Fab Four Tell Story in Their Own Words Fab Four Tell Story in Their Own Words Posted by FoM on October 04, 2000 at 16:48:48 PT Beatlemania All Over Again By Lucrezia Cuen Source: ABCNews Did the Beatles really smoke pot in the men’s room of Buckingham Palace? How wild were the Fab Four in their early days? And why is it we’re all still fascinated? More than 400 books have been written about the Beatles. But finally, the surviving Beatles, along with Yoko Ono, the wife of the late John Lennon, will tell the most legendary of all rock ‘n’ roll fables. The Beatles Anthology, will be released in Britain at midnight tonight. British publisher Cassell & Co says the official biography will trace the band members’ history from childhood in Liverpool to their breakup in the 1970s. Marijuana: The Myth and Dylan:The 370-page autobiography puts to rest the myth that American singer-song writer Bob Dylan first turned the band on to marijuana in the United States in 1964. George Harrison says, “We first got marijuana from an older drummer with another group in Liverpool.” “Everybody was saying ‘this stuff isn’t doing anything.’ It was like that old joke where a party is going on and two hippies are up floating on the ceiling and one is saying to the other ‘this stuff doesn’t work man.’” However, the band members have very differing memories on the story of smoking pot in the men’s room in Buckingham Palace. While Lennon said they did smoke marijuana in the toilets before receiving an MBE (Member of the British Empire) award from the queen, Harrison and McCartney say they did not and Ringo Starr says he can’t remember. Epstein ‘Wanted Beatles Fortune’The book also claims Beatles manager Brian Epstein asked the band to sign away all future earning for a guaranteed weekly wage for life. “He once tried to get us to sign a deal saying he would guarantee us $75 a week forever and he would keep the rest,” said Harrison. The deal would have made them just $160,000 each to date rather than the millions they actually earned. Epstein hoped to pocket the rest of the cash for himself for guiding the group to stardom, the band claims in the book. “We thought, ‘No we’ll risk, Brian. We’ll risk earning a bit more than 50 pounds ($75) a week,’” said Harrison. The publishers say they already have more than 1.5 million orders placed for The Beatles Anthology. The book, which is being released worldwide, is expected to be the publishing phenomenon of the fall.Web Posted: October 4, 2000Copyright ©2000 ABC News Internet Ventures. Related Articles:A Taboo Goes Up in Smoke of 60s Reluctant to Make Confession Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #13 posted by CongressmanSuet on October 05, 2000 at 20:54:34 PT: The Beatles smoked pot?... Cmon, here, the beatles did much more than that. Are you forgetting Sargent Peppers? Yellow Submarine? The Beatles were the first "mainstream" artists to make a difference in the way we thought. It wasnt just about the pot or the LSD, it was about defiance of society, to say, hey, this is us, you are you, and we believe we can do better. The Beatles represented everything our commie fearing, gin and tonic consuming parents abhorred, and, as such, they were OURS. For a while. After the break-up, I remember many times when I would hear a Beatles ditty at a school graduation, or at a wedding, ah, good music cant be denied, no matter what the interpretation, I guess....what happened? Did we just get old and sluggish? [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by dankhank on October 05, 2000 at 15:41:40 PT: A good question ... I know that John Lennon would have spoken up ...He was always the most active of the bunch ...Paul and the boys many times were bemused by John's activities ...I miss the man ... HEMP n STUFF [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by mungojelly on October 05, 2000 at 12:44:08 PT: the beatles smoked pot You'd never know it, though, would you? They play them on the radio constantly, but the fact that they smoked weed is conspicuously unmentioned. Why are the surviving beatles not prominent supporters of legalization? What is going on here? [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on October 05, 2000 at 10:05:59 PT One More Thing Hi Again DankHank!I also hope someday to be involved in some form of re-hab. I believe we need to do something about the current way people with serious hard drug addiction problems are treated. If you want me to fix what you were trying to do just post what you want fixed and I'll give it a try. If not please don't worry about it!Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on October 04, 2000 at 20:35:30 PT That is so good! That is wonderful Dankhank! I'm very proud that you visit here at CannabisNews. I want someday to talk at a church again. I did a lot of youth work but now it would be from a different perspective. I believe we need to talk to Church leaders and help them to look at the drug war differently. Most good people will listen if you are kind and accepting of them even if they don't. That's what I believe.Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 20:29:39 PT: uh ... This is beyond funny, I am bemused, and stoned ... I think ... yes ... Ia am ... :-) [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 20:28:06 PT: oh well ... o4 didn't work in the title ... drat ... :-) [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 20:26:46 PT: 04A Vincentian is ... A member of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul. We try to act as he did toward the poor and less foutunate.St. Vincent was born into a rich family in Southern France long ago. Traveling to Paris, I believe, for schooling he beheld the plight of the poor and decided to help them.St. Vincent's idea was that we must see the face of Jesus on every one of the poor and then act accordingly.We try as hard as we can to help without creating a dependence. We have given weeks worth of food to families, payed first month's fee on a phone line so a man could get a car loan, found jobs, the needs are many.My older son traveled for a few years and says that the St. Vincent stores beat the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores all ways ...Last wednesday was the Feast of St Vincent.A good man ... well ... a saint ... HEMP n STUFF [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on October 04, 2000 at 19:14:59 PT Cool Dankhank What's a Vincentian? I'm just curious? We had a really neat high school. It was the Luden's Mansion ( coughdrop people ) that was donated to the church and it was converted into our school. Nothing like going to school in a mansion. We had a marble staircase and a hugh pipe organ in the library. I'm glad I was raised Catholic. Because of it I think more about what I believe and what I don't.Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 18:58:59 PT: Yes it was ... Yes, FoM, it surely was ...I am Catholic myself and know what you mean ...If I posted where I work now I would scandalize the community ...Yes, in the 60's we questioned everything, even God.I AM a Vincentian. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on October 04, 2000 at 18:46:55 PT The Beatles That was really nice DankHank!It was a heady time for many. It was a time when limits were questioned and saying it was the right thing to do just wasn't enough. I always wanted to know why something was the way it was. Being raised a Catholic I heard " It's a Mystery " one too many times. I'm happy that they are mentioning their marijuana use now. Now that Paul is Sir Paul no one will be able to hassle him. It really is something to go from a dope smoking hippie to a Sir! See pot is good for people in that it helps a person be creative and calm at the same time I believe.Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 18:32:35 PT: Wow ... was that really me?Hey all ... when you go to the cures not wars site, say hi to Dana Beal if you send an e-mail. Tell him Dankhank sent you :-)I know he thinks that I live in some kinda barren wastland out here in Oklahoma. :-)Let him know that I am kickin' out here ... Peace ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by dankhank on October 04, 2000 at 18:09:13 PT: Our Lives were shaped You have to have lived in the 60's to understand the phenomenon of the Beatles ...You have to have been a fan of their music, best, from their introduction on the Ed Sullivan show...At the time I was 12, and their loudest fans were girls aged 8, 10, 12, and up.But we, the guys, liked their music, it was in many respects as innocent as we were, then.We grew up, they (Beatles), grew up.We discovered things, the Fab Four discovered many things.We learned from them, some of the mysteries of the universe.We discoverd many things on our own about our country, it's greatness, and it's feet of clay.Many pundits today, especially George Will decry the 60's as the beginning of America's slide into the morass.The sixties was about finding out the truth, a search that is still going on.Only now am I truly understanding what really went on then.It was a heady time as we learned what we could do if we could get enough people together.We need to do that again.The next Million Marijuana March is scheduled for May 5, 2001. It is named "The Space Odyssey."We must rally in the millions ... Let us do that and show the world that we DEMAND the end to the Drug War. the info and get organized ...Peace HEMP n STUFF [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: