Government Signal Shift In Attitude To Cannabis Government Signal Shift In Attitude To Cannabis Posted by FoM on July 08, 2001 at 17:34:18 PT By Terri Judd and Paul Waugh Source: Independent David Blunkett signalled a big shift in the Government's previously immovable stance on cannabis yesterday when he called for an "adult, intelligent debate" on the subject. In remarks that contrasted sharply with those of his predecessor, Jack Straw, the Home Secretary said that his position on decriminalisation was: "Let's think, let's consider." Mr Blunkett's comments came as Sir David Ramsbotham, the outgoing chief inspector of prisons, became the latest senior figure to call for the drug's decriminalisation. Lord Jenkins of Hillhead and Lord Baker of Dorking, both former home secretaries, also joined the growing campaign to change the operation of the current law. Mr Blunkett, who has the backing of Downing Street for his emphasis on tackling hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine, appeared to open the door to a review. After a week in which the Conservative leadership candidates agreed on the need for debate, and the former Tory deputy leader Peter Lilley called for legalisation, the Home Secretary conceded it was time for discussion. Mr Blunkett said that the question of legalising or decriminalising cannabis should be considered in a calm and reasoned environment. "There is room for an adult intelligent debate but it isn't: 'Are you for or against?' It's let's think, let's consider, let's not be pushed by articles in newspapers or hysteria," he told Sky News. "I am interested in the debate that is taking place because, I hope, I am an intelligent human being." Mo Mowlam, the former cabinet office minister with responsibility for drugs policy, and Keith Hellawell, the outgoing drugs tsar, have called for a debate on decriminalisation. Mr Blunkett first hinted at his position last month when he described as an "interesting experiment" a pilot police project in Lambeth, south London, to caution instead of arrest those in possession of small amounts of the drug. Last week, Mr Lilley called for cannabis to be legalised and sold through licensed outlets, prompting speculation that the Conservatives might become the first of the main political parties to call for the decriminalisation of soft drugs. Michael Portillo, who is backed by Mr Lilley in the leadership race, said the issue would be considered during a policy review if he became party leader. But Mr Blunkett stressed that he would not be pushed into any change of decision. "I have no intention of making a change in government policy out of the blue and if I have anything further to say on the issue I will do so in a considered fashion in my own time." Complete Title: Government Signals Shift In Its Attitude To CannabisSource: Independent (UK)Author: Terri Judd and Paul WaughPublished: July 9, 2001Copyright: 2001 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.Contact: letters Articles:Soft Drug Turns To Hard Sell Say It Again: Legalise Cannabis Articles - UK Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #6 posted by FoM on July 12, 2001 at 14:22:05 PT kaptinemo Hi kaptinemo,I just saw your comment and I agree with you. The picture made me feel sick and it has nothing to do with Cannabis. How do they get away with this? [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on July 10, 2001 at 04:22:35 PT: FoM, thank you again I went to the link you provided. It illustrated perfectly the point I was trying to make in my comment to the thread at was a deliberate attempt to link two disparate drugs, one almost legal over there now (cannabis), with one who's social acceptability is nil (heroin). The attempt is highlighted by the fact that even though the drugs and their delivery systems are wildly different, the implication is that they are the same. And by showing the very graphic and un-appealing photo of a junkie shooting up, attempt to create in the minds of the public a connection which doesn't exist. A connection that is intended to foster resistance to the idea of cannabis legalization by lumping it in with heroin addiction.That kind of intellectually dishonest shell game worked 80 years ago. It might even have worked 40 years ago. But too many people have learned the truth for themselves in the last 30 years to fall for this.I'm very disappointed in "The Beeb" for having tried this ploy; it's unworthy of them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Rambler on July 09, 2001 at 15:10:40 PT May I offer you a crumpet?Perhap a scone? Gotta love these names Mr Blunkett Sir RamsbothamLord Jenkins of Hillhead Lord Baker of Dorking [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on July 09, 2001 at 14:55:11 PT Check Out The Picture They Used Hi Everyone, I could post this article but the picture is what I think needs to be seen.Psychiatrist Issues Cannabis Warning [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Jose Melendez on July 09, 2001 at 09:19:52 PT: US Government shifts ANTI-TRUTH policy Check out this news I found at: HOUSE CHANGES ANTI-DRUG AD REQUIREMENT(July 6, 2001) -- The White House Office of National Drug Policy said it changed its ad program to no longer allows media companies to use TV programming or magazine content as a matching ad for each ad bought by the government. The program had required publishers and broadcasters to provide a free ad or one of equal value. The change will take effect as new contracts are signed and will apparently force broadcasters to use more commercial time for matching public service announcements. Broadcasters had been using anti-drug plotlines on TV shows as a means to match the government's advertising requirements. But the effort drew plenty of controversy, even though the drug office decided it wouldn't approve shows until after they had run. -- Ira Teinowitz>>Now if only they could figure some way to tell the truth about pot on those PSA's - How aboutCannabis: Safe, Effective and TASTY IN SOUP!Jose Melendez more about drugs and food - [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by kaptinemo on July 09, 2001 at 04:42:32 PT: Don't you just love the unconscious arrogance? Pols are pretty much all the same, no matter where you go:>I>"But Mr Blunkett stressed that he would not be pushed into any change of decision. "I have no intention of making a change in government policy out of the blue and if I have anything further to say on the issue I will do so in a considered fashion in my own time."That is, until the people who pay his salary decide to apply their 'leather personnel carriers' to his Party's fundament and boot him and his too-slow buddies off the benches. People are dying for want of cannabis out there, and this frip is worried about decorum?I swear, pols must be secretly snatched from their homes at night and lobotomized immediately after election; it's the only way to explain such crass stupidity. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment