber/web activity that would shock us.,,,I'll betchya they couldeven tell what sites we visit,,etc..I dont mean to alarm anyone,becauseI dont know any of this for sure,and there is no way to find out any ofthis for sure,,but I could swear that I've had my hard drive probed andsucked during some curiously long website loadings....especially backwhen I had a cable modem...I know that all this could easily be a paranoicconspiracy theorists delusions,,,but not much suprizes me nowdays...dddd
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Comment #22 posted by Cannabis Crusader on September 03, 2001 at 01:51:21 PT

I really wished we could get this "Winston" person to read this speach on a major network. It would do wonders for the drug law reform movement. "Winston's" humble rant made clear what the biggest problem with the drug war... Ignorance. Plain ol' can't stop for supper cause I'm bangin' my cousin, ignorance.There isn't much use in responding to "Winston's" *honest* statements. Someone who would say something like this is not looking to enlighten themselves at all. "Winston" posted in order to ruffle some feathers. Odds are changing "Winston's" mind would be like trying to convert the Pope to satanism.Five bucks says dear ol' "Winston" never got pass 8th grade, and if he/she did our education system is much worse off than I thought. And, $5 more says we'll never see "Winston" post again. "Winston" obviously isn't looking for an intelligent debate. The first person to jump into my mind when reading this was B. Barr from Georgia. Don't know why, but "Winston's" rhetoric sounds extremely familiar. Sorry, for the childish remarks, but someone had to say it.Does anyone think that "Big Brother" is monitoring Cannabis News? Or was this a random event. I personally haven't seen any post quite like this.
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Comment #21 posted by dddd on September 03, 2001 at 00:07:33 PT

I discovered a Marble
...I knew the name Winston Smith was strangely familiar,and I stumbledacross one of the few remaining marbles that exsist in my withering,drugravaged gray matter,and discovered the source... War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.2 plus 2 equals 5. I wonder if Winston will have the intellectual balls to defend himself....orperhaps his disturbed ramblings were meant as an Orwellian prank..?dddd
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Comment #20 posted by Lehder on September 02, 2001 at 22:54:05 PT

"When these dope thugs talk about the hemp alternative it's just like sociopaths who get life in prison and all of asuddent discover their "christian walk". It's a front. "That's as far as I read; be glad it is past my bedtime. There's no "front" here: I want industrial hemp legalized, I want marijuana legalized for smoking, and I want personal manufacture of heroin legalized. That's pretty upfront. No bull. I'm also a strong supporter of private, nongovernment education. Hope you get some. Bye.Actually, I may read your diatribe more closely tomorrow. I'm figure out what makes you people tick and push your buttons and pull your strings. 
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Comment #19 posted by mr.greengenes on September 02, 2001 at 21:56:19 PT

  Perhaps we should make coffee and donoughts illegal, then maybe Winston wouldn't be so hyper. Instead of sitting around Dunkin Donoughts bitching about pot smokers, he could be out fighting real crime.
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Comment #18 posted by dddd on September 02, 2001 at 21:37:27 PT

OK Winston...
...Let me see if I understand you correctly.....First off,,what makes you think these people are "self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs"?,,and if they in fact were,"self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs",,what about the self absorbed, gun totin' drugpigs?..I think there are far more of the latter,,and I dont deny the exsistance of "self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs",but your simplistic,inarticulate labeling and categorizing of people with these terms makes you look kinda bad...It also makes you look rather 'law enforcementish'. In fact,,I could easily imagine the same line,except the words "dope thugs" would be changed.How bout; "self absorbed, gun totin' niggers"?,,,or perhaps;"self absorbed, gun totin' Jews"?,,,or my favorite;"self absorbed, gun totin' cops". Do you think that everyone who enjoys smoking Marijuana is some sort of evil criminal "thug" with bad and misguided intentions?Respectfully.....dddd
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Comment #17 posted by SWAMPIE on September 02, 2001 at 21:18:01 PT

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Comment #16 posted by dddd on September 02, 2001 at 21:02:41 PT

Winston Smith
WOW...That was absolutely dazzling and stupendous!!, I'm gladyou finally came out of your shell,and let people know what youthink. Please,,,dont be shy....I am pleasantly stunned by your brash tirade.I hope you will not chicken out when those of us with opposingviewpoints inquire about the reasons for your adamant assertions.I'll be gettin' back with you shortly,,,maybe if I hadn't smoked somuch weed,I could understand you better.Please visit here again soon Winston,and see if you have the intellectualdexterity to back up your radical discourse.Sincerely.....dddd
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Comment #15 posted by ekim on September 02, 2001 at 20:58:44 PT:

nice try Winston Smith 
I for one can smell a nark a mile away.
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Comment #14 posted by Winston Smith on September 02, 2001 at 20:54:38 PT:

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Comment #13 posted by The GCW on September 02, 2001 at 20:45:39 PT

Winston Smith
Love, compassion, Truth, Brotherly neighborlyness, The Holy Spirit...They escape you? Condone killing humans in Columbia for growing plants? Condone killing and caging men for using cannabis? If the SWATSTIKA, kill that man, does it give you a taste for blood, like a wild dog?Does the very 1st Page of the Bible, escape you? Do not miss the Lords Bus. Worst, don't get on the WRONG bus! We have 2 competing laws: one is mans laws that says it is ok to kill Gods child for growing plants or cage Gods child for using cannabis, while we also have Gods laws stating that God created all green plants and they were for us to use as blessings from God. The Supreme Court of Christ God, is the good Bus. Pray Winston Smith that Our Gracious Father will show you the whole Truth according to God in the most compassionate way, in order for you to also show others.May the Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.The Green Collar Worker.
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Comment #12 posted by Winston Smith on September 02, 2001 at 20:25:21 PT:

dope thugs
Corporations count as individuals and have more rights than meat ppl., institutions are psychotic... all this is true. What's it got to do with self absorbed, gun totin' dope thugs who have somehow managed to get hold of 34 acres? You think dopers are about peace and justice? To you college kids: don't be naive. Most of you will never have to be touched by this (after college you'll get a normal job and probably gripe about this element, never knowing that's the element you thought was so cool and who you helped support when you bought dope back in college) but those ppl. aren't about peace or what is right. The only ppl. they care about are themselves. When these dope thugs talk about the hemp alternative it's just like sociopaths who get life in prison and all of a suddent discover their "christian walk". It's a front. These ppl. only care about each other in so far as they get each other stoned. That's all they have. Some of them have just gone to great lengths to make it into some kind of elaborate "movement". Here are some *honest* dope slogans: Pot makes me neat. Violence makes me neat (for Quentin Tarantino lovers). Guns make me neat. I never even knew about this "rainbow farms" thing til that stand off came on the news (shot a helicopter, apparently. If I were flying around, say, in a helicopter or a plane and, say, my wife or kids or friends were in it and some greasy rocknroller shot at us... many cops would have to hold me down because my first thought would be to kill the mother fletcher). How did this guy get 34 acres of land? How are mags like High Times able to finance them so well? How can this whole thug enterprise be going on for this long? I didn't know about this til now but I intend to make sure that in my life time I put an end to all of it. A better, saner more human society has nothing to do with these stringy turds parading around like they're Karl Marx reincarnated when they're really just medium sized boy/men and thugs and depraved goons. Despite the damage to the dream, this country has done more for more ppl. who don't deserve it than any other place in history and a prime example of one of these ppl. is who ever runs that dope farm and every thug connected with it where ever they live in this world. Think about this: if ppl. grew up in a society as human beings instead of human resources, that society wouldn't have so many ppl. placing such a weird priority on getting intoxicated and enterprises like this one, that try to appear to be non-criminal and ever so oughtta this world by painting stuff a buncha different colours and wearing blue tinted glasses, wouldn't be able to develop (and those who still had to get intoxicated could; hardly anyone would pay attention to them or they would get help instead of being tossed in cage). See? These butts aren't about a better tomorrow. They're a product of the ill way kids grow up TODAY! Think about it. Be honest. Think for yourself. Don't be hypnotized by the "innocent, free thinking, revolutionary" image that High Times mag. presents it all in. They're one of the ones who are profiting from the way things are today. High Times magazine couldn't make a cent in a society of ppl. who grew up as human beings because human beings like that have a sense of themselves, know how to fill their own time, aren't dependent, addicted. If we had the kind of tomorrow so called hemp activists self consciously rave about, there would be hemp but there wouldn't be too many ppl. interested in the psycho active variety and there wouldn't be a High Times magazine. These things wouldn't be illegal; there just wouldn't be a weird need/calling for them. There wouldn't be enough psychicly ill ppl. to exploit, to market that kind of thing. There are people who really know what is wrong with the way things are and you won't find them expending their life energies advocating the sale of bongs.   
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Comment #11 posted by dddd on September 02, 2001 at 18:54:26 PT

Well put Professor Lehder
...You are right on again,as usual,,(with the excption of this recentfantasy of yours concerning Mr. Traficant.)....I especially liked;>"It regards the U.S. population in the same way as it regards any foreign population. There is a total disconnect between people and corporate government. We are dealing with multinational corporations that regard all populations on the earth in much the same way: how can they be exploited for cheap labor or consumption? How can nonbelievers be eliminated?The fact that some us live in the U.S. is of no import or meaning to them. None of us have any rights, not here, not there,not anywhere."It reminded me of yesterday,when I happened to see "The McGlauphlin Group",and theywere discussing environmental activism,and the WTO protests,,,and McGlauphlin wasadamantly defending the police state style handling of protesters,and the murder of theguy in Genoa.The whole show was off the deep end of conservative radicalism,,,highlyrecommended viewing.Keep on keepin' on Lehder.....You are a good and cool Brother!dddd
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Comment #10 posted by Lehder on September 02, 2001 at 18:38:01 PT

They eliminate people and property that do NOT directly   contribute to the growth and enhancement of the new order.sorry
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Comment #9 posted by Lehder on September 02, 2001 at 18:36:24 PT

our future
As people become more disgusted there are going to be more and more of these skrimishes between peaceful citizens and the G. The G knows this. It wants more of these events. They are profitable. They eliminate people and property that do directly contribute to the growth and enhancement of the new order. There will be days and weeks in the near future when there are several of these on at once. The government is fully prepared to handle them technologically and socially. Experts have studied this phenomenon, made extrapolations into the future regarding their number and variations and prepared game plans for handling them without WACO-type fallout. For the G, it's just business.It regards the U.S. population in the same way as it regards any foreign population. There is a total disconnect between people and corporate government. We are dealing with multinational corporations that regard all populations on the earth in much the same way: how can they be exploited for cheap labor or consumption? How can nonbelievers be eliminated? The fact that some us live in the U.S. is of no import or meaning to them. None of us have any rights, not here, not there, not anywhere.
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Comment #8 posted by The GCW on September 02, 2001 at 18:16:50 PT

SWATSTIKA is primed to kill.
The ministry of the War Lords, SWAT, ATF, FBI, CIA, et al. is the exact opposit of the ministry of Christ God.They are the self-condemned.Are police by oath, seperated from Christ God?
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Comment #7 posted by dddd on September 02, 2001 at 18:07:11 PT

"We have ways of dealing with dissidents..
..and activists"...........Consider this,,,the question goesback to Waco,and further.........The question is;,,If lawenforcement decides they are going to arrest someone,andthey have a warrant,and they are aware of the location ofthe "suspect",or "offender",,then why would it be necessaryto assemble a SWAT team ,assault/death squad,and terrorizea neighborhood with paramilitary wanna-bes,,,when they couldsimply apprehend their victim after he leaves the house?.....These raids,,where they attack residential targets,are absurd.As far as I'm concerned,the ATF is responsible for the death ofthe cop in LA friday,and numerous other losses of innocent lives!dddd
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Comment #6 posted by lookinside on September 02, 2001 at 17:22:17 PT:

they will kill him...
and swear that it was he who started the shooting...the only"successful conclusion" will be his arrest and imprisonmentas well as the forfeiture of his property...justice would bebetter served if he shot up a bunch of cops before they gethim... 
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Comment #5 posted by MikeEEEEE on September 02, 2001 at 16:05:42 PT

The more I think about this kind of injustice the more I think the war on some drugs is really a war on the counter-culture.
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Comment #4 posted by J.R. Bob Dobbs on September 02, 2001 at 15:39:31 PT

One way out
  There's one way out of this... it's called legalization, and in Michigan there's actually hope:
Michigan's Personal Responsibility Amendment
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Comment #3 posted by Rambler on September 02, 2001 at 15:31:46 PT

I think it's not unlikely that some psycho ATF,or other deranged law enforcement person popped off a shot at the news helicopter to get the whole thing going.If you're going to make some sort of questionable bust like this,it would be good to have a justification.Like the cop getting shot in LA on friday,and the vigilate murder that followed,no one knows exactly what the details were,but one thing that's true,they could have pulled the guy over,and nabbed him that way,but instead they had to send some kind of natzi SWAT team to get their jollys off in the excitement of a paramilitary tactical raid. Who knows what dark and sordid secrets are involved with these SWAT terrorist maneuvers.
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on September 02, 2001 at 15:24:41 PT

Check out the picture
Hi Robbie and everyone,I liked this picture from the paper so much I put it on my What's New Page. Check it out. I'll keep my eyes open for more news. What's New in Drug Policy Reform
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Comment #1 posted by Robbie on September 02, 2001 at 15:04:34 PT

Any news here?
I don't have any cable, even if it were on there, so I don't know what's happening. Any news or other info? If I was closer I'd go there and break through police lines with food and supplies. Crosslin should try to call some news agencies himself, or someone there with him.Here's hoping he can change some attitudes! Good luck!
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