Limbaugh In The Shadow Of His Own Words

  Limbaugh In The Shadow Of His Own Words

Posted by CN Staff on October 02, 2003 at 22:58:41 PT
By Ellis Henican 
Source: Newsday  

"Let's all admit something." Rush Limbaugh was on his usual tear."There's nothing good about drug use," he was saying. "We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs.
And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."And this includes zillionaire radio hosts? Hmmm ...When you have a talk-radio show 15 hours a week, you have an awful lot of air to fill. On this particular day, which was Oct. 5, 1995, Rush was roaring about the scourge of illegal drug use.Even though blacks and whites break the drug laws in roughly equal percentages, he noted, black druggies go to prison far more often than white druggies do. But to the liberal-bashing host, this was no reason to ease up on blacks."What this says to me," he told his listeners that day, "is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."Including zillionaire radio hosts? Well, maybe not.What a week it's been for Rush! First, he gets chased out of ESPN in a racial furor. Then, he is accused in Florida of buying thousands of powerful painkillers from an illegal drug-selling ring.OxyContin. Hydrocodone. Highly addictive opiates. A gargantuan number of pills over several years — almost 100 a day on one 47-day binge. His 42-year-old housekeeper, Wilma Cline, says she dealt the closely controlled pills to America's top-rated syndicated radio host. Some were hidden under his mattress so his wife wouldn't find them. Others were passed in a Denny's parking lot.The story was broken by the National Enquirer, but it's already burst into the mainstream press. Secret tapes. Incriminating e-mails. Twice, Limbaugh reportedly checked himself into rehab — and later relapsed.What will the conservative listeners think?What pain, what disappointment, what insecurity could explain something like this? The talker wasn't talking about that yesterday.Understandably so.Another public moralist had been caught in a personal jam. And Rush's words were coming back to haunt him.The constant digs at Bill Clinton not inhaling.The heartless shrug when Jerry Garcia died."'When you strip it all away," Rush had said of the Grateful Dead guitarist, "Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."Rush Limbaugh isn't the first prominent finger-pointer to eat his own words. It wasn't so long ago that Bill Bennett was explaining how an anti-vice crusader could also be a degenerate gambler.And Jeb Bush, the president's brother and Rush's governor, was pleading for leniency and privacy when his daughter got arrested for drugs. Yet he'd been happily sending other Florida youngsters to long prison terms for similar crimes.Typical.But there in the dusty Limbaugh archives one glimmer of sanity did appear yesterday.It came from 1998, just about the time Wilma Cline's black-market drug ring was revving up. Rush was on the radio. He was talking about America's "half-baked" war on drugs. We might all be better off, he said quite plainly, if drugs were legalized — and then regulated like cigarettes."What is missing in the drug fight," he said, "is legalization. If we want to go after drugs with the same fervor and intensity with which we go after cigarettes, let's legalize drugs. Legalize the manufacture of drugs. License the Cali cartel. Make them taxpayers and then sue them. Sue them left and right and then get control of the price and generate tax revenue from it. Raise the price sky high and fund all sorts of other wonderful social programs."Was he serious? I'm not sure.But the timing is interesting, you'd have to say. And I'll bet he quotes those words again. Source: Newsday (NY)Author: Ellis HenicanPublished: October 3, 2003Copyright: 2003 Newsday Inc.Contact: letters newsday.comWebsite: Articles:Rush Limbaugh in Pill Probe Said Target of Drug Probe 

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Comment #41 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 07:54:06 PT
check this out!
from: (snipped)The term "drug addict" has long history of abuse, and one of its uses in political and social discourse is to conjure up images of minority drug users in the minds of white surbanites, law enforcement and prosecutors. Rush Limbaugh can't be a drug addict because he is virtually impossible to prosecute for a drug crime. Nobody is a drug addict because nobody should be prosecuted for possessing and/or using drugs. Anybody who is serious about liberty today should reject drug treatment and come out in favor of ending drug prohibition. Only by making drugs available free from federal harassment, like they were for the first 138 years of our history prior to Harrison, and over-the-counter will end the War On Drugs. 
 -Rick Giombetti, Seattle 
complete article: In Defense of Rush's Right . . .
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Comment #40 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 07:28:18 PT
Re: scholls and slaes
While I'm at it I'd like to remind everyone that I really cannot type, and also must confess that sometimes I'm so sure of what I'm saying that I neglect to read what I just typed. I'll try to do better. 
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Comment #39 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 05:52:00 PT
Rush's fans are speaking out . . . loudly. (snip). . . He's dissembling. I kinda' hoped Rush would come up with a tearjerker explanation.  In September 2001, he announced that he had gone completely deaf from a rare hearing disorder.  I can't imagine the depression deafness would cause a man at the height of his career.  Who wouldn't have sympathy for a guy who popped painkillers to deal with the blow? Unfortunately, according to the news accounts, Rush began popping the pills in 1998, three years before his hearing went out.  Rush spent eight years rightfully dumping on the scandal-ridden Clinton administration, brilliantly skewering its sleaziness and parsing of language. Come clean, Rush, without lawyers, without spin.  If you're weak, well, welcome to the club.  Being honest with your listeners is more important than protecting your empire or your ego. If not, then good riddance, you hypocrite.
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Comment #38 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 05:36:12 PT
spell check, mate
sorry that should be sales are skyrocketing
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Comment #37 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 05:34:46 PT
off topic my left foot
The proliferation of meth labs can be directly traced to prohibition. The constant advertising of how easy it is to make and profit from low cost household chemicals combined with a crackdown on meth has driven up demand. Giving kids cocaine like drugs opens the door for abuse, since Ritalin and other pills sell for $3 to $5 per pill in middle scholls across America.Adderol and Concerta etc. are NOT safe, can EASILY be overdosed on and even in small quantities are a very dangerous and inappropriate replacement for good parenting. slaes of these drugs have skyrocketed along with their respective television ad budgets, and a system of free trips and other incentives for doctors. If you are anti- meth, you ought be anti-prohibition, and marketing to kids should to be a crime.
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Comment #36 posted by MaryJaneFreedom on October 08, 2003 at 02:48:30 PT
yes and no
I agree that meth has become the problem it is today solely because of the war on drugs. I also agree that marijuana should be legal, as well as the other safe "illegal" ones. But the truth is if marijuana was legalized tomorrow, meth would still exist. We need to realize the differences between all illegal drugs. And John Wayne... children who are presribed drugs similar to meth in compound structure... are safe... given to children in very small doses by their parents. This has really gotten off topic however.
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Comment #35 posted by Jose Melendez on October 06, 2003 at 06:10:08 PT
smatter, mjf?
So, what's up MaryJaneFreedom, should those who peddle meth to 10 year olds be jailed? Lou Dobbs won't answer that question either:
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Comment #34 posted by MDG on October 04, 2003 at 17:08:05 PT
This seems like an incredible opportunity...
to change the perception of the millions of people who listen to Rush Limbaugh, who are steadfast against drug legalization. "See? Even a person addicted to the most powerful of druuhgs can be an incredibly successful business person. What does that say about a person who merely smokes a joint after a ten hour day?"Yesterday, I heard someone say, "Well, he was supposedly abusing prescription medications. He wasn't buying heroin." I pointed out immediately that, in this case in particular, there is no difference. He wasn't getting his prescription filled at Costco (but at Denny's, strangely enough). He apparently/obviously was buying scheduled medication illegally on the black market.Why should Rober Downey Jr. get the shaft while Noelle Bush gets the freshly-warmed kid gloves? I think if we can use this as an opportunity to affect perception by acknowledging that Rush is now, really, "one of us" and can't/shouldn't escape scrutiny. I think if we can keep from polarizing his supporters with the "Hah! Don't overdose you fat f*#&!" and communicate with compassion (especially since it has not have been extended to us), we will really be on the "moral high ground". This doesn't mean acquiescing to any denial of the facts by his conservative supporters regarding the atrocities which have been a direct result of the Drug War.That said, the outrage over the obvious double-standard for the elite versus "we the peons" is rightfully expressed here, and really is irrefutable. Let's just keep working to change that. I'm sure we all will.
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Comment #33 posted by john wayne on October 04, 2003 at 13:51:04 PT
hey, MaryJaneFreedom
> Does anyone here honestly think that someone selling meth to a 10 year old shouldn't be in jail? ( Desoxyn ) an amphetamine used to treat narcolepsy and attention-deficit-disorder in children. In some cases but rare this drug is used to treat depression. This drug is from a family of drugs known as central nervous system stimulants.
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Comment #32 posted by Jose Melendez on October 04, 2003 at 06:56:51 PT
DARE: call it treason.
Stupid is as stupid does. By dumbing down our kids, those with the power eliminate their opposition. They sell us lottery tickets with the lie that profits pay for education, yet proceeds are merely reallocated to make jobs and contracts for drunk white fools. They strip us of the right to vote with laws that do not apply to them. And they live in public housing, surrounded by riches, popping pills for which they would have us arrested. Drug war is treason. Thankfully, words I type here are echoed throughout the world, and stand on their own merit. Some threaten us with arrest and suggest we do not represent the majority, because many will not speak out against them. But it is their own hypocrisy and lies that eventually become their undoing.
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Comment #31 posted by Jose Melendez on October 04, 2003 at 06:40:42 PT
MaryJaneFreedom, as in free from weed?
"Does anyone here honestly think that someone selling meth to a 10 year old shouldn't be in jail?"Methamphetamine proliferation is inextricably tied to prohibition, which increases demand for drugs that are easy to conceal, smell less, are metabolized faster and more difficult to spot in a urine test. Note that youth use rates are rising due to advertising, paid for in no small part by drug and alcohol companies, and food companies that were formerly owned by tobacco firms, supposedly against marijuana and "meth labs". This advertising is echoed in public statements by law enforcement (who stand to benefit financially from this fraud) that describe how easy it is to get high, make and profit from drugs that can be made from household chemicals. Legalize cannabis, and stop increasing the street value of methamphetamines that are virtually identical to the pills pushed EVERY DAY to kids in school under the guise of controlling their ADHD, and you will notice an overall decline in meth sales to ten year olds.Alcohol is tougher for kids to get than pot. If we started arresting users for Budweiser consumption, ten year olds would have access to liquor, like bathtub gin. MJF, those who claim that "pot should remain illegal so we can keep kids from meth", or heroin are lying.You already have incotrovertible evidence that argument increases youth access, AND are consistently ignoring that pharmaceutical companies sell powerful amphetamines and seratonin reuptake inhibitors to those very kids. Add to that the anti-smoking ads by the cigarette companies; those ads are actually SELLING cigarettes, notice the slashing of budgets to the only ads that DO work to reduce smoking, and you've got evidence any prosecutor would jump at, if only they were not so corrupt, or afraid of losing their pensions over exposing the liars who control their paychecks.In my home state of Florida, the Governor cut education funding, authorized an "emergency" $60 million dollars to pay for a PLANNED increase in drug offenders, AND bought himself a 6 million dollar private jet.Got hypocrisy? Or is it just fraud?
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Comment #30 posted by MaryJaneFreedom on October 04, 2003 at 03:49:07 PT
This whole article is wrong.
Rush never was a out-spoken "moralist". His opinion of what "should" happen to drug dealers isn't based on his morals. Rush was never a moralist. Just a conservative commentator. He never said... "one should not use drugs becuase it's immoral".... no.... he said one should use drugs becuase... it's dammaging to society, to families... to peoples lives... (not completely true... but he believes it to be true.... therefore his axion is different from ours). Besides, he was refering to dealers not users...
Does anyone here honestly think that someone selling meth to a 10 year old shouldn't be in jail?
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Comment #29 posted by Mike on October 03, 2003 at 23:40:18 PT
You can add Dr. Laura Schlesinger as well as Judge Judy to the list marching for the swastika.
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Comment #28 posted by lag on October 03, 2003 at 18:24:54 PT
Rush Ice Cream
What Rush fails to say is that Jerry lived a great life despite it's shortness. How many other classic authors and poets and artists can we say lived large and short? Are they all pathetic Rush? I mean, who had the priorities out of whack? Someone trying to inspire people to live and love life...or someone spewing hate and vitriol?
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Comment #27 posted by FoM on October 03, 2003 at 14:05:07 PT
Thanks EJ
I wonder if treatment options are in many states. I just don't have any idea about how hard drug issues are dealt with when someone is caught.
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Comment #26 posted by E_Johnson on October 03, 2003 at 13:53:49 PT
FoM, it's the law in California
We passed Prop 36, which means people who get busted get sent to rehab.
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Comment #25 posted by Dan B on October 03, 2003 at 13:12:19 PT
Kaptinemo - A Citation
No, not a criminal citation. I'm talking about the poem you quoted:Of TreasonTreason doth never prosper; what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.The author of that epigram is Sir John Harington, and it was written in 1618. Shows how long hypocrisy has been a part of politics. Of course, we know it goes back a lot farther than that. Anyway, I like the poem, so I thought I'd give it a proper citation (and recitation). I hope you don't mind.Dan B
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on October 03, 2003 at 12:08:33 PT
They are talking on MSNBC about how they don't usually bring a criminal charge for drug addicts but put them in Re-Hab. Wait a minute here! How many drug addicts that take tons of pills like it is being said that he did get to go to Re-Hab versus jail in the regular world we live in?
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Comment #23 posted by kaptinemo on October 03, 2003 at 12:03:32 PT:
Ol' Rush better hope he doesn't end up in "SAFE&qu
I've written about and posted links about the Frankenstein's Monster called "Straight, Incorporated" and it's whackamole cutouts that keep springing up even after being shut down elsewhere: Bad Penny Syndrome of the worst sort.Here's a very good RealMedia clip that ought to be seen by anyone contemplating putting a child through this: course, "Rush" will never see the inside of one of these North Korean inspired brainwashing hellholes...
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Comment #22 posted by kaptinemo on October 03, 2003 at 11:02:20 PT:
Ron: "Muddle class"...singularly appropriate
Ron, I don't know if that was a typo or deliberate, but I like it. It fits with way too much of what I've seen these last 3 years.There's the 'middle class'...and then there's the "muddle class". The poor schmucks continually being taken as rubes by those with vastly more political acumen. The ones who trusted DARE to educate their children about illicit drugs, and found their kids had become snitches for Officer Boot. The ones who voted for the group of people - again, in 2002! - who are presently vacuuming their wallets, sending their factory jobs to China, and swiping their old age pensions. The ones who believed Herr Busch when he lied about Iraq having WMDs and we needed to kick Saddam's ass before his (fictional) al-Qaeda buddies struck us again. (They didn't act in concert at all, as has been quietly admitted by Der Shrubster and friends).The muddle class. Sad but true, they will fall for anything because they trust the wrong people, every time.
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Comment #21 posted by ron on October 03, 2003 at 10:35:42 PT
I like the comments better than the articles.
During Carter's liberalizing regime, drug warrior stategists seized on Dr. Peter Bourne's legal trangressions to erase a whole decade of progress in drug reform. They plunged us into a quarter century of darkness by puffing this mote into a beam to blind muddle class americans.   Newspapers were complicit all the way.Thank God for the internet, and for the hostess of this site.
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Comment #20 posted by FoM on October 03, 2003 at 09:53:59 PT

My 2 Cents
I don't like Rush Limbaugh. I don't like people who " Lord it Over " others and he is good at doing that. I really mind self righteous people. Aside from that I know that if he stops taking the drugs he'll be in a bad way. I don't wish that on anyone. Strung out people can't help a cause because their life is so complicated. Reason isn't something that will be in Rush Limbaugh's life for quite a while and it will only happen if he quits doing drugs and goes thru serious rehabilitation. Denial seems to be the course for now but the worst for him is yet ahead.
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Comment #19 posted by goneposthole on October 03, 2003 at 09:52:30 PT

I'm not gonna do it
Why should I fall prey to bigotry because someone else is perceived as being bigoted?Why should I be antagonistic towards any singled-out group because of misperceptions about that group?I really can't despise prohibitionists because of what they do to people who chose to alter their consciousness. I can't do it. I won't lead myself astray. Show them the error of their ways, not follow in their footsteps. I don't want to prohibit Rush to see the light. "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." 
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Comment #18 posted by kaptinemo on October 03, 2003 at 09:45:46 PT:

Compassion, yes...for those who've demonstrated it
I wish I could forgive the chief Republican "Lock all the druggies up and throw away the key!" mouthpiece, but this man has been complicit in a number of things that have harmed this country immensely.If you do not commit the crime yourself, but have aided it if only by not stopping it, you are an accessory to that crime. Mr. Christie has been in that category for some time now.By helping the Republicans pander to the lowest common denominator of the (let's face it, folks) hoodwinked electorate that listens to him uncritically , he's enabled some of the worst of the drug laws to remain on the books, by his constant excorriating of anything that smacks of reform, because reform is (gasp! shudders!) "Lib-ruhl permissiveness!" . Because he and his friends publicly state, repeatedly, that all drug users are moral reprobates and need curbing in the form of prison, forfeiture, and all the rest that goes with this abominable policy, we continue to suffer.His may not be the hand that pushes the button, but he's the chief apologist for the hands that do. and we suffer, every time.I'll have compassion for him when he finally looks inside himself and realizes that what he has done has harmed so many others, and admits that publicly. But given his ego, and the Republican tendency to shrug off *pecados majores* like what happened with Noelle Bush ("Its's a family matter, so butt out!" while someone with darker skin color gets incarcerated and raped) we can fully expect to see an unrepentent "Rush" screaming his invective even louder after a suitable time away from the mike, and most of the sheeple go back to chewing their cuds. Americans have notoriously short memories, and the Korporate Krooks and their Republican allies backing Mr. Christie are banking on that.
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Comment #17 posted by Sam Adams on October 03, 2003 at 09:28:42 PT

He's fatter than I am!
I can call him fat, I can call him whatever I want. He was a hateful bigot yesterday, now he's a pill-popping hateful bigot and I'm supposed to love him? Sorry, I don't have respect for that either. Hateful bigots with no willpower don't deserve my respect or help. If he utters one word against the WOD because of this, I'll eat my hat. Wake up, that's not the way it works. If anything, he'll take the bleeding heart approach and beg forgiveness and compassion for his terrible moral failing.

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Comment #16 posted by BigDawg on October 03, 2003 at 09:25:54 PT

Alvin touched on my fear
As much as I would like to think Rush will see the light and be a spokesman for our side... I just don't expect it.I predict he will NOT see the inside of a jail cell.I also predict that he will "fully recover" from this not so youthful "indiscretion" with full sympathies from the right wing... then he will go on a crusade for the drug war mongers and help put everyone ELSE in prison for the same thing he did.Kinda like our esteemed president. Desertion during war time and coke use all worthy of forgiveness, but not for others.
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Comment #15 posted by AlvinCool on October 03, 2003 at 08:34:37 PT

Yes don't call him FAT
I'm with mamawillie, don't call him fat because he isn't any more. Of course he was quite obsese until he started taking painkillers and neglecting his, aparently, massive diet. I'm not really a pharm person but from what I can tell if you take handfulls of painkillers a day you won't eat nearly so much. Hence we get a slimmed down Rush.I guess you could say this is the skinny on Rush, or is it the Rush getting skinny?And as far as Rush being any kind of mouthpiece you can only dream of understanding this man. When, not if, he slides through this he will demonize to the max. He has no other way to keep his audience of conservative Republicans.
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Comment #14 posted by goneposthole on October 03, 2003 at 08:23:04 PT

expose the double standard
Can't really let the Bush regime off the hook on this one. Expose the hypocrisy and outright deception of their criminal ways.  Why let them continue?If your neighbor was constantly stealing what is rightfully yours, would you let him continue or would you confront him about his wrong?Rush has my sympathy, but he must also be held accountable. He is a voice for the Bush Adminstration, and even though, they may only be tangentially involved, they are in some way responsible, too. Rush Limbagh doesn't have to spend eternity in a prison. Who has he hurt other than himself? He may have disappointed persons close to him, but not really hurt them.This can be the first step to some real reform of the treatment of drug abusers who must spend time in prison for only using substances not approved by law. The time has come for this to stop. Prohibitionists are eating some crow, and their crocodile tears shed for those who are persecuted seem to dry when it comes to their own kind. Let this be a lesson for them; if they must learn the hard way, so be it.The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. An 'open door policy' to enter that room is what I encourage. Progress in drug reform is long overdue. Lend Rush a helping hand, not kick while he is down.You can be sure that the elite, those who pull the strings, won't lift a finger to help him. He is one of us now, whether he likes it or not.
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Comment #13 posted by 420toker on October 03, 2003 at 07:56:31 PT

I dont see why not
A heroin junkie who has been shooting for a while can go through several grams of smack a day. Those pills have less than 10mg of opiate per pill so I dont see whay he couldnt, I would worry mora about the amount of acetominaphen ibuprophine and asprin in those pills, they usually contain a 4 hour dose of those poisons too. That many pills could kill you but not from the opiate necessarily.
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Comment #12 posted by Morgan on October 03, 2003 at 07:37:54 PT

Expensive hobby
The amount of pills he supposedly took seems far-fetched, but then I know nothing of this pill world.Anybody know what the black market price of these drugs are? The money angle would be interesting, as it was with Bill Bennett's gambling.
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Comment #11 posted by mamawillie on October 03, 2003 at 07:33:27 PT

Let's stay on the high road
I liked the comments better yesterday when we were compassionate toward this man who can turn out to be one of the biggest mouthpieces for the end of prohibition and how drug abuse is a medical problem, not a criminal one.First off, stop calling Rush fat. He is no longer overweight,and hasn't been for some time now so you're just wasting your words here.I listened to talk radio yesterday and Tony Snow standing in for Sean Hannity allowed callers to speak on this issue. I didn't listen long, but all were compassionate toward him and this problem.Forget about partisan politics and all of that... we in this fight to legalize pot and defund the DEA and redirect monies and energies against prohibition can use this man and his experiences (however humbling they may or may not turn out to be) to help us speak out on the offenses of Prohibition.Unless he turns out like Bill Clinton and his "I didn't inhale" comments.If he chooses to embrace the experiences he's been given, Rush could do a great job getting the message out against mandatory minimums, against this failed drug war and by putting a corporate face on the real issue of drug use and abuse.Let's keep the message going. Let's stay on the high road please. 
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Comment #10 posted by Sam Adams on October 03, 2003 at 06:57:46 PT

100 pills a day?
Holy cow, is that possible? Does anyone know anything about taking opiates recreationally? The times I've taken Percocet for pain, it's usually 1/2 pill, a full one wipes me out completely for a day or so. I'm just curious if the fat bastard was taking them all himself or sharing with friends.
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Comment #9 posted by kaptinemo on October 03, 2003 at 06:22:50 PT:

Many thanks, Virgil
I had to stop a few times and marvel at the ingenuity; if you could ever capture Mr. Christie and pump him full of pentothal, he'd probably say exactly what the author so cleverly did. IMHO, he's a cynical, corporate mouthpiece, and he knows it. He can't *possibly* believe his own tripe...I can only hope that one day, an IraqWar vet will be able to come face to face with pusillanimous piece of s**t and 'thank' him properly for cheerleading the military/industrial complex's efforts at invading and stealing Iraq's oil and having gotten his buddies killed in an ambush in 'pacified' Iraq.
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Comment #8 posted by goneposthole on October 03, 2003 at 06:21:23 PT

We the elite of just ourselves
in order form a more perfect chaos, establish injustice, insure domestic hysteria, impede the general welfare, and secure the curse of slavery to the great unwashed and their posterity, do ordain and establish limitations for the enslavement of all people upon the entire any means necessary.It might as well be spelled out and declared for all to read and weep.
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Comment #7 posted by BlakNo1 on October 03, 2003 at 06:18:52 PT:

What a Rush!!
As the great Bill Hicks once said,"Anyone that far to the right is hiding something big."Now we know.
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Comment #6 posted by Virgil on October 03, 2003 at 05:54:23 PT

The most amazing thing I ever read
When this article came out at CounterPunch, I called the spoof on Rush the most amazing thing I ever read. It is rather long but it is a totally amazing piece of writing-
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on October 03, 2003 at 05:35:17 PT:

But will the chickens be ALLOWED to roost?
Anyone who does any TV channel flipping can verify that the TV news is biased...largely in favor of neo-conservative views. The megacorporations have worked hard for over 20 years to get it that way, and are not about to let that slip out of their fingers.Mr. Roger Christie (his real name; you see why he changed it) is a most useful mouthpiece. His bombast and lies are heard and repeated by the *lumpen* 'Nascar Dad' 'dittoheads' almost without any critical evaluation, as it's geared to dissuade such evaluation by inferring sedition by questioning it's veracity. Tens of millions have been spent on his grooming to be the megaphone for corporate interests. The fact that he evaded the Viet Nam draft on account of a sore on his arse has all but been expunged from 'commmon knowledge'is another example of this in action: 'Rush' has always been protected by very careful handlers, and what happens the moment he slips those handlers? He gets canned from ESPN for his remarks...because the handlers weren't there to shut him up in time.But now? Now that he's been caught as a hypocrite, do you think he will be eliminated as a 'bad job' by his masters?I submit here that he won't be; he's still got some mileage left to his portly, wind-swollen frame (that's 'wind' as in methane, folks, from you-know-what). After all, Ollie North was caught dead-to-rights in Iran/Contra, got a wrist slap and this man who wiped himself with the Constitution is another corp-rat shill drawing down millions in income. "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? If treason doth prosper, none dare *call* it treason."Rush will be back, mark my words. The chickens will not be allowed to come home and roost on his head. They'll be shoo-ed away by his handlers. 
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Comment #4 posted by Ron Bennett on October 03, 2003 at 04:46:55 PT

Bush Supports Rush according to Drudge Report!
Just saw this on Drudge...XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX THU OCT 02, 2003 20:01:25 ET XXXXX BUSH EXPRESSES SUPPORT OF LIMBAUGH; ENQUIRER MULLS RELEASE OF AUDIO**Exclusive**President Bush expressed support of radio star Rush Limbaugh in conversations with top staff on Thursday, a senior administration source told the DRUDGE REPORT."Rush is a great American," the president said of the beleaguered host, who has championed the conservative movement for decades. "I am confident he can overcome any obstacles he faces right now." Limbaugh is expected to host his daily broadcast from New York City on Friday. MORE Meanwhile, the NATIONAL ENQUIRER is contemplating releasing on to the Internet audio tapes of Limbaugh made by his former housekeeper. The ENQUIRER carried allegations made by the housekeeper claiming Limbaugh bought prescription painkillers off the blackmarket.So according to President Bush, Rush Limbaugh is a "great American"...but what about all those other folks who worked hard, but too abused drugs that Bush helped lock up in Texas - now nationwide since he's done nothing really to reform the crazy drug laws...shouldn't they be considered great Americans too :);Seriously though, it's looking more and more that the undoing of the drug war will be due in large part to the pharmaceutical companies themselves...the line between legal and illegal drugs has become so blurred...Ron

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Comment #3 posted by mayan on October 03, 2003 at 01:17:54 PT

Hydrocodone & Hearing Loss
I think EJ touched on the possibility of Hydrocodone(Vicodin) causing Rush's hearing loss...Misuse of Pain Drug Linked to Hearing Loss: Limbaugh reportedly bought prescription painkillers:;COXnetJSessionID=18FtDRxspebrPkTiymB8zLRY1vYq6QLQ6GZEUAxQ1bHHDm5BdIX9!195894163?urac=n&urvf=10650925899870.7208032802051807Limbaugh Faces Drug Probe Amid Race Flap: way out is the way in...White House Not to Declassify More of 9/11 Report: profiteering on terror attacks(sure) 9/11 Hijackings - An Inside Job? CitizensWatch:
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Comment #2 posted by E_Johnson on October 03, 2003 at 00:56:37 PT

Makes me wonder about the rest
So what's Mark Souder's dark side? Babysitters? Glue sniffing? Bestiality? 
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Comment #1 posted by john wayne on October 03, 2003 at 00:50:03 PT

age of the arch moralist drawing to a close?
First Bennett, now Limbaugh go down in self righteous flames. Lott got drunk and talked southern trash. Shrub's war didn't bring on the rapture, as widely expected. Bill Bennet? Ran up big gambling Bills.Rush Limbaugh. Knew what "a Rush" was all about.Trent Lott? Drank a Lott.GW Bush?  Strictly Bush league.I hope wherever these knaves are headed, I get Left Behind.
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