US Drug Chief Waves The Flag

US Drug Chief Waves The Flag
Posted by FoM on April 13, 2002 at 12:42:23 PT
By Cindy Kranz
Source: Cincinnati Enquirer 
The nation's drug czar on Wednesday unveiled a new tool in the war against alcohol and other drugs - patriotism. John Walters, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, told the Pride World Drug Prevention Conference that illegal drug trafficking is helping fund at least 12 terrorist groups. "Drugs are not only dangerous for you and your friends," he said. "It's bad for your country and bad for people who want to live in peace and democracy." 
Mr. Walters spoke to 4,500 teens and adults attending the opening day of the four-day conference at the Albert B. Sabin Cincinnati Convention Center. Pride, the sponsoring organization, takes its name from the acronym for Parents' Resource Institute for Drug Education. The 25th anniversary event provides training to prevent use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs among adolescents. As drug czar, Mr. Walters promises to reduce drug use among adults and teens by 10 percent in two years and by 25 percent in five years. "It begins with prevention," he said. "We know if you don't become involved in drug use as a teenager, you're very unlikely to have abuse or addiction problems later." Today, an estimated 4.7 million people are drug-dependent. Of those, 23 percent are estimated to be teenagers. Marijuana is the most misunderstood drug, Mr. Walters said, because it's peddled as harmless. Sixty-five percent of drug-dependent people have a primary or secondary dependence on marijuana. "Marijuana is two-thirds of the addiction problem in America today .... We have too many people trapped in addiction to marijuana because they thought it couldn't happen, or they were told it couldn't happen. That's the lie you have to help us change." Latoya Keith, a 16-year-old Taft High School junior, has already made the decision to stay drug-free. "I don't want anything to go wrong with my body. I already have heart problems. I don't want to die at any early age. I have a lot of things I want to do." Carl McMullen, 16, of Madisonville is learning ways to deal with peer pressure. The junior at Purcell Marian High School has chosen to stay clean because he plays sports. "I just want to be drug- and alcohol-free so I can play to the best of my ability." The conference, which continues through Saturday, will bring $4.2 million into the local economy. Conventioneers are here from all 50 states and 10 other countries as far away as India. "I had a tremendous amount of pressure from boycott organizers to cancel," said Jay DeWispelaere, president and chief executive officer of Pride Youth Programs, the conference sponsor. "We think, frankly, that youth are part of the process of healing. By seeing all these young people from all races and all backgrounds come together, what better example for Cincinnati?" Note: Thousands Attend International Conference In Cincinnati.Newshawk: anonSource: Cincinnati Enquirer (OH)Author: Cindy KranzPublished: April 11, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Cincinnati EnquirerContact: letters enquirer.comWebsite: Articles:Drug Battle To Receive $1.6B Boost, Official Says Drug Czar's View of Edible Hemp Czar Hears Call for Law Change 
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Comment #5 posted by RavingDave on April 15, 2002 at 23:22:50 PT
Numbers Don't Lie
Wow, I didn't know that marijuana accounted for 2/3 of the addicition in the U.S. I was mislead to believe that most of the problem was relegated to alcohol and tobacco. Let's see... if approximately 50 million people in the U.S. are addicted to those substances (best guess), then that means there are around 100 million marijuana addicts. I guess they must be right that 23% are kids, then, because there can't be that many un-addicted adults left!See what happens when you use numbers to tell your lies, Mr. Walters?
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Comment #4 posted by goneposthole on April 14, 2002 at 06:54:25 PT
"We know"
That Mr. Walters' is FOS. The layout and content of the story are divine. And, divinely inspired.Federal 'God':"It begins with prevention. We know if you don't become involved in drug use as a teenager, you're very unlikely to have abuse problems later."-John WaltersA scary admission; he should also say: "We know that we cannot stem the flow of illegal and legal drugs. No matter what we do, no matter how we try, we cannot stop the flow of drugs. By the way, civil forfieture has become a very profitable industry along with Unicor, and we are not about to start to stop the drug flow. We are just going to make it look like we are fighting drugs. We don't really care if your son or daughter gets hooked on drugs. They are a source of a future prison labor pool that corporations can exploit. And, lastly, basically I am full of shit. Sorry, one more thing. We are going to concentrate on marijuana users because they're 'pot shots' (grin and chuckle). Thank you and you all have a nice evening. SUCKERS." If you wnat to know the actual truth of the matter, believe the fictional quote above.
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Comment #3 posted by qqqq on April 13, 2002 at 23:21:26 PT
The New Regime Of Demockrassy
.......cock-a-FREEKIN-doodle doo!!!!...
....Get ready everybody,,,especially you younger folks..this country is becoming a federal dictatorship!..
..The concept of "patriotism",,,has now been re-defined by the new federal regime.,,and,let's not forget that a"patriot",is not necessarily a a US citizen...Hitler had patriotic followers....Soviet dissidents could be considered "un-patriotic"(?),,,.....anyway..
..What we are seeing now,in the USA,,is a successful coup of our democracy!!!!!...The powers that be assainated Uncle Sam long before they did JFK!....
..And like I'm always harping on,;IT'S THE "NEWS"!!!,,that is the best way to control masses of people,,and if there is someone out there,,who actually believes that I am ringing a false alarm,,someone who thinks that the media is on the level,,and free to report any story,,like the independent "free press",,that everyone assumes we have,,,then let me know!....If Kaptinemo and Observer owned CBS,,there would be a radical change in the "news". ..If the national news reflected an actual balanced view,,the Sheeple would freak out!.....but nowdays,,the Sheeple will never "freak out",,,because they are protected from freaking out by a government controlled media....Yes, I know it really seems like the media is independent of influence....We are allowed to see reports and stories that appear to be very critical of the government,,,but if you want to see a story that is "unpatriotic",,you will not be allowed...The best example was the Bill Maher incident...All he did was made a comment,,and he was shut up immediatly,)I think he's been kind of an ass ever since.).
..All this country stands for,,and was founded on,has crumbled and decayed into an empire that is governed by influence of wealth...I guess it's no suprize...
..The term "patriot",and "democracy",in todays terms,are not the Patriot who founded our Democracy..It's shocking,,,If you are a true American Patriot,,and you want to speak out against the federal government, you are no longer considered a "patriot",,,nope,,you are now a "terrorist",,and ANYONE reading this could be given that label...If you are a "terrorist",you may never be heard from again...You could easily just dissappear.Your brother and sister,,or mom and dad can yell and scream all they want ..!!4Q dissappears,,he died,,from a "tumor" wouldnt even make the local papers!,, 5 years later,,dddd gets interviewed by Stone Phillips about the mysterious 4Q incident,,,the possibility of foul play?..then,,,it's time for a commercial break,,,The first commercial is for the US navy.It is a state of the art commercial,,with heavy metal music.....then,a Verizon commercial,,and after that,,one of those anti smoking,"" things....then a quink ondcp spot,,and back to Stone Phillips...all of a sudden the picture goes fuzzy,,and we hear,,,,"We interrupt this program for a special announcement",,,and then we see Arrianna Huffington with Ross Perot,Harry Brown,Ralph Nader,,,and Jimmy Carter,,and they are being destroyed by some sort of monster movie beast that has a bunch of different heads,,,The gipper,,,cheney bennett,,AOL,,GE,,GM ,,paxil,,disney ,,Itchy & Scratchy,,Dale Gribbel,,,etc..!
..this multi-headed Hydra-Medusa of Evil looks alot like Megalon,,but it has a bunch of different heads mounted on its front in a sort Medusa snake type array!...OK,,,,the Sheeple are forced into the underground ,and they end up having to secretly hire MOTHRA to battle for freedom!!..the corporate government enemy of true freedom/fake patriot Beast ,,,has already killed Godzilla,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,And ...the Sheeple who dared to fight and resist the beast,,,those people who were once known as "patriots",,are now "terrorists"..!.....If you are not "for " the government,then you are "against it".!..
..It's black or white....Either you are willing to be a member of the "for us",group ,or you are not a "for us" member,,and in that case,,,your are not one of "us",,,you are against "us",,and you must be exterminated,,and "brought to justice"......  I'm not even gonna read what I just wrote til after I post it....If you bothered to read this far,,all I can say is 'thanx',,,with apologetic appreciations,,I am proud if my political space babble....Just remember! ...I told you here ,and NOW............
...YOU ARE A TERRORISTS IF YOU USE ILLEGAL DRUGS!........and here is what is already happening; just like the drug war made it possible for the gov to sieze assets,and forfiet everything ,,,,well ...I pity da foo' ,who want to tryna say that that wont happen in this "terror war".!!!!!How long until we see T.A.R.E.,along with DARE?..
..wake up!.....realize how fucked things are,,,,,and plan accordingly!...That's my advice.
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Comment #2 posted by Bounce to the Ounce on April 13, 2002 at 14:29:44 PT
Fuck this Reefer Madness bullshit
I apollogize for the language but this is insane. Marijuana addiction? When will these fuckheads see that many people smoke weed, have smoked it without any problems, and will continue to smoke it? And fuck this terrorism obsession. I moving to Canada within the next year. People are nicer up there, the weather is better, the air is cleaner, the country never gets into any international conflicts, and most importantly, the government is much more tolerant about weed. I respect the American people. However, I don't respect the government. Almost every Democratic country on earth is softening their marijuana laws. They realize that marijuana isn't nearly as dangerous as its legal counterparts (liquor and cigarettes). However, the U.S. still insists on demonizing the evil and deadly terrorist marihuana the devil weed with roots in hell!
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Comment #1 posted by E_Johnson on April 13, 2002 at 13:34:04 PT
You mean democracy like in California?
"Drugs are not only dangerous for you and your friends," he said. "It's bad for your country and bad for people who want to live in peace and democracy."Brave words for a man whose historical record from his time in office will be one of strong resistance to democracy when it comes to medical marijuana.We in California want to live in peace and democracy.So why won't you Republicans in Washington just let us?
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