DEA Head Says No to Medical Marijuana

DEA Head Says No to Medical Marijuana
Posted by FoM on August 20, 2001 at 14:39:18 PT
By Karen Gullo, Associated Press Writer
Source: Associated Press
The new chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration said Monday he would strive to enforce the federal ban on medical marijuana. Speaking to reporters on his first official day on the job, Asa Hutchinson -- an Arkansas Republican who gave up a House seat to take the DEA job -- said he would try to " send the right signal." Federal law prohibits the sale of marijuana for medical uses. Some states, however, let patients use marijuana for such purposes. 
" The question is how do you address that from an enforcement standpoint, " he said. " You' re not going to tolerate a violation of law, but at the same time there are a lot of different relationships, a lot of different aspects that we have to consider as we develop that enforcement policy." Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Oregon and Washington allow sick people to receive, possess, grow or smoke marijuana for medical purposes without fear of state prosecution. Those states have done little to change their statutes since the Supreme Court ruled federal law prohibits people from dispensing marijuana to the ill, saying it' s up to federal authorities to enforce the court' s decision. Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor who served as a House prosecutor in former President Clinton' s impeachment trial, said the scientific and medical communities have thus far determined there is no legitimate medical use for marijuana. " If they continue to study it, we will listen to them, " he said. Speaking moments before his swearing-in ceremony at DEA headquarters, Hutchinson said his priorities would be to continue working with state and local law enforcement organizations to fight drug crime, to strengthen ties with international law enforcement agencies to combat drug smuggling and to step up use of technology to " stay ahead of drug traffickers." Acknowledging the tough road ahead, Hutchinson said he was encouraged that in the last 15 years, cocaine use has fallen by 75 percent. But he said acknowledged there was a " sense that our efforts are not as fruitful as they could be." On other issues, Hutchinson said: The U.S. government should continue supporting Colombia' s fight against drug smugglers. Education and demand reduction would be as important as law enforcement at the DEA under his leadership. Mandatory minimum sentencing laws have proved effective in combatting drug crime, but judges should have some discretion in sentencing decisions. He would consider improvements to DEA' s supervision of paid informants, including creation of a central registry to keep track of how they are used.Newshawk: Nicholas Thimmesch IINORML Media & CommunicationsSource: Associated PressAuthor: Karen Gullo, Associated Press WriterPublished: Monday, August 20, 2001 Copyright: 2001 Associated PressRelated Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links Greenfield at Large - War on Drugs Nominee Won't Outline Plans for Marijuana Articles - Asa Hutchinson
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Comment #10 posted by Digit on August 20, 2001 at 21:45:36 PT:
DEA Head? thats a laugh. They should try using it
...their head that is. or have they only got one between the lot of them.75% must have come from a chance overhearing of someone exadurating "everyone was doing it 15 years ago!"Or maybe it's cause Bushy has stopped snortin it all.America: Land of the Free.(but only when in comparison to Afgahnistan)i thought the Constitution was supposed to protect u guys??!!??!!??!?!?! what happened? oh yeah... the Libertarian ethics of yer founding fore fathers got chucked out the window long ago thnx largly to the "republicans". What sick f*ckers decided to vote in these Republican, ignorant, Redneck, biggoted, Fascist Racists anyway? ... oh yeah, i forgot... the last election was rigged.i'm almost scared to read the next article with the DEA logo next to it incase i push my already upset stomach too far. ...
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Comment #9 posted by Robbie on August 20, 2001 at 20:21:38 PT
Seventy-Five percent !!?!??!?!?!How does he figure? Is there ANY actual evidence to back this up? Can AP reporters do ANY analysis and fact checking before they publish articles?
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Comment #8 posted by p4me on August 20, 2001 at 19:28:36 PT:
We need pragmatist
Asa, you are screwed up. It is a sad state of affairs that you head anything.. My thinking is that your job should become an elected office. An election would give the people a say in who goes to prison and who gets arrested.This right wing conservatism has got to end. We live in the real world and not in a world of angels. Out with Asa the A**, he has already shown his incompetence. That Johnson from New Mexico could do better than you. Step aside for competent leadership.
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Comment #7 posted by kaptinemo on August 20, 2001 at 19:07:58 PT:
I hope no one was surprised
that Mr. "Ain't nothin' happenin' in Mena, Ar-ken-saw" is going to try to take a hard line on MMJ. But notice the weasel word: "try". This guy can smell the tar heating up, and can see the empty pillows that once housed feathers. He knows that he will not be able to stop the inevitable. So, he'll...'try'.I hope he does 'try'...if only for the sakes of his hard liners at DEA. Because many of them have all the sensitivity and attentiveness to public opinion of a brick. Many are just chomping at the bit to bash down the doors and 'floor' sick Grannies medicating themselves.A few of those televised, live, in the middle of dinner, and Americans will get a up-close look at the real costs of the DrugWar.And Asa, bless his benighted little self, is just the man to let his own organization run him. He's bought and sold like any common, disposable item, and will be used...until he's used up. The question will be how much damage can he do before he's reigned in by Mr. I-won't-answer-questions-about-my own-drug-use Bush.The very same Bush that supposedly was caught on videotape by the very late smuggler extraordinaire Barry Seal, taking possession of a bag of cocaine.Never mind Denmark; something is rotten at the Federal Governemnt. And, just like a fish, it stinks from the head down.
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Comment #6 posted by Ed Carpenter on August 20, 2001 at 18:29:22 PT:
DEA Head Says No to Medical Marijuana
Article the twelfth [Amendment X]      The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. 
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Comment #5 posted by mayan on August 20, 2001 at 18:00:10 PT
Time Will Tell
If these Republicans are really for state's rights,then they will recognize the will of the 9 states that have medicinal marijuana laws & the 17 states that have passed industrial hemp legislation.If they are against state's rights then they will not be recognized by these states!
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Comment #4 posted by Shadow_II on August 20, 2001 at 17:25:59 PT:
Can I puke now... I just get this sick feeling when I read this garbage from the DEA.
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Comment #3 posted by Rambler on August 20, 2001 at 17:08:14 PT
tweaked statistics
>" Hutchinson said he was encouraged that in the last 15 years, cocaine use has fallen by 75 percent."Classic twisted numbers.If cocaine use is down 75%,then how do they justify pouring billions into Colombia?Wonder where he got that number from? 
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Comment #2 posted by ras james rsifwh on August 20, 2001 at 16:08:24 PT
Take the Alcohol-Tobacco Druglord money out of your own Republican pockets first before you take the Sacred Herb out of the Rasta's and the Hindu's holy water pipes. "Hypocrite?" if the cap fits D.E.Asa, wear it. Asa! Does the Constitution over-ride an unconstitutional law?...There shall be no laws inhibiting the practices of any religion...Are you a Conservative or a just full of bull sh*t?Judgement Day is now...make no mistake...give all praise and thanks to Jah Rastafari...The Father...for the Bible has been fulfilled and the last words of the Father are stated clearly; "The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with the All. Ahmen!" Asa! you've been forgiven...recognize this amazing miracle...and maybe you'll quit going around trying to help Jesus save the Jesus was a failure and He needs Republican help...You're faith seems weak...Live and let live...and stay the heck out my pipe.
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Comment #1 posted by Pontifex on August 20, 2001 at 15:13:46 PT:
Translated for the doublespeak-impaired
Many of you may not be aware that Asa speaks neo-Orwellian, so I am offering this translation of his remarks.Doublespeak:Asa Hutchinson ... said he would try to "send the right signal."English: Asa Hutchsinson ... said he would try to "kidnap and rob Drug War dissenters".Doublespeak: "The question is how do you address that from an enforcement standpoint, " he said. " You' re not going to tolerate a violation of law, but at the same time there are a lot of different relationships, a lot of different aspects that we have to consider as we develop that enforcement policy."English: "The question is how do you force drug users into line," he said. "You're going to keep kidnapping and robbing them, but at the same time there's a major backlash, so we'll get away with whatever we can."Doublespeak:"If they continue to study [medical marijuana], we will listen to them," he said.English: "You'll see us in the Hague next to Milosevic before we admit that cannabis has medical value," he said.Doublespeak:Hutchinson said he was encouraged that in the last 15 years, cocaine use has fallen by 75 percent. But he said acknowledged there was a " sense that our efforts are not as fruitful as they could be."English:Hutchinson said he was encouraged that in the last 15 years, use of one particular drug has fallen by 75 percent. But he acknowledged there was a "sense that our budget is not as large as it could be."Doublespeak:The U.S. government should continue supporting Colombia's fight against drug smugglers.English:Bullet-riddled missionary babies are a small price to pay for another Vietnam.Doublespeak:Education and demand reduction would be as important as law enforcement at the DEA under his leadership.English:Spreading the gravy around ought to pacify some of the louder sheep.I could go on but I feel my bile rising. :)
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