The REALLY Shady Rest Home! 

The REALLY Shady Rest Home! 
Posted by FoM on December 25, 1998 at 11:59:09 PT
Interesting story from 1998!
Christmas came early this year for 59-year-old Carlos Prade. Soon after Rotterdam's newest residential home for retired people was ready, Carlos moved in -- and became the first resident of the world's first old folks' home for drug addicts. 
The Rotterdam Junkiebond, the drug addicts union, proposed an old folks home devoted exclusively to drug users, and the municipal health authority agreed to finance it on a trial basis. Nora Storm, whose idea it was, has already given the residence a name. "Coconuts. One of the old men chose it," she says. "He's on coke, and he's nuts." Drugs are allowed in the rooms, but you must show you are making an effort to limit consumption and you must find a job and pay your way. Where will the drugs come from? "It won't be a problem," is all Storm will say. Newspapers have reported that drugs will be delivered each day by the home's in-house dealer. Not so, says Harry Kuiper, who is with one of the biggest Dutch drug addiction agencies. "In the end," Kuiper says, "it all comes down to an acceptance of drug use. At the heart of this debate is the question of whether we can accept elderly people using heroin, even in small amounts. I'm not sure everyone can. This might be too much, even for Holland." Just thought this was an interesting story! Not a bad idea either! Merry Christmas!--Compiled from wire reports 
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