Cannabis News
  Rep. Thielen Named Hempster of the Year
Posted by FoM on January 10, 2000 at 22:03:02 PT
News, notes and anecdotes on government & politics 
Source: StarBulletin 

hemp A quarterly hemp industry magazine has named state Rep. Cynthia Thielen (R, Kailua) as its "1999 Hempster of the Year" for her work in getting a test plot of industrial hemp planted in Hawaii.

The award is given annually to companies or individuals who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the hemp industry.

Mari Kane, publisher of the International Hemp Journal, based in Sonoma, Calif., said Thielen was chosen for her dedication toward industrial hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant that does not contain the psychoactive elements found in the marijuana cannabis plant.

Kane praised Thielen's "political savvy" to get a state-approved hemp test project and to find a sponsor for the project.

She said Hawaii is the first state to plant industrial hemp in 40 years.

"Cynthia Thielen has done something that most of us only dream of," Kane said. "She has worked through the system to achieve her goal of growing legal industrial hemp. By doing so, she is an inspiration to all of us, especially women in the hemp industry."

"My hemp hat is off to her."

The quarter-acre plot of hemp was planted Dec. 14 in Wahiawa and is sponsored by a $200,000 grant from Alterna Professional Hair Care Products. The company uses nutrient-rich hemp seed oil in its products.

Previous winners of the award include former Colorado Sen. Lloyd Casey and actor/environmentalist Woody Harrelson. Kane said the award comes with a certificate printed on hemp card stock.

Published: January 10, 2000
© 2000 Honolulu Star-Bulletin

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