Officials: Heed Pot Rally 

Officials: Heed Pot Rally 
Posted by FoM on May 14, 2000 at 09:53:21 PT
By Stacie Stick
Source: San Francisco Examiner
Thank you for printing the U.N. Plaza pot rally story ("Marijuana rally draws crowd at U.N. Peace Plaza," Metro section, May 7). Another year goes by and more people than ever are coming out in favor of decriminalizing marijuana, but what have our lawmakers done to change things? Not much. 
Thousands of harmless citizens are still rotting in jail, getting busted and getting hassled by the justice system. Drug dealers get rich and more prisons are built. Our taxes go up to pay for more cops, court costs, and prison costs. Politicians are lobbied by the prison industry, the law enforcement industry and the legal-drug industry that pumps billions into Washington D.C. My vote in the next presidential election will go to the candidate who promises to change the current marijuana laws. I have traveled extensively around the globe, including Amsterdam where pot use is restricted but is not criminal, and have concluded that the war on pot is dead wrong. Additionally, the need for pot as a medicinal alternative will continue to increase and demand a rightful place in the eyes of the federal government. I praise local lawmakers for their efforts. As usual, real change at the top is slow in coming. Stacie Stick McKinleyville Published: May 14, 2000©2000 San Francisco Examiner Page C16 Mentioned Article: Hemp Fans Urge Freedom for the Fettered Weed Articles & Web Sites On The MMM:Show Support for Hemp March Marijuana March - International Marijuana March MMM Articles & Pictures Under Construction:CannabisNews Millennium Marijuana March News 
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