Pot User Wants Payback Pot User Wants Payback Posted by FoM on December 05, 2001 at 17:40:14 PT By Andrew Colton Source: ABCNews A Fort Lauderdale stockbroker who gets marijuana from the federal government to treat his painful bone disease filed suit today against Delta Air Lines for refusing to let him fly with the drug.Irvin Rosenfeld, 49, was set to fly from Fort Lauderdale to Washington, D.C., last March to attend a U.S. Supreme Court hearing on medicinal marijuana when Delta prohibited him from flying with the drug. At the time, Rosenfeld was one of eight people in the United States legally allowed to use marijuana. Rosenfeld said he alerted Delta that he would be traveling with marijuana when he booked the ticket. He said Delta had welcomed him to travel with the drug in the past, understanding that he needs it to ease his pain. But at the airport, he says he was refused permission to board the plane. Despite help from a sheriff's deputy aware of the program, Rosenfeld was unable to persuade Delta the drug was approved — and provided — by the government.The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and a change in Delta's policy. Delta Defends Action Katie Connell, a spokeswoman for the Atlanta-based carrier, said Delta did nothing wrong."We are not in a position to do anything different than what we did on March 26," said Connell. "Delta did not refuse to board Mr. Rosenfeld. We refused to carry the previously declared marijuana in Mr. Rosenfeld's possession. He was and is welcome to travel with us without the marijuana. If at any time an authorized representative of the federal government advises Delta that Mr. Rosenfeld may lawfully possess and use marijuana, Delta will readily comply with that advice."Rosenfeld flew to Washington on another airline, not disclosing that he was carrying marijuana. The federal lawsuit was filed in Fort Lauderdale. Note: Medical Marijuana Smoker Sues Airlines for Denying Pot Travel. Source: ABCNews.comAuthor: Andrew ColtonPublished: December 5, 2001Copyright: 2001 ABC News Internet VenturesWebsite: Related Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links Pot Smoker Wants Apology from Delta Says Delta Should Apologize Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by Rev Jonathan Adler on December 06, 2001 at 22:30:40 PT: Go Get "Em Irv! Aloha, Go Get "em Irv! You go boy! They should pay and set up a new policy to respect legal cannabis users rights while traveling on airlines nation-wide./ Delta blew it and must pay the piper. Here in Hawaii we are low key and akamai, so no problems surface. But the new procedures are definitely intrusive to the point of over doing it. I accept the security concerns, but remind law enforcement, medical marijuana patients and ministers are not terrorists and deserve more respect, not less. Thanks Irv Rosenfeld. Please contact me soon to discuss a trip to Hawaii for Irv soon! We are 100% legal too and want to compare notes! Hello Ethan, We won my case in conference last week when the Judge told the Prosecutor to lay off and accept that we had met the Andrews test of legitimacy, sincerity and mandate to use cannabis. We win! Yeah Baby!Aloha, Rev Jon Adler Hawaii Medical Marijuana Institute [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on December 06, 2001 at 18:56:57 PT mayan Thanks so much. I don't know what it says but recognition in any form in a large magazine like High Times with our web address is really appreciated. I wish I could buy one but they just aren't around our area. We do live in the boonies. That's why I have such a poor phone line. There were no phone lines out here until we had them put in years ago and now the phone company admitted they need to be replaced. They'll be digging in a new 500 foot line soon and I should be able to get more things done on line and cut my waiting for pages to load a little better. I won't know how to act. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by mayan on December 06, 2001 at 17:03:30 PT Right On FoM! That's cool FoM! It's great that CN got a plug in HT! I found out about Mapinc. in HT about a year ago. It's too bad you don't get HT where you live but I guess you do live out in the boonies though. I'll have to pick up the new issue tomorrow! A year ago we only got HT where I live. Now we get Cannabis Culture(Canada),Weed World(UK) & Heads(Not sure where it's from). It just shows that the movement is blossoming faster than ever! [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on December 06, 2001 at 09:50:26 PT kaptinemo I appreciate what you said because I really value your opinions. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Jose Melendez on December 06, 2001 at 09:28:35 PT: strike down the Supreme Court decision I think curendero has a point. If Marinol is legal, then marijuana indeed DOES have an accepted medical benefit. The IND program proves that. see: Marinol is LEGAL [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Ethan Russo MD on December 06, 2001 at 08:27:50 PT: Nonsense? Curandero, you make the assertion that the law should make sense. I agree, but that does not stop our system. The current system creates cognitive dissonance for those who really think, and strive to know the truth. Why do you suppose Lady Justice is blind? Unfortunately, she's been stripped of all her other senses, and sense, too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by curendero on December 06, 2001 at 07:25:00 PT Can someone answer a question? If the federal gov is giving a few people pot under its' medical mj can the Supreme court say that it has no medical benefit?! It obviously does, or why was the program started in the first place. So are they putting an end to this program. I am sure the restrictions and guidelines assure very few people get gov pot, but it WAS approved at some time in our recent history. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on December 06, 2001 at 06:55:17 PT: That IS good news, FoM It's long past time this 'place' (and people like you!) got the recognition it deserves. Many thanks for your efforts! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by i420 on December 06, 2001 at 04:35:34 PT Papers please... Take this on Judge Joe Brown's show or another "court tv" show let the people see this injustice corrected. Bet Delta would have let him on the plane with a pair of "boxcutters". Wake up america we got bigger fish to fry !!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on December 05, 2001 at 22:35:05 PT I wanted to share some good news Richard Lake just said that Cannabis News and Mapinc. are mentioned in the January issue of High Times Magazine, web addresses and all and I wanted to tell you all about it. That is a pleasant surprise. I can't get the magazine but maybe some of you can.Richard said it is on page 26 of the January issue of High Times in the NORMALIZER column, Resolve To Make A Change. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Ethan Russo MD on December 05, 2001 at 19:51:25 PT: You're Wrong and Now You'll Pay Irvin is a middle class guy trying to make a living and mind his own business. He just happens to have a terrible, painful condition for which cannabis is the only reasonable remedy. His Compassionate Use IND permits him to carry cannabis anywhere in the USA. Delta blew it, and should suffer the consequences of their arrogance. I hope I get to testify in the case, because I will do my level best to make them, and everyone else within earshot of Court TV aware of the lies and deceipt behind Prohibition. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment