Medical Marijuana Bills Making Progress Medical Marijuana Bills Making Progress Posted by FoM on March 04, 2000 at 12:44:48 PT By Kevin Dayton, Advertiser Capitol Bureau Chief Source: Honolulu Advertiser Bills that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes are making far more progress at the Legislature this year than ever before, and are poised for critical floor votes in the House and Senate next week. The votes are expected to be close, and if the bills are approved Hawaii likely will join California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in approving marijuana for medical uses. The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday approved Senate Bill 862, which would allow people with “debilitating medical conditions” such as cancer, glaucoma and AIDS to possess a maximum of 10.5 ounces of cannabis for personal use.Senate Judiciary Co-Chairman Matt Matsunaga said he is “absolutely” convinced marijuana has legitimate therapeutic uses.The House Judiciary Committee already has approved a similar measure, House Bill 1157, that would allow doctors to recommend marijuana for patients with debilitating medical conditions.The House bill would require a doctor to certify in writing that marijuana is medically necessary for a patient. The drug still would be illegal under federal law; the bills in the Legislature would permit medical use of marijuana under state law.Police and prosecutors have opposed legalizing marijuana for medical purposes, saying there isn’t enough scientific evidence to justify it. They point out that THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, already is available by prescription. Published: March 4, 2000© Copyright 2000 The Honolulu Advertiser, a division of Gannett Co. Inc. Here is a small but important article of news.Legislative Briefs: Medical Marijuana Effort Fails:Published Saturday, March 4, 2000 Star-Tribune a declaration by one senator that marijuana would have helped ease the suffering of his late wife and his brother, a scaled-back effort to provide legal protection for the medical use of marijuana was voted down Friday in a Senate committee. It appears dead for this legislative session. The bill would have established a legal defense for people charged with possession of up to 1.5 ounces of marijuana if they could prove they were using it to ease pain or other medical conditions, or were supplying it to someone who was. Sen. Leo Foley, DFL-Coon Rapids, told his fellow Crime Prevention Committee members that marijuana might have helped his wife stop short of taking her own life due to pain and might have helped ease his late brother's pain due to cancer treatments. But Sen. Tom Neuville, R-Northfield, said such efforts, which have failed repeatedly at the Legislature in recent years, are doomed as long as marijuana remains a federally controlled substance. Advocates included cancer sufferers, survivors and spouses, a person with cerebral palsy, and the state public defender. Bill McAuliffeCopyright: Star-TribuneCannabisNews Search & Archives of Medical Marijuana News Topics:Hawaii Congresswoman Supports MMJ Research Marijuana Gains Ground in Hawaii Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #9 posted by HELLO on September 15, 2001 at 18:24:20 PT SCHOOL is for learning!!!!! If you were not stoned in school you would be able to spell beyond the 5th grade. POT'S okay but stay straight in school!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Chris..... on June 06, 2001 at 19:35:35 PT: weed I am 15yrs old. Til recently i use to smoke marijiana all the time about 3 times a day. About 2 mounths ago i was expeled from my high school for being cough with weed for the second time. I think that they should legalize marijian. I wasent hurting anyone elis but me so all the peole that think pot is bad really have never smoked the sh#t. So people that have never smoked it have like no say but there the ones makeing it illugal its bull Sh#t.SO LEGALIZE IT!!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by pothead on April 16, 2001 at 12:19:23 PT: pot Crack is awesome they should legalize it [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by matt on July 23, 2000 at 12:25:38 PT: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 why -r- our government trying to hold back something they cant..... -K-...lets think here... people do it anywayz... it is at its highest user rate then ever... Im sure everyone knows someone who smokes weed and tries to hide it... I have atleast 3 to 4 teachers in my school who do and sit there and joke about it and tell personel expeiriences.... yeah seems harmless right?.... well I wonder what political officials would say if they knew my health teacher gives people weed when they feel down or depressed... including the 5 minute break to do it... all in all... just because weed is a federally controled substance.... pretty much for no reason may I add... people are being put in prison and so on... filling up the cells... running more money out of the government to build cells for these so called "druggies" and others and then issue state prisoner uniforms.... food... bedding... fecilities... and so on... were talkin a nice chumk of change... I'd make an estimated guess of close to about........ $200,000,000.... within the next 5 to ten years... and probally around then marijiana use will be at its highest.... right now marijiana is on the verge of mainstream trends.... and once something hits mainstream theres no stopping it. So from me to the government....first of all a big "FUCK YOU"....second of all you may be able to take down a few of us....but we the counrty as a whole, is unstoppable.... we are your armies, we are your professions, we are your money makers, and as yourselves being politicians,.... we are you.... we are your boss... accourding to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... it clearly states... we are the people and we controll our own self government. Now maybe you dumb cocksukers dont know what that means but if you try to actually be honest with yourself you'd all understand... we are the people... the people who pay you to have your job.... oh yeah... at our own fuking expense... so we should have a fuking say so in this whole muthafukin deal. I apologize for my obscene language and use of my verbal aspects... but the way we are running our selves is fukin apeshit and the government knows and likes to protect themselves by putting up series of laws ... for the purpose they serve in our everyday lives... but also pushing legalization of marijiana further and further from its beconing. Im not dumb and I see things differently then any one else... right now the government is mainstream on drug traffiking.... well...(LAUGHING)... we'll see who has the last laugh... alwayz hatin you for being the fake that you are, Matt Robinson... el_matto40 hotmail.comand to the prezident of my country,... thanx for makin us all look like foolz.. you fuking counterfeit. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Prophet on March 05, 2000 at 02:24:07 PT Let's hope for the best While it may seem encouraging that lawmakers are going to begin a discussion of "medical marijuana",even if these bills somehow are passed,they will then be referred to other branches of the ruling system,and tied up in red tape until years from now,you may be able to go down to Rite-Aid,and get some;"Pfizer Gold",or some;"Merck Premium Red Hair",,,,,or perhaps you could select from Phillip Morriss';"Primo" line of fine cannabis...Go on down to WalMart with your Purple Indica Bud percription,hand it to the pharmacist,who gets out some zip-locs,and starts loadin' big ol' buds on a triple beam,slaps a label on the bag,and your on your way home. nope.....I cant see this happening anytime soon.Whatever the outcome of what the voters want,the Evil Empire will drag this thing out as long as they can.This "War on Drugs",is a golden goose.It will be sustained for years to come,with increasing propaganda. They will continue to portray marijuana,and other "illegal drugs",as if they are a major problem for everyone.The strange silence from any opposing views,will continue in the national media.They are paid millions of our tax dollars to taint the content with the anti-drug party line.They are not going to want to see the golden goose fly away. Let's hope for the best........P [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on March 04, 2000 at 16:20:33 PT Dodging The War On Drugs - High Times Dodging The War On DrugsPubdate: March 3, 2000Rene Boje's supporters have until March 10 to beseech the Canadian Ministry of Justice not to aid and abet the US's criminal War on Medical Marijuana. VANCOUVER, BC--When Renee Boje came to Canada in 1998 she hoped for a peaceful life away from the intensity of the California medical-marijuana scene. Instead, she has become a highly visible conscientious objector to the US war on drugs.Newshawk: DdCCannabisNews Articles on Renee Boje: the link below to read the complete article. Dodging The War On Drugs - High Times [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on March 04, 2000 at 15:56:07 PT Way To Go Maine! Hi Frank! I haven't forgotten at all. There hasn't been anything in the recent papers on Maine's Marijuana Initiative but I have 125 news articles from last fall. Here is the link to the Maine articles and way to go Maine!!!Peace, FoM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Frank on March 04, 2000 at 15:36:34 PT: What about Maine? Why does everyone always forget that Maine has also approved medical marijuana? This is important; shows that medicinal marijiana is not just a "West coast thing." [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Freedom on March 04, 2000 at 14:01:56 PT Oh? But, the Drug Czar said this this week:"A lot of this is a crock," he said of medical marijuana. "Ask a doctor if he really wants a big blunt stuck in a patient's face as treatment." I am confused... ;-)) [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: