Senate Confirms New DEA Chief Senate Confirms New DEA Chief Posted by FoM on August 01, 2001 at 20:17:10 PT By Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press Writer Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer GOP Rep. Asa Hutchinson, one of the House prosecutors in former President Clinton's impeachment trial, won Senate confirmation Wednesday to lead the Drug Enforcement Administration. "I am thrilled that the Senate had given its consent to my nomination," Hutchinson, R-Ark., said after the 98-1 voice vote by the Democratic-controlled Senate."It is difficult to leave Congress, but I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by beginning our great national crusade against illegal drugs," said Hutchinson, 50. Said his brother, Sen. Tim Hutchinson, R-Ark.: "This is a moment of great pride for me." The lone dissenting vote came from Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., who said he disagreed with Hutchinson's support of "the escalation of the drug war in Colombia.""He also evidenced no understanding of the effect on our criminal justice and our penal system of draconian fixed sentencing for possession of small amount of drugs," Dayton continued. "And he rejected outright the possibility of decriminalization of marijuana for strictly medicinal purposes."Not voting was Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.Clinton was impeached by the House on two articles of perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate voted to acquit the president in February 1990.Asa Hutchinson did not say when he would resign, saying he had to coordinate the timing with the White House. Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will set dates for the special election to determine who will occupy Hutchinson's seat after his resignation.Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor, is serving his third term from a heavily Republican district in northwest Arkansas.As a U.S. attorney for western Arkansas in the 1980s, he prosecuted and won a guilty plea from Roger Clinton, the former president's half brother, on a drug charge.At his confirmation hearing, Hutchinson told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the battle against drug use was "a noble purpose worthy of a great crusade.""I have every confidence he will do a terrific job," said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the committee.Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., was one of Clinton's primary defenders during the Senate impeachment trial, but said he did not hold a grudge against Hutchinson."I have a great deal of respect of him," Leahy said. "Every time I dealt with him, he was absolutely truthful with me. He never broke his word to me, he never broke a commitment to me."In the House, Hutchinson is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Speaker's Task Force for a Drug Free America.A former chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Hutchinson has a law degree from the University of Arkansas.The DEA is part of the Justice Department, and is at the forefront of U.S. drug interdiction efforts.On the Net:Senate: http://www.senate.govDrug Enforcement Administration: http://www.dea.govSource: Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)Author: Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press WriterPublished: Wednesday, August 1, 2001Copyright: 2001 Seattle Post-IntelligencerContact: editpage seattle-pi.comWebsite: Articles:Asa Goes On Offense Greenfield at Large - War on Drugs END SNIP --> Snipped Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #24 posted by lookinside on August 02, 2001 at 18:37:45 PT: tom clancy... had a great scenario with the 747 full of fuel...caught all the rats in one cage... [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by Toker00 on August 02, 2001 at 17:13:14 PT God I agree ff. But let it be remote controlled, unmanned, and full of explosives!!Peace, til the time comes. Re-establish the CONSTITUTION!!!Realize, then Legalize. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by freedom fighter on August 02, 2001 at 14:41:16 PT God Please send a 747 plane and crash down there where cockroaches and sinators work..ff [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by kaptinemo on August 02, 2001 at 12:11:31 PT: Thank you, Mr. O "In every one of these situations, the leading crusaders, and the masses, whom, by turns, they appease, deceive, and dominate, have the same two-pronged explanation for their actions. First, they deny that the affected minority is seriously mistreated, and defend the "mild" repression they acknowledge by stressing the need for social protection from malefactors.Just like LEOs making the bald-facedly preposterous statement that "no one is sent to jail for simple possession." But possession is the cornerstone - or perhaps, launching pad is a better choice of words - for the ratcheting up of sentences. For example, if your home is raided, even if you have an infinitessimal amount of cannabis, if you have plastic sandwich bags in the house, suddenly, you become a 'kingpin' who has 'intent to distribute'. But it all begins with possession. "Second, they proudly proclaim their aim to destroy the accused minority, and justify it on the grounds of self-defense against a diabolically dangerous and vastly powerful adversary bent on undermining the fabric of existing society...The antis are continually pee-ing and moaning about the monetary support reform organizations receive from philanthropists. Philanthropists who are genuinely concerned for the direction this nation seems to be heading. One such man, George Soros, has suffered under the jackboot of Communism...a philosophy that was Hell-bent on ensuring lockstep conformity to its' edicts - and was not above using the murder of tens of millions of it's own citizens to ensure those edicts were followed by the rest of them. All done, of course, for the benefit of those citizens; "for their own good".Yes, Soros and the other philanthropists have given support to the movement. And for that civic mindedness, they have received calumnies from the anti camp for their generosity; those making those insults have even questioned the ulterior motives. In one of the most ignorant criticisms of him that I have read to date, the following was said:"Because Soros has never really advocated that people should violate drug laws his citizenship decree cannot be revoked. However, some concerned citizens are asking Main Justice, or anyone in law enforcement, to research ways to keep Soros away from their schools. One (obviously ignorant and therefore easily led) parent cried,"This man didn't grow up here. What does he know about American values and our love for our children. He's a product of his communist homeland! Why does he want our kids?"I suggest that you go to this link and read the rest: quote fits, I suppose, the biz about the "...diabolically dangerous and vastly powerful adversary bent on undermining the fabric of existing society." Yes, trying dibaloically to save us from the colossal, bloody awful 'mistake' that he and so many others 'voted with their feet' to escape.Yet, when you compare the Soros contribution to the 'war chests' that the antis have access to...much of it consisting of our tax dollars 'given' (under threat of imprisonment if we declare ourselves uncomforatble with its' uses), you begin to see the utter hypocrisy of the anti position. Tax dollars used to subsidize ostensible 'public health measures'. But when is it a 'public health measure' to imprison healthy, socially well-adjusted, non-violent taxpayers? As Kevin Zeese said, when he was face-to-face with a poorly prepared anti seeking to use the "private money/ulterior motives" card, he would love to have the money the DEA uses for just 'public relations" alone to run his organization. If anyone's motives are suspect, it is the antis. For it is they, not the potheads, who have murdered little children, here and abroad (care to dispute this with me Joyce? How about you, Frances?) dumped tons of untested insecticide on helpless foreigners, (again some of them little children now suffering organo-phosphate poisoning) locked up 250,000 non-violent 'offenders' here for their choice of intoxicant, run roughshod over the Constitution to the point that it is barely recognizable for the dirt and s**t smeared on it... God, I could go on like this forever; in the end, it would look like the Declaration of Independance, we have so many 'grievances against the Crown'.Yes, we must beware 'crusaders'. Because as any historian will tell you, in the Crusades of the Middle Ages, lots of friendly Christians and Jews were slaughtered by the invading 'crusaders' in their goal of ridding the Holy Land of Moslem control. The very people who these 'knights in shining armor' were supposedly struggling so nobly to free. But the knights needn't worry; were granted absolution for their crimes in advance by the Pope...because everything they did was for a good cause. And who says history doesn't repeat itself? [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by observer on August 02, 2001 at 10:32:36 PT re: The Beginning of a National Crusade? I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by beginning our great national crusade against illegal drugs," said Hutchinson, 50. . . . At his confirmation hearing, Hutchinson told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the battle against drug use was "a noble purpose worthy of a great crusade." Like earlier processes of stigmatization and the discriminatory legislation based upon them -- such as those authorizing the persecution of witches and Jews -statutes discriminating against psychiatric minorities are not imposed on an unwilling public by a few scheming tyrants. On the contrary, the people and their leaders feel equally caught up in an "irresistible" historical and social demand for certain kinds of "protective" laws. In every one of these situations, the leading crusaders, and the masses, whom, by turns, they appease, deceive, and dominate, have the same two-pronged explanation for their actions. First, they deny that the affected minority is seriously mistreated, and defend the "mild" repression they acknowledge by stressing the need for social protection from malefactors. Second, they proudly proclaim their aim to destroy the accused minority, and justify it on the grounds of self-defense against a diabolically dangerous and vastly powerful adversary bent on undermining the fabric of existing society. . .There is a fundamental similarity between the persecution of individuals who engage in consenting homosexual activity in private, or who ingest, inject, or smoke various substances that affect their feelings and thoughts -- and the traditional persecution of men for their religion, as Jews, or for their skin-color, as Negroes. What all of these persecutions have in common is that the victims are harassed by the majority not because they engage in overtly aggressive or destructive acts, like theft or murder, but because their conduct or appearance offends a group intolerant to and threatened by human differences.Thomas Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness, 1970, pp.208-209 Prisoners of the Drug War -- The November Coalition [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by schmeff on August 02, 2001 at 10:04:51 PT The Beginning of a National Crusade? (Pt. 2) I think Asa feels comfortable calling his tenure the "beginning" of a National Crusade because until now we've just had a "Drug War". But a "Crusade" is a (drumroll, please) Holy War.Wars have conventions, protocols, rules of engagement. But in a Holy War, anything goes. The Police State has been satisfied to just lock us up or kill us. The Grand Inquisitors (McAssaCroftChenBush?) may decide we need to be tortured until we repent.Then kill us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Toker00 on August 02, 2001 at 08:52:02 PT How much longer do we cowar? They (Federal government) have been screwing us continually now, for decades. They have declared WAR on us for thirty some years now. They've killed us, raped us in their prisons, taken our constitutional rights, demonized our lifestyle, poisoned us with polution, and now they are isolating us from the rest of the world. It's not about the dangers of Cannabis or any other drug. If you want to call Cannabis a drug. I prefer herb. It's not about protecting our children. How does turning over the drugs to the black market protect children? It's not about upholding values.It's about protecting the Capitalist pigs who have BOUGHT this country, lock, stock, and oil barrel. Pharmacuetical barrel. Food barrel. Textile barrel. Chemical barrel. Special Interest barrel. It has NOTHING to do with freedom and liberty. What is Freedom and Liberty? Something that is going the way of the dinosaur.Everyone says violence is not the answer. How many more years of oppression and destruction of lives are we going to take, before we finally have nothing else to loose? How much longer before we live in a Nazi, fascist country? Some say we already do. But what are we actually DOING to stop this insanity and overthrow of Democracy? We write, we yell, we scream. What do we get in return? More of the same. They are crushing freedom and liberty, and we stand around pouting and crying and feeling sorry for ourselves because the GUVMENT is mean to us. Well, isn't that what they WANT us to do? Be peaceful little activists, so we can control you. We give them truth about Cannabis, with all sincerity, and they defend themselves with rediculous lies fostered for one reason. PROTECTION OF THE CORPORATIONS THAT OWN OUR COUNTRY.Something has to give. Though a pascifist at heart, my heart has been broken so many times, I'm running out of ways to mend it. I keep hoping, that somewhere in the belly of the beast, there are politicians who want to see the truth, and act upon it. My hope is almost gone. With Bush in office, my hope is on hold.I'm getting fed up with keeping my hands tied. I can understand completely the anquish and turmoil suffered by the Jews in Nazi Germany. We are in the same boat. But we don't have an AMERICA to come rescue us. Because Ameikkka IS Nazi Germany.I want my country back. I want my freedom and liberty. Do YOU? So, what are we gonna do? I'm getting very tired of my civility being ignored. This is a WAR. But only one side is fighting with guns. Are we really winning, or are we just fooling ourselves? Yeah, I know about the initiatives that passed. And, with just a stroke of the Federal pen (pun intended) the initiatives are mute.They continue to cram us in their prisons (political prisoners, prisoners of WAR.). So what are we gonna do? Peace. Till the time comes. Realize, then Legalize. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Doug on August 02, 2001 at 08:35:08 PT Gotta Love This Jerk Sure, this Asa Hutchinson is a jerk, but what else is new? McCaffery was a jerk, Bennett was a jerk. They're all jerks. I don't get that upset anymore because it's all a sham anyway. What I do appreciate about George Bush and Asa Hutchinson is their honesty. No pretending that they have people's best interest in mind (something the Democrats are excellant at doing); no, just pure unadorned greed. We've been working towards this point for a long time and now the masks are off. But will people really see what is going on? America has been controlled by corporations for a long time -- this trend really started with a Supreme Court ruling in 1886 -- but it has becomme extremely stong in the last 10 years, not uncoincidentally with the "fall" of the Soviet Union. So I have to agree with Kap, et al that events like this are just a sign that the collapse is closer. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by mr.greengenes on August 02, 2001 at 08:09:37 PT VOTE LIBERTARIAN If enough people would start voting their conscience, i.e. third parties, especially libertarian, instead of the lesser of two evils, the republicrats would pick up on the message eventually. The libertarians may never get elected, but once the other parties start to lose enough votes, they may sit up and take notice and get with the program before the rest of the voters get too exposed to libertarian priciples. And lord knows we can't have a party in power that adheres to the constitution. Heaven forbid! [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Patrick on August 02, 2001 at 07:44:29 PT The Beginning of a National Crusade? A quote from kaptinemo...Nation after nation is abandoning the USS DrugWar, as they see it in danger of sinking and taking them down with it.The real Crusade is what we see happening in Portugal, Canada, Britain etc. Assa Buttchinson's comment backed by a 98-1 vote is proof that the Drug War is far too profitable an enterprise for our/US politicians to abandon. They have no interest in ending the war or compassion for their own sick countrymen. There is no profit or "perks" in legalizing anything. "98-1" should become a rallying cry for those that seek Peace, Freedom, & Compassion. The underlying goal of our elected officials is to continue raiding the tax coffers to crusade their futile effort to regulate human nature.From the United States Declaration of Independence July 4th 1776...Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light or transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolshing the forms to which they are acustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuiing invariably the same object, envinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.Remember 98-1 in the next election and throw off all the incombatants. All of them with the exception of the Gentleman from Minn. John McCain did not vote. NEXT ELECTION: VOTE AGAINST EVERY SITTING SENATOR! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by m segesta on August 02, 2001 at 07:10:48 PT: Dems or Repubs -- the greater evil? Not many are aware of just how aggressive the Dems have been in fighting the Drug War, especially in the area of draconian mandatory minimum sentences. The link below is to an episode of one of National Public Radio's most popular weekly shows, This American Life (a show I love and find more addictive than any substance I have ever found, and which is on a network that probably has a liberal bias), dealing with Sentencing Laws -- the horrors they inflict and where they came from....notice even liberal Ira Glass, who has said in interviews he is very worried about these laws, admits the Dems WORKED HARDER TO PASS THESE HORRIBLE MANDATORY MINIMUM LAWS than the Repubs: and then from Home Page click on "Staff Favorites", scroll down to "Topical Shows" and you will see "Sentencing" as the first show listed under that heading. Click on the underlined link "Sentencing" for a show description or on the RealAudio icon to directly start streaming audio and listen to the show. While you are on the site, play around, and try some other shows. You will quickly see why I -- and huge numbers of NPR listeners -- love this show, making it one of NPR's most popular shows. I would be very interested in what any folks here think of the "Sentencing" show in particular or This American Life in general, so if you check it out and like it (or don't), could you drop me a note to advise of your reaction?NOTE -- sorry, but I can't figure out to make a DIRECT link to the show description and/or Real Audio.M [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by The GCW on August 02, 2001 at 06:31:04 PT Where our Father is unhappy... "And he rejected outright the possibility of decriminalization of marijuana for strictly medicinal purposes."That is it: After all the word about Jesus healing, Asa has indicated he is not interested in healing. All the letters showing a sort of seeing the problem may see the common denominator: God, our Father. This, from that angle is looing like prophecy as depicted throughout the Bible, like Matthew, echoing Isiaih. Our Father may be apt to draw the line when it stumbles up to the innocent sick and weak and suffering. I used to vote Democrat but I learned better: they are also the prohibitionist politicians. They are just as happy caging sick humans for using cannabis Plus are willing to go to Columbia and kill people for growing plants. In my Fathers sight, I can not hold up my hand and say I support that treatment of my brother and neighbor. Does Asa fit the description in Matthew 13:13-17? Bush? etc.If our Father were to let the evil tend to the garden, it might look like it does today. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by NotFooled2often on August 02, 2001 at 06:05:46 PT: Green Tantrums good for Repubs.... While I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments regarding the "republicRATS", I disagree with your strategy for their disarming....Here's a BIG difference..."Hypocracy is better than no standards at all"....You should realize how you're being lied to and led down your rosy path, and take it a step further...ALL parties are lying to you...ever heard of "divide and conquer"?....Throwing a temper-tantrum, and giving GWB your vote, (essentially), is NOT the same as throwing a monkey-wrench into the works. In fact, you are playing right into the Republican's hands, naively surrendering your chance to minimize the harm done by polititians to the Constitution, and the environment. I realize that the Democrats aren't the answer to our problems, but they ARE the lessor of the two MAIN evils. 98 to 1 makes me SICK. Democratic polititians who voted to confirm this piece of shit for DEA anything, are to be spat upon, starting with Dianne Fienstien..(but not sick enough to vote for Nadar, in the naive belief that there will be anything left to save, after the Republicans screw the environment in Anwar, and here too...)....5 to 4, 98 to's all the same, but don't fall for the Green BS about giving the two parties "what for" by throwing away your vote....why do you think GWB PAID FOR NADAR'S CAMPAIGN? [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by meagain on August 02, 2001 at 05:31:23 PT Yas no kdding "It is difficult to leave Congress, but I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by beginning our great national crusade against illegal drugs," said Hutchinson, 50. Ya really beginning???uhhhhh Beavis we are several decades into this "War on Drugs" and you still don't get it???What are you all still P!$$#%&% over losing Vietnam you got to DECLARE WAR ON YOUR OWN BROTHERS ????F.... You. It is time to crawl out from under the rock. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by kaptinemo on August 02, 2001 at 05:27:50 PT: Asa the Fool...or Asa, the Willing Tool? Asa Hutchinson was a DA in Western Arkansas. The town of Mena is in Western Arkansas. At Mena, smugglers like Barry Seal worked for people like Ollie North. Who was illegally producing unregisterd firearms, flying them down to the Contras in aircraft 'borrowed' from various sources (some of them without the consent of the owners; get the hint?) and bringing nose-candy back in payment.This was all known to Arkansas law enforcement. So it should have been known to staunch DrugWarrior Hutchinson, right? But he says he knew nothing about it. Ignorance is not only bliss, but profitable, too.Because, now the man directly responsible for railroading any investigation of what went on at Mena in the 1980's will be in charge of drug interdiction.Just as with an earlier posting about a VP of Monsanto being the Number Two at the EPA, this smacks of the fox guarding the hen-house. And darkly hints at the power of the intelligence apparatus of this country, when it can cause such an obvious willing tool to its machinations - as ol' Asa demonstrated at Mena - to be placed in such a position.The DrugWar, like Nazi Germany in Spring of 1945, is entering its final stages of madness. Just like in the HitlerBunker, when Berlin was being shelled and plaster from the ceiling was dusting the occupants inside, the True Believers are trying very hard to ignore the latest international events undermining their efforts. Nation after nation is abandoning the USS DrugWar, as they see it in danger of sinking and taking them down with it. As things become more freer elsewhere, we can expect a reflexive tightening of the situation here. We may expect events to accellerate out of control very shortly, now. Asa's appointment is another indicator of the situation worsening. It's like having a real boorish lout of a neighbor. Everyone in the neighborhood knows he's a jerk. He keeps going over the bounds of propriety, makes off color jokes...and leers at every skirt in sight. But everyone tolerates him because he's their neighbor, and they don't want to appear too gauche in telling him off. But one day he does something so outrageous that the whole neighborhood is fed up and is calling him out.What the incident is that will be the final trigger, I don't know. To their shame, the American people thus far have shown extraordinary tolerance to the depredations of the DrugWarriors, the most spectacular example of which was the Bowers Incident. Were I the Congressional representative of this woman and her child, I would be screaming for blood and not be satisfied until the heads of all involved were delivered in stainless steel boxes full of dry ice.Or, at the very least, tarred, feathered, and then fired.Something nation-wide is necessary, something so crass, so bald-facedly arrogant and dangerous, as it sours the stomach of the entire country. Something like the televised picture of the Saigon police chief blowing the brains out of a suspected VC without giving him a trial did for the folks at home during the Viet Nam war.With ol' Asa at the helm, I reckon we won't have long to wait... [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by mayan on August 02, 2001 at 04:46:18 PT one & the same exactly aocp! The only time a vote is wasted is when you don't vote your conscience & how can anyone with a conscience vote for the republicrats. They have us all fooled. They have been working together for some time now. How else could they have kept the third parties out for so long? They make it look like they hate each other but they are in bed together. There are good ones here and there but few and far between. Neither party represents the people. They represent the corporations. A vote for the republicrats is a vote against the constitution. Bush is a swell guy: [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by lookinside on August 02, 2001 at 04:20:41 PT: i dunno... after numerous letters and responses from members of bothparties, i have come to the conclusion that ALL(with a veryfew outstanding exceptions) our current politicians havebought into the current war on the constitution..i would not shake hands with any of them without a glove... [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by aocp on August 02, 2001 at 03:04:32 PT Simplistically put... not vote for republicrats. EVER. It's not wasting your vote if you decide to SUPPORT not continuing the status quo. Wake up, people."What the republicans are on the outside, the democrats are on the inside." - Jello Biafra [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by jorma nash on August 02, 2001 at 01:50:52 PT the great national crusade GCW keyed in on this line, too..."I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by beginning our great national crusade against illegal drugs."Two million people in cages, seventy years of constitutional rights erosion,and the great national crusade hasn't even begun yet?i guess that "I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by continuing our great national crusade against illegal drugsthat 74% percent of the American people consider a failure"just doesn't have the same ring to it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result -- Albert Einstein [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by New Mexican on August 01, 2001 at 23:25:56 PT Can anyone defend the dubyacrats? This makes me sick as well, but lets here from demo-defenders...c,mon now, someone should be able to justify this sham as a...hmmm....long term scheme that will backfire (right!) It's time to send the demos some backbones, they make repubs look principaled. Why can't they see that? [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Harvey Pendrake on August 01, 2001 at 22:01:31 PT Join the club, Robbie I agree with your sentiments 100%, Robbie. I started voting third-party in the 2000 election, and I will continue to do so until the big parties stop their hypocrisy on this issue.I owe the democratic party nothing, and I will not vote for them unless they do something a little crazy -- like making sense. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by rooster on August 01, 2001 at 22:00:25 PT Here we go now After finding this info out, it makes me sick to my stomach that some imbred,redneck,piece of s$#t is now in control of what should be considerd illegal in the U.S. I definitaly would shake sen. Daytons hand(not that I trust any politician)for not supporting this asshole. But hopefuly America will get thier head out of it's ass and see the progress in Canada. It amazes me with such a big country we let our lives be determined by small amount of idiots run our lives. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Robbie on August 01, 2001 at 21:51:43 PT What the hell?!? Only ONE dissenting vote?You know, I like Democrats and I support their general ideas and ideals, but this makes me hate every last person calling him/herself a Democrat. That they won't stand up to the drug war and it's warriors like Hutchinson, and as long as people like Feinstein can push for censorship, the Dems can go to hell. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by The GCW on August 01, 2001 at 20:44:47 PT It is quoted in print! "It is difficult to leave Congress, but I am excited to have the opportunity to serve Arkansas and the country by beginning our great national crusade against illegal drugs," said Hutchinson. BEGINNING? National Crusade? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment