Cannabis News
  Is Legalizing Marijuana a Good Idea?
Posted by CN Staff on January 13, 2008 at 05:12:38 PT
By John Quinn 
Source: Burlington Free Press 

cannabis Vermont -- Before the "Let's decriminalize marijuana" train leaves the station here in Vermont, I think that legislators and others should think about the potential impact on Vermont should we declare marijuana to be legal or decriminalized.

Advocates for the decriminalization of marijuana have argued that we are losing the war on drugs. They argue that the jails are being filled with these minor offenders and that our resources are not being used wisely. As a prosecutor of 30 years I can unequivocally state that such claims are extreme exaggerations or outright lies.

These advocates cannot show me a case in Vermont where a person went to jail solely for the possession of a small amount of pot. I have sent hundreds of people to diversion for such an offense. In diversion they are asked to do some counseling and community service in exchange for their case being dismissed.

How many of Vermont's youths would take up pot smoking if it were no longer against the law? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? Do we really want to permit the young people of this state to engage in the use of a substance that robs them of motivation, puts them in an altered state of mind, and potentially has them driving on the highways of Vermont while under the influence of marijuana?

One of the great television ads regarding marijuana shows a 20-something male playing video games with his friends in his smoke-filled bedroom. A voice in the other room calls out to him asking if he's found a job yet. The young man replies, "No, not yet, Mom!" The viewer then realizes that these young men are wasting their lives away playing video games in their parents' homes. The ad concludes with the words, "Who says that marijuana is not harmful?"

Those advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana know that pot smoking puts the user in a dreamlike state of mind. They get the "munchies" and have no ambition to accomplish anything. Is that what we want for our children?

We are now part of a global society and global economy. Our young people will be entering a workplace where we compete with highly productive workers in other countries. Instead of decriminalizing drug use, we should be setting an example that people get ahead by getting a good education, working hard, and being productive. If we want to compete in a global society we need to be motivated to produce materials and ideas for the world. Pot smoking will not assist our society in becoming more productive.

While I don't subscribe to the scare tactics of others that marijuana use automatically leads to harder drugs, it is often the case that I see a person charged with heroin, cocaine, or some other "hard drug" has a prior conviction for possession of marijuana. Those with "addictive" personalities, and who might not have ever tried marijuana for fear of getting caught by the authorities, may find themselves tempted by the high of marijuana and want to try something a little stronger. If keeping marijuana use illegal keeps one kid from becoming a drug addict, then we've saved a life.

While we're considering the impact on the youth of this state, we had also better consider the impact on the rest of us when the other 49 states discover that Vermont allows pot smoking. Will every "pot head" in the country decide to move to Vermont? Shouldn't we be advocating for healthy lifestyles? I thought we were trying to get people to stop smoking. Decriminalizing marijuana in Vermont will lead to more smoking by our youth and an increased risk of lung cancer. Decriminalizing marijuana in Vermont will lead to more substance abuse and unhealthy lifestyles. It's a bad idea.

John T. Quinn of Weybridge is Addison County state's attorney.

Source: Burlington Free Press (VT)
Author: John Quinn
Published: Sunday, January 13, 2008
Copyright: 2008 Burlington Free Press

Related Articles:

Vt. Senate To Consider Bills Easing Pot Laws

Why is Pot Cultivation for Personal Use Illegal?

It's Time To Decriminalize Marijuana

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Comment #58 posted by FoM on January 31, 2008 at 05:12:36 PT
Hope and BGreen
BGreen I am happy that you Father is doing better. Stick's brother is recovering too. Thanks for asking.

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Comment #57 posted by BGreen on January 30, 2008 at 23:39:26 PT
My dad is doing great. He has to have a CAT scan to figure out why he has a diminished blood flow in one of his legs, but that's nothing after what he's already gone through.

Thank you for asking. It means a lot to know you care.

On that note, I'd also like to hear how Stick's brother is doing.

Brother Bud

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Comment #56 posted by Hope on January 30, 2008 at 22:57:43 PT
FoM, BGreen
BGreen, how is your Dad doing? And FoM, how is Stick's brother doing?

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Comment #55 posted by quidam on January 30, 2008 at 19:22:16 PT:

Reality is not statistical, join us quinn
John Quinn, though representing the popular opinion is far off base and a bit out of touch with reality, though he is right and makes a good point about the fact that most small amount offenders don't end up in jail, they do end up in court, and this is the majority of our legal proccedings aside from traffic violations. though attouneys and legislators refuse to see that this is taking up the money of tax payers because it is lining there pockets.

as for our youth taking up Marijuana, yea they might, but if i was a parent i would rather they sneak a dime bag from a friend at school then a bottle of liquor and ending up in the hospital in an alcoholic coma, something that has personally happened and continues to happen year after year. maybe these legislators should be making the sale of alcohol and tobacco illegal, hhmm....but that would never happen due to the large amounts of funding that these companies provide to senators campaign contributions. as for pot being a gate way drug, yes it is and this will never change untill it is legalized. yes being in a room where people are already in defiance of the law will open you up to other action and conversations that you might not otherwise be subjected too. now the only way to get rid of this effect is to legalize marijuana so that when someone walks into a room filled with pot heads they will think twice about breaking out cocaine or worse. with pot legalized they could be walking into a room of law abiding citizens and would never think about offering a law abiding citizen a line of cocaine or other illegal drugs.

now as for "hard drug" offenders having previous criminal offenses with marijuana lets take for example that we outlaw caffeen (which causes heart problems, anxiety, and other medical issues), how many people that eventually end up doing cocaine would have prior caffeen addictions or convictions. lets not be so nieve here. there are much worse drugs out there that people put in there body on a daily basis but noone says a thing about it, asprin for example, kat williams does a great skit where the punch line has to do with taking to many and having it be your last nap. try doing that with marijuana.

as for our youth being on the streets, there are many other medications people take that cause accedents or imparement but you dont see them trying to outlaw the use of such drugs. at least if our youth where to experiment with marijuana they would be introduced into other states of consiousness without the possibility of overdosing or passing out cold and balcking out the entire night like alcoholics do several days a week.

as for the productivity issue i think your forgetting to realize that pot users like anything else are subjected to a statitical sampling, and you are only focusing on the section you choose. I am a recent graduate with a degree in Engineering and i smoked pot almost daily in college, as well i have known many people to go into industries across the country who used marijuana and still do, as well as older individuals that hold completely normal and very active jobs such as construction. there was also surveys done by students showing that people who smoked marijuana tended to do better in school then most people who drank alcohol weekly. you are completely misrepresenting the sample in a way you choose to support your "opinion" which is the biggest mistake scientifically you can make, you are forcing your own biast onto the results. did you ever think that this state of mind might be beneficial. beneficial to stress levels, insomniacs who cant sleep, people with eating disorders who have little to no appitite, or possibly for creative purposes. John Quinn seems to be all about the "work harder not smarter". Andrew Weill wrote a great book called The Natural Mind where he wrote about civilizations using certain drugs to stimulate thought and then applying that to there daily work. creativity cant be forced, sometimes you need to sit back and look at something from a different point of view. as for productivity i would like to see you tell the movies and music industry that marijuana hurts there productivity, maybe in the short run, but in the long run there are many musicians and actors, writers, directors that openly support the use of marijuana. some of these people "produce" more sales revenue in one album or movie then some lawyers will in an entire life time. not to mention show us ways of thinking and parts of our selves that some conservatives could never understand.

as for "If keeping marijuana use illegal keeps one kid from becoming a drug addict, then we've saved a life." while this is a good thought it is very short minded and impracticle, i have seen more people become addicts of harder drugs because marijuana was illegal. if someone has a truly addictive personality and is put on probation for marijuana some times they will move onto harder drugs that only stay in your system for a number of days as opposed to weeks which is the case with marijuana. so to avoid drug tests they do cocaine or get drunk to the point they cant stand several days a week. now on the flip side we could try using marijuana to help addicts kick harder addictions by putting them in an altered state of conciousness helping them to avoid cravings that will cause a relapse.

as for what this would do to our economy...stimulation is the only word that comes to mind, there would be better spending of tax money on things that our state actually needs, our tourism would get a huge boom, look what it does for amsterdam alone just to be able to smoke pot in a cafe and not get arrested for it. we currently are loosing all our trained and skilled youth to other states due to lack of industry in vermont, this may jsut help to stimulate the economy more then it would hurt it.

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Comment #54 posted by rchandar on January 17, 2008 at 10:55:39 PT:

I think we should apply the Marxian question to issues of "productivity", when we're talking about the "deleterious" effects of marijuana.

So you're productive: because of this there are more products, developments, services. Tell the truth: are these things always, categorically useful? Is a person deserving of respect just because he heads up the corporation that produces Barbie dolls, or cars that waste gas and pollute the environment? Is a person's achievement in society measured by this "productivity," to plague our society with more useless things and services that don't really "serve" anyone? Think...

...yes, that's right. What it comes down to is MONEY. A person who earns money is "productive," a young man who plays video games with his buddies is a "waste." That of course is not really how it is and the commercial is a sham: you can be good at a lot of things in life other than making money and deserve respect, whatever it is you are "good" at.

I'm afraid we just will have to drop this perspective of ours: Your life belongs to YOU, and not to society. Now, you should not HARM society, especially innocent people. For my part, my 20s were uniformly "unproductive": I worked odd jobs and wrote poetry in my spare time, traveled a lot, and communed with countless musicians and forest-goers. So I'm "a waste." Because I didn't have a big, fat wallet, I was a burden, a waste, a delinquent.

Perspective, people, perspective!

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Comment #53 posted by Archimedes on January 17, 2008 at 04:43:33 PT
More basis
We can't just deny the decisions of conglomerate minds of lawmakers from other states who decriminalized marijuana. We need more basis as to make it legal or not. Not on single situation alone.

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Comment #52 posted by FoM on January 15, 2008 at 09:12:50 PT
Thank you.

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Comment #51 posted by Hope on January 15, 2008 at 09:02:36 PT
Mr. and Mrs. BGreen
You have my prayers.

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Comment #50 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 15, 2008 at 08:55:46 PT:

I'll continue to keep both of your families in
my thoughts and prayers. God bless.

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Comment #49 posted by FoM on January 15, 2008 at 08:51:34 PT
Yes he is doing ok. It does make me worry about Stick because that is young to need that extreme of a surgery. Stick's brother works for the railroad and has for many years so he has excellent insurance. His only symptom was he was exhausted. No pain just sudden and complete exhaustion. Thank you for the prayers. Facing our own mortality is kinda hard.

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Comment #48 posted by BGreen on January 15, 2008 at 08:42:54 PT
I'm sorry to hear that, FoM
Is he doing OK? Is Stick OK?

Rest assured that I will include your BIL and family in my prayers.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #47 posted by FoM on January 15, 2008 at 08:29:35 PT
I'm glad he is doing better. We got a call this morning that my husband's younger brother had to have an emergency heart bypass operation. 4 arteries were clogged. He is 55 I think. He never smoked, drank and is thin and fit. He had the surgery yesterday too.

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Comment #46 posted by BGreen on January 15, 2008 at 07:53:51 PT
FoM, Toker00, fight_4_freedom and JustGetnBy
Thank you to all of you. I know it's easy to miss posts, but I also knew that I have friends here who care, so there's a lot of support even from my friends who didn't catch my post.

They finally got the breathing tube out of Dad's throat early this morning and they sat him up in a chair a little while ago. We took my Mom up to the hospital last night but Dad didn't know we were there. We put our trust in our God and in the hospital staff so we came home to get some sleep instead of staying at the hospital all night.

The compassion that drives our fight to stop cannabis prohibition is the same compassion that permeates our physical and spiritual beings, and it's what truly makes us human beings.

I love all of you and consider you a blessing in my life.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #45 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 14, 2008 at 18:18:22 PT:

Marc Emery
is one of my heroes. It's really sad to hear he'll be getting 5 years for something his country doesn't even really look at as a big deal. Thanks to the good old U S of A acting like a big bully, he will lose his freedom for 5 years. And yes it's better than having to come do 20 in the U.S., but what this man did was not criminal. He helped give people access to grow God's greatest herb. He should be looked at as a heroic figure, but instead he's one of America's most wanted.

What a shame.

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Comment #44 posted by JustGetnBy on January 14, 2008 at 16:53:22 PT
B Green Family
If caring counts, count me in. Very happy to hear the surgery went well.

Peace JGBy

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Comment #43 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 14, 2008 at 16:39:58 PT:

Rev Ray
The pineapple express looks like another laugher. Have you watched Knocked Up yet? My sister just sent me the DVD for Christmas. I thought it was pretty good. A lot of cannabis references.

Can't wait to see this one.

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Comment #42 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 14, 2008 at 16:34:40 PT:

My prayers are with you and your family BGreen
I hope and wish nothing but the best for your Father's health.

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Comment #41 posted by Toker00 on January 14, 2008 at 14:39:38 PT
Sorry I didn't see this earlier, Bro.



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Comment #40 posted by FoM on January 14, 2008 at 14:25:11 PT
You're very welcome. I'm glad your Dad seems stable. Medical crisis in a loved one's life drains the family with worry. You and Mrs. Green need to relax tonight. He should be more alert tomorrow.

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Comment #39 posted by BGreen on January 14, 2008 at 13:56:27 PT
re: Posts #23 and 24
Thank you, FoM. It's been a long day. The surgery lasted over four hours and then they had problems getting his blood pressure stabilized after they took him to the ICU.

We saw him for a couple of minutes but he wasn't conscious.

The surgeon said the surgery went well but there's a 5% to 10% chance of bleeding or clotting within the next 24 hours, so we still need all of the prayers we can get.

Thanks again for being there for us in times of crisis. It means a lot to Mrs. Green and me.

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #38 posted by FoM on January 14, 2008 at 11:50:25 PT
These days I just don't have much to say but I sure appreciate your passion. You're the best.

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Comment #37 posted by Hope on January 14, 2008 at 11:34:51 PT
Thank you, Mr. Genero.
You are very kind.

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Comment #36 posted by Hope on January 14, 2008 at 10:47:05 PT
Hmmm. Clarity?
Must be the product of simmering for days over a constant fire of indignation.

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Comment #35 posted by dongenero on January 14, 2008 at 10:25:03 PT
Hope's beautiful mind, with a bit of discontent.
You always have great posts but today.......

you have some especially sharp clarity in your comments. You always do but, today you are particularly on target.

It seems a bit of anger may suit you well at times.

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Comment #34 posted by paulpeterson on January 14, 2008 at 09:22:33 PT
Toker00-you're on to something, there
Saturday's Omaha (Nebraska) World Herald had a front page article by an admitted "REDNECK" state senator that wants to reverse the 1978 decriminalization of one ounce of marijuana.

That is just the point here, and I did an editorial to that paper, about these things-THE REDNECK HAS A "WETBRAIN" MENTALITY, where he can't fathom intelligent logic.

He has, in fact, what I have named "Conservative Affective Disorder" (CAD), where the alcohol has totally scraped the lining of brain cells in various brain structures, like the "ventromedial prefrontal cortex", where TRUTH can be imagined, perchance also increasing, paradoxically, activity in the "anterior insula", which is where "cognitive dissonance" hits with a KNEE JERK REACTION, whereever and whenever a true REDNECK (alcohol wetbrain syndrome, actually) hears something about marijuana.

George Bush, in fact, has a well-established form of this wetbrain syndrome. In fact, in the current issue of TIME MAGAZINE, there is an article entitled "MY NOSE, MY BRAIN, MY FAITH", where they even give an example that is TERRIFYING. They note that when subjects are presented with certain "false statements", including (now this is really eerie, folks), "TORTURE IS GOOD", which characteristically triggers that ANTERIOR INSULA to light up like a Christmas tree at winter solstice (ie: most subjects would react that that is a wrong statement). I'm guessing, though, that in a typical WETBRAIN REDNECK like George Bush, this would, instead, hit the VENTROMEDIAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX, corridor, ie: I can just see these people thinking, in some weird, BIZARRO-WORLD SUPERMAN PARALLEL UNIVERSE SYSTEM, where everything takes on a 180 degree twist, back to the McCarthy Zone, where "bust them over the head" alcoholics can justify taking away any rights, any justice, and replacing justice with a LEX TALIANIS, "eye for eye, tooth for tooth", justify killing the child to save the child, "throw the baby out with the bath water", type of BURN THE VILLAGE TO SAVE IT, type mentality, and that is not nice, folks, and this has just got to stop, folks.

On the other hand, people that have carefully nurtured CB-1 receptors in these areas of the brain, can safely use alcohol, in moderation, of course, especially where the CB-1's are gently triggered to provide neuroprotection for those sensitive and very volatile "reactionism" receptor areas, the ones we need to carefully balance and monitor, to ensure that rigid, preset, reactionism, of the type of REDNECKS, don't overly tweak, and cause us to overreact like those rigidly preset REDNECKS, to stimuli that is selectively designed to "tweak" such things as the "wrap us up in the patriotism of the flag", or "kill all the commies", or "torture is good, um, um good", reactions, which cause such people as REDNECK POLITITIANS TO REACT BY WANTING TO PUT ALL POTHEADS IN JAIL, um, um, good eh?

In other words, potheads have caused a reaction, in the brain, whereby reactionism is dampened, and tolerance is encouraged, and balanced, "both sides of any issue" is encouraged, which means we are selectively protected from CAD (conservative affective disorder) and REDNECKISM is something we can easily avoid and overcome, and isn't that what we have to do right now, ie: "we shall overcome?" which is especially timely, in fact, just around the time we celebrate MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., at least in non-REDNECK zones, eh?

I'm done now, and please check out that TIME MAGAZINE article about things that smell fishy, things that sound fishy, and religious constructs that sound fishy. They all go around and come around to those same old parts of the brain, called the anterior insula, and IN FACT, THAT IS THE AREA OF THE BRAIN THAT JESUS CHRIST TRIED TO HELP US "REORIENT" back in the Bible Zone, in his SERMON ON THE PLAINE (Luke) and the SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Matthew), wherein he, and those writers that wrote on such subjects, of course, which is why we still get this through the sands of time, still in print today, no less, (and not too shabby, to have your words printed in easily available large print, in almost every hotel/motel room in the realm, eh, some 2000 years after REDNECK REACTIONARY WARRIORS HAVE REACTED WITH SUCH STUNNING EFFICIEENCY THAT HE GOT STRUNG UP, GOOD LIKE, and punched for good measure, but only clear fluid came out, meaning it was an artificially and medically induced now-grading of blood flow & respiratory distress, which caused him to be cut down and removed from the cross to a waiting emergency room operating theatre, thanks to Uncle Joe, from Arimathea, ac actually Ramah, where Samuel hailed from, that used a similar "annointing oil" to make kings into prophets, etc., but now I'm starting to digress, aren't I?).

The point here? Jesus, a really good scholar, that knew much about neuroscience, and psychoanalytical constructs, knew his stuff so well, he had secrets about how to rebalance that anterior insula, about 2000 years before other thinkers even NAMED THE PART OF THE BRAIN HE KNEW HOW TO REBALANCE, and he gave us devices (in words, still in print, of course), for reorienting thoughts to avoid REDNECKISM, and others had already heard from Gabriel, about how certain people, like John the Baptist, SHOULD NOT USE ALCOHOL, OR "STRONG DRINK" & "WINE" because when strong thinkers like John, were given especially sensitive equipment, with "special options" so he/they could have special brain abilities, they SHOULDN'T USE THAT REDNECK BRAIN KILLER DRUG, because that KILLS THE EXTRA CREDIT ABILITIES THAT SOCIETY NEEDS TO OVERCOME REDNECKISM, and who knows, maybe GEORGE BUSH HIMSELF COULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER PRESIDENT, without that "torture is good" mentality, IF HE HAD KEPT OFF THE SAUCE, EH FOLKS?

And hey, not too shabby, eh? For Jesus Christ, that was "born in a manger" because there is no room in the inn, to have his BEST SELLER, still being kept in EVERY ROOM IN EVERY INN, IN EVERY TOWN, IN EVERY LANGUAGE, IN EVERY ENLIGHTENED CORNER OF THE REALM, EH? Not too shabby, Jesus, and good thinking, to place these brain tweaser/tweaker, thought devices, and metaphors, in the minds of two good writers, Matthew & Luke, who both placed them in such words (with such stunning "secrecy", and apparent "oxymoron", and almost sarcasm, so the CATHOLIC EDITORS didn't even see just how subversive and counter-cultural so they otherwise would have WIPED THOSE WORDS OUT, PRONTO, FOREVER, IF THEY HAD HAD ANY IDEA OF JUST HOW SUBVERSIVE THOSE WORDS WERE, to those WETBRAIN REDNECKS, that is, the booze hounds, that took his frame, exported it, "packaged it", and made true "sacrament" morphed right into BOOZEHOUND alcohol & pastey white glutamate flour dough brain killer "bread" that actually causes people to get Alzheimer's, etc. -that is, if they don't get their CB-1's massaged once in a while), ie: those CATHOLIC BOOZEHOUND, REDNECK, WETBRAINS very effectively kill any TOLERANCE OR INTELLECT, OR ABILITY TO SEE BOTH SIDES OF ANY ISSUE, ETC., and thanks for listening, I'm really done now, really, I am. You can go to "" to read more about "Conservative Affective Disorder" (CAD), and I hope those articles help stop this REDNECK NEBRASKA WETBRAIN SENATOR dead in his tracks, before his wetbrain redneck brain gets Nebraska stuck right back in the "McCarthy" Zone, and thanks for the introduction, Toker00, it was a good setup for this response. I'm really done now, really, I am.

PAUL PETERSON, 712-732-2620, Storm Lake, Iowa

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Comment #33 posted by Hope on January 14, 2008 at 09:19:41 PT
John Quinn
I've been so spittin mad after reading this article... and all I'd like to say to and about John Quinn and his world where by his word he sends this person here and that person there. He's ruling lives that he shouldn't be able to touch.

This article has been a vile irritant ever since I first saw it and I've been too angry to comment like I'd like to, about it. I still am.

John Quinn is without mercy.

Is he now asking for some sort of "mercy" on him and what he does for a living?

Are we supposed to have some sort of "mercy" on the merciless like him?

"Oh spare me, oh kind voter. Spare me and my non-existent invisible one kid here. Grant me the mercy of being able to continue to persecute the cannabis consumer and get paid for it. Oh please. Please!"

He, and others like him, have a powerful need, obviously for the blood and suffering of the cannabis consumer.

Seeking mercy for all, I would spare him the punishment for all the wrong he has done. He's abused people, I know, yet I would give him a chance to stop abusing people he apparently believes are "abusing" a plant.

But I would not have "mercy" on him to the point of allowing him the satisfaction of continuing his persecution and punishment of others that deserve neither.

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Comment #32 posted by museman on January 14, 2008 at 09:17:19 PT
the P church
On and on it goes,

from the pulpit comes the same old tired dogma from the original prohibition bible, essentially played out in Reefer Madness, and refined by Nixon/Reagan, and repeated over and over again.

"We are now part of a global society and global economy. Our young people will be entering a workplace where we compete with highly productive workers in other countries. Instead of decriminalizing drug use, we should be setting an example that people get ahead by getting a good education, working hard, and being productive. If we want to compete in a global society we need to be motivated to produce materials and ideas for the world. Pot smoking will not assist our society in becoming more productive."

Or how about;

"We are subjects of an ogliarchy that through lies, subterfuge, twisted moralities, false authority, and war -don't forget war- is currently in the final phase of establishing the 'New World Order.' The 'young people' will be entering a marketplace filled by third world slaves (highly productive). Instead of sanity and freedom, we should be concentrating on assuring ('setting an example') the stability and supremacy of programming and propaganda (education) of the willing slave state (working hard, being productive). If our elite rulers want to compete in a global Imperium, we need to insure that all ideas and materials are under the complete control of the elite. Pot smoking will undermine the slaves willingness to capitulate."

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Comment #31 posted by Hope on January 14, 2008 at 09:03:20 PT
It may not seem very important...
that people are being persecuted over seed sales and possession and consumption of plant matter.

But it is. It's very important.

Government and it's agents are hurting people's lives terribly. Sometimes taking them completely. Runruff. HerbDoc. Steve Kubby. Robin. Peter McWilliams. Rainbow Farm. And so many others have had to suffer abuse at the hands of goverment. Some in cells. Some in death.

I don't forget, Museman, that your home, built by your family on blisters and sweat, was taken from you and your family because of the excuse they take with the plant, cannabis. I don't forget, FoM, GCW, and all the others that have watched their loved ones, their very children, suffer, for lack of relief and help that a simple natural herb could have brought them.

Infused in the air. Brewed in a tea and ointment. Baked into food. It could have helped. It could have eased suffering.

It could have made some bad moments a lot easier. A lot sweeter. A lot kinder in this cruel, cruel world. But it wasn't allowed because of an idiotic prohibition and and idiotic prohibitionists.

As we watch these things happen we are watching the death of a beautiful and truly noble idea.

This idea of government that was born with the United States was a basically good idea that could have grown to be more than it was.

Sometimes it did grown and develop in places where it was born lacking. Women and minorities got more freedom and ability to exercise their rights and opinions. Slavery was abolished. That was when it grew.

Then it started shrinking again. It started dieing and whithering and smelling of untreated infections, and I see few signs of a reversal of all the bad signs.

A government of the people and by the people based on the idea that people, even as individuals, have God given rights and freedom. A people governed by the idea of freedom and liberty. A people free of overreaching and fascist government.

What we are watching in all these injustices is the death of a nation that once struggled to be born free.

It's all a part of the wrongs, small and large, that eat away, like rot, at a foundation of a governing body riddled with corruption and self destruction, fascism, greed, hatred, and spite.

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Comment #30 posted by Hope on January 14, 2008 at 08:09:02 PT
Hate and spite
Forget justice.

Hate and spite are what the persecution of Marc Emery and company is about.

He irritated the wrong bully.

Marc rubs a lot of people the wrong way. He has done nothing worthy of imprisonment. It's a crying shame that our government can put a human in a prison cell because they are so damn irritating to certain individuals in government and government gangs. How can you respect a hate fueled government like that?

I sure hope Marc gets the miracles he's hoping for. I really like that about Marc.

I can't think of a thing to like about the DEA and the ONDCP and the KGB and the Nazis and every other cruel group that hatred and spite gave birth to upon this earth.

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Comment #29 posted by dongenero on January 14, 2008 at 07:45:53 PT
comment 26 - Emery
Looks like Emery will be a political prisoner now.

AT least 5 years in Canada is better than life in prison in this sad country's prison system.

Good luck to him. I hope he can turn his unfair punishment into a furthering of the argument for legalization.

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Comment #28 posted by observer on January 14, 2008 at 07:40:06 PT
[1] Vermont -- Before the "Let's decriminalize marijuana" train leaves the station here in Vermont, I think that legislators and others should think about the potential impact on Vermont should we declare marijuana to be legal or decriminalized .
(Sentence 1) re: "
decriminalize", "decriminalized" - Onward prohibitionist drug warriors, fighting the epidemic and scourge in the battles of the war against drugs! (Drugs declared evil by politicians, that is.) (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )
[2] Advocates for the decriminalization of marijuana have argued that we are losing the war on drugs .
(Sentence 2) re: "
war on drugs" - Drug users are evil fiends which, save for the noble drug "war", would multiply as the "epidemic" of drug use engulfs an innocent people. (Demonize, War (propaganda theme 6) ) re: "decriminalization" - Drug policy options are presented as either total prohibition, or as total "legalization." No middle ground is contemplated in the "zero-tolerance" world of prohibition. Absolute prohibition executed with religious fervor and purpose! (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )
[7] In diversion they are asked to do some counseling and community service in exchange for their case being dismissed .
(Sentence 7) re: "
community" - The health of the "community" (read: government) is assured, prohibitionists explain, because drug users are punished. Jailing drug users is thus painted as upholding society. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )
[8] How many of Vermont's youths would take up pot smoking if it were no longer against the law?
(Sentence 8) re: "
pot smoking" - Drugs are linked with groups of people who are already seen as deviant or shameful. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "youths" - Prohibitionists forever claim that children are corrupted by drugs, and this is why adult users must be punished harshly. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[12] Do we really want to permit the young people of this state to engage in the use of a substance that robs them of motivation, puts them in an altered state of mind, and potentially has them driving on the highways of Vermont while under the influence of marijuana?
(Sentence 12) re: "
young people" - Being a prohibitionist means you can never shed too many crocodile tears for the "children". (As you lustily jail or kill their parents for using drugs.) (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[17] The ad concludes with the words, "Who says that marijuana is not harmful?"
(Sentence 17) re: "
harmful" - The rhetoric of prohibition asserts that insanity, crime, and violence are caused by drugs, or are controlled by prohibition. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) )
[18] Those advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana know that pot smoking puts the user in a dreamlike state of mind .
(Sentence 18) re: "
user", "pot smoking" - Drug users are "those people" -- they are linked with groups that everyone agrees are bad. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "decriminalization" - With God on Their Side (prohibitionists assure us), only the continued rooting out of the sinful drug users (total prohibition) will do. All else is portrayed as the slippery slope to total legalization of all drugs for toddlers. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )
[20] Is that what we want for our children?
(Sentence 20) re: "
children" - Drug war propaganda plays on parental fears for the well being of their kids. If drug users are not jailed, says the prohibitionist, then your children will surely suffer. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[21] We are now part of a global society and global economy .
(Sentence 21) re: "
society" - The survival of society is assured, -- says the propaganda of prohibition -- as long as drug users are punished (jailed). (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )
[22] Our young people will be entering a workplace where we compete with highly productive workers in other countries .
(Sentence 22) re: "
young people" - "Nothing can so excite an adult population as can anything which appears to threaten their own children." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[23] Instead of decriminalizing drug use, we should be setting an example that people get ahead by getting a good education, working hard, and being productive .
(Sentence 23) re: "
drug use" - Any use of an illegal drug is deemed to be "abuse," weasels the propaganda of prohibition. (After all - it is illegal!) (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) )
[24] If we want to compete in a global society we need to be motivated to produce materials and ideas for the world .
(Sentence 24) re: "
society" - Prohibitionists assert that the survival of the community, society, the nation, the world, etc. are at stake. Only continued and increased punishments for drug users can be contemplated, because, say prohibitionists, society will otherwise fall apart. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )
[25] Pot smoking will not assist our society in becoming more productive .
(Sentence 25) re: "
Pot smoking" - Prohibition propaganda often uses crude forms of name-calling to link a targeted drug with groups the majority dislikes. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "society", "our society" - Because of prohibition (prohibitionists assure us), society is protected: the community is safe, and the nation is saved. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )
[26] While I don't subscribe to the scare tactics of others that marijuana use automatically leads to harder drugs, it is often the case that I see a person charged with heroin, cocaine, or some other "hard drug" has a prior conviction for possession of marijuana .
(Sentence 26) re: "
marijuana use", "possession of marijuana" - "This strategy equates the use and abuse of drugs and implies that it is impossible to use the particular drug or drugs in question without physical, mental, and moral deterioration." [W.White,1979] (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "leads to harder", "leads to", "harder drugs" - Some drugs, claims the rhetoric of prohibition, are "gateways" to other, "harder" drugs. (Use is Abuse, Gateway (propaganda theme 4) )
[27] Those with "addictive" personalities, and who might not have ever tried marijuana for fear of getting caught by the authorities, may find themselves tempted by the high of marijuana and want to try something a little stronger .
(Sentence 27) re: "
addictive" - Drugs, the prohibitionist explains, are a wicked bane on modern man. Why if not for the noble drug war (i.e. jailing drug users), exclaims the propagandist, then people will run amok, and violence, death, psychosis, and plague shall cover the land. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) )
[28] If keeping marijuana use illegal keeps one kid from becoming a drug addict, then we've saved a life .
(Sentence 28) re: "
drug addict", "addict" - Prohibition rhetoric often attempts to associate hated groups with targeted drugs. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "marijuana use" - Prohibitionists try to hammer in the idea that 'all use is abuse.' The rhetoric of prohibition needs to deny that many people can use currently illegal drugs without abusing them. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "kid" - "Since the Harrison Act of 1914, the user and the seller of illicit drugs have both been characterized as evil, criminal, insane, and always in search of new victims, the victims are characterized as young children." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[29] While we're considering the impact on the youth of this state, we had also better consider the impact on the rest of us when the other 49 states discover that Vermont allows pot smoking .
(Sentence 29) re: "
pot smoking" - The rhetoric of prohibition tries to link drugs with marginalized people. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "youth" - Prohibitionist propaganda continually whips up parental fear, invoking lurid images of children corrupted by drugs. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )
[30] Will every "pot head" in the country decide to move to Vermont?
(Sentence 30) re: "
pot head" - The rhetoric of prohibition will try to use labeling and guilt by association to link drugs and drug users with hated groups. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) )
[33] Decriminalizing marijuana in Vermont will lead to more smoking by our youth and an increased risk of lung cancer .
(Sentence 33) re: "
cancer" - Prohibitionists claim any use of currently illegal drugs cause death, illness, lunacy, mania, melancholy, and all means of sin and degradation. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) re: "youth" - "Chemicals have long been inextricably linked in prohibitionist literature with the ... corruption of young people." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) re: "Decriminalizing" - Any mention of lessening the harshness of drug laws is portrayed as a sinful "legalization". Only total prohibition (or more jailings) will be righteous. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )
[34] Decriminalizing marijuana in Vermont will lead to more substance abuse and unhealthy lifestyles .
(Sentence 34) re: "
substance abuse", "abuse" - Prohibition propaganda claims that all use of any "drug" is abuse. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "Decriminalizing" - Drug policy options are presented as either total prohibition, or as total "legalization." No middle ground is contemplated in the "zero-tolerance" world of prohibition. Absolute prohibition executed with religious fervor and purpose! (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #27 posted by dongenero on January 14, 2008 at 07:14:17 PT
extreme exagerations or outright lies.............
Indeed. But I think the extreme exaggerations and outright lies seem to be the content of this prohibitionist editorial.

Thanks Mr. States Attorney

I'll watch for observer's dissection of this propaganda.

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Comment #26 posted by FoM on January 14, 2008 at 05:48:38 PT
Canada: Prince of Pot in Plea Bargain
By Ian Mulgrew, Canwest News Service

Published: Monday, January 14, 2008

VANCOUVER -- Marc Emery, Vancouver's self-styled Prince of Pot, has tentatively agreed to a five-year prison term in a plea bargain over U.S. money laundering and marijuana seed-selling charges.

Facing an extradition hearing Jan. 21 and the all-but-certain prospect of delivery to American authorities, Mr. Emery has cut a deal with U.S. prosecutors to serve his sentence in Canada.

Complete Article:

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Comment #25 posted by The GCW on January 14, 2008 at 05:47:22 PT
US NE: Nebraska Penalties For Marijuana Possession Called 'Too Lenient'

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Comment #24 posted by FoM on January 14, 2008 at 05:43:00 PT
Done! Good luck to your father today!

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Comment #23 posted by BGreen on January 14, 2008 at 04:11:06 PT
Off Topic
My Dad is having surgery for an Aortic Aneurysm this morning, so any prayers and good thoughts about him from my family would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #22 posted by afterburner on January 13, 2008 at 23:01:19 PT
That's deeply.

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Comment #21 posted by afterburner on January 13, 2008 at 22:57:13 PT
Sounds Like Someone Has Been Reading C-News
and now he's twisting our words to support the new prohibitionist message. The same but different. Different but still the same. "Marijuana is addictive" morphs into marijuana is potentially dangerous to children with "addictive personalities."

{ While I don't subscribe to the scare tactics of others that marijuana use automatically leads to harder drugs, it is often the case that I see a person charged with heroin, cocaine, or some other "hard drug" has a prior conviction for possession of marijuana. Those with "addictive" personalities, and who might not have ever tried marijuana for fear of getting caught by the authorities, may find themselves tempted by the high of marijuana and want to try something a little stronger. If keeping marijuana use illegal keeps one kid from becoming a drug addict, then we've saved a life. }

Yeah, he doesn't subscribe to the stepping stone or gateway theory. However, he says that keeping one child from using "marijuana" will keep that child from being a drug addict. Of course, the use of alcohol and prescription drugs by future adults is not mentioned: no alarm bells about that. Also, the fact that "marijuana" is more available to school children under prohibition than cigarettes and alcohol, which are legally regulated, is totally ignored.

BTW, we here at cannabis news care deply about all the children. We care that continuing government crackdowns on young adults (who are often considered children by their parents) encourages indiscriminate youthful experimentation like binge drinking, raiding the prescription drug cabinet and buying difficult to detect club chemicals of unknown composition and purity. This is the nightmare that the prohibitionists create for our confused and gullible children and young adults.

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Comment #20 posted by FoM on January 13, 2008 at 19:26:18 PT
It's good to see you. I went ahead and removed the extra posts.

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Comment #19 posted by The GCW on January 13, 2008 at 19:14:36 PT
About the, "Christian Right Wing fascism"

There is good reason to be against, "Christian Right Wing fascism" ... The Christian Right is an oxymoron / Misnomer.

But don't let "Christian Right Wing fascism" keep You from having the relationship with the Christ that is good.

Were told to love one another and the "Christian Right doesn't seem capable of doing that request and it most often turns people away from what they think Christianity is.

The "Christian Right" republican is usually not the kind of person Jesus Christ wants Us to be. Find good Christians and use them as examples to lead You with The Christ, The Ecologician.

Don't let disobedient Christians lead You away from being a Christian.

After all, God indicates He created all the plants saying they're all good on the 1st page of the Bible and disobedient Christians can not change that.

Don't deny He who created the herb; deny the ignoids who wish to take it away.

The Green Collar Worker

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Comment #18 posted by RevRayGreen on January 13, 2008 at 18:57:43 PT
'Get on the 'Pineapple Express' ?

A cross joint is when you have 1 large joint and a shorter smaller joint and you join them through each other to form the shape of a cross.

It is rumored that M.M. Oshonasy delveloped the first cross joint,the man who designed the golden gate bridge. :)

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Comment #17 posted by Systemgonedown on January 13, 2008 at 18:35:05 PT
For all you CLOSE readers(about the misprint)

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Comment #16 posted by Systemgonedown on January 13, 2008 at 18:33:48 PT
Fascist B******
Hey, it's been a while since I blogged with you friends here. I just want you to know I appreciate your constant replies to this brilliant website and our cynical fight against the one element of facism - drug prohibition. Although my political beliefs have led me to think every story here is irrelevant, I am highly appreciative of the pot outlaws. Just note, I will write back if there are any serious progressions in this fight. However my only word of love and advice is that you all just interject this marijuana talk into the real fight against Christian Right Wing fascism.

With love, SystemGoneDown

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Comment #13 posted by The GCW on January 13, 2008 at 18:14:49 PT
US: Texans Mourn Fugitive
US: Texans Mourn Fugitive

Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 Source: News & Observer (Raleigh, NC)

"Advocates for Medical Marijuana Use See Him As a Victim of the Government's Policy

Medical marijuana advocates in Texas lament the fate of a cancer patient turned federal fugitive who was shot and killed during a drug raid last week at his North Raleigh home.

Stephen Scott Thornton, 45, of 5401 Alpine Drive died Friday afternoon from wounds received as sheriff's deputies and Wake County Alcohol Beverage Control officers forced their way into his home that morning to search for evidence of marijuana plants."""


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Comment #12 posted by Sam Adams on January 13, 2008 at 11:52:13 PT
Good intentions?
If wants to "save a life", why doesn't he start arresting people who take their kids to McDonalds. Because obesity & diabetes is going to kill a lot more people than drugs, even heroin.

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Comment #11 posted by JustGetnBy on January 13, 2008 at 11:50:03 PT
Mr Quin tells a huge lie by telling a partial
truth.He says "He" has never sent anyone to jail for simple possesion of Cannabis. Are to assume from that statement that no-one is in jail for simple possesion? Are we to assume that jail is the only penalty for simple possession.

The arrogance of the statement is beyond belief " If keeping marijuana use illegal keeps one kid from becoming a drug addict, then we've saved a life."

Mr. Quin, if you expect me to buy into that premise I would ask you to show your sincerity. Voluntarily submit yourself or a loved one to the same procedures that Police and the justice system use to deal with Cannabis possession. If after being arrested, ( and possibly looking directy down the barrel of a gun) being handcuffed, taken to jail, fingerprinted, placed in a cage, appearing in court, dealing with lawyers, . Well I'm gonna stop right there, but the fines and legal & socially humiliating results of an arrest don't stop there. Then , and only then will I believe you are sincere in your beliefs.

On a parting note Mr quin, have you considered the consequences of such an arrest on a commercial driver, Pilot Teacher, or lawyer. All of these people would be severely sanctioned. by thier licensing boards, and might well cost then the right to practice thier proffesion.

Waiting to hear from you sir. JustGetnBy

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Comment #10 posted by BGreen on January 13, 2008 at 11:25:16 PT
So, why then, Mr. Quinn?
Why is it necessary to piss test job applicants for cannabis use if people are too lazy to work or even look for a job if they use cannabis?

Why is it necessary to test all of our PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES, many of whom make millions per year, for cannabis use if people are so lazy and debilitated after using cannabis? Surely nobody would have the desire and devotion to achieve the talent necessary to play professional sports or compete in the Olympics if they've used cannabis, would they, Mr. Quinn?

Why does anybody with any kind of professional license in the US have to fear losing that license, which means they lose their ability to earn a living in their chosen field, only because they admit to or are discovered using cannabis, even when there is no proof or evidence that cannabis use is deleterious to their performance?

Could Mr. Quinn be a liar, or is he just an ignorant hack?

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #9 posted by runruff on January 13, 2008 at 11:23:45 PT:

The "kid card"
You have seen that some of the same perverts in congress who pulled the kid card in order to keep the public at large so scared of cannabis legalization turned out to be pedefiles.

You all know the numbers on the amount of prosecutions for minor possession, cultivation, and selling herb. Even he says he has sent hundreds to diversion for possession.

Lets add up all the bust every year. This is how many cases go before prosecutors every year. If not for all the pot bust [major or minor] what would all these prosecutors be doing for a living? Private practice? The lawyer market would be so flooded half the lawyers in this country would have to seek other employment. Who knows this better than a court prosecutor?

Court prosecutors are thick skinned snakes. They don't care if they put away innocent people, If their sentence is fair of not so long as their record looks good.

I'm a leftover hippie from the sixties. The term we would have used to discribe this guy is a "pig" and he is.

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Comment #8 posted by Sam Adams on January 13, 2008 at 11:07:00 PT
job security
HW you're so right. Look who's writing - the guy who earns his paycheck prosecuting cannabis users!

It's so funny that he mentions our collective productivity in the age of the global economy. Yep, some people have to go to school, work hard, compete, and earn a living.

And then some people just go to work for the government, attacking people for touching herbal plants. They clamp on to the body of the productive working class to suck their life force away like a parasite sucks warm blood from its host, giving nothing in the return except disease.

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Comment #7 posted by unkat27 on January 13, 2008 at 10:21:18 PT
Another Prohibitionist Joke
This guy isn't taking a look at the whole issue and all the implications and effects of marijuana illegality.

He's only covering the superficial effects and not the adverse long-run effects.

What about the stigmata that is placed upon people who are arrested for marijuana possession? What about the probation, the mandatory treatment programs (big brother brainwashing), the loss of jobs, the loss of college financial-aid, and the whole idea of being knocked down, kicked, and forced into a lower-caste just for using marijuana?

These prohibs make me sick. It doesn't take brains to work for the corporate vultures, it just takes greed and continual ignorance of the real facts.

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Comment #6 posted by HempWorld on January 13, 2008 at 09:31:29 PT
It's all about job security. The author and liar o
f the above article is simply afraid of losing his job and resorts to scaremongering in order to keep his $$$.

Mr. John Quinn I have absolutely no respect for you. You are selfish and you are willing to sacrifice our youth, my kids, for it. You should be held in contempt by society, shame on you for lying to try and preserve your job prosecuting people for a lie!

Cannabis prohibition is a joke! Cannabis prohibition has destroyed our fabric of society and made us all snitch and lie and mistrust each other. What a load of bullshit.

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Comment #5 posted by Zandor on January 13, 2008 at 09:00:05 PT
Liar ,Liar ,Liar,Liar !!
"We are now part of a global society and global economy. Our young people will be entering a workplace where we compete with highly productive workers in other countries."

Like the low paid slave wages in China for example?

They either increase production or they starve for they are beat to death!!! That's motivation for someone like this guy I guess.

"How many of Vermont's youths would take up pot smoking if it were no longer against the law? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand?"

Better to have them drink and abuse Alcohol and smoke tobacco like his generation has!!

How many have dies from those 2 vises in his state? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand?

How many from Marijuana? 00000000000000

This OLD fart is nothing more then a mouth peace and like political morons, they LIE every time they move their lips.

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Comment #4 posted by Toker00 on January 13, 2008 at 08:49:10 PT
Remove all restraints on the use of Cannabis.
Cannabis pierces the heart of Collective Thought and Teaches you Independent thought. Independent thought exposes and destroys the power of the Elite over Humanity. Be an Independent thinker. Don't BUY the LIES.

OT: The Future of Mankind.

It's long and requires concentration, but well worth it.


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Comment #3 posted by John Tyler on January 13, 2008 at 07:59:28 PT
reasoning to make alcohol illegal
The youth of Vermont will find a way to get it and drink it too. We can’t have that happen. It would send the wrong message. "How many of Vermont's youths would take up alcohol drinking if it were no longer against the law? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? Do we really want to permit the young people of this state to engage in the use of a substance that robs them of motivation, puts them in an altered state of mind, and potentially has them driving on the highways of Vermont while under the influence of alcohol"? By the by, what have those lazy potheads done in the last 30 years. Lets see…They invented the multi-billion dollar PC industry, the invented the organic food industry, they are trying to save the earth from the pollution generated by the corporate structure this guy so admires. Most of the unproductive do-nothings this guy is complaining drink too much alcohol. Nobody cares about that though, but let somebody use some cannabis once in awhile and it will be the downfall of the country! This is guy is so full of it. This country prosecutor is all part of the mind set of yestercentury where there were racist, and socially restrictive laws everywhere for the protection of ruling white male elites. There was a time when birth control was illegal, doctors were forbidden to even discuss it with patients, some diseases were not treated in order to “send a message” to the youth of what would happen to them if they did “it”, women could not vote, there were separate drinking fountains, back of the bus riding, etc., etc. These all seem like some horrible things from the past. Cannabis prohibition is horrible thing from the past too.

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Comment #2 posted by charmed quark on January 13, 2008 at 07:43:35 PT
My, law enforcement always goes off the deap end
Surely there is plenty of potential law enforcement business without the war on marijuana. I just can't understand why they push this nonsense. I notice that many of the police groups in Canada are for decriminalization. Why are we so different?

I feel we should respond to the major nonsense points just in case anybody reads this crud without knowing the facts.

1) Decrim does not make marijuana legal - for adults it would remove their cases from the criminal to the civil system. People would get fines similar to traffic tickets. If an underage person was caught with marijuana, they would probably be diverted to various forms of youth intervention.

If Vermont decided to legalize, rather than just decriminalize, some form of sale to adults would be allowed. Underage people would not be allowed to buy, similar to the way we handle alcohol.

It can be argued that a well-regulated legalization approach, with its control and strong motivation for merchants to avoid selling to underage people ( risking fines, loss of license and criminal penalties)would be more likely to keep marijuana from children compared to our out-of-control black market.

2) Jail - there are certainly cases of people going to jail for simple possession. But even more common, they avoid jail but end up with criminal records which have long-range impact on schooling and jobs. Even if someone gets his record expunged, he will still be ineligible for any federally backed student loans and most public housing. In fact, a possession conviction is worst than a conviction for a major crime in terms of access to schooling and various housing aid programs.

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Comment #1 posted by NikoKun on January 13, 2008 at 05:30:08 PT
what trash...
Full of fallacies and ill drawn conclusions!

Why do these morons think legalization would bring any kind of chaos??? Keeping this Prohibition going, is doing far more harm, than the drug itself would be doing, if it were legal!

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