Students Launch Radio Ad Campaign Students Launch Radio Ad Campaign Posted by FoM on June 21, 2001 at 12:08:10 PT By John Hlinko Source: U.S. Newswire Students for a Drug-Free White House today launched its first radio ad campaign to support its "" online petition effort. The ad will begin airing this week in selected markets, including Coke, Texas; Powderhorn, Colo.; and Blowville, Ohio. It was also emailed to more than 6,000 JustSayBlow petition supporters today, and is posted for listening and downloading at: CD's are available for college stations and others who wish to air it as a public service announcement. The group is combating a Bush Administration policy denying aid to students who refuse to answer questions about past drug convictions -- a policy that will rescind aid to 60,000 students this year alone. The petition is posted at: and reads: "President Bush, if you deny federal funds to students who won't talk about their drug histories, it's only fair that you forego your federal salary until you are willing to come clean with your own drug past." Launched on May 22, the petition has already garnered nearly 6,000 signatures. "We're on a shoestring budget, and we're guessing there's an excellent chance we'll all get IRS audits next year, so we had to be very strategic about paying to place the ad," said John Hlinko, former Internet executive, strategist and founder/czar of the group. "Coke, Blowville, Powderhorn... somehow, we just felt that this issue would resonate particularly well in those places. 'Bush' and 'Coke' -- they just go together." Hlinko first stumbled upon the policy while researching Ph.D. programs. Dazzled by the awe-inspiring hypocrisy of the program ("A triumph! If hypocrisy were an Olympic event, even the East German judge would've given this a 9.8") and stunned by the raw stupidity of it ("If you want to keep a kid off drugs, why would you deny them an education? How many crack dealers do you know with college degrees?"), Hlinko posted the site, emailed a few friends, and watched the numbers grow by "word of mouse." " is an excellent example of how citizens can use the power of the Internet to highlight hypocrisy in our government," said Joan Blades, co-founder of, the most successful online petition in Internet history. "John Hlinko stepped forward to help us at when we were just getting going. He has been an inspiration, bringing a creative and humorous approach to our strategic efforts. He understands viral marketing better than anyone I know. I look forward to watching his work progress with" Fundraising: "Send Dubya a Mystery Mirror" Campaign: The group also began actively raising money to air the ad in additional markets, and to produce more ads -- including television spots. Supporters can donate online, at Those giving more than $25 will be rewarded with a "Commemorative" mirror (complete with mysterious white powder residue). And, $50 donors will have the option of sending an additional mirror to the president as a gift. About the Policy: 60,000 Students Losing Aid, But Charles Manson Still Qualifies: The Higher Education ACT (HEA) was initially passed to help expand opportunities for Americans to attend college. However, it was amended in 1998 by Congress to deny financial aid to students with prior drug convictions. This provision was largely unenforced by the Clinton Administration, but the Bush Administration has decided to enforce it strictly -- even assuming that students who do not answer the question are guilty. As a result, 60,000 students will lose their aid this year alone. Oddly enough, the provision only applies to drug offenses -- murderers, rapists and arsonists still qualify for aid. So, Charles Manson still gets aid -- unless he's caught with a joint. Additionally, DWI is OK, so the president and vice president need not worry. For further information about this issue and related items, including "Blow," the movie, "Coke," the beverage, and "Frosty the Snowman," visit: Note: 'Students for a Drug-Free White House' Launches Radio Ad Campaign Against Bush Policy Denying Funds to Those with Drug Pasts.Contact: John Hlinko of Students for a Drug-Free White House, 415-516-3896, e-mail: john Source: U.S.NewswireContact: John HlinkoPublished: June 20, 2001Copyright: 2001 U.S. Newswire Website: Articles:Students Find Drug Law Has Big Price To Once-Busted Students: Do As I Say To Enforce Financial Aid Drug Law Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #6 posted by kaptinemo on June 22, 2001 at 06:16:36 PT: Ras James has a very valid point If you subscribe to the theory - as I do - that crack was imported as a kind of chemical warfare directed against those elements of society deemed incapable of assimilation and participation in WASP culture, then what he has to say makes some major sense. Nothing like making your 'enemies' turn on each other; lets you keep your hands putatively clean while they destroy themselves...and be kept from uniting to demand their place at the political table.And that the moment that cannabis was thoughtfully, sensibly, deliberately embraced as an alternative...the violence subsided.That is, amongst those originally targeted to destroy themselves. The violence against cannabis consumers in general, however, has increased exponentially. Violence committed by The State. Raids, No-knock warrants, snitches, prison, forfeiture...we all know the sad litany.But what Ras James said struck me: The timing of the rise in Federal 'interest' in prosecuting cannabis consumers is, given what he has said, damn' suspicious.Why suspicious? If the artificially-stoked crack epidemic, served up at the behest of those with such ugly plans, was being shutdown via popular decision to use cannabis instead (which promotes no violence and is non-addictive, so little violence is attendant to it's trade) then the 'gas had to be turned up' on the social oven to compensate. Hence the rise in cannabis convictions.I realize that this may seem a bit to paranoid for many, but given the really loony history of the DrugWar, where Barry McCaffrey can hobnob with General Rebollo of Mexico who was later proven to be a narco, I think I can be forgiven this speculation. The entire history of this insane DrugWar would Alice would feel right at home in this dystopic Wonderland. Everything bears a second look. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by The GCW on June 21, 2001 at 21:25:19 PT What kids know. (by word of mouse) Youth will carry the ball.If society were to put animals in a cage for consuming cannabis there would be animal rights groups creating a ruckus. Why do we put up with mean people doing that to humans?(by word of mouse) [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by mayan on June 21, 2001 at 16:56:41 PT Right on!!! I wish more students & non-students would become active. If King George II knew how many people thought he was a joke, maybe he would lighten up a bit. I hope millions send this to Shrubya!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Randøm_ on June 21, 2001 at 16:34:48 PT just say no to questions In the immortal words of Bob Marley "man, it's a plant."More power to the students, pointing out the double standards of policy by the Bush administration. If any students read this who apply for federal aid, my best advice, having danced this tango in particular ... "just say no." Mind the fact that I mean just say no on the FAFSA question that asks about your history, regardless of whether you had any legal misfortunes or not. People often think the government and school staff to be far more thorough and competent than they actually are.peace, Randøm_ [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by ras james rsifwh on June 21, 2001 at 14:26:02 PT Black Entertainment Television Leads In case you don't know, BET (Black Entertainment Television) has become the leader in television criticism of America's Marijuana Laws. The subject has almost become a nightly joke...on "Comic View". Last night BET presented a rapid fire line up of Black Comedians who poked accurate and devastating fun at the insane stupididty of America's war against weed.Comedians in their twenties to their seventies in this past BET television season have made it clear that a large number of Black Americans know weed is not dangerous and feel it is a psychological necessity for survival in America's often unfair system.I also heard a very famous rapper recently state on BET that once the Hip Hop Nation embraced marijuana...the crack epidemic was brought to a halt. In other words, the Sacred Herb healed the Hip Hop Nation.Let it be noted that the Hip Hop Nation has been the first Nation on earth to openly announce that indeed as the Bible states...Cannabis Sativa is the "Healing of the Nations". One day Holy Herb will cure the United States of America from the diseases of Alcohol and Tobacco Addictions...No Doubt! Rev 22:1&2.Give all praise and thanks to Jah Rastafar-I who liveth and reignith in I and I...ever faithful ever sure. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Ethan Russo, MD on June 21, 2001 at 12:27:18 PT: Right On! As a serious student of the absurd and irreverent, I love these guys. I wish them godspeed in their efforts to expose hypocrisy and bring discomfort to its perpetraters. If enough people listen and laugh at the pompous politicians, we will see constructive change. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment